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Constantine is said to have exclaimed to him: "Take | covered in one of his electric furnaces a product thee a ladder, Acesius, and go up to heaven alone." composed of carbon and lime, or a carbide of calcium, ACETABULUM, a vase used by ancients to hold which had surprising reactions when placed in water, vinegar or condiments, generally made of fine red both rapidly decomposing and giving forth acetylene clay. Specimens are now in the museum of Naples. gas while throwing down lime, which can again be In its plural form, acetabula, the word was used to used to form the calcium carbide. Early in the foldenote the ancient Grecian vessels of earth or metal lowing year T. O'Connor Sloane invented a device which, clashed together as cymbals, or struck with for burning the gas produced, by allowing this new sticks, gave forth musical sounds. The sucker on compound to come in contact with water, but a the arms of the cuttle-fish, the leg-socket of an in- simpler invention by a Frenchman, M. Trouvé, sect, and the cavity of the hip-joint in mammalia are consists of a jar or cylinder, a wire basket and a tight each named acetabulum. cover through which a pipe passes, terminating in a small ordinary gas-burner controlled by a stop-cock. A piece of calcium carbide, which has the appearance of a grayish stone, is placed in the basket and let down into the jar, which is filled two thirds with water, and the cover screwed on. At once acetylene gas is given off, and as it escapes from the burner it will, when ignited, give a brilliant light.

ACETAL (OC2H3), the name of a colorless, ethereal liquid, insoluble in water, and having a peculiarly agreeable odor, similar to that of a hazelnut. It may be obtained by heating alcohol to 160° with aldehyde or by treating monochlorether with sodium ethylate. Acetal was discovered by Liebig. See CHEMISTRY, Vol. V, p. 567.

ACETATES are salts formed by the union of acetic acid with various oxides. They are characterized by solubility in water, and, generally, ready crystallization. They are extensively used in pharmacy and in the manufacture of dyes and paints. ACETIC ANHYDRID (CHO)2O, a colorless, odorous fluid, discovered by Gerhardt in 1852, the result of the action of oxychlorid of phosphorus on dry sodium acetate, in proportions of one part of oxychlorid to three of sodium acetate.

ACETIC ETHERS are acetates of alcohol radicals. Common acetic ether, a distillation of sodium acetate, alcohol and oil of vitriol, is a mobile liquid of agreeable taste and smell, used in medicine and in the flavoring of wines.

ACETONE OR PYRO - ACETIC SPIRIT (CHO) is a colorless liquid, which, mixed with water, alcohol or ether, is used to dissolve camphor, resin and fat. It has a biting taste, and its odor, which resembles that of peppermint, is pleasant. Acetone belongs to a class of organic bodies derived from the aldehydes. It is used extensively in the preparation of chloroform.

ACETYL is an organic radical not yet isolated, but is supposed to exist in acetic acid and its derivatives. The formula on this hypothesis is (C'H3O) OH. The reason for assuming the existence of this radical in the acetic compounds is, that the formula to which it leads affords the simplest explanation of the most important reactions of acetic acid.

The economical production of the calcium carbide is due to an American, T. L. Willson, of North Carolina, while trying to form an alloy of calcium. In one of his failures he produced with coke and lime a substance which, on throwing it into water as a waste, he observed to effervesce and rapidly generate a heavy gas having a luminous quality. It was a calcium carbide (CaC). Further research indicated the practicability of using the process for the production of illuminating gas, and devices for this purpose were patented, and a company formed in New York to reap the commercial fruits of this protection. The success of the company depends on the profitable production of the calcium carbide and the reasonable control of the patent rights, for the apparatus necessary to the use of the gas is perfected to the point of industrial efficiency. Under a pressure of 600 pounds to the square inch, acetylene gas becomes liquefied. In this form the manufacturer delivers the gas to consumers. He puts it up in a tank of pressed steel, 6 inches in diameter by 41⁄2 feet in length, and much resembling the water-tanks used with house ranges or furnaces. At the dischargepipe there is a reducing-valve through which the gas may pass to the ordinary gas-piping of a building, at a suitable pressure for burning. It is only necessary that the burners should be sufficiently small, say a half-foot capacity per hour. These tanks contain a supply adequate for three months' use in an ordinary dwelling, and can be replaced by the manufacturer as often as they are exhausted, in a way like that of supplying the soda-fountains of a city with charged reservoirs. Portable lamps for use on bicycles and as headlights, have been experimentally produced.


ACETYLENE OR ETHINE GAS. This compound consists of two parts of carbon and two parts of hydrogen (CH2). It is a colorless gas that burns with a vividly bright flame, and it has a pungent odor, suggestive of garlic (by which its presence in the air may be detected), and it is very soluble in water. Commercially, in making carbide of calcium, 1,130 Acetylene gas was first discovered by Sir Humphry pounds of coal-dust and 1,750 pounds of burnt lime Davy, but it was Berthelot who, in 1862, formed it yield about 2,000 pounds of the carbide, with 12 directly from the elements by electrolysis. It can also hours' expenditure of 180 electrical horse-power. be made by applications of heat; as by the passing of This short ton will yield, it has been shown, 10,500 menthene and carbon dioxid through a red-hot tube, cubic feet of acetylene gas, which has an illuminatand in other like ways. It is also a product of im- ing value of 100,000 cubic feet of ordinary lightingperfect combustion. On the facts now named de- gas of 22 to 25 candle-power per 5-foot standard pends the development of its commercial use as an burner. The temperature of an acetylene flame, as illuminant. compared with ordinary coal gas, is as 9 to 14. Per Henri Moissan, a French chemist, in 1894, dis- candle-power its heat is one sixth that of coal illu



minating gas. Its combustion is complete and the carbonic acid resulting, which escapes into the room, is one sixth that of ordinary gas. The calcium carbide is not affected by heat, and only appreciably by the humidity of the atmosphere.

An invention so revolutionary encounters the resistance of companies engaged in the production of other lights, as of ordinary gas and electric lights. It would do away with street-mains, enormous delivery-tanks, gas-meters, wires and other expensive appliances. But great obstacles to its practical development are to be found in the cost of producing the calcium carbide on a commercial scale, the purchase of manufacturing rights by great companies opposed to the development, and the speculative valuation of territorial rights and of royalties. ACHEANS AND ACHEAN LEAGUE. See ACHAIA, Vol. I, p. 93, and GREECE, Vol. XI, p. 107. | ACHÆMENIANS. See PERSIA, Vol. XVIII,

p. 565 sqq.

ACHALGANJ, a minor town of British India, in the southern part of the province of Oude, and near the Ganges. Population, 5,000.

ACHENBACH, ANDREAS, a German landscape and marine painter; born in Cassel, Germany, in 1815. He studied art at Düsseldorf and in the principal schools of the Continent. His works have obtained favorable recognition, and many examples are to be found in the private galleries of America. Achenbach obtained a gold medal at the Paris exhibition of 1855, and was in 1864 presented with the cordon of the Legion of Honor.

ACHENBACH, HEINRICH, a German statesman and jurist; born Nov. 23, 1829. In 1858 he became privat-docent, and two years later was appointed professor of German law at the University of Bonn; this position he held for six years, during which time he founded a periodical treating only of mining laws, and published several valuable works on the ancient land relations of the Germans and on German and French mining laws. In 1866 he became connected with the Prussian Diet, and was in the same year made chief councilor in the Prussian ministry of commerce. He spent another six years in this service, after which he was transferred to the ministry of public worship. In 1873 he became minister of commerce, agriculture and public works.

ACHENBACH, OSWALD, a German landscape painter. He was a brother and pupil of Andreas, and was born in Düsseldorf, Feb. 2, 1827. At 36 years of age he accepted the position of professor of painting in the academy of his native place. He has painted much of the Alpine scenery, and his works are favorites and frequent in American galleries.

ACHENE, a dry and hard, one-celled and oneseeded indehiscent fruit, resembling and popularly spoken of as a seed. Examples are found in the head of fruits of the buttercup, the "pits" of strawberries,, the plumy fruit of dandelion and thistle-down. Called also Achenium, Akenium or Akene.


ACHERUSIA, the name of several lakes and swamps in ancient times which were fabled to be connected with the lower or infernal regions. The

most noted of these was a lake in Epirus or Thesprotia, through which the river Acheron flowed. Other similarly named lakes were near Hermione in Argolis, in Campania near Cape Misenum, and in Egypt near Memphis. Near Heraclea in Bithynia was a peninsula of this name. Here a deep chasm was said to have been the place where Hercules descended into the infernal regions to bring up Cerberus.

ACHILLEA, a genus of plants of the family of Composite, having small heads of flowers disposed in corymbs, the receptacle covered with chaffy scales and no pappus. The flowers of the ray are pistillate, and have a short, roundish tongue or lip; the flowers of the disk are perfect, the tube of the corolla flatly compressed and two-winged; the involucre is imbricated. The common yarrow, or milfoil (A. millefolium), abounds in some parts of North America and in all parts of Europe. It is a foot or more in height, its leaves bipinnated into very slender and crowded divisions, segments narrow and crowded, and the ray-flowers white or rose-colored.

ACHILLES' TENDON (tendo Achillis), the term used by anatomists to denote the tendon attaching the soleus and gastrocnemius muscles of the calf of the leg to the heel-bone. It is capable of resisting a force equal to 1,000 pounds' weight, and yet it is often ruptured by the contraction of these muscles in sudden extension of the foot. Serious wounds and bruises of the tendo Achillis were formerly considered fatal. The origin of the term is the myth of Achilles, whose mother, the Nereid Thetis, dipped him in the Styx to insure his invulnerability. All but the heel, whereby she held him, became impervious to the darts of his enemies, and in the heel was he wounded by the treacherous Paris. His death is fabled to have taken place before the Scæan gate at the siege of Troy.

ACHILLI, GIOVANNI GIACINTO, an Italian Protestant translator of the New Testament. Born in Viterbo in 1803, he was educated for the ministry and entered the order of Dominicans. In 1839 he became a convert to Protestantism and issued the version of the New Testament with which his name is generally associated. This has been regarded as the best version in the Italian language. Visiting England on a lecturing tour in 1852, he became involved in a lawsuit with Cardinal Newman, whom he sued for slander. In his later years he was appointed Italian professor in the English college at Malta.

ACHIMENES, a plant of the natural order Gesneracea. See HORTICULTURE, Vol. XII, p. 265.

ACHOR. One of the forms of pustules occurring on the faces of children suffering from impetigo contagiosa. The pustules are very small, but have extensive and severely inflamed bases. They become covered with crusts of a yellow color, resembling dried honey in appearance. This species of skin disease is most frequently met with in childhood, resulting from improper food and want of cleanliness and attention. Poulticing and the application of white precipitate ointment will remove the external symptoms, if used in conjunction with aperient medicines to regulate the health.



ACHROMATIN. See PROTOZOA, Vol. XIX, pp. | Fox, daughter of the first earl of Ilchester; born 832, 833.

ACHROMATISM. See LIGHT, Vol. XIV, p. 601. ACHTKARSPELEN, meaning the "eight parishes," is a commune in the province of Friesland, Netherlands. It contained in 1891 a population of 9,250 inhabitants.

ACHTYSKA, same as AKHTYRKA, Vol. I, p. 436. Population 1883, 23,892.

ACIDIMETER OR ACIDOMETER, an instrument for determining the real strength of hydrated acids. The most usual form of this instrument is a glass tube graduated into a hundred equal parts, into which an alkaline liquor, the strength of which has been determined, is placed. The acid to be tested is of known quantity, and its strength is ascertained by the proportion of liquor necessary for its satura


ACKERMANN, RUDOLPH, the father of English lithography, was born at Schneeburg, in Saxony, April 20, 1764. He removed to London in 1795, and opened a repository of fine arts in the Strand, which was very successful. He introduced the art of lithography into England, and was the originator of the "Annuals," which he commenced by his Forget-me-not, published in 1823 and after. He did much to promote wood-engraving, the art of waterproofing and the introduction of gaslight into shops. He died March 30, 1834.

ACKLEY, a town and railroad junction in the extreme N.E. portion of Hardin County, Iowa, near Beaver Creek, about 132 miles W. of Dubuque. The Illinois Central and the Iowa Central railroads cross each other here. There is a convent of the Sisters of Mercy in Ackley, and a foundry, machineshop and flour-mill. Population 1895, 1,458.

ACKNOWLEDGMENT is the act of one who has executed a deed or other instrument in going before a proper officer and declaring that the instrument so executed is his own act and deed. The term is also applied to the certificate of the officer before whom such declaration was made. If the acknowledgment is regular on its face, the instrument is admissible as evidence without further proof, and is in condition to be recorded. The usual officers before whom acknowledgments are taken are judges of courts of record, justices of the peace or notaries public. In soine states a deed is void without acknowledgment, except between the parties thereto, and subsequent purchasers without actual notice.

ACLAND, ARTHUR HERBERT DYKE, an English member of Parliament. Born in 1847, he was educated for the church, was ordained, and for some time was a prominent figure in Oxford University life. Leaving the church, he was for a time the principal of the Oxford Military School. In 1885 he entered Parliament for the Rotherham division of Yorkshire, which constituency he has continued to represent as a Gladstonian Liberal. He has been very active in promoting the cause of technical education, and in 1892 served as president of the council of education. He has published a Handbook Political History of England, and Workingmen | Co-operators.


Jan. 3, 1750. She married, 1770, Major John Dyke Acland, accompanied him to America, and shared in all the vicissitudes of Burgoyne's campaign. When her husband was wounded and taken prisoner in the second battle of Saratoga, she followed him, and was received with the utmost cordiality by General Gates. For some time before her death at Tetton, Somersetshire, England, July 21, 1815, her adventures furnished a favorite subject for pen and pencil.

ACLAND, SIR HENRY WENTWOrth, Bart., was born in 1815, and educated at the University at Oxford, where, after making a study of medicine for some years, he took the degree of M.D. in 1848. In 1858 he became a regius professor there. The university museum was founded partly through his efforts. Sir Henry Acland accompanied the Prince of Wales on his tour through America in 1860. He published The Plains of Troy, while still a student at college, and 15 years later he gave to the public work entitled Memoir on the Visitation of Cholera in Oxford, 1854. He was also the author of a number of scientific and medical papers.

ACLAND, SIR THOMAS DYKE, an English statesman, father of Arthur Herbert Dyke Acland; born at Killerton, Devonshire, May 25, 1809. He was a companion of W. E. Gladstone at the University of Oxford, proceeding to Parliament as member for West Somersetshire in the Conservative interest. He sat for this same constituency for 10 years, supporting the repeal of the Corn Laws, and evincing deep interest in agricultural questions. He was largely instrumental in organizing the volunteer force of his native county. He changed his polities in 1865, and entered the House of Commons as a follower of Mr. Gladstone. He was defeated at the election in 1886 and retired to private life.

ACLIDE was a weapon in use among the early Romans. Called also aclis. It could be used as a missile or as a club.

ACLINIC LINE is the name for the magnetic equator, which cuts the terrestrial equator, inasmuch as on the former line the magnetic needle has no dip, but lies horizontal. The aclinic line is irregular and also variable.

ACNE. See SKIN DISEASES, Vol. XXII, p. 121. ACOMA, a pueblo or Indian village situated on a high plateau or mesa in Valencia County, New Mexico, about 14 miles S. of Cubero station on the Atlantic and Pacific railroad, and 55 miles S.W. of Albuquerque. A winding pathway cut in the side of the sandstone rock of the plateau is the only method of access to the summit of the mesa. The Spanish explorer Coronado visited Acoma as early as September, 1540.

ACONCAGUA, the loftiest peak of the Andes. It is an extinct volcano, and reaches an altitude of 23,900 feet, being situated about 100 miles E.N.E. of Valparaiso. The mountain gives its name to a Chilian province. See ACONCAGUA, Vol. I, p. 98.

ACONITIA, organs of anemones. See CORALS, Vol. VI, p. 371.

ACONITIN (C27H4NO10), the active principle or base of the Aconitum Napellus, or monk's-hood,



also called aconitia. See Vol. I, p. 98. It occurs as a white powder, or as tabular and colorless crystals. It is slightly soluble in water, but dissolves freely in alcohol. Aconitin is one of the most fatal poisons, its detection, on account of the infinitesimal dose necessary to cause death, being extremely diffi

cult. Its taste is bitter and acrid.

ACORN SHELLS OR BARNACLES. Names applied to the Balanida, the most numerous cirripeds both in species and in individuals. Balanus, the best-known genus of the northern seas, is found incrusting rocks and piles between tide-marks. species in South America reaches a height of nine inches, and is considered by the natives a delicious article of food. See CRUSTACEA, Vol. VI, p. 665.


ACQUAVIVA DELLE FONTI is a southern Italian town, situated at the base of the Apennines, in the province of Bari, 16 miles S. of the town of Bari. It has a station on the Bari and Taranto railroad, and contains several buildings of note, a parish church, two hospitals and several convents, and is surrounded by walls and ditches originally built as a defense to the city. The climate is agreeable. Population, 7,986.

ACQUIESCENCE, in law, is such consent to any matter as may be reasonably inferred from neglect to take legal proceedings in opposition thereto.

ACQUITTAL is a discharge or release from an obligation. In criminal law it means a judicial discharge from an accusation or charge made against one by indictment or otherwise. Acquittal in fact is such as takes place when a jury, after hearing the evidence in a criminal proceeding, finds a verdict of not guilty. Acquittal in law means such acquittal as results from the operation of law without a trial, as where one is charged as accessary, and the principal is found not guilty, thus discharging the indictment. An acquittal is a bar to any further prosecution for the same offense, or any part thereof which was involved in the former trial.

ACRASPEDA, a group of jelly-fishes, or medusa, which develop directly from the egg, and are not budded from a hydroid stem, as in the Hydromedusa. No velum is present, and for this reason they were termed Acraspeda Some authors have used the equivalent term Discophora, but later zoölogists have applied the term Scyphomedusa to the class.

ACRELIUS, ISRAEL, a Swedish clergyman, the historian of his compatriots' settlements in America. He was born in Osteraker, Dec. 25, 1714; graduated at the University of Upsala. In 1749 he emigrated to America, and took pastoral charge of the Swedish settlements on the Delaware. His history of these plantations was published in Stockholm in 1759. He died at Fellingsbro, Sweden, April 25, 1800.

ACRI, a town in the province of Cosenza, compartimento of Calabria, in southern Italy. It is 13 miles N.E. of the town of Cosenza, on an affluent of the river Crati, and in a fertile and salubrious region. Population 1881, 3,944.



ACRO-CORINTHUS, a solitary and steep moun

tain, 1,900 feet high, rising from the plain on the Isthmus of Corinth, Greece. It served as the citadel of the city proper, which was on its northern slopes. It was the strongest natural citadel in Greece, and is to the present time the site of a fortification. Here, too, stood the far-famed temple of Venus. Of its pristine glories but seven Doric columns remain. Extensive archæological excavations have been made on its slopes under the auspices of various learned societies.

ACROLEIN OR ACRYLIC ALDEHYDE (CHO), a strongly refracting and liquid acid, colorless and limpid, of less specific gravity than water. It constitutes the acrid principle produced by the distillation of glycerin or its compounds and fatty bodies. It is a product of the dehydration of the glycerin. In the state of vapor, while in process of distillation, it is extremely irritating to the eyes and respiratory organs, to which property it owes its name. The pungency of the odor exhaled by a newly extinguished candle-wick is due to the presence of a minute quantity of this acid.

ACROMYODI, a sub-order of passerine birds, embracing the Oscines, or singing-birds. ACROTERIUM. See ARCHITECTURE, Vol. II,

P. 459.

ACS, a village of Hungary, in the district of Komorn, about six miles S.W. of the town of Komorn. Situated on the right bank of the Danube, it has a noted palace, and was the scene of several encounters between the Austrians and Hungarians in the war of 1849. Population, 3,963.

ACT. In a legal sense, this word is used to signify a law, judgment, decree, edict, or something done by an individual or by a body of men. Acts are spoken of as intentional or unintentional; as malicious, wanton and criminal; as reasonable; as of diligence, of negligence, fraud or trespass. When a bill is passed by a legislative body, it becomes an act of that body. Act of God, as a legal term, is an inevitable happening which results from natural causes, and which could not have been prevented by any artificial means or human care, such as lightning, tempests, floods or earthquakes. When a contract becomes impossible of performance by the act of God, the parties are excused thereby; and if the law casts a duty upon a man which the act of God prevents him from performing, he is excused. But the destruction of a building by fire is not by act of God, unless the fire is caused by lightning or some other superhuman agency. A loss caused by the great fire in Chicago was held not to be caused by the act of God. See ACT, Vol. I, p. 122.

ACTA ERUDITORUM, the first literary journal of Germany. See PERIODICALS, Vol. XVIII, p. 540. ACTA MARTYRUM ET SANCTORUM. See BOLLANDIST FATHERS, Vol. IV, p. 18.

ACTINIDE. See ACTINOZOA, Vol. I, p. 130. ACTINOMORPHOUS, a term usually applied to the regular flower of the older botanists; that is, a flower whose parts are equally repeated about the center, on the radial plan. As the flower may be divided into similar halves in several vertical plants, it is also spoken of as polysymmetrical.


[blocks in formation]

XVIII, p. 270; VETERINARY SCIENCE, Vol. XXIV, | process for the recovery of his debt. Population, p. 204.


372. See STATUTE MERCHANT, Vol. XXII, p. 471.
ADA, a township, the county seat of Norman
County, in the northwest portion of Minnesota,
about 30 miles N. of Glyndon. It is a station
on the Great Northern railroad. A large creamery
is in operation here. Population 1895, 845.
ADA, a village of Liberty township, Hardin
County, in the northwest-central part of Ohio, 15
miles E. of Lima. It is a station on the Penn-
sylvania railroad. It is the site of the Northwestern
Ohio Normal School, founded in 1870. Its manufac-
tures are flour, lumber, flax, sash, doors, etc. Popu-
lation 1890, 2,079.

ADA, a steamboat station on the navigable river Theiss, in the southern portion of Hungary. It is situated about 60 miles N. and above the confluence of the Theiss and the Danube. Population 1895, 9,697.

ACTION, in law, is a proceeding instituted in court by one or more persons against another, or others, to secure the punishment or redress of a wrong, or the enforcement of a right; distinguished from judicial proceedings which are non-controversial in form, as the probate of a will. In a wide sense of the term, an action may be classed as either civil or criminal. An action instituted by the sovereign power for the punishment of crime is criminal; but if instituted by the sovereign power in the capacity of owner or contracting party, or by a subject or citizen, it is civil. The term indictment, frequently applied to a criminal action, is properly used only of one kind of formal complaint, by which such a proceeding may be presented for trial. common-law action is classed as real, personal or mixed; real, when the claim made is title to real estate; personal, when it demands a chattel, damages ADAGIO, a term in music, used to signify a slow for an injury, a debt, or a statutory penalty; and or leisurely measure of time. In the more complimixed, when it demands both real estate and dam-cated and classic compositions of orchestral or chamages for a wrong. In a legal sense, action, cause, proceeding and suit, are interchangeable terms, and refer to equity as well as to law. The chief classification of civil actions are: actions ex contractu, or those based upon contractual relations; and actions ex delicto, or those founded upon a tort, and which are brought for the purpose of obtaining satisfaction for damage caused by a wrongful act. Right of action is the right to institute a suit under circumstances which will permit a recovery. See ACTION, Vol. I, p. 132.


ACT OF CONGRESS. See CONGRESS, in these Supplements.

ACTON. A township in Middlesex County, in the northeast part of the state of Massachusetts. It includes the villages of South and West Acton, is traversed by the Boston and Maine and the New York, New Haven and Hartford railroads, and is drained by the Assabet River. There are some manufactures, such as clothing, flour, etc. Population (1895), 1,978. ACTON, JOHN EMERICH EDWARD DALBERG, LORD, an English stateman; born in Naples, Italy, Jan. 10, 1834. Lord Acton is a leader of the English Catholic party, and was elected to Parliament in 1859 as member for Carlow, Ireland. raised to the peerage in 1869, and was noted for his conspicuous hostility to the doctrine of Papal infallibility at the Ecumenical Council at Rome in that year. Lord Acton founded the Home and Foreign Review and edited the Weekly Review and the North British Review. He was, in 1887, given the honorary degree of D.C.L. by the University of Oxford.

He was

ACTON BURNELL, a parish in Shropshire, England, eight miles S. of Shrewsbury. At the castle here, now in ruins, Edward I held, October 12, 1283, a national council of the three estates of the realm. This council, while the forerunner of the present parliamentary system, enacted the Statute of Acton Burnell, sometimes called the Statute of Merchants. By the terms of this statute a creditor by bond of record obtained a summary

ber music, the second or third movement is usually marked adagio, serving as a contrast to the rapid and energetic movements of the parts of the sonata or symphony which follow or precede it. The chief use of the adagio is its capacity of expression, affording, as it does, to the composer the most favorable method of expressing his individuality of feeling. Some of the finest specimens of the use of the adagio are to be found in the sonatas and symphonies of the old masters, especially Beethoven. The modern school of composers has had greater success in andante movements.

ADAIR, JAMES, an Indian trader of English birth who resided for 40 years among the Chickasaw and Cherokee Indians, or from 1735 to 1775, studying their dialects and attempting to trace their origin. In 1775 he published a History of the American Indians, in which he endeavored to establish the identity of the Indians with the descendants of the lost Ten Tribes of Israel. The most valuable part of his history is in the vocabularies and comparisons of Indian dialects.

ADAIR, JOHN, American general, born in Chester County, South Carolina, in 1759. He served in the Revolutionary War, and took part in the Indian war as a major of militia, under St. Clair and Wilkinson, in 1791. He was defeated by Little Turtle, the Miami chief, Nov. 6, 1792, at Fort St. Clair, Ohio, and forced to retreat. He commanded the Kentucky militia at the battle of New Orleans, and later was representative from Mercer County in the Kentucky legislature, registrar of the United States land-office, and United States Senator. In 1820 he was elected governor of Kentucky, and in 1831 a member of Congress. He died in Harrodsburg, Kentucky, May 19, 1840.

ADALIA OR ANDALIYEH. Same as Satali, Vol. XXI, p. 317.

ADAM, ADOLPHE CHARLES, a French musical composer; born in Paris, July 24, 1803. He was professor of composition in the Paris Conservatoire, and also contributed to the newspapers. He was successful in comic operas, of which the chief, Le Pos

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