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It may be in the recollection of many that, to my favourite studies; and, with the little aid when the proposal was first suggested of sending my allowance afforded, I contrived to make myself out a bishop to the east, it met with no little oppo- master of the French language, and to prosecute sition. There was, in fact, not only an apathy inquiries into some of the branches of literature concerning the spiritual well-being of our country- and science. This was, however, in stolen momen in foreign parts, but a dread lest the pro- ments, either before the office hours, in the fession of a high tone of religious principles might, morning, or after them, in the evening.' "His in some way or other, militate against the tem- affection to his mother," says Lady Raffles, poral prosperity of our colonies; and, as for the always one of the strongest feelings of his heart. conversion of the heathen, it was derided as im- At this time, with that self-denying devotion to practicable, and opposed as absolutely dangerous. the happiness of others which was his distinguishIt was maintained, gravely, that every heathening quality through life, he deprived himself of who professed himself a Christian was a hypocrite; every indulgence, that he might devote to her his that, however much he might be trusted in his hard-earned pittance; and, in after days of comheathen state, no confidence was to be placed in parative affluence, he delighted in surrounding him or his pretended Christianity; and, therefore, her with every comfort *." The India House did that the colonies might flourish in a temporal point not suit his health. His unremitting diligence of view, those who were resident there-nominal excited attention; a situation was procured for Christians or avowed heathens-might perish him by the kindness of sir Hugh Inglis. He "for lack of knowledge." joyfully accepted the offer of going, as assistant secretary, to Prince of Wales Island, or Penang, situated on the coast of the peninsula of Malacca, lying between China and the East Indiest. Here he arrived in September, 1805, with general Dundas, and the rest of the civil establishment. Having made considerable progress in the Malayan on his passage (for he possessed an extraordinary facility in acquiring a knowledge of languages), he acquired great influence, conversing freely with the natives. On the elevation of Mr. Pearson, in 1806, to the council, he was appointed secretary, and, about the same time, registrar to the Court of Judicature.

In the good providence of God, an important change has taken place. The abominable system of slavery-that crying sin which, of itself, might bring the wrath of God upon a nation-has at length, with some difficulty, been abolished. The importance of the diffusion of Christian knowledge is felt; and means have been adopted, and are now adopting more extensively, for its further dissemination. The portioning out of the colonies into dioceses, to be under the superintendence of a bishop, has been adopted surely the plan most likely to secure permanent success. That vast good was done by devoted missionaries, in years long gone by, there can be no rational question; still, the establishment of diocesan episcopacy is the true and legitimate way, under the divine blessing, to secure success.

The health of Mr. Raffles being materially impaired by the arduous duties of his new situasion, he proceeded to Malacca, for change of air, where he had opportunity of mingling with However zealous a bishop and his clergy may persons from various quarters, and thus becoming be, however calculated and fitted for their work-acquainted with their opinions and habits. Orders and a work of no little labour is theirs-their success will, in no small degree, depend on the ready co-operation of those possessed of civil authority. Unless the officials under government co-operate with the bishop and clergy, comparatively little good will be done.

How much the spiritual welfare and moral improvement of a foreign population depends on the character of the governor and those around him, is fully exemplified by the change produced in important possessions in the east, in the case of the subject of the present memoir; whose name will be held in grateful remembrance by vast multitudes over whom he at one period exercised authority.

had been issued for demolishing the fortifications and destroying the public buildings, with a view of carrying the trade to Penang; by his representations, however, of the cruelty of this measure towards the inhabitants, as well as its impolicy, the orders were rescinded.

Shortly after his arrival at Penang, he had formed an acquaintance with Dr. Leyden ‡, who

* This circumstance, so honourable to young Raffles, naturally leads us to the consideration of the vast importance, in every point of view, of furnishing young men (in London especially)

with the means and opportunities of cultivating their intellectual powers; which is, in not a few cases, absolutely prevented

by what is properly denominated "the late-hour system;" the evils of which are attempted to be lessened, if not wholly removed, by many philanthropic individuals, and especially by the metropolitan drapers' association. "To use a common figure, the intellect may be compared to the soil of the earth, which is capable of producing wholesome corn, delicious fruits, it be cultivated. So the mind, when properly cultivated, attains and beautiful flowers; but which does not produce either unless to practical wisdom, becomes the storehouse of varied knowledge, and the source of high and beautiful thoughts; but, when tive waste, and too often it is a hotbed of folly and vice. Whatintellect, is chargeable with all the incapacity, folly, and crime, ever system. then, necessarily prevents the cultivation of the

neglected, it is at best but a useless incumbrance, an unproduc

Thomas Stamford Raffles, the son of Benjamin Raffles, an old captain in the West India trade, was born at sea, off the harbour of Port Morant, in Jamaica, in 1781. At the age of fourteen he was appointed to a situation in the India House, where, although hard-worked, he contrived, by extra hours, to increase his salary; which he gave to his parents, then in very poor circumstances, and also to add to his stock of knowledge. "The deficiency of my early education," says he, in a letter to his cousin, Dr. Raffles, "has never been fully supplied. I had hardly been two years at a boarding-school (at Hammersmith) when I was withdrawn, and forced to enter on the busy scenes of public life, then a mere boy. My leisure hours, tremely fertile, producing herbs and fruits in the greatest abun

however," he says, "still continued to be devoted

which result from such neglect. It is chargeable with casting

down the noblest work of the Creator, and opposing his most manifest designs. Such is the case with this late-hour system" (Prize essay, Drapers' Association).

"This settlement was first obtained from the king of Queder, who governs the opposite coast. He gave his daughter to captain Light in 1786, together with the island as her dower, which the captain afterwards delivered to the East India Company. The scenery of this little island is beautiful; it is ex

da nce" (Gent. Mag., April 1806, p. 305).

John Leyden, son of poor cottagers, was a remarkable in

threw himself into the surf, that he might be the first Briton who landed at Java. In his eager anxiety for knowledge, he went to examine a library, had a fit of shivering, and declared the place was enough to produce a fever. He was too right in the supposition, and he fell a victim to it on the night previous to the cession of the island. Of his friend, Mr. Raffles thus expressed himself: "Most sincerely and deeply do I regret that this task did not fall into hands more able to do it justice. Here was one, dear to me in private friendship and esteem, who, had he lived, was of all men the best calculated to have supplied those deficiencies which will be apparent in the very imperfect work now presented to the public. From his profound acquaintance with eastern languages and Indian history, from the unceasing activity of his great talents, his other prodigious acquirements, his extensive views, and his confident hope of illustrating national migrations from the scenes which he was approaching, much might have been expected; but, just as he reached those shores on which he hoped to slake his ardent thirst for knowledge, he fell a victim to excessive exertiont, deeply deplored by all, and by none more truly than myself."

was residing there, having left Madras for the recovery of his health; and on whose going to Calcutta, being in the establishment of lord Minto, the governor-general, a correspondence was kept up. The letters were shown to the governor; who was so much pleased with them, that he spoke of appointing Mr. Raffles governor of the Moluccas, which had fallen under British dominion. Mr. Raffles went to Calcutta, and was received with kindness. Holland had now been annexed to France, and consequently all the Dutch possessions in the eastern seas, of which the most valuable was Java. Mr. Rattles immediately directed the attention of the governor to the vast importance of its being wrested from the hands of the enemy. The suggestion was immediately acted upon, and Mr. Raffles proceeded to Malacca as agent to the governor, to make necessary arrangements for the speedy capture. Lord Minto arrived there on the 9th of May, and received from Mr. Raffles a vast number of most important documents, testifying great research on his part. The route which should be followed was also stated; and, though adverse to the opinion of old practical seamen, who apprehended much danger and loss, this route was determined on, and the fleet, of above ninety ships, in less The governor did not find his new situation a than six weeks arrived in sight of Batavia, the very easy one. The hostilities of the treacherous capital of Java, without damage to a single vessel. chief of Palembang and the sultan of Djocjocarta The British troops soon landed, and, after some gave him much annoyance. These powers, howhard fighting, gained the victory; and, as a ever, were speedily suppressed by a force comreward for his most important services, Mr.manded by colonel Gillespie. The seas were as Raffles was appointed lieutenant-governor of Java much as possible cleared of pirates. The revenues and its dependencies; the island itself being in under the Dutch government had fallen very length upwards of 660 miles, and its width vary-short, and were to be restored to a better state. from 135 to 56, and with a population of about 5,000,000*.

At this period Mr. Raffles suffered great grief of mind, from the death of his friend Dr. Leyden, who was seized with a fever, and died a few days after landing in Java. He had accompanied the expedition for the purpose of investigating the customs of the island, and, with another volunteer,

stance of the pursuit of knowledge under difficulties. He was born 8th Sept., 1775, at the village of Denham, in the vale of Teviot, Roxburghshire. His opportunities of self-improvement we e rare; but his mind seemed to overpass every difficulty. He made rapid progress in the acquisition of languages, acquirIng French, Spanish, German, and the ancient Icelandic. He also studied Hebrew, Arabic, and Persian. He was enabled to

A new system of collecting them was to be commenced and many other changes were required, which fully occupied his time and thoughts.

The British government succeeded at Java at a moment of the greatest public distress, when the Dutch had been unable to pay even their lowest establishments, when the funds of the public charities had been appropriated to the necessities of the state, and the finances of the colony were in a complete state of bankruptcy. The governor succeeded in producing a change of system, which was universally felt as a blessing. The change was effected prudently and cautiously, and hailed with gratitude by persons of all classes.


attend the university of Edinburgh and St. Andrews, and in native chiefs were permitted still to exercise an

1800 was admitted a licentiate of the church of Scotland; but he seemed to have no relish for ministerial duties, and he devoted himself chiefly to literature. Professor Dugald Stewart

and Dalzell of Edinburgh, and Dr. Hunter, of St. Andrew's, were valuable patrons. With sir Walter, then Mr. Scott, he formed, from congeniality of tastes, a sincere friendship. An event took place which shews his assiduity and readiness of acquiring knowledge. Being anxious to travel, his case was stated to the Board of Control, but no situation was vacant but that of surgeon's assistant, which re

thority; and with these the governor endeavoured to live on the most friendly terms. They were frequent guests at his table. It was owing to such a conciliatory mode of conduct that he was enabled to obtain and to retain his authority.

As to the national character of the people, they are described as generous and warm-hearted, af

quired a surgical degree. He expressed his willingness to fill fectionate, gentle, and contented. Hospitality is

the si uation, and, incredible as it may appear, in six months qualified himself, at Edinburgh, for his examination, and received from another university the degree of M.D. He was appointed to Madras, but suffering much from the climate, he was compelled to go to Penang: there his acquaintance with Mr. Raffles commenced.

universal among them; and on the other hand they are passionately fond of gambling and opium.

As to the religious profession of the inhabitants, Mr. Raffles represented it as like that of the other islands in the vicinity-Mahometanism mingled with paganism, and, in some districts, Christianity. The Dutch, as a principle of policy, en

The first arrival of the Portuguese in the eastern islands was in a. D. 1510, when Alphonso da Albuquerque visited Sumatra. Haying conquered the city of Molacca, he sent Antonio de Abrew to gain other islands; who obtained Java, anong others. In 1595 the Dutch fleet, under the command of Hout-couraged the propagation of the latter in the

man, arrived at Bartan, the king of which was at war with the

Portuguese; to him they offered as-istance, and in return obtained permission to establish a factory; subsequently removed to Jakatsa, which obtained the name of Batavia 4th March, 1621, and became the capital of the Dutch possessions in the


islands. The Portuguese had done so before them; but, by the grasping behaviour of their missionaries, in attempting to procure money for the embellishment of churches and other trickeries,

failed to a great extent. In captain Daniel Beschman's "Voyage to Borneo," printed at London in 1718, it is stated: "Even the Mahometans there retain some pagan customs: some of the wisest of them have not such an aversion to Christianity as the Mahometans in other places, who are professed enemies to Jesus Christ. But here they speak very respectfully of Jesus Christ, and say he was a great prophet." With reference to Batavia, at the close of the last century it was stated to have in it four Calvanistic churches, besides other places of worship for all sorts of religions.

Some time elapsed, during which Mr. Raffles was engaged in his various arrangements; not, however, without great anxiety. It was long doubted whether, after the overthrow of Buonaparte and the restoration of Holland, Java should be restored to the Dutch. It was his principle to do as much good as he could; and, among other most important improvements, he was successfully endeavouring to abolish slavery throughout the Dutch possessions. He found that the leading inhabitants entirely concurred with his views; but the Bengal authorities refused their sanction, under the plea of its not being known whether the government was permanently to be administered by the king or the company (see Quarterly Review, xlii. 414). These slaves were not natives, but procured chiefly from Bàli and Celebes. They were in number about thirty thousand. The horrid traffic was put a stop to, as soon as it was known that it was declared felony by the British


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The following anecdote is worthy of record: "When it was proposed that all the slaves on the island should be registered, a native chief, the penanbaham of Samunah, proudly declared, I will not register my slaves! hitherto they have been kept such because it was the custom, and the Dutch liked to be attended by slaves when we visited the palace; but, as that is not the case with the English, they shall cease to be slaves; for long have I felt shame, and my blood has run cold, when I reflected on what I once saw at Batavia and Samarang, where human beings were exposed for public sale, placed on a table, and examined like sheep and oxen.' When Mr. Raffles mentioned this noble trait to Mr. Wilberforce on his first return to England, he was commissioned to carry out a seal to be presented to this chief, as an acknowledgment of his liberal act; and the latter, in return, requested Mr. Wilberforce's acceptance of a handsome creese" (Quarterly Review, lxxxiv. 414).

The efforts of Mr. Raffles, however, wer rendered useless by his departure from the island in 1816, and the restoration of Java to the Dutch; a restoration which led to melancholy results. "So oppressive, unjust, and tyrannical has the conduct of the Dutch been towards the Javanese, since the restoration of the island, that if at any future period hostilities should unfortunately be resorted to against that nation, the first English man of war that shows her colours before Batavia or Suribayer, will be the signal for a general rising of the natives to drive out their oppressors" (Quarterly Review).

During the previous year, the death of his wife, whom he had married in 1805, with the loss of other friends, among whom was lord Minto, had

a great effect upon his spirits. This, added to his numerous avocations, was too much for his health and strength. A voyage to England was consequently now strongly recommended as the only likely method of restoring him at once. He took his passage home direct from Java. On leaving Batavia the utmost regret was expressed by all classes. Addresses and plate were presented to him. On the morning of his embarkation the roads of Batavia were filled with boats, crowded with people of various nations, all anxious to pay the last tribute of respect within their power to one for whom they entertained the most lively affection. On reaching the vessel, he found the decks filled with offerings of every descriptionfruits, flowers, poultry, and whatever they thought would promote his comfort on the voyage. It is impossible to describe the scene that took place when the order was given to weigh the anchor: the people felt they had lost the greatest friend whom Java ever possessed, and, perhaps, they anticipated as too near their re-delivery to the Dutch power, and the consequently too probable revival of the scenes of misgovernment, from which, under the administration of Mr. Raffles, they had been relieved for five years, and onght to have been relieved for ever. The effects of the sea air were very favourable. They landed at St. Helena, and were allowed to have an interview with Buonaparte.

A remarkable occurrence took place in the latter portion of the voyage. The night of June 17 being very bright, those on board the Ganges continued late on deck; the Auspicious, another vessel, being in company. About three o'clock they were alarmed by a signal of distress from the Auspicious; and, on looking towards her, found she had lost her three topmasts, and seemed a perfect wreck. The Ganges, though only a few hundred yards distant, was uninjured.

While in England, Mr. Raffles published his "History of Java;" and, on presenting it, received the honour of knighthood from the prince regent. He also made many acquaintances and friends; and was a frequent guest at Claremont, the residence of the princess Charlotte and of prince Leopold. His last dinner before he returned to the east was there; and the ring which on that day the princess gave to him (a short time before her lamented death) was the gift which, above all other such gifts, he most highly prized.

In the summer of 1817, he went to the continent, among other reasons "to demand an audience of the king of the Netherlands, to lay before him some representations in behalf of the native inhabitants of Java, and some of the Dutch whom he conceived to have claims on his attention. The king, whose personal character all who know any thing must venerate, received him with marked civility, and invited him to dine with him; but he found that, though the leading ministers seemed to mean well, they had too great a hankering after profit, and immediate profit, for any liberal system to thrive under them. The king himself promised that the new system should be continued, but kings are not always permitted to make good their promises" (Quarterly Review). Having returned to England, Mr. Raffles spent much of his time in travelling.




No. XLI.


Morning Lessons: Numb. xxiii. xxiv.; Acts iii.
Evening Lessons: Numb. xxv.; Heb. viii.

"Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord."-ACTS iii. 19.


(Before the communion.)

Meditation." Fully we cannot say, 'What shall we render unto the Lord?' but we must answer, ‘We will take the cup of salvation,' and, with it in our hands, give thanks unto him, render him our true eucharist, our real thanksgiving indeed" (Bp. Andrews). "Necessary it is, if we love life and would eschew death, to try and examine ourselves before we eat of this bread and drink of this cup. For, as none is meet to receive natural food except he be born and live before, so no man can feed of the food of eternal life except he be regenerated and born of God before" (Bp. Ridley).

Prayer.-O King of glory, Lord and Maker of the world, thou art a God that knoweth all things, yea, even our most secret thoughts. Be thou present with us at the blessed feast to which thou hast been graciously pleased to invite us this day. Have mercy upon us thy people, who, with hungry and thirsty souls, desire to be refreshed and comforted by thy word and the divine nourishment thou offerest unto the faithful, who spiritually eat and drink thy body and blood.

Pity our infirmities: despise not our unworthiness. Take not from thy servants thy grace and the light of thy countenance; but, according to the multitude of thy tender mercies, do away all our offences, and cleanse us from all our iniquities; that we may appear before thy glory covered with the veil of Jesus, adorned with the robe of his righteousness, and enlightened with the brightness of his divine Spirit.

Thou, Lord, hast commanded us to communicate in the power of the Holy Ghost and the obedience of the Lord Jesus. Be thou well pleased with this our bounden duty and service; and grant that, with holy fear and a pure conscience, we may in this sacrament show forth thy dear Son's love in dying for us, and present our souls and bodies a living sacrifice unto thee, such as thou wilt deign to accept in thy heaven of heavens.

God of mercy, thine only-begotten Son came into the world that he might bring back the wandering sheep into thy fold. O, grant that we, who are about to celebrate the wonders of his exceeding love at thy holy table, may not be cast away and shut out. And we humbly beseech thee that this our remembrance of his precious death, which thou hast ordained to be a means of salvation to us, may not become to any one of us an occasion of condemnation and destruction, but of pardon of our sins, of newness of life and renovation to our souls, and of grace and strength against the spirit of darkness.

Vouchsafe, O God, to finish and perfect this our oblation, that it may be sanctified by thy Holy Spirit, and accepted in the Lord Jesus, to whom

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(For the Church of England Magazine). "CHANGE is of life a part." Its power As a shadow marks each passing hour. It silvers the wave with sparkling light, With rainbow beauty, intensely bright. In the clouds and tempests that roll on high It reigns, in gorgeous revelry. "Change is of life a part." Its spell

Has thrilled the hero's heart as a knell; Clouding his hopes in their hour of pride, Till the haughty spirit within him died: It came where earthly triumph had been, Shading with sadness the gorgeous scene. "Change is of life a part." E'en where Soft music falls on the perfumed air, In banquets brilliant as those of old, When the red wine sparkled in sculptured gold, "T will come; like a cloud o'er a summer sky, Like a phantom whose presence we cannot fly. "Change is of life a part." The flow

Of time reveals its power, below,

In memory's visions, as on they sweep,
Breathing a truth sacred and deep,
That in heaven alone change cannot be,
Where the sunlight of bliss shines eternally.
M. C. L.

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fifteen archbishops and sixty-five bishops. Three
only of the former date their appointments from the
time of the restored Bourbons (1815 to 1830): twelve
of them have been raised to be archbishops since Louis
Philippe has occupied the throne. One of the sixty-
five bishops, cardinal Latour d'Auvergne, received the
mitre in the days of Napoleon's consulship; seven-
teen, between the years 1815 and 1830; and the re-
his sceptre.
maining forty-seven since Charles X. was deprived of

London: Published for the Proprietors by EDWARDS and

with thee, O Father of mercies, be all praise, HUGHES, 12, Ave Maria Lane, St. Paul's; J. BURNS, 17,

honour, majesty, and glory, for ever and ever. Amen. (Bp. Taylor, in part).

"To feed by faith on Christ, my head

His body broken on the tree;

Portman Street: and to be procured, by order, of all Booksellers in Town and Country.

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[Petersburgh, the Residence of the Emperor of Russia.]

"Just eighteen months after her first departure from Siberia, Prasca Loupouloff entered Petersburgh, that great city, so long the object of her desire" (p. 235).




EKATHERINEMBURGH is a Siberian town near the frontiers; in fact, it is situated at the foot of the Oural mountains, which divide the Asiatic and European territories of the Russian empire. In comparison of the little towns and villages Prasca had hitherto seen, it is a place of some importance; and its size, and the number of its inhabitants, filled her with surprise and admiration. The sledge-drivers took her with them to the postoialeroi door (for so are the large inns called), and, wishing to excite an interest in her favour, they related her story to the master and mistress of the


house, and a large party assembled round the stove. All joined in pitying the forlorn condition of a poor young girl, in a strange place, without friends or money, where she was likely to remain all the winter months; for it was quite impossible to think of travelling again before the spring. The hostess said she wished madame Milin knew the case; a wish in which all present joined.

"Who is madame Milin?" inquired Prasca; and a dozen voices at once informed her that madame Milin was the kindest, the most charitable and excellent lady that ever lived.

"I am quite certain," added the hostess, "that, if she knew your history, she would be a friend to you."

The next day was Sunday; and Prasca went to church. Here again every thing was new to her; and she felt terrified and bewildered at the size of

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