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tations. Hypodermics of morphine are given when absolutely

required. After the gallstones have been voided I order the patients

on strict diet and require them to drink hot water several times daily (ninety minutes before meals and upon retiring), and order them to take every morning five to ten drops of berberis vulgaris tinct. in a glass of pure cider. I have sent quite a number of such patients to Carlsbad. Have recommended the Sprudel water and finally have. advised that they should spend some time also in Marienbad. I have seen personally the beneficial effects of these waters, and advise patients, who can afford it, to resort to them and at the same time attend to the strict diet which is enforced at these spas. I have never found wonderful results from Dr. Thayer's cinchona. It is, however, indicated sometimes, and I do not forget to resort to it."

But I must not go on. I fear already I have overtaxed your patience in presenting so lengthy a report. The subject is surely one of great importance, and I truly regret that, in response to the hearty co-operation of my professional friends, I can offer no better Permit me, however, to say that I am not unmindful of my obligations, and, to all who have so kindly aided me, I desire in closing to express my sincere thanks.





New York.

T has often seemed to me that individual members of the homoopathic profession could contribute valuable points in regard to the use of our remedies. Each one of us, so I reasoned, is inclined to place special reliance upon certain symptoms, or group of symptoms, in relation to the use of drugs and to feel great confidence as to the result when these symptoms are presented by our patients. Physicians living in the same locality or those associated more or less together are pretty sure to consider various symptoms as especially prominent in certain drugs, and these symptoms are often unknown to the average physician. These-what one might almost *Read before the Homœopathic Medical Society of the State of New

York, 1898.

call "pet symptoms" and when presented will often lead to the choice of a certain drug-are often due to a change in the wording of a pathogenetic symptom, which change will often cause a clearer interpretation of it, or to the bringing into greater prominence some pathogenetic that has been relegated to the background. They may be due also to the verification of purely clinical symptoms that have been so often seen by the individual physician that they occupy a prominent place in his Materia Medica. One day in conversation with two physicians, from a Western State, they spoke of the use of Spec., both locally and internally, in Rhus. poisoning, and expressed surprise that I did not know of its use as it was well known and looked upon as very efficacious in this trouble in their section of the country. It was for this reason, and to present the results to you, that last June I wrote to some members of this State Society, asking them for three symptoms, pathogenic or clinical, that they had learned to place special reliance upon. I wrote only to those members that I knew more or less well, thinking they would be more apt to answer, and if the number of responses warranted, would venture to ask the remaining members. The percentage of answers received did not encourage me to write to the others, and I sometimes wonder if it would not have been better had I written to those who did not know me. However, those who did reply, have given us just what was wanted, and they have all been utilized except that by Dr. S. H. Talcott, which is available in the published report of the Middletown Hospt. Of 170 letters sent there were received 29 answers and three of these were received from the present officers of this Society. I also received eight regrets, and some of the reasons for regretting are of interest, particularly because of the candor with which they spoke of their inability to respond to the request. Some regretted for the following reasons:-Press of business; not a close observer and use adjuvants; observations of drug actions too imperfect; do not work in the line of symptoms; do not know any symptoms; too stupid. Five of the eight were specialists. I submit the list of contributors, with their symptoms, and take this opportunity to thank them, and feel that all of us will get help as we read over the list of drugs and their verified symptoms: J. Wilford Allen, M.D., Chas. E. Birch, M.D., F. M. Bishop, M.D., Mott D. Cannon, M.D., Chas. Deady, M.D., J. W. Dowling, M.D., John B. Garrison, M.D., Matthew J. Hall, M.D., G. De Wayne Hallett, M.D., H. S. Hathaway, M.D., Elizabeth Jarrett, M.D., H. G. Kieth, M.D., Jos. F. Land, M.D., J. M. Lee, M.D., J. W. Le Seur, M.D., Walter Sands

Mills, M.D., Henry Von Musits, M.D., G. W. McDowell, M.D.,
Edwin S. Munson, M.D., W. W. Reynolds, M.D., F. G. Ritchie,

M.D., H. E. Russell, M.D., F. P. Sheldon, M.D., L. M. Stanton,
M.D., J. A. Stewart, M.D., E. Talcott, M.D., W. S. Talcott, M.D.,
Irving Townsend, M.D., S. H. Vehslage, M.D.

Acetic Acid. Hiccough. Teaspoonful doses seldom fail to cure. (Dr. F. M. Bishop.)

Agaricus Musc. -Burning sensation in feet, must put them against the cold wall while in bed. Cured for me (3 or 4 years now) a case of twelve years' duration (the 6x caused feeling in patient's head as if brandy had been taken). The 30 I have seen cure frostbitten ears and on the same case and patient the x aggravated. (Dr. W. W. Reynolds.)

Allium Cepa.-Coryza, with frequent sneezing and copious discharge of clear water from nose, which excoriates; relief from the inspiration of cool air; eyes suffused. (Dr. F. G. Ritchie.)

Aloes 3xInvoluntary diarrhea, with much flatulence. (F. M. Bishop.)

Alumina. Constipation of infants. (Dr. L. M. Stanton.) Constipation in young children; stool difficult, recedes as in Silica. (Dr. E. Jarrett.)


Carb.-Stoppage of the nose, mostly at night; patient awakens gasping for breath. Aggravation from 3 to 4 A. M. (Dr. S.H. Vehslage.)

Ant. Crud.-Especially the peevish and whining disposition in Child does not want to be touched or looked at; wants


to be let alone (Cham. child wants to be petted, caressed and soothed). (S. H. Vehslage.)

Ant. Tart x-Headache located at the base of the brain, causing a faint sick feeling. (Dr. F. M. Bishop.)

Apis. Mell. Eclema glotidis; comes on rapidly, with alarming


(Dr. L. M. Stanton.) Tonsilitis, whole throat swollen,

edematous. Burning and stinging. (Dr. E. S. Munson.)

Arg. Met. Hoarseness; total loss of voice, especially in professional singers, speakers, etc. Rawness and soreness in larynx when coughing, not when swallowing. (Dr. S. H. Vehslage.)

Arg. Nit. Diarrhea, worse from eating anything sweet, or a diarrhea provoked from eating sweet things. (Dr. C. E. Birch.) Arnica. After pains. (Dr. H. S. Hathaway.) Soreness internal or external. One of the most reliable homoeopathic drugs; given in drop doses of the tincture. (Dr. H. E. Russell.) Boy of 11 years,

broken arm, second day, temp. 102°, great anxiety, great fear and dread of having one approach the bed or touch arm. After taking arnica for twenty-four hours could approach and handle arm, there being no anxiety or dread and with normal temp. (Dr. C. E. Birch.) Ars. Iod. Burning tingling in nasal passages. Discharge thin and watery. (Dr. J. W. Dowling.)

Aur. Met. Great mental activity. Sleeplessness at night, with out pain. Scanty urine. (Dr. E. Talcott.)

Bacillinum.-Cough, hard and racking, associated with debility; family history of phthisis is extra indication. (Dr. J. B. Garrison.)

Belladonna. In neuralgia when the pain comes and leaves abruptly. (Dr. F. M. Bishop.) Cough with or followed by sneezing. (Dr. L. M. Stanton.) Violent spasmodic cough, with flushed face and profuse perspiration. (Dr. L. M. Stanton.) Severe backache in lumbar region, associated with uterine symptoms. (Dr. E. Jarrett)

Berberis. Pains beginning in back and extending down sides toward bladder, especially associated with constipation. (Dr. E. Jarrett.) Cold knees. Backache and pain down ureters. Muddy urine. Carbuncles. (Dr. E. Talcott.)

Bovista3. Chronic diarrhea of old people, liquid, watery, especially at night or early in the morning. Great deal of stretching. (Dr. F. P. Sheldon.)

Bryon.-Headache, pain over the left eye. (Dr. J. A. Stewart.) Severe steady pain in eye-balls; worse from motion, light and noise; relieved by warmth. (Dr. J. W. Dowling.) Strained muscles of chest caused by lifting. (Dr. J. W. Allen.)

Bufo 30x-Deep hollow cough; quantity of mucus obstructs the larynx and bronchi; clear, viscid expectoration often without cough. Applies hands to genitals. This condition resisted all kinds of treatment. Bufo30x cured entirely with a few dry powders. (Dr. H. Von Musits.)

Calc. Carb.200-Instantly relieves pain in kidney in patient who has twice passed renal calculi. (Dr. W. S. Mills.)

In chronic cardiac disease with sharp darting pains; must stop to rest while going upstairs. (Dr. W. W. Reynolds.) Patients troubled with cold clammy feet; cannot keep them warm. (Dr. F. G. Ritchie.)

Cann. Sat.-Inflammatory affections of the cornea, accompanied by marked vascularity of the same. (Dr. F. G. Ritchie.)

Canth.-Burns of the eye from chemicals or other agents. (Dr. F. G. Ritchie.)

Caps. -Periostitis of the mastoid process, the skin being tense, bright red and shining. (Dr. G. DeW. Hallett.)

Carb. Veg.-Tympanitis, with burning in the stomach which extends up the esophagus to the pharynx. (Dr. J. M. Lee.)

Caulophyl.—Caulophyllum and pulsatilla, powder, crude, equal parts, make a combination which I frequently use for the pain of oncoming menstruation. (Dr. M. D. Cannon.)

Caust. Pain as if the eyebrows were contracted; relieved by smoothing out the vertical wrinkles with the hand. Found in cases of refractive error. (Dr. Chas. Deady.) Has to strain to speak or sing; hoarse; choking sensation; raw feeling in trachea. (Dr. J. W. Allen.) cough causes an irresistible desire to vomit. (Dr. J. W.

Le Seur.)


Cicuta 200-Convulsions with loss of consciousness, frightful distortion of limbs and whole body, opisthotonos. Aggravation when someone enters the room or approaches the patient. Verified in meningitis after trephining and in meningitis from overwork and extreme heat of summer. (Dr. H. Von Musits.) In heart trouble, a sudden fluttering of heart, followed by faint fecling, worse on sitting up. (Dr.

S. W. Talcott.)

Cimicifx-Occipital headache extending into weakened eyes. (Dr. W. W. Reynolds.) Backaches, when they are from uterine irritation, starting low down, extending up the spine and settling in the back of the head and neck. (Dr. H. S. Kieth.) Cough from dry spot at throat, better from sweets. (Dr. J. A. Stewart.) Pleurodynia; sharp pains in left intercostal muscles (something in right) associated with short, dry, hacking cough. (Dr. E. Jarrett.)

200-Constriction of left sartorious muscle; a sensation, on touch, as of a hard ball in that part of the muscle. One dose 200 cured after several other remedies had failed. (Dr. H. Von Musits.) Macrotin -Solid ache through centre of eyeball. (Dr. C. Deady.)


Pain in the bone encircling the orbit, with feeling of

coldness, temporarily relieved by rubbing the eye. (Dr. C. Deady.)


-Nausea and vomiting, if aggravated by riding in a car,

"carsickness." (Dr. H. S. Hathaway).


Gastralgia; uncomfortable feeling, not feel cramps but

indigestion. (Dr. T. F. Land.) Bronchitis; pressed for breath; must sit up and lean forward in bed. (Dr. T. F. Land.) Cramps in lower limbs, rheumatic or not. (Dr. T. F. Land.) Rheumatism affecting the right deltoid muscle; aggravated by attempts to lift the arm. (Dr.

T. F. Land.)

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