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Physiological Evidence of the Fluidity of the Conducting Substance in the Pedal Nerves of the Slug-Ariolimax columbianus. By O. P. JENKINS and A. J. CARLSON. From the Physiological Laboratory of Leland Stanford, Jr., University. With one figure.

The Nervous Structures in the Palate of the Frog: the Periph-
eral Networks and the Nature of their Cells and Fibers.
By C. W. PRENTISS, Instructor of Biology, Western Re-
serve University. With 12 figures.

The Beginnings of Social Reaction in Man and Lower Animals.
By C. L. HERRICK, Socorro, New Mexico.
Inhibition and Reinforcement of Reaction in the Frog, Rana
By ROBERT M. YERKES. From the Harvard


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On the Behavior and Reactions of Limulus in Early Stages of its
Development. By RAYMOND PEARL. From the Zoological
Laboratory of the University of Michigan. With one


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Recent Studies on the Finer Structure of the Nerve Cell. By
G. E. COGHILL, Professor of Biology, Pacific University. 171
Literary Notices.

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THE JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE NEUROLOGY AND PSYCHOLOGY is published bi-monthly. The annual volume of six numbers comprises about 500 pages, with plates and text-figures. The subscription price is $4.00 a year, strictly net (foreign subscription, $4.30, 18 s., M. 18, 22 fr., L. 22), postage prepaid.

Authors receive 50 reprints of their papers gratis and additional copies are supplied at cost. All MSS. and matter for review relating to the Structure of the Nervous System and all business correspondence should be addressed to the MANAGING EDITOR AT DENISON UNIVERSITY, GRANVILLE, OHIO. Editorial Matter relating to Comparative Psychology and the Physiology of the Nervous System should be sent directly to Dr. Robert M. YERKES, PSYCHOLOGICAL LABORATORY, HARVARD UNIVERSITY, CAMBRIDGE, MASS.

Entered as second-class matter in the Postoffice at Granville, O.

The Journal of Comparative

Neurology and Psychology

(Continuing the Journal of Comparative Neurology)

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J. MARK BALDWIN, Johns Hopkins University
FRANK W. BANCROFT, University of California
LEWELLYS F. BARKER, University of Chicago
H. HEATH BAWDEN, Vassar College
ALBRECHT BETHE, University of Strassburg
G. E COGHILL Pacific University
FRANK J. COLE, University of Liverpool
H. E. CRAMPTON, Columbia University
C. B. DAVENPORT, University of Chicago
WM. HARPER DAVIS, Columbia University
HENRY H. DONALDSON, University of Chicago
LUDWIG EDINGER, Frankfurt a-M.

8. I. FRANZ, McLean Hospital, Waverly, Mass.
A. VAN GEHUCHTEN, University of Louvain
R. G. HARRISON, Johns Hopkins University
C. F. HODGE, Clark University

S. J. HOLMES, University of Michigan
EDWIN B. HOLT, Harvard University
G. CARL HUBER, University of Michigan
JOSEPH JASTROW, University of Wisconsin
J. B. JOHNSTON, West Virginia University

B. F. KINGSBURY, Cornell University
FREDERIC S. LEE, Columbia University
JACQUES LOEB, University of California
ADOLF MEYER, N. Y. State Pathological Inst.
THOS. H. MONTGOMERY, Jr., Univ. of Texas
WESLEY MILLS, McGill University

C. LLOYD MORGAN, University College, Bristol
T. H. MORGAN, Bryn Mawr College
A. D. MORRILL, Hamilton College
HUGO MUENSTERBERG, Harvard University
W. A. NAGEL, University of Berlin
G. H. PARKER, Harvard University
STEWART PATON, Johns Hopkins University
RAYMOND PEARL, University of Michigan
C. W. PRENTISS, Western Reserve University
C. S SHERRINGTON, University of Liverpool
G. ELLIOT SMITH, Gov't. Medical School, Cairo
EDWARD L. THORNDIKE, Columbia University
JOHN B. WATSON, University of Chicago
W. M. WHEELER, Am. Museum of Nat. History
C. O. WHITMAN, University of Chicago

Published bi-monthly


A Monthly Journal Devoted to the Natural Sciences
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H. KÜNDIG, Editeur, 11, Corraterie, GENÈVE.

Archives de Psychologie


Th. Flournoy

Ed. Claparède

Dr en médecine.

Prof. de Psychologie expérim.

Dr en médecine.
Privat-Docent de Pyschologie.

à la Faculté des Sciences de l'Université de Genève.

Les Archives de Psychologie paraissent à époque indéterminée. Chaque fascicule se vend séparément et le prix en est fixé suivant sa grosseur et le nombre des figures. On peut toutefois souscrire d'avance au prix de 15 francs pour un volume (d'au moins 400 pages); avec le dernier fascicule du volume, les souscripteurs reçoivent le titre et les tables des matières.-Les fascicules sont envoyés franco de port aux souscripteurs.

Tome ler, vol. broché de 424 pages et 57 figures

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15 fr.

15 "


Aux nouveaux souscripteurs du tome III, les tomes Ier et II sont laissés à leur ancien prix, soit 12 fr. chaque (frais de port compris).

Comparative Neurology and Psychology

Volume XIV


Number 3






(From the Neurological Laboratory of the University of Chicago).


With 38 Figures in the Text.

Historical Statement.

III. Determination of the areas of the cross-sections of the ventral roots of

the spinal nerves of man.


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Determination of the number of nerve fibers in the ventral roots of the spinal nerves of man.

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3. Comparison of STILLING'S estimate with the author's enumeration.

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The number of nerve fibers per square millimeter of the cross-section of the ventral roots of the spinal nerves of man.



Determinations and comparisons.

Discussion of Figure 3.

VI. Relation between the ventral and dorsal roots.



Relation of areas of cross-sections.

Relation of the sizes of the nerve-fibers.

3. Relation of numbers of nerve fibers.

4. Comparison of the ratio of the number of nerve fibers in the ventral

and the dorsal roots of the frog, of the rat, and of man.

5. Relation of small and large fibers.

VII. On the relative area of the cross-section of the roots forming the brachial and lumbo-sacral plexuses in the male and the female.

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Having completed "The Enumeration of the Medullated Nerve Fibers in Dorsal Roots of the Spinal Nerves of Man" (June, 1903), the author attempted to determine how many of these dorsal root fibers innervated the muscles and other deep tissues, and how many, the skin. For this purpose it was necessary first to determine the number of nerve fibers in the ventral roots. This was done. Using the number obtained in this enumeration, an estimate was made "On the Density of the Cutaneous Innervation in Man" (October, 1903).

The purpose of this present paper is to give in detail the results obtained from the study of the number of fibers in the ventral roots.

II. Historical Statement.

Although estimations of the number of medullated nerve fibers in different spinal and cerebral nerves of man and determinations of the areas of their cross-sections have been made by D. ROSENTHAL (1845), STILLING (1859), Tergast (1872), KUHNT (1879), W. KRAUSE (1876 and 1880), SALZER (1880), and VOISCHVILLO (1883), no complete count of the spinal nerves had been made prior to the author's observations cited above (June, 1903). We are now able to add a similar enumeration of the medullated nerve fibers in the ventral roots of the spinal nerves of the same man. For a description of the material, the reader is referred to the paper first mentioned above.



Determination of the Areas of the Cross-Sections of the
Ventral Roots of the Spinal Nerves of Man.

Kölliker's Determination.-Under conditions which have been described elsewhere in detail (INGBERT, June, 1903, p. 55), KÖLLIKER (1850, p. 434) determined the area of all the cross-sections of all the ventral roots of the left spinal nerves

1 KÖLLIKER does not give the areas of the ventral roots of the sacral nerve IV and V. We estimate their combined area as about 0.2 mm2 and have corrected his results by adding this amount.

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