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Relieved by first dose and continued after second. Three months later had had no return.-IBID.

E. S. MUNSON, Collaborator.

Reported at the January Meeting of the New York Homoeopathic Materia Medica Society.

Aloes 30th, in Diarrhoea.-D. H., æt. 18. Caused by eating fruit. Little pain and no prostration. Pathogenetic symptoms: Diarrhoea; profuse, watery; during the day. Much flatus. Must attend to it as soon as dressed. Stool every time he urinates. Remarks: Cured in twenty-four hours.-DR. Willard Ide PIERCE.

Arnica in Soreness of Testicles.-Male, æt. 60. Inspector of sewers. Troubled off and on for four weeks. No venereal history. Urine normal. Pathogenetic symptoms: Complains of feeling of soreness in testicles. Pain runs up inguinal region and up back. End of penis wet at times in morning and when walking about. Remarks: Relieved almost immediately, and no further trouble. (One and half years.)-DR. WALTER SANDS MILLS.

Ledum in Acute Articular Rheumatism.-Miss M., æt. 40. Walked on damp ground with thin-soled shoes. Pathogenetic symptoms: Rheumatism from dampness. Pains in left ankle, knees and wrist. Shifted to right knee and wrist. Thirsty for cold drinks. Restless. Pain in joints. Shooting pains come in sleep, wakes with scream. < motion, > cold (would beg nurses to place their cold hands on joints, and would often go to sleep when so held.) Remarks: Was out of bed in a week, and complete recovery was rapid.-DR. PIERCE.

Pulsatilla in Headache.-Female, æt. 23. School teacher. Well until seventeen, when she was obliged to leave school on account of rheumatism. Was in bed ten weeks. Occasional twinges since. Not robust since this attack. Mother and sister died of tuberculosis. Have treated her for these headaches several times. She has had them frequently for several months. Pathogenetic symptoms: Very nervous and irritable. Feels like making nervous little motions all the time. Face flushed. Pupils large. Headache affects vision. Tongue moist. Bowels irregular. Fullness in cerebellar region. Pain extends to level of shoulders. Feels as though she could not turn her head, although it turns all right when she tries. Remarks: Had not been working harder than usual. Gave one tablet every hour. Reported cured in one month. When seen last, eighteen months later, had had no return.—DR. MILLS.

Sanguinaria can in Cough of Phthisis Pulmonaris et Laryngis.-Bernard G., æt. 32. For past five years has not been able to do any work. Pathogenetic symptoms: Every time he coughed it seemed as if something in chest would be torn out. Remarks: Gave him two No. 40 pills every hour, and he reported after second dose he felt better, and the next day there was no tearing with the cough. DR. PIERCE.

Reported at the February (1898) Meeting of the New York Homœopathic Materia Medica Society.

Calcarea Carb. 200th in Asthma.-Mrs. B., age 47. Married. Large, stout woman. Has had frequent attacks last few years, nearly every time after coming home from the country. Last year was relieved by ars. c.c. Same remedy in various potencies had no effect. Pathogenetic symptoms: Asthma in the forenoon when taking a walk in the open air. Difficult respiration. Must sit up and incline body forward. Aversion to cold air. Clammy sweat on hands, feet and legs: < at night and from exertion. Worse 3 A. M. to 9 A. M. Remarks: It was given about ten days after this attack commenced, and her symptoms were distressing. Relief followed in two hours and continued to improve, so that breathing was quite clear. Teaspoonful in water every hour for twenty-four hours, and a powder three days later.-DR. B. G. CLARK.

Calcarea Carb. 200th in Asthma.-Mrs. M., age 46. Married Three children. Thin, spare woman. Menses irregular. Three weeks before had chill, followed by bronchitis. Under old-school treatment. Has had several attacks before. Has laceration of perineum, cervix, erosions, and considerable hemorrhoidal trouble. Asthma is worse when piles are bad. Advised operation, but patient refused. Pathogenetic symptoms: Same as last case. Remarks Relieved by inhaling fumes of stramonium leaves. Made one visit, and calc. carb. gave marked relief of all symptoms. To complete the cure of the asthmatic trouble the following were given by letter: nat. s., sang. and kali c.—IBID.

Calcarea Carb. 30th in Asthma.-Mrs. A., age 40.(?) Has had frequent attacks of hay fever and asthma. Pathogenetic symptoms: Same as first case. Remarks: Next day she was much better, and said she had never experienced so much relief from medicine. Three days later received word that patient did not know that I was a high dilutionist, and she thought she had better not take the remedy, and that her brother-in-law would take care of her.— IBID.


Current Events.


Readers of the JOURNAL are cordially requested to send personals, removals, deaths and all items of general news to Dr. William S. Pearsall, 128 West 78th Street, New York City.

Secretaries of societies and institutions are invited to contribute reports of their proceedings, and as it is intended to make this department crisp and newsy reports should be complete but concise.

Then, hurrah, for daring Dewey!

Give a rousing three times three!
And cheer for our brave ensign, boys,
The flag of liberty!

And where'er that banner's floating

There no Spanish rag is seen;

They will haul it down, just as they did

For th' boys at Phillipine.


DR. W. S. PEARSALL will spend the summer in Brimfield, Mass. DR. I. P. SHERMAN will divide his time between New York and Brimfield. Mass.

DR. J. PERRY SEWARD will spend the month of August at Buzzard's Bay, Mass.

DR. G. G. SHELTON and family are enjoying the summer at their country place.

DR. L. L. DANFORTH and family are located at Seabright for the summer months.

THE SOCIAL SIDE of the institute meeting was one of its most marked features this year.

DR. G. W. SHEPARD is enjoying a trip to Nova Scotia, and will be in the city the first of September.

ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., was chosen as the next meeting place of the American Institute of Homœopathy.

THE LADIES in attendance at the institute seem to be about as busily occupied as the men, and their work is as well, if not better done.

VARIOUS TRIPS through the picturesque western territory proved a very decided attraction to Eastern physicians visiting the Institute.

DR. R. S. COPELAND, professor of ophthalmology in the U. of

M., has been honored by the degree of A. M. from the Lawrence University of Wisconsin.

THE LOCAL COMMITTEE of arrangements at Omaha are to be congratulated on the very successful accomplishment of their arduous work.

DR. G. W. ROBERTS is attending some of the European surgical clinics. He is accompanied by his family, and will return to New York in September.

A CHEERFUL, hopeful countenance is a benediction wherever it appears, but to the sick man, it is a perpetual inspiration.—DR. SELDEN H. TALCOTT.

DR. AND MRS. WILLIAM TOD HELMUTH, after a trip through the Western United States will spend the rest of the summer in European watering places.

DR. E. H. PORTER has returned from a trip through the Yellowstone to Upper Lisle, Broome County, N. Y., where he will spend the remainder of the summer.

DRS. ELDRIDGE C. PRICE and Charles L. Rumsey were delegates from the Maryland Homœopathic Medical Society, to the American Institute of Homœopathy.

DRS. HENRY CHANDLEE and O. Edward Janney were representatives from the Southern Homœopathic College to the Inter-collegiate Committee of the Institute.

DR. G. W. SPENCER, of Cleveland, Ohio, was present during Commencement week at Ann Arbor; the doctor was specially interested in the laboratories of the university.

LIBERALITY.—From some of the discussions at the American Institute it would seem that liberality in therapeutics has become popular with the homoeopaths of the present day.

WHAT IT REQUIRES.-Shockitt--Does learning the bicycle require any particular application? Sprockitt--No; none in particular. But arnica is about as good as anything.-Puck.

DR. FRANK KRAFT has created a new department in his journal, the American Homeopathist, which he calls Pill No. 50, that is very interesting, being excerpts from the journals of the month.

REMOVAL.-The Improved Movement Cure Institute, in charge of Dr. G. H. Patchen, has removed from 11 East Fifty-ninth street to 673 Madison avenue, northeast corner of Fifty-ninth street.

Dr. M. D. OGDEN, one of the old-time physicians of Chicago, died at his residence (Palmer House) on May 10. He was seventy years old, a graduate of Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago.

THE HONORARY DEGREE of M. D. was conferred by the Board of Regents at the recent commencement on Dr. O. R. Long, superintendent of the Ionia Asylum. This is the first time a homoeopathic physician has been so honored.



Original Articles in Medicine.


Lawrence, Kan.

N the discussion of this subject the author should perhaps have chosen a more modest title, and, in fact, a more general one, as his paper, although dealing with the action of remedies from the homœopathic point of view, has for its object especially the consideration of the action of extremely dilute solutions on the system. It is taken for granted that the administration of remedies in the more or less highly attenuated form is the common practice.

A more direct way of stating the title would be: "A Discussion of the Practice of Homœopathy as Sustained in the Recent Theories of Electrolytic Dissociation." It is a good plan, once in a while, "to see ourselves as others see us," and so it sometimes happens that a man outside the profession, if in a line closely enough allied, may see applications of truths and generalizations of known facts, as one in the midst of daily busy practice, does not get time to do. In this light, then, I accede to the kind invitation extended to me, to discuss this subject before you, and if any of the points are not clearly brought out, I shall feel obliged to you if you will discuss them more fully.

It has been always the object of the investigator, man, to pry into the secrets of nature and find out, as far as possible the way in

* Read before the American Institute of Homœopathy at Omaha, June, 1898.

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