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trademark law, building law, dental law, factory law, hotel law, opium law, and others of similar character being, as it were, legal instead of moral crimes. Excluding these and basing the computation solely upon infractions of the law involving moral turpitude, the proportion of arrests for every 1,000 of population in each of the years named was 14 in 1877, 11 in 1887 and 10 in 1897.

The comparison, however made, is in favor of the present.

If specific crimes are taken, the tendency is in the same direction. We may not be growing rapidly better, as a people; certainly we are not degenerating. The figures show a steady improvement and a greater diminution of crime in comparison with population; while the population has nearly doubled, criminal charges have increased a trifle over 41 per cent

Simple intoxication furnishes the most striking example. In 1877 20, in 1887 14 and in 1897 8 out of every 1,000 of population seem to have been arrested upon this charge. There was not only a material abatement of that offence as compared to population, but an actual reduction of 30 per cent. in the number of arrests.

Another curious and gratifying feature of our improved morality, as shown statistically, is that the gentler sex is entitled to nearly all the credit. Going back to the proportion in each 1,000 of population convicted or held for trial for each of the three years, it will be observed that the male quota fluctuated from 32 in 1877 to 29 in 1887 and back again to 32 in 1897, while the quota of females for the years mentioned was 14, 11 and 6, respectively.

As to nativity of persons charged with criminal infractions of our laws and either committed or held for further trial, England has furnished regularly 3 per cent.; Scotland and France each 1 per cent.; Italy started in 1877 with 1 per cent., which increased to 4 per cent. in 1887 and reached 7 per cent. in 1897; the United States furnished 43 per cent. in 1877; 46 per cent. in 1887 and 39 per cent. in 1897; Ireland was credited with 39 per cent. in 1877, 29 per cent. in 1887 and 21 per cent. in 1897; Germany had 9 per cent. in 1877, 11 per cent. in 1887 and 10 per cent. in 1897. These are the only countries specifically named in the returns. The balance is included under the head "all other countries," which covered 3 per cent. in 1877, 5 per cent. in 1887 and 18 per cent. in 1897."

Those who have claimed that the world is steadily growing worse and that crime is rapidly increasing will find but little comfort in the conclusions to be drawn from the periodical comparisons. The advocates of degeneracy of the race, as well as the loud-mouthed

prophets of the final rottenness of a decaying civilization, will have to look elsewhere for facts to substantiate their claims. The present age and year is shown not only not to be the worst, but to be the best, and to this result we may justly claim that medicine and its allied sciences have contributed their full share.


The American Institute of Homoeopathy will meet at Omaha, Neb., on the 23d of June, 1898. The Materia Medica conference will hold its session in the afternoon, and the opening exercises of the Institute will take place in the evening. A slight change has been made in the time of beginning the session, owing to the arrangements of the local committee, but such changes are, it is believed, for the best interests of the meeting.

The programme for the meeting has so far approached completion that success or failure may be foretold with some degree of certainty. The preparations for the Omaha meeting have been characterized by a degree of interest and energy on the part of the chairmen of the various sections and committees that has already yielded substantial results. The sectional programmes are nearly all in, and are not merely lists of papers, but are really carefullyprepared programmes having a definite order of procedure, with clear assignment of duties and definite limitation of time. The prospect for most interesting and practical sectional work was more promising than it is to-day, and it is hoped that each section. may have the full attendance it will certainly deserve.


The local committee has worked hard, and has arranged an excellent schedule of business and pleasure for the Institute members. Every possible provision seems to be made for the comfort and satis

action of visitors.

The outside attractions are numerous and great. The noted exposition will be a great spectacle even to those who have visited the famous expositions of the world.

The excursions planned after the session of the Institute is con

cluded offer the greatest attractions in grandeur of scenery to be found on the globe. One goes to Salt Lake City through the heart of the Rockies, and another to Yellowstone Park. "Every prospect pleases," and the expense is the only drawback. But the railroads. will make a rate of about half-fare, and the hotel bills will be very moderate. Let every member of the Institute make nis plans now for the meeting next June, and let nothing change the determination. In these closing days of the nineteenth century let us make a record at Omaha that will be remembered far along on the years of the twentieth.

Treatment of Scleroderma.-A. PHILLIPSON (Deutsche med. Wochenschrift, 1897, No. 33) reports two cases of the diffuse form of this disease (one being a moderately severe and the other a severe manifestation) with salol. The first case was cured after eighteen months' treatment; the second was distinctly improved after five and a half months. The dose was from 30 to 45 grains daily, the writer observing that this drug may be taken for a year continuously without disturbing the stomach. Light gymnastics are recommended for the stiffness of muscles, tendons and joints.

Disinfection of Sewers.-DR. C. R. C. TICHBORNE (Dublin Journal of Medical Science, July, 1897) shows by experiment that if by means of a pipette we pass a layer of carbolic acid into a shallow dish of water, and after it has stood some little time, draw off some of the supernatant water and test it with bromine, it will be found to contain no carbolic acid. Using a mixture of crude carbolic acid and the light oil of tar ("light coal-tar oil"), which is especially rich in the benzene, naphthalene, and terebene series, the mixture having a specific gravity of 0.850 to 0.950, we find on introducing it into the water with the pipette that it immediately rises to the surface, and if some of the water be removed at once from the interior and tested with bromine it will show the presence of carbolic acid and naphthalene. Hence, instead of adding a heavy disinfectant which sinks to the bottom, we should use one which disinfects from the surface downward.

Notes and Comments.

The Clinical Reporter. We are glad to welcome Dr. I. D. Foulon back in the editorial ranks. In again assuming charge of the Reporter he will give to that journal a new and prolonged lease

of life.

The Inter-State Committee.--Dr. Allison Clokey, secretary of the Inter-State Committee of the American Institute, is at work with his customary energy. The circular he has just issued is most excellent, and should receive prompt attention from those concerned. We may expect that good work will be done by this committee at Omaha.

Hahnemann's Tomb. The plan of erecting a monument to Hahnemann over his tomb in the cemetery of Montmartre, in Paris, is undoubtedly worthy of the support of the entire homoeopathic profession. But is it certain in what grave the body of the great reformer is resting? There seems to be some doubt about it, and it will be necessary to clear the matter up before funds are solicited.

The Critique Excursion. One of the many attractions of the Omaha meeting will be the Critique's excursion from Omaha to Salt Lake City and return. The train for the excursion will be a special one, and first class in every respect. Some of the sights on the trip will be Denver, Colorado Springs, Manitou, Garden of the Gods, Glenwood Springs, and Great Salt Lake. The rates are reasonable, and the trip is one of the finest in this country.

Making Ready.-Dr. Frederick F. Teal, chairman of the SubCommittee on Reception at Omaha, writes that arrangements for the Institute's comfort are rapidly being made. The meetings of the Institute will be held in the Creighton Medical College, a magnificent building with plenty of room for exhibits, sectional meetings, All trains will be met by numerous assistants, who will appear in gray cadet uniforms and A. I. H. badges. They will have a list of hotels, and will give all desired information.


Nearly Won.-Dr. P. L. Prentis, the only physician from the homœopathic profession ever elected to the Iowa Legislature, made a splendid fight last winter for one of the new insane asylums erecting. He was defeated by a narrow margin of one or two votes, and had the sympathy of his colleagues on his side. His logic and arguments were convincing. But he stopped appropriations for the new asylum, and prefers to renew the fight at the next session. Had we a dozen men like Prentis we would have all the asylums in the United States.


Old Line Insurance Companies. The discrimination against homeopathic physicians to-day as life insurance examiners is due almost entirely to the fact that the chief medical officer of the

various companies is an allopath. Naturally, he appoints only men. of his own kidney as examiners. The pressure of public opinion, however, has forced them not only to cease offering the slanderous reason that "homoeopaths were not as well educated," but has made them actually, in certain instances, appoint homoeopaths as examiBut this advantage is more often apparent than real. More than one homoeopathic examiner has been appointed by the Manhattan, the Equitable and the Penn simply to enable them to be able to say they made no discrimination in their appointments. But great care is taken that not a single case for examination is ever sent to the new-school appointee. Let us not be humbugged in this



Some Banquets and Addresses. Several notable dinners have been held recently by various homoeopathic medical societies. On April 8, at the fourteenth annual meeting of the Western New York Homœopathic Medical Society, held at Buffalo, not only a fine banquet was enjoyed, but some excellent addresses were delivered. Among the speakers were Dr. Chas. Gatchell, of Chicago, editor of the Medical Era, who spoke on "Homoeopathy's Place Among the Sciences," and Dr. Asa Stone Couch, who discussed "Provings and Clinical Confirmations-Limited."

The annual dinner of the Hahnemann Association of Western Pennsylvania, celebrating the birthday of Samuel Hahnemann, was held at the Pittsburg Club April 11. An elegant dinner was served, and later much oratory indulged in. Among the speakers were the Hon. H. P. Ford, mayor of Pittsburg; Mr. Wm. Metcalf, Mr. John A. Brashear, Rev. Dr. Whitehead, Dr. W. J. Martin, and Starling W. Childs. Mr. D. G. Stewart acted as toastmaster.

Massachusetts Medical Act.-The bill for the better registration and regulation of those who should be allowed to practice failed to pass the Bay State Legislature. The particular part of the act which aroused the most violent opposition was Section 5, as follows:

Any person shall be regarded as practicing medicine within the meaning of this act who shall append to his name the letters M.D., or shall assume or advertise the title M.D., or physician, or any other title which shall show or tend to show that the person assuming or advertising the same is a practitioner of medicine or of any of the branches of medicine; or who shall investigate or diagnose, or offer to investigate or to diagnose, any physical or mental ailment or defect of any person with a view to affording relief, as commonly done by a physician or a surgeon; or who shall prescribe for or treat a person for the purpose of curing any real or supposed disease, whether by the use of drugs or by the application of any other agency or alleged method of cure or alleviation or prevention of disease; or to operate as a surgeon for the cure or relief of any wound, fracture, or bodily injury or deformity, after having received therefor or with the intent of receiving therefor, either directly or indirectly, any bonus, gift, or compensation.

The opposition, as usual, was composed mainly of Christian scientists, faith-curists, clairvoyants, spiritualists, druggists and the like.

The Semi-Centennial of Hahnemann.-This year the 12th of May will be a red-letter day with the Hahnemann Medical College of

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