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four hours after the remedy was commenced a rash appeared over the entire body, and was followed a little later by a sweat. In two or three days, thereafter the case fully recovered.

I remember another case where phosphorus completed the cure. Dr. Avery to Dr. Baylies: What number of the cases that you have treated have died?

Dr. Baylies: I have only had those five cases, and they all recovered.

Dr. Pierron: and that of adults. with either.

I know no difference between trismus of infants
My experience, however, has been very limited

Dr. Avery: Three of your cases, Dr. Baylies, were children?
Dr. Baylies: Yes, sir.

Dr. Butler to Dr. Devol: Were the cases you mentioned boys or girls?

Dr. Devol: Boys.

Dr. Butler: Did you examine them for an adhered prepuce? Dr. Devol: I did. There was no trouble there.

The first paper under the Bureau of Gynæcology, Clark Burnham, M.D., Chairman, was entitled, "A New Operation for Anteflexion of the Uterus, was presented by Dr. Libbie H. Muncie.

Discussion-Dr. Burnham: The operation seems to me to be very favorable, and I should like to try it.

The next paper was read by Dr. H. E. Street, entitled, “Puerperal Septicæmia."

Discussion-Dr. Chapin: I have been more than pleased with the paper. It brings up several questions which might be thoroughly discussed. One question is that of intra-uterine injections after labor and another, What is puerperal septicæmia?

In reference to the latter question, about all authorities agree that it is caused by a specific microbe, but how do the patients get the disease?

Speaking of intra-uterine injections, I believe it is a serious matter, and should receive careful consideration. In normal cases I do not believe in intra-uterine injections, and especially would not use bichloride of mercury solution. Articles have been published reporting cases of poisoning by it. I would prefer a solution of


Unless in hemorrhage, I would not use intra-uterine injections. I think we should consider a human life and not use such injections as a regular treatment.

Among the remedies I have used and found benefit there from are lachesis, baptina and echinacea.

Dr. Pierron: As I understand Dr. Street, he would advocate the use of the intra-uterine douche as a preventive measure against puerperal septicæmia. In this, with due respect to the able manner in which he has presented his argument, I should be inclined to differ with him.

According to Lusk, Playfair, Quain and Garrigues, the first

point of infection is not from the inner surface of the womb, but is from the lacerated surfaces at and around the cervix, and, according to several authors, in a very large majority of cases the germ, of whatever kind it may be that starts the septic condition, comes not from the womb or its discharges, but is a poison that finds its way in from the outside and finds a ready media waiting for it in the posterior cul-de-sac, where the normal discharges are prone to lay and stagnate and in this cesspool, as it might be called, the germ finds a most congenial spot to rest, develop, propogate and finally emigrate to the interior of the uterus, either via the lacerated surfaces at the neck or by entrance into the cavity and into the open ends of the blood vessels, where the placenta was attached. The interior of the womb after a normal labor, if I understand rightly the results of Professor Lister's experimentations, is not a place where it is likely that germs will multiply or will even live to be absorbed, for the reason that this fresh blood and serum is not good media. In fact, according to his researches, they do not live, let alone thrive, in it, and as the organ from the time of detachment throws off and keeps the entire inner surface of the womb bathed in this serum, it bars the way against the invasion of germs from the outside, leaving them an entrance only at the points of laceration or abrasion.

In support of this claim, that most of the germs come from the outside, Garrigues cites the case of Dr. Rutter, who, in 1843, had in his practice forty-five cases of puerperal septicæmia. His neighbors had none. He adopted every measure he knew but without avail. Finally he went away to the country for ten days, and, during that time, fumigated himself with sulphur, shaved his head clean, beard, mustache and hair, and discarded every article of clothing he had when he left his home. On his return, in the first two weeks, he was confronted by three new cases of puerperal septicæmia. It was finally demonstrated, according to Garrigues, that the infection came from what was by that time a chronic muco-purulent catarrh that he was afflicted with. Another case is cited of a physician who, during an attack of suppurative adenitis, confined three women and each one had puerperal septicæmia. Before this he had not had any unusual number of cases nor had any of his brother physicians, and after he was cured of his local trouble he ceased to have the mental trouble consequent on having all his labor cases take on this septic condition. A third case is cited of a large maternity hospital in New York City, having an epidemic of puerperal septicæmia. It could not be accounted for until it was learned that the doctors from Charity Hospital were in the habit of visiting at the Maternity Hospital and not only going into the lying-in-ward, but were allowed by the internes to actually deliver the patients. When this practice was stopped it put an end to the epidemic.

With respect to the opinions of the different authorities, I have read and mentioned a few minutes ago, with the exception of Dr. Playfair, they all condemn its universal use and advise the utmost caution whenever used. Playfair, in advising its use, is by no

means enthusiastic, but does not see any harm, only advising


In my own experience I have never felt the necessity of using the intra-uterine douche except when the septic condition is established; in other words, as a curative and not as a preventive measure.

Dr. Butler: This matter of septicæmia brought to my mind a case which I had. The child was delivered instrumentally, which caused a laceration of the os and external parts. Puerperal fever promptly developed the next day. There was no placenta left because great care was used in removing it. The patient was very ill for sometime, but finally recovered. In reference to the use of the bichloride of mercury, I think that inasmuch as it is possible for it to be absorbed and poisoning result, that we should use other antiseptics which are just as good, such as creolin, permanganate of potash. lysol, etc. In the case I just mentioned lysol iv. to the quart of water was used, as an intra-utérine injection every three hours. This subject was discussed about a year ago, when I asked whether any one would dare treat a case of puerperal fever with homoeopathic drugs alone. I do not believe anybody can cure a case of this kind with homoeopathic medicines, unaided by antiseptics.

Dr. Burnham: I agree with Dr. Street in the use of the bichloride of mercury. I use it, however, in a weaker solution than he mentioned, I to 5000, and follow its use by thorough irrigation with sterilized water.

It is not my practice to use medicated gauzes in the uterine cavity, after any operation. I use sterilized gauze. The mercury bichloride solution, if used, is followed by sterilized water at a temperature of 110°. When curettage is indicated I always use an irrigating curette, the fluid being the I to 5000 mercury bichloride, followed by a thorough flushing out with sterilized water.

Wonderful results follow in the cases by the removal of the cause and cleanliness. The temperature decreases, the heart's action improves and there is a general improvement in the patient's condition which is most gratifying.

Dr. Butler: Does the doctor believe there is no danger in the use of the bichloride of mercury?

Dr. Burnham: No, sir. I use it, however, in a weaker solution than that mentioned by Dr. Street. I believe in the absorption of mercury bichloride. I do not know anything as good as bichloride of mercury. I have used lysol but do not like it as well. Formalin I have used also. Creolin I like least of all. I find that the best results in my hands are obtained by the methods outlined.

Dr. Avery: I believe that in many cases of puerperal fever local treatment is of no benefit, for the reason that the system is so impregnated with the poison.

Report of the Bureau of Pedology, Lottie A. Cort, M.D... Chairman. "Clinical Experience with Calcarea Carbonica in Constipation," was the title of the paper read by Dr. Emma T. P.


Discussion-Dr. Chapin: I am glad to know that the remedy was so effective. Constipation is a very trying condition to regulate. I believe in proper feeding and the use of water to drink.

Dr. Pierron: I can corroborate what Dr. Allen has said in reference to calcarea carb. I also sanction what Dr. Chapin has said. Dr. Chapin: When I have used calcarea carb. I have had better results from the thirtieth.

Dr. Baylies: I have found calcarea carb. effective in the thirtieth and in the higher potencies.

Dr. Allen: Is there some one here who could suggest a remedy to prevent the return of constipation when a tooth was about to come through?

Dr. Chapin: I should have continued calcarea carb. at least once a day.

The meeting then adjourned.

W. T. RINK, Secretary.

New York Homeopathic Materia Medica Society.-The regular meeting of the New York Homœopathic Materia Medica Society was held on Wednesday evening, October 20, 1897, at 334 West Fifty-eighth street, at 9:30 o'clock, 17 members being present.

Drs. Wm. B. Davis, Mount Vernon, N. Y., and E. R. Fiske and H. B. Minton, of Brooklyn, N. Y., were unanimously elected members of the society.

Dr. George G. Shelton presented a very interesting and practical paper upon "Phosphorus as a Hæmostatic," which elicited from discussion, as follows:

Dr. J. W. Allen quoted from Hughes' Pharmacodynamics regarding the hæmostatic qualities of the drug.

Dr. John Anschagouni: The remedy has great hæmostatic qualities. has used it frequently in small hemorrhages from the lungs with a dry cough.

Dr. Wm. S. Talcott: Has used phosphorus in slight hemorrhages resulting from injuries.

Dr. B. G. Clark: Uses phosphorus in lung troubles and in hemaphilia; has not used it much in typhoid fever. Usually leaves nitric acid at homes of typhoid patients where there is any tendency toward hemorrhage. Where hemorrhage is dark and thick prescribed lachesis, and for continual oozing of blood from the gums give staphisagria.

Dr. J. P. Seward: Has used phosphorus in two cases of hemoptysis with slight cough, and with good results. Cited a case of secondary hemorrhage following operation upon nasal septum, with slight oozing, which this remedy failed to relieve.

Dr. F. P. Sheldon: Has used the drug with good results in epistaxis. Especially in the aged, where there is slight oozing.

Dr. H. M. Dearborn: Phosphorus has more often failed to relieve hemorrhage than otherwise, but reported one case of bleeding of a wart under the arm, with bleeding whenever the arm


moved, which was cured by phosphorus. Cited a case of nasal hemorrhage lasting for three hours, where this drug was given, but failed to check the same.

Dr. Geo. F. Laidlaw: In the epistaxis of children uses calc. phos., especially in school children. Does not believe that phosphorus is a specific for hemorrhage.

Dr. Emanual Baruch: Has used the drug in hemorrhages from the nose and lungs.

Dr. J. T. Simonson: Has had good results from the use of the remedy in hemorrhages from the lungs.

Dr. Martin Deschene: Has found this drug useful in cases of typhoid fever, especially in hemorrhages resulting during the progress of the disease. Believes it acts chemically as well as physiologically. Cited a case of typhoid fever complicated with pneumonia, with hemorrhage from the rectum, which was promptly checked by phosphorus. Thlaspi bursa pastoris is especially useful in hemorrhages from internal organs, but must be given in large doses of the tincture.

The hemorrhage of crocus is thick and coagulated, while that of phosphorus is always fluid.

Dr. Geo. G. Shelton, in closing the discussion, said that he believed the results were due to the action of the drug upon the blood cells, and we must not forget that the drug kills everything in the body, bone, muscle, fibre and etc.

Dr. Wm. S. Talcott reported interesting verifications, as follows: Baptisia tinctoria in phthisis pulmonalis, borax in constipation and and alumina in psoriasis.

These cases were discussed by Drs. Clark, Dearborn and Arschagouni.

Dr. S. Baruch reported interesting verifications, as follows: Two cases of headache cured by iris versicolor 20000 and 12th, respectively, and I case of diabetes mellitus of seven years' standing, with nausea, vomiting burning in the epigastrium, and headache, cured by iris versicolor 2x.

These cases were discussed by Drs. G. W. McDowell, H. M. Dearborn, Geo. G. Shelton and F. K. Hollister.

Dr. Baruch says that it is a shifting headache from side to side, with burning in the epigastrium, nausea and vomiting. He has found iris versicolor to be almost a specific.

During the discussion upon the above verifications, the doctor was asked why he gave the several potencies in the different patients and he replied that at present he was not prepared to answer the inquiry, but upon Dr. Deschene's request to prepare a paper and present it to the society at some future time, giving his reasons for so doing, Dr. Baruch willingly consented.

The resignations of Dr. Charles McDowell, Dr. H. S. Hathaway, and Dr. M. B. Beals were presented by the Secretary, and, on motion, were accepted. Meeting adjourned at 11 o'clock.

CHARLES VER NOOY, M.D., Secretary.

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