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Michigan Schoolmasters ClubRARY


ANN ARBOR, APRIL 2, 3, 4, 1913.



The forty-eighth meeting of the Michigan Schoolmasters' Club began on Wednesday, April 2, with meetings of the Classical and the Modern Language Conferences of the club, and a Demonstration of Gymnastic Games and Dances, by the young ladies of the University, in Barbour Gymnasium. In the evening, in the Physics Lecture Room, an address upon "A Botanist's Travels in Mexico" was given by Professor C. J. Chamberlain of the University of Chicago.

The General Sessions of the Club were held on Thursday and Friday mornings. Thursday morning was given over to the teachers of Biology. Professor Maurice A. Bigelow, of Columbia University, read a paper entitled "High School Biological Sciences as Related to Human Life." Dr. J. G. Coulter, of Bloomington, Illinois, made "A Report upon the Study of Science in High Schools." On Friday morning the general subject for consideration was "The Origin, Function, and Product of the High School." Honorable Luther L. Wright, Superintendent of Public Instruction of Michigan, spoke upon "The Function of the High School," Professor R. M. Wenley of the University of Michigan upon "The Social Origins of the School," and Professor J. L. Markley of the University of Michigan upon "The Product of the High School." The papers of Mr. Wright and Mr. Markley have been received by the Secretary and are published in this number of the proceedings. They should be read by everybody,for much food for thought can be obtained from each of them.

The banquet to alumnæ and former students of the university was given up and the money collected for the banquet was magnanimously donated by the women to relieve the suffering in the flooded districts of Ohio. The Junior Girls' Play, however, was given as planned.

On Thursday and Friday the club enjoyed a treat in listening to two illustrated lectures upon "The Industrial and Religious Arts of the Ancient

Orient," given by Professor Karl Bezold of the University of Heidelberg, Germany, whom President Hutchins introduced as one of the highest authorities in Europe on ancient art.

On Thursday evening Professor Dayton C. Miller, of the Case School of Applied Science of Cleveland, Ohio, gave, to an audience capable of appreciating it, the finest illustrated lecture on the subject of sound waves ever given in University Hall. To describe it is impossible. One must see the actual work of analysis performed and hear the explanations in order to fully understand and appreciate the success Professor Miller has made in photographing and analyzing sound waves.

On Thursday evening, also, a fine musical program was given to the members of the club in the High School auditorium by the University School of Music.

During the day there were held eight conferences, Classical, Modern Language Physics and Chemistry, Biology, Commercial, Educational Psychology, History, and Manual Training.

On Friday ten conferences held sessions: Classical, Modern Language, English, Physics and Chemistry, Mathematics, History, Drawing, Biology. Physiography, and Commercial.

Informal receptions were held at the Michigan Union on Thursday and Fridays evenings from seven to eight o'clock.

Special meetings of the Principals' Club, Federation of Teachers' Clubs, and of the Michigan Interscholastic Athletic Association, were held during the week.

On Friday evening Mr. Paul E. More, Editor of The Nation, gave an excellent address on "The Paradox of Oxford."

On account of a forty-eight hour rain the attendance was not as large as last year's record breaker, although the Friday morning meeting was one of the largest ever held.

The complete program of the club is printed at the end of the proceedings. This year the Secretary will publish all papers handed to him by the first week in May.



I believe in the American public school and in the ideals for which it stands. The muckraking magazines have been so condemning and belittling the system, there are so many little yelpers baying in the chorus that one hesitates to discuss his own problems lest he be counted among those who discredit the public schools.

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