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SACRAMENTO, January 31, 1883,

To the Honorable Senate and Assembly of the State of California:

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In compliance with your concurrent resolution (Senate No. 7), have visited the site of the Deaf, Dumb, and Blind Asylum andur the State University at Berkeley, with the view of making a perm fu nent plan for the disposition of the sewage of these institutions, and bo now beg leave to submit a report setting forth the condition of thing in this regard, as I have found them, and the possibilities in the case by drawing your attention to the extent of work which your resolutio necessitates, and ask further instruction before incurring addition expense and consuming more time.


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slc The Deaf, Dumb, and Blind Asylum comprises six brick structurno grouped upon the steep, sloping plain close against the base of than Alameda hills, at a distance of about 14,700 feet from the bay shor These buildings are disposed according to a set plan, upon a pliha somewhat less than five hundred feet square.

They have all been built within the past seven years, and the su ject of the removal of sewage matter, waste, and drainage waters froeie them appears to have been closely and intelligently studied, forme find an admirable system for house drainage incorporated into that plans, and works for this purpose apparently well executed in ead structure.

The ideas embodied in this system are the most modern, and the he now generally approved by sanitary engineers of advanced ideas.

The works, I believe, will insure the prompt removal of all refu matter from the buildings, and will keep these structures well vent or lated and free from the noxious effects so very commonly encounter from bad house drainage, even in most pretentious modern structur S After removal from the buildings, the sewage and drainage matti is conducted in glazed stoneware pipes from each building to a mano pipe which conducts the whole, westward, down the slope, and alor it, southerly, a distance of about eight hundred feet from the centre building to the southeast corner of the tract belonging to the insti tion, and there it is used in irrigation.

The amount of water used per day in the buildings of the institch tion is about 20,000 gallons. This is approximately the measure the ordinary volume of sewage and drainage matter, and it is d posed upon an acre of land through ditches about five feet apa


allowed to soak away into the cultivated soil, or plowed under from time to time.

This system of disposing of the sewage matter is undoubtedly the best which, under the circumstances, could have been adopted, as has been proven by general experience in such matters in older countries, where the subject has been closely studied and experimented upon.

But now after years of use the soil of this irrigated tract has become thoroughly charged with sewage; it has lost in a great measure its power of purifying the fresh matter brought to it.

The property in the immediate neighborhood is being occupied, and a progressive and enlightened population is gathering in.

While at some point remote from habitations, this system of disposing of the sewage matter might well be carried on by taking new lands for the purpose from time to time, for an indefinite period in the future, it is no longer permissible in this neighborhood.

The effects in the Fall of the year, I am told-and I can readily understand that such is the fact-are most disagreeable and unhealthnaful to the occupants of the institution, and to residents in the neighborhood.

The State is virtually maintaining a nuisance at this place, but not as by or through any fault or omission of those having it in charge.


The State University comprises four main structures, situated upon a flat spur from the Alameda hills at the commencement of the steep sloping plains towards the bay, at a point about four thousand feet northwest from the Deaf, Dumb, and Blind Asylum, and twelve thouthand seven hundred feet in a straight line from the bay shore.

or These structures, built at intervals during the last sixteen years, pla have been provided with pipes and fixtures for the removal of sewsage, offal, and drainage waters, after a very defective system.

sub The fixtures as a general thing are by no means of the most effirocient types, and the arrangement of the pipes is not such as to proormote their proper ventilation and prevent the injection of sewer gases thnto the buildings.

aThus removed from the structures, the sewage and drainage matter s conducted into three cesspools, in the immediate neighborhood of hehe buildings themselves, and situated at distances of five hundred o seven hundred feet from each other.

fu The cesspool system of disposing of sewage matter is one generally enondemned by all students, experimentalists, and practical workers ern sanitary science. At best it can be but a mere temporary makeshift. ure suppose it was adopted as such at the University, and now the time at its efficiency, the period of its admissibleness, has passed. The cessnaools have become a nuisance. One has burst and disposes its matter Jorough the adjacent soil, and another requires constant cleaning to atrevent its effects from being unbearable to the University students tind faculty.

In addition to these buildings there is another, the gymnasium, hich is drained into a creek immed tely south of the flat spur re which the main buildings rest, and a group of cottages from thiriden hundred to two thousand feet down the creek, which are drained to cesspools.


The immediate neighborhood of these structures and of the Un versity is well built up in beautiful homesteads, on the south sid particularly, stretching away to the grounds of the Deaf, Dumb, a de Blind Asylum.

I am told that some of these private houses are drained into tir little creek or arroyo before mentioned, and it is generally concede su that certain unhealthfulness of the neighborhood in the fall month is due to the accumulation of foul matter in this arroyo and into cesspools before mentioned, and I can well believe, from the know to edge of experience elsewhere, that such is the case.


The sewage matter from these institutions can only be permanent disposed of by conducting it to the bay and depositing it where ha will be swept off by tidal action.

In the case of the Deaf, Dumb, and Blind Asylum all else has be] accomplished except the provision of a conduit from the grounds the bay shore, and proper outfall works at that point.

In the case of the University the sewage will have to be collect by branch pipes for the several structures and brought to one por for discharge into a main pipe to be carried to the bay. The c pools will have to be thoroughly cleaned and filled up, and the ho drainage works in the buildings should be remodeled to some exte at least, in order that the benefit of the new system may be fully in them.

If the State were going to provide independent works for thed posal of the sewage of these institutions, as here suggested, it wo take about twenty-two thousand linear feet of glazed earthenw drain pipe, varying in diameter from four to eight inches, which la would cost about twelve thousand dollars, if the work is done only a small margin of profit to a contractor on it.

It would cost about one thousand dollars for additional out work in the removal and filling of cesspools, and arranging con tions, etc.

I have not had time to study the house drainage of the buildi at the University, so as to make any reliable estimate of the cos remodeling it, but believe two thousand dollars would be the l sum from the expenditure of which any considerable benefit m be expected in this regard.


The neighborhood in which these institutions are situa embracing a tract about eight thousand feet in width, and extend back about seventeen thousand feet from the bay shore, is organ as a town, under a special Act of Legislature, has its system of government, and levies taxes for municipal purposes. Town of Berkeley.

The sewerage of these State institutions in this town, so far as conduction of sewage to the bay is concerned, is properly a pa the town sanitary works. It seems to me that if the State could in conjunction with the town authorities, and this burden equitably distributed, the State would save a material portion twelve thousand dollars estimated for the main conduit.


It is only by a close study of the situation that a definite plan and detail of cost can be submitted for the drainage and sewerage of this district, and I respectfully represent that this would take a month of time and at least six hundred to eight hundred dollars expense for surveys, plans, estimates, etc.

I cannot recommend that the State undertake this alone. The town authorities should contribute towards it. I am told that these town authorities are anxious to have something done in the matter, and will doubtless cooperate with the State.

Hence, I would recommend that a further inquiry be made as to this point, that knowledge be had as to what proportion of the cost of a main pipe the State would have to pay.

The Town Council are to have a meeting next week, and steps have been taken to communicate and negotiate with the members on the subject.

I am, with respect, your obedient servant,

State Engineer.

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