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usual dose is one teaspoonful of a 1 to 10,000 solution. Under this treatment he claims that diphtheria is cured in five to eight days, and scarlet fever in eight to ten days. The author obtained with this treatment the following results: Of eighty-one cases of diphtheria and thirty of scarlet fever only one of each died. The child who died of diphtheria had been greatly debilitated by a previous attack of vomiting and diarrhoea, and the one who died of scarlet fever, suffered from scorbutic and intestinal hæmorrhages. No bacterial examinations were made in these cases, but children taken with the same disease, in the same house and family, who received different treatment, showed the usual mortality found in true diphtheria. Only in one single case did nephritis occur, and this was the only one treated in addition with antitoxic serum. The case was that of a three-year-old child, suffering from well-marked croup and soggy, grayish-yellow deposits in the pharynx. On the next morning an injection of Behring's serum No. I was made; in the afternoon tracheotomy was performed, on account of symptoms of suffocation; the next morning, although much improved, another dose of Serum No. 3 was injected, because the lungs were greatly affected. Eight days after the commencement of treatment nephritis set in. The treatment described above had been continued in the meanwhile. The child recovered.-Pediatrics, December, 1897.

Opium Habit Among Children. The British Opium Commission has discovered that from sixty to ninety per cent. of Hindoo babies are dosed with opium. The drug is given almost from birth up to the end of the second or third year, when it is usually discontinued. The labors of the commission tend to show that no ill effects are felt by these children in after life. The contention is that this tolerance on the part of native children is congenital. In support of this view, the fact is cited that opium when administered to English children in India (it is often given to them secretly by the native nurses) has a most disastrous effect. The immunity of the native children cannot therefore be ascribed to the climate.

Influence of Alcoholism in the Father Upon the Life of the Child. Anthony (Centralbl. für Gynäkol., October 16, 1897), mentions a case of a healthy woman who was married at the age of seventeen years to a notorious drunkard, and who had by him, in her nine years of married life, five miserable little children, of whom four died within the first ten days after birth. The fifth one, by great care, was raised to the fourth year, when it also died. After this the woman was separated from her husband. She then married a healthy man and had by him two children, the elder of whom grew to be four years old and the younger at the time of writing was fourteen days old. Both were in perfect health. This great contrast between the children of different fathers plainly shows, inasmuch as syphilis was not present, that the alcoholism of the father of the first children destroyed their vitality.

On the Sterlization of Milk.-Marfan combats the idea that is so widespread among the laity that sterilized milk is safe. He has had an occasion to report (Rev. Int. de Méd. et Chir., November 18, 1896), an epidemic-like outbreak of severe gastroenteritis in young children. These children were all fed from milk that had been carefully sterilized and then delivered by the company. Upon investigation, it appeared, that the milk was sterilized sixteen hours after milking. While the sterilization was abundantly able to kill the bacilli, they had had time in the meanwhile to multiply and develop toxic substances, which were the cause of the outbreak. -American Medico-Surg. Bulletin. (Heat kills bacteria, but it does not destroy the poisons generated by them. If milk is sterilized after the poisons have been generated it is as dangerous as unsterilized milk.)—Archives of Pediatrics, January, 1898.

Children's Playgrounds. It is commendable in this day of hygienic advancement to note that the public schools of the cities are giving attention to the playgrounds attached to these institutions. New York, in her recent school architecture, has considered this very important adjunct, but necessarily the grounds are limited, and the children at play are but congested masses of humanity. The playground is a factor in education, which must not be overlooked. Tsanoff, the Secretary of the Culture Extension League, says: "The playgrounds stimulate and guide life in a way that nothing else can do. Their relation to the development of character is very similar to that which the school bears toward the development of mind. In fact, the collective play of the children has a greater influence in forming habits of personal and social conduct of life than has school or even home instruction and advices. Many practical questions, for the solution of which we have been looking to the school, the home or the church, will be found belonging to the playground to solve. The time is coming when the playgrounds will be as seriously considered in the education of the young as the schools are to-day."

The physician has a part in the encouragement of playground extension. Let him observe the freedom with which the little folks take to the ennobling influence of play, and watch the health accruing to these little ones, and he will at once realize the importance of the playground from the standpoint of health. The "hothouse" child is always a delicate creature, but the child who is free to enjoy the open air is, as a rule, healthy. School hours will lose their oppression when the recess will mean more than a ten-minute break in school routine. The recess should be long enough to permit of exercise, play and a general good time. The playground must be maintained and extended.-Medical Fortnightly.


Current Events.


Readers of the JOURNAL are cordially requested to send personals, removals, deaths and all items of general news to Dr. William S. Pearsall, 128 West 78th Street, New York City.

Secretaries of societies and institutions are invited to contribute reports of their proceedings, and as it is intended to make this department crisp and newsy reports should be complete but concise.

"THEY SAY" that women have some organs outside of the pelvis. WE ARE INDEBTED to Dr. Gaggin, of Pittsburg, for news of the medical world of that lively city.

DR. D. SIMMONS has removed his office and residence from 97 Lee avenue to 1188 Dean street, Brooklyn.

DRS. HASBROUCK have removed their office and residence to 62 West 38th street, New York City. Telephone, 2131-38th street.

. THE VERMONT HOMOEOPATHIC MEDICAL SOCIETY will hold its annual meeting in Montpelier, May 18 and 19, 1898.

THE PRACTITIONERS COURSE at the University of Michigan has proved a great success, some forty physicians from various parts. of the State being present.

ANN ARBOR reports a flourishing condition. Our correspondent notes the presence of fifty patients in the hospital and also the addition of twelve new beds.

THE ANNUAL COMMENCEMENT of the Southwestern Homœopathic College was held on Monday, April 4, 1898, at the New Liederkranz Hall, Louisville, Ky.

RHODE ISLAND HOMEOPATHIC SOCIETY held its quarterly meeting with Dr. Sayer Hasbrouck, 117 Broad street, Providence, R. I., on Friday April 8, 1898, at 8:15 P. M.

DR. ROLAND T. WHITE has removed to No. 273 Western avenue, Allegheny, Pa. Telephone 640. Special attention is given to electro-therapeutic and X-ray photography.

THE COMMENCEMENT of the College of the New York Ophthalmic Hospital was held in the college building. Nine gentlemen received the degree of Oculi et Auris Chirurgus.

WE REGRET that the notice of the examination for candidates for internes in the Rochester Homoeopathic Hospital was received. too late for publication in the April number of the Journal.

REMOVAL.-Dr. Champlin F. Buck has removed to 49 Main street (over Sweet's drug store), Lockport, N. Y. Office hours, 8 to 9A. M., 1 to 3 P. M., 7 to 8 evenings, Sundays, 12 to 1 M.

DR. H. F. BIGGAR celebrated the completion of one thousand laparotomies by giving a dinner and reception to the surgeons, physicians, assistants and nurses who had been his co-laborers. One of the results of the celebration is a neat little volume of the toasts and letters.

DR. REEVE B. HOWLAND, class '95, New York Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital, was recently commissioned as assistant surgeon with rank of First Lieutenant to the 30th Sep. Co., N. G., N. Y., at Elmira.

HAHNEMANN COMMENCEMENT.-The Thirty-eighth Annual Commencement of the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia will take place on Thursday afternoon, March 28, 1898, at 2 o'clock, at the Grand Opera House.

KINGS COUNTY SOCIETY.-The forty-first annual meeting of the Kings County Society was held Jan. 11, 1898. Election of officers took place, with the following result: J. F. Atwood, President; W. H. Aten, Vice-President; E. Rodney Fiske, Secretary; C. W. Smith, Treasurer; F. E. Risley, Necrologist.

A CLINICAL COURSE.-During the spring vacation the surgeons of the Homœopathic Faculty of the University of Michigan will give a series of surgical clinics at the University Hospital, Homoeopathic. There will be surgical, gynæcological and ophthalmological operations under the direction of Professors Le Seure, Kinyon and Copeland. This course will be free to practitioners and students of medicine.

WILLIAM'S LATEST.-Not content with excluding from his dominions first the great American pig, next the innocent and unimpeachable American steer, and following these a lot of other American live and dead stock of all sorts. Emperor William now proposes to exclude the American student of technology, closing the German schools to him and forcing him to seek his technical instruction elsewhere. It seems a rather oppressive interdiction, but if the Emperor and the Fatherland can stand it we can.

WISCONSIN. The officers of the Homeopathic Medical Society of Wisconsin for 1898 are as follows: President, Dr. F. P. Stiles, Sparta; first vice-president, Dr. A. R. F. Grob, Milwaukee; second vice-president, Dr. A. Schloemilch, Portage; recording secretary, Dr. Filip A. Forsbeck, Milwaukee; corresponding secretary, Dr. Evelyn Hoehne, Milwaukee; treasurer, Dr. Joseph Lewis, Milwaukee. The next meeting will be held in Milwaukee in May.

RECEPTION.-J. B. Gregg Custis, M.D., of Washington, D. C., President of Alumni Association, tendered the executive committee

and some of his friends a reception at "The Arena" on Saturday evening, March 5. Among those present were: Drs. B. G. Carleton, H. M. Dearborn, M. Deschere, F. E. Doughty, J. W. Dowling, Ed. De Baun, J. B. Garrison, Chas. H. Helfrich, W. H. King, A. B. Norton, J. T. O'Connor, W. S. Pearsall, Willard Ide Pierce, E. H. Porter, D. J. Roberts, G. G. Shelton, A. C. Warner.

THE OMAHA MEETING OF THE INSTITUTE draws near, and for the information of members we desire to call attention to the fact that the special cars for the Eastern party will leave over the Pennsylvania Railroad and connect with special cars over the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy. This route will give the quickest, most comfortable trip, and as the party is to be met by the Philadelphia, Washington and Baltimore delegations, the trip is bound to be an enjoyable one. It has also been arranged to make the Millard Hotel the Headquarters, and as this is the hotel of the city and one of the finest in the West, a good time is to be anticipated in Omaha. The rates for the entire trip have not been fixed, but from Chicago to Omaha we are to get half fare plus two dollars, and an equally low rate is hoped for over the Eastern roads. The Chicago, Burlington and Quincy has arranged to take the party to the Yellowstone, and this will serve as an additional attraction.

THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE.-In reply to many inquiries will say that membership fee is $2, which entitles the elected member to the elegant certificate of membership and the "bronze button" with Hahnemann's medallion thereon.

The annual dues, $5, entitles the member to a large annual volume of Transactions, worth to any physician "double the money.' The first year's dues shall be sent, if possible, with the membership fee so that the name may appear in the proceedings. No doubt arrangements can be made each year so that the Transaction will be sent C. O. D. New members can get back volumes of the Transaction at a small cost by addressing the Secretary, Dr. E. H. Porter. These are full of valuable information, and make a grand addition. to any medical library.

We would urge all the young graduates to strain a point to join the Institute this year. Those who are isolated from their colleagues need the help this national body can bring. In its Transactions will be found valuable facts about the spread of homopathy, and the comparatice success over other methods of medical treatment, that should be copied into every local paper. Our old physicians know the value of this sort of propaganda. If you cannot attend the sessions of the Institute once in a decade it can come to you every year. "Come with us and we will do you good." We want to double the membership this year. Send for a blank application to the Board of Censors: T. C. Duncan, M.D., chairman, 100 State street, Chicago; R. B. Rush, M.D., Baden, Ohio; Geo. R. Peck, M.D., Providence, R. I.; A. C. Cowperthwaite, M.D., Chicago; Millie J. Chapman, M.D., Pittsburg.

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