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to the poor, and slept on hard boards in a rude hut that he built under a date-palm tree that stood in his garden. This tree has been the subject of many romances, and it retained life until 1886. ANTONY OF PADUA, SAINT, born at Lisbon, Aug. 15, 1195; died at Padua, June 13, 1231. On the father's side he was related to Godfrey of Bouillon. He was at first an Augustinian monk, but in 1220 he entered the Franciscan order, and became one of its most active propagators. He preached in the south of France and Upper Italy. He was canonized by Gregory IX in the year 1232. According to legend, he preached to the fishes when men refused to hear him; hence he is the patron of the lower animals. See PADUA, Vol. XVIII, p. 131.

ANTRAIGUES, EMMANUEL LOUIS HENRI DE LAUNAY, COMTE D', a French politician, born at Ville-Neuve de Berg, in the department of Ardèche, in 1755. His talents were first displayed in his Mémoires sur les États Généraux (1788). In 1789, when he was chosen deputy, he defended the privileges of the hereditary aristocracy. After leaving the assembly in 1790, he was employed in diplomacy at St. Petersburg and Vienna, where he defended the cause of the Bourbons. In 1803 he was employed, under Alexander of Russia, in an embassy to Dresden. He afterward went to England, where he acquired | great influence with Canning. On July 22, 1812,

he was murdered, at his residence near London, by an Italian servant.

ANT-THRUSH OR ANT-CATCHER, names applied to birds of the family Pittida, which feed, to a large extent, upon ants. They are common in the islands of the Malay Archipelago. See PITTA, Vol. XIX, p. 149.

ANTWERP, a village of Jefferson County, in northern New York, on the Indian River, and is on Rome, Watertown and Ogdensburg railroad, 21 miles N. E. of Watertown. It carries on an extensive trade in iron. Here is situated the Northern New York Conference Seminary of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Population 1890, 912.

ANTWERP, a village of Paulding County, northwest Ohio; situated 70 miles S. W. of Toledo, on the Wabash railroad, between the Maumee River and the Six-mile Reservoir. It has a pig-iron. furnace and clay-working and flour mills. Population 1890, 1,331.

ANUPSHAHR, a town of India, in the British district of Bulandshahr, Northwest Provinces, on the right bank of the Ganges, 73 miles S. E. of Delhi. Population, 14,000.

ANURA. See AMPHIBIA, Vol. I, p. 751. ANYTE OF TEGEA, the female Homer of her day (209 B.C.). Twenty-two of her epigrams have come to the moderns, and afford considerable evidence of her reputation as a poetess. AONLAGANY OR AOUNLAH, a town of India, in the British district of Bareilly, 21 miles S.W. of Bareilly, on the route to Aligarh. It has a large bazaar. Population, 11,000.

AORIST (Gr. aoristos, "unlimited"), a form of the Greek verb by which an action is expressed


as taking place in an indefinite past time. corresponds to the simple past tense in English. The distinction of the first and second aorist is purely formal.

AOSTA, DUKE OF, a title borne by the eldest son or brother of the reigning monarch of the House of Savoy (kings of Italy). Amadeus, king of Spain from Dec. 4, 1870, to Feb. 11, 1875 (died Jan. 18, 1890), was once the holder of this title. The dukes of Aosta take the title from AOSTA; q. v., Vol. II, p. 147.

APACHES, a tribe of Indians of New Mexico and Arizona. The Apaches, veritable Ishmaelites of Arizona and New Mexico, are raiders from their birth. Under their chief Geronimo, who became in 1876 the terror of the frontier, they repeatedly ravaged the settlements on the American side of the boundary, and, when pursued by troops, took refuge in the fastnesses of the mountains of Sonora. A convention with the Mexican government enables the troops of either power, in pursuit of marauding Indians, to follow, regardless of any international boundary. General Crook captured Geronimo in Mexico in 1883, and interned him at Fort Apache until his escape in 1885. His liberty was brief, as he was again captured by General Miles, in May, 1886; was for some time confined at Mount Vernon barracks, Alabama, and with the most troublesome of his band was removed, Oct. 2, 1895, to Fort Sill, Oklahoma. See INDIANS, Vol. XII, p. 827, note 1.

APAFI, MIHALY, OR ABAFFI, MICHAEL, a prince of Transylvania; born Sept. 25, 1632. He accompanied Prince George II in an expedition against the Poles in 1657; was taken prisoner at the irruption of Tatar hordes under their khan, Mohammed Girai, and in 1661 was chosen prince of Transylvania. He remained faithful to the Ottoman power till the siege of Vienna in 1683. The imperial troops penetrated into the country, and Apafi made a treaty with the emperor by which Transylvania was placed under German protection. At Fogaras, in 1688, the Transylvanian deputies took the oath of fealty to the Hapsburgs as legitimate monarchs of Hungary. Apafi died on the eve of a fierce retributive war begun by his old allies, the Turks, April 15, 1690. APARTMENT-HOUSES. The dividing of buildings into apartments has come to be the common method in all large cities for accommodating a number of families under one roof. In the United States the flat is the favorite form of apartment, and architects have exercised much ingenuity in designing complete household accommodations within very limited spaces. As apartment-houses have grown in height, the questions of light and ventilation have received more study, and in the later styles the dark flat is seldom found. Two types of design now preferred as insuring light throughout are the "hour-glass" plan and the "slot" plan. These names refer to the design of the ground plan. The "hour-glass" type has central air and light shafts, and the "slot" type has a long, slot-like alley extending beside the building about three fifths of its length. Anin



novation in the conveniences of apartment-houses | circle. The motion of the comet of 1680 at its has appeared in Chicago, where there are build- | perihelion was calculated as 137,000 times more ings containing flats and extra spare bedrooms on than its motion in aphelion. the top floor which tenants can engage transiently for guests. There are also in these houses suites of reception-rooms, handsomely furnished, which occupants of the building are privileged to hire for an evening, when desirous of entertaining a large company. C. H. COCHRANE.

APATITE, a mineral composed largely of phosphate of lime, and, in its crystalline form, described at GEOLOGY, Vol. X, p. 228, and at MINERALOGY, Vol. XVI, p. 407. It also occurs massive, and is found in large beds in South Carolina and Florida, which furnish the principal supply for the American manufacture of superphosphates from rock. The beds, once important, of Sombrero, one of the Virgin Islands, in the West Indies, are now exhausted. The products of such beds are known as rock-phosphates and yield, when ground, and treated with sulphuric acid, a fertilizer called superphosphate in the trade. The proportion of phosphate of lime in these coprolites and bone deposits varies from 50 to 80 per cent. The beds are found in connection with marls. Massive apatite is imported to some extent from some small West Indian islands, Norway and Canada.

APERIENTS, substances which are employed to cause intestinal evacuations. Many articles of food, such as oatmeal, brown-bread, and bran biscuits, and fruits, such as figs, prunes and strawberries, are used for this purpose; but the term is usually applied to denote certain medicines which act upon the intestines and cause them to expel their contents.

APETALOUS, a term in botany, applied to flowers without petals. The name Apetala is frequently applied to an artificial group of dicotyledons in which the flowers are usually without petals. The group, and therefore the groupname, has been abandoned in modern schemes of classification, the different families having been intercalated among the polypetalous forms to which they are related. The absence of petals is due either to reduction from petaliferous forms, or it represents a primitive condition which precedes the differentiation of petals. Probably most of the apetalous families belong to the latter category. They, with the polypetalous families, have been combined in a group called Archichlamydea, as opposed to the Sympetala, or gamopetalous forms.

APHANIPTERA, a name applied to an order of insects composed of the family of fleas (Pulicida). Some authors consider them wingless flies, and accordingly class the family under Diptera. APHELION, that point in the elliptical orbit of a planet which is most remote from the sun. The opposite point, or that nearest the sun, is styled the perihelion. At the former point the swiftness of the planet's motion is least and begins to increase, and at the latter its motion is the greatest and begins to decrease. This irregularity of the motion is most remarkable in comets, whose orbits deviate most from the

APHIDES. See INSECTS, Vol. XIII, p. 153; ANTS, Vol. I, p. 96; WHEAT, Vol. XXIV, p. 535. APHONIA. See THROAT DISEASES, Vol. XXIII, p. 320.

APHTHÆ, small whitish ulcers, commencing as vesicles on the surface of a mucous membrane, usually that of the mouth and lips, but they occasionally appear wherever mucous membrane approaches the skin. Infants are liable to an aphthous eruption termed thrush.

APHTHARTODOCETÆ, a religious sect that existed between the sixth and ninths centuries. See JUSTINIAN, Vol. XIII, p. 796.

APIA, the capital of the Samoan or Navigator's Islands, in the South Pacific Ocean. It is situated on the north coast of the Island of Upolu, and is divided into three parts, or villages, by small streams. The harbor, if harbor it can be called, is the space between a dangerous coral reef and the shore. Here, March 15, 1889, a hurricane drove the United States ships Trenton, Vandalia, and Nipsic, and the Adler, Eber and Olga of the German navy, ashore. The loss of life was: American navy, 4 officers, 46 men; German navy, 9 officers, 87 men. The British corvette Calliope alone steamed to sea in the teeth of the gale. At Vailima, near Apia, Robert Louis Stevenson, the celebrated novelist, died, Dec. 3, 1894.

APIAN OR APPIAN, PETER (1495-1552), a German astronomer and mathematician, born in Leysnick, who originated a mode of finding longitude by lunar observation, and published trigonometrical tables with radius decimally divided. His chief and best work was geographical, and contains early American maps. He was ennobled by the emperor, and died at Ingoldstadt. German patronymic was Bienewitz.

APIARIES. See BEE, Vol. III, pp. 499-501; also BEE, in these Supplements.

APICAL CELL, in botany, applies specifically to the embryonic cell situated in the organic center of a growing-point of multicellular plants, as in certain algæ, mosses, and most pteridophytes. The apical cell is larger than its neighbors, and pyramidal (two-sided or threesided) in form. All the new cells of the growing-point are derived from the apical cell by successive divisions, the apical cell maintaining its size by continued growth. In some cases (as in Selaginella) there is a group of such apical cells; while in other multicellular plants the apical cell or cells are replaced by a group of small meristem cells.



Prothallium of

Pteris aquilina showing; A, Apical cell; R, Rhizoid; S, The spore from which

the prothal lium has de veloped. (Original.)

APICULTURE. See BEE, Vol. III, pp. 501503. For American bee culture, see HONEY, Vol.



XII, pp. 138, 139; and under BEE, in these Supplements.

APIOS TUBEROSA, a plant belonging to the family Leguminosa. This plant, which is a native of the Atlantic and middle states, has for a century been cultivated in botanical gardens in Europe, and has been recently brought into particular notice through the French traveler, Lamare-Picquot, who convinced himself of the value of the tubers as an article of food. They contain more nitrogen than potatoes (4.5 per cent),

and also more starch. The flowers are dark red. It is called "ground-nut" or "wild bean."

APLANATIC LENS, a lens which causes all the rays of light to converge to a point. See MICROSCOPE, Vol. XVI, p. 260; TELESCOPE, XXIII, P. 144.

APLANOGAMETE, a term applied in general to non-ciliated gametes (sexual cells), as the gametes of Spirogyra and the Diatoms; but in plants with differentiation of sexual cells the term is usually restricted to a non-ciliated male gamete. APLYSIA. See MOLLUSCA, Vol. XVI, pp. 656


APOCALYPTIC NUMBER, "the mystical "the mystical number" 666, spoken of in the book of Revelation. As early as the second century, the church had found that the name Antichrist was indicated by the Greek characters expressive of this number, while others believed it to express a date. The most probable interpretation is that which was current in the days of Irenæus, and which found the number in the word Lateinos. The Roman nation, the mightiest pagan power on earth, was the most terrible symbol of antichrist, and the number 666 appears in the Greek characters which spell the name. Some Protestant controversialists apply the prophesy to Papal Rome, but it is equally applicable to certain reformers of that denomination.

APOCATASTASIS, in theology, the final restitution of all things, when, at the appearance of the Messiah, the kingdom of God shall be extended over the whole earth. In a dogmatic sense the name is applied to the future conversion of all men to the faith of Christ, and their consequent admission to everlasting blessedness. See ESCHATOLOGY, Vol. VIII, p. 538.

APOCRENIC ACID, one of the products of the natural decay of wood and other plant textures, found wherever lignin, or woody fiber, is decomposing in soils, etc. As apocrenic acid is soluble in water, it follows that rain-water, falling on and percolating through soils containing this substance, becomes impregnated with it, and hence in many natural waters apocrenic acid is a recognized constituent. Apocrenic acid performs an important function in the growth of plants, as there is every reason to believe that it forms one of the stages through which matter travels from dead plants again into the living tissue.

APOCYNACEE, a family of dicotyledonous plants, consisting of trees and shrubs, generally with milky juice, having entire leaves and no stipules. The calyx is usually five-parted; the

corolla hypogynous, gamopetalous, often with scales in its throat, regularly five-lobed; stamens five, inserted on the corolla; ovaries, two, each one-celled, with numerous ovules; in fruit becoming a follicle, capsule, drupe or berry. The species are mostly tropical, and often of economic value, some furnishing india-rubber, others valuable woods and fibers, still others, medicinal barks and edible fruits. Among cultivated species are periwinkle (Vinca), oleander (Nerium), cape jasmine (Rhynchospermum), and various species of Alla


APODES OR APODAL FISHES, fishes without analogues of the ventral or pelvic fins. According to recent authors, the group is limited to the eels.

APOGAMY. In alternation of generations in plants the rule is, that the sporophyte is developed from a spore produced sexually by the gametophyte. Apogamy is the term applied to cases in which the sporophyte arises in some other way, either by budding directly from the vegetative body of the gametophyte, which is vegetative apogamy, as in certain ferns and fungi, or by the direct development of the female cell without fertilization, which is parthenogenesis, or parthenogenetic apogamy, as in certain fungi.

APOGEE, a term etymologically meaning "away from the earth," and used in astronomy to denote a point in the orbit of any body in the planetary system which is farthest from the earth. Originally the earth was considered to be the center of the solar system, and hence to be the point from which measurement should be made, and at one time the sun was said to pass to its apogee; but when the sun was recognized as the center, the expression for the same relation was changed, and the earth said to be in "aphelion, "-that is, at its remotest point from the sun. The word has its most appropriate application to the moon, because it revolves as a satellite around the earth. When nearest the earth the moon is said to be in "perigee," and the full cycle of either is nearly nine and a half years. These two words, when used rhetorically, signify the greatest approximation or separation of things, one from another, whether in space or character.

APOLLINARIS WATER, an alkaline mineral water containing carbonate of soda, derived from the Apollinaris spring, in the valley of the Ahr, in the Rhine province. It is rich in carbonic acid and is popular for table-use. The consumption of this water is so considerable in America as to give fair ground for the belief that much of what is sold is artificially prepared.

APOLLINARIUS OF LAODICEA OR APOLLONARIS THE YOUNGER, bishop of Laodicea, in Syria (362), and one of the warmest opponents of Arianism. It was chiefly as a controversial theologian, and as the founder of a sect, that Apollinarius is celebrated. He maintained the doctrine that the Logos, or divine nature in Christ, took the place of the rational human soul or mind, and that the body of Christ was a spiritualized and glorified form of humanity.



APOLLO, a borough in Armstrong County, | of fanatical Catholics in Spain, who were also western Pennsylvania, situated on the Kiskiminetas River, and on the line of the Pennsylvania railroad. It is in the midst of the Pennsylvania coal-fields, and has mines, rolling-mills, and steelworks. Population 1890, 2,156.

absolutists so far as the king consented to be their instrument. They formed themselves (soon after the revolution of 1819) into an Apostolic party, whose leaders were fugitive priests and whose troops were smugglers and robbers. After

APOLLONIUS OF TYRE. See ROMANCE, taking an active part in all the subsequent agitaVol. XX, p. 635. tions, they finally merged (1830) into the Carlist. party.

APOLLYON. It is to its use in Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress that the name now mainly owes its currency. See ABADDON, in these Supple

[blocks in formation]

APOPKA, a town of Orange County, east-central Florida, near the northeastern shore of Lake Apopka, in the middle of the peninsula. It is the center of a lumber and pasture region, contains many orange groves, and is the seat of an academy. The Florida Central and the Florida Midland railroads traverse the town. Population 1890, 490.

APOSPORY refers to the fact that in plants with alternation of generations the gametophyte is sometimes produced directly by budding from the sporophyte, as in certain ferns, instead of from a spore produced asexually by the sporophyte. A POSTERIORI. See A PRIORI, Vol. II, pp.

214, 215.

APOSTLES, TEACHING OF THE TWELVE, the title of a treatise discovered in 1883 by Bryennius, the metropolitan of Nicomedia, and published by him with a Greek commentary. The work is moral rather than dogmatic in tone, and is of great interest for the history of the early Christian Church; but it throws no fresh light on the New Testament canon, and does nothing to settle the Johannine origin of the Fourth Gospel. The date of the treatise is uncertain; some scholars fix it at 80-100 A.D.; Harnack contends for 120-165; and one hostile critic places it after the Constitutions, which are supposed to have been based upon it. English translations include those by Farrar, Spence and Schaff. In 1887 the Johns Hopkins University, of Baltimore, produced a fac-simile of the original.

APOSTLES' ISLANDS, a group of 27 small islands in Lake Superior, first settled by the French in 1680. They belong to the state of Wisconsin, lie 70 miles W. of Ontonagon, and have an area of 200 square miles. A fine quality of brownstone is quarried and shipped from the islands.

APOSTOLIC MAJESTY, a title of the kings of Hungary, first conferred by Pope Sylvester II, in 1,000 A. D., on the then Duke of Hungary. In 1758 Maria Theresa obtained a renewal of the title from Pope Clement XIII. See HUNGARY, Vol XII, p. 367.

APOSTOLIC PARTY, a name given to a party

APOSTOLIC SUCCESSION, a phrase used in religious matters to denote either one or both of two distinct things; i. e., (1) "the derivation of holy orders by an unbroken chain of transmission from the Apostles; and (2) the succession of a priesthood so ordained to the powers and privileges of the Apostles." The first is a question of fact, to be determined by history and chronology. The second is a matter of opinion or belief, the Roman Catholic Church and the various Protestant churches differing widely from each other in their views. The Roman Catholic Church styles itself "the Apostolic Church," because the pope is claimed to be the lineal successor of Peter in the Papal chair; the Church of England and the Scottish Episcopal Church also claim apostolic succession, in view of the ordination of their bishops at Rome before the Reformation, and so, also, does the Protestant Episcopal Church of the United States. The advocates of this doctrine in the Protestant Episcopal churches may be divided into two classes: 1. Those who believe that episcopacy is the best form of church government and is of apostolic origin. These prefer to call their doctrine that of the "Historic Episcopate." 2. Those who believe the preceding, and also that men possess the grace proper to the Christian ministry only after ordination by the laying on of the hands of a bishop who can trace his ordination as bishop through a line of bishops to the Apostles. The arguments against the theory of Apostolic Succession are many and varied, for which the reader is referred to The Organization of the Early Christian Churches, in the Bampton Lectures for 1880. F. J.

APOSTOOL, SAMUEL, a Dutch theologian of the Mennonite persuasion; born in 1638. He became the minister of an Amsterdam congregation and was involved in a dispute about doctrine with Galenus. His action split the Waterlandian congregations into two sects, the Apostoolians and the Galenists. He died about 1700.

APOSTROPHE (Gr., "a turning away or breaking off "), a rhetorical figure by which a speaker changes the course of his speech, and addresses, with greater or less emotional emphasis, persons present or absent, the dead, or inanimate objects, either to invoke them as witnesses or to pity, praise or blame them. When the figure is well managed it has a thrilling effect, both in oratory and poetry, but when extravagantly introduced it becomes ludicrous. In manuscript or print the term denotes a raised comma used to mark a possessive suffix s, or the elision of a vowel in a word.

APOTHECARIES' WEIGHT, a series of mea



The unit is a grain,

sures used by apothecaries. whereof 20 make 1 scruple, 3 scruples make 1 dram, 8 drams make 1 ounce, 12 ounces make 1 pound. For its symbols, see ABBREVIATORY SIGNS, in these Supplements.

APPALACHEES, a tribe of Florida Indians, from whom Appalachee Bay was named. They were subjugated by the Spaniards, and reduced by the English from 7,000 to 400 in 1705, and were soon after absorbed by the Choctaws, to whom they were allied. See Appalachian Races, under INDIANS, Vol. XII, p. 828.

APPALACHIAN CLUB, an association of savants whose object is the systematic exploration of the Appalachian ranges. It originated in Boston in 1876. The club superintends the placing of guide-boards, and essays to prevent the disfiguration of the face of nature by advertisementpainting. Discoveries in botany, zoology and geology are also reported.

APPALACHIAN INDIANS, a name sometimes applied to a linguistic family of North American Indians, embracing the greater part of the tribes of the southern United States. See INDIANS, AMERICAN, Vol. XII, p. 828.

APPALACHICOLA, a river and bay of Florida. The river is formed by the confluence of the Chattahoochee and Flint, and flows nearly south into a bay of the same name in the Gulf of Mexico. It is about 90 miles in length and is navigable for steamboats.

APPALACHICOLA, a city and port of entry, capital of Franklin County, in west-central Florida, is situated on the Gulf of Mexico, at the mouth of Appalachicola River, some 80 miles S. W. from Tallahassee. It has a timber trade, extensive cotton shipments, a good anchorage, and weekly steamboat communication with Columbus, Georgia, and other places on the Flint, Chattahoochee and Appalachicola rivers, connecting at Chattahoochee with the Plant and other railroad systems. Population 1880, 1,336; 1890, 2,727.

APPANAGE. See APANAGE, Vol. II, p. 147. APPARATUS SCULPTORIS, "the Sculptor's Workshop," is the name of a constellation which is hardly visible in the northern hemisphere, and which contains no bright stars. It is situated near the southern horizon, south of Cetis and Aquarius, and just east of the large star, Formalhault.

APPARENT, an astronomical term expressing certain important conditions. Apparent magnitude is the angle subtended at the observer's eye by the diameter of a heavenly body. Apparent altitude is altitude observed from the earth's surface, as distinguished from altitude referred to the earth's center. Apparent motion is the motion of a moving body as it appears to an observer who himself is in motion. It is expressed in terms of apparent velocity and apparent direction.

APPEAL. In law, the word appeal means the removal of a cause from an inferior to a superior or appellate tribunal for the purpose of

having the judgment reviewed or the cause retried. An appeal can be taken only from a final judgment or decree, and not from an interlocutory or provisional judgment or order except when expressly provided by statute. Upon appeal, both the facts and the legal questions are generally submitted to review. In the United States, the courts of last resort, or those from which no further appeal can be taken, are the supreme courts of the various states in matters entirely within the jurisdiction of the state courts, and the supreme court of the United States in litigation which arises in the Federal or United States courts, and in a few excepted cases arising in the state courts. The time in which an appeal can be taken is generally fixed by statute, and if not taken within that time the right is lost. Upon an appeal being taken, it generally acts as a supersedeas, or stay of the proceedings, in the lower court, and no further steps can be taken in that court until the final determination of the appeal. A record, showing all the proceedings in the lower court, must be prepared and filed in the appellate court for its use in determining the questions involved. In criminal proceedings an appeal will lie at the instance of the accused if he is found guilty, but if acquitted, no appeal can be taken. See APPEAL, Vol. II, p. 208.

APPEARANCE, in legal proceedings, is the presence in court of any party to the suit, whether voluntary or involuntary, but the term is usually applied to the formal submission by the defendant to the jurisdiction of the court. It may be special, when made for particular purposes, or general, when absolute and unconditional. The performance of some act from which an appearance may be inferred will often suffice, and in civil cases it may be made by an attorney; in criminal cases, especially those of felony, the personal appearance of the accused is requisite. Appearance may be by filing in the cause a written statement that the defendant appears and submits himself to the jurisdiction of the court, which statement may be signed by the defendant personally or by attorney. Written appearance is in frequent use in chancery proceedings, and when filed in proper time generally entitles the defendant to additional time in which to file his


APPEL, THOMAS GILMORE (Sometimes spelled APPLE), a clergyman and educator (German Reformed), was born at Easton, Pennsylvania, Nov. 14, 1829, and graduated from Marshall College in 1850. Ordained in 1853, he became the first president of Mercersburg College upon its organization in 1865; was afterward professor in the Lancaster Theological Seminary, and in 1877 accepted the presidency of the Franklin and Marshall College. A prolific writer, he has been a leader of irenical opinion within his denomination. APPENDICITIS. See SURGERY, AMERICAN, in these Supplements.

APPENDIX VERMIFORMIS, a small pouched vessel at the lower part of the cæcum, which hangs in the abdomen in a wormlike shape. Its func

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