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Better trust all, and be deceived,

And weep that trust and that deceiving, Than doubt one heart that, if believed, Had blessed one's life with true believing. Oh! in this mocking world too fast

The doubting fiend o'ertakes our youth. Better be cheated to the last

Than lose the blessed hope of Truth. -Fanny Kemble.

(An Anglo-American actress Shaksperean leader and author; daughter of Charles Kemble. Born, Nov. 27, 1809; died, Jan. 15, 1893.)

Noble Independence.

Be and continue poor. young man, while others around you grow rich by fraud and disloyalty; be without place or power, while others beg their way upward; bear the pain of disappointed

[blocks in formation]

hopes, while others gain The Greatest Men in the World's History

the accomplishment of this by flattery; forego the gracious pressure of the hand, for which others cringe and crawl. Wrap yourself in your own virtue, and seek a friend and your daily bread. If you have, in such a course, grown grey with unblemished honor, bless God and die. -Heinzelmann.

If Newton took only a pebble, as he himself asserts, from the shore of the ocean of truth, how much is there yet left for

other seekers.-D.

have had remarkable memories. Men with strong memories act and win while others are investigating. This power enables millionaire operators, merchant princes and railroad kings to do an apparently impossible amount of business during a working day. Commercial life is daily more exacting. Only the possessor of a powerful memory can command success.

The Mastery of Memorizing, $1.00 postpaid. Booklet free.

Memory Library, Box 1202, New York City.

WILL make FIRST-CLASS BOOKKEEPER of you in SIX weeks for $3 or RETURN MONEY; distance and experience immaterial; may find good POSITION for you, too; placed pupil at $25 weekly, October 13; another at $30 weekly, November 30. SAVE THIS AND WRITEJ. H. GOODWIN, EXPERT ACCOUNTANT, room 644, 1,215 Broadway, New York.

THE GREAT ROUND WORLD Co. is at all times desirous of securing the services of respectable canvassers. Write for information how to secure agreeable, profitable, permanent work.

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Gems of Thought. He who prorogues the honesty of to-day till tomorrow, will probably prorogue his to-morrows to eternity.-Lavater.

Horsford's Acid Phosphate



A wholesome tonic and nerve food, imparting vigor and strength to the entire system. Induces Refreshing Sleep.

Genuine bears name HORSFORD's on wrapper.

PLAYS, Dialogs, Speakers, Operettas, Reward Cards.

All kinds of entertainments. Catalogs free. CALVIN H. MILLS, 24-26 Adams St., Chicago.


Instruction at home; adapted to everyone. Electrical or Mechanical Engineering; Mechanical Drawing. Guidance of experienced, able instructors. Takes spare time only. Thos. A. Edison and others endorse Institute. Catalogue free. ELECTRICAL ENGINEER INSTITUTE, Dept. 37, 240 West 23d Street, New York.

Attractive Propositions for an Advertiser in THE GREAT ROUND WORLD:

1,000 lines,
500 66

250 66


$160.00 net.

90.00 66

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2.80 (1 inch),

The Best of All ...

And for over fifty years MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP has been used by mothers for their children while teething. Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with To be proud of learn- pain of Cutting Teeth? If so, send at once and get a ing is the greatest ignor-bottle of

ance.-Bishop Taylor.

Pride is never more of

"Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup"

for Children Teething. fensive than when it con- Its value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor little descends to the civil; sufferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers, there whereas, vanity, whenis no mistake about it. It cures Diarrhoea, regulates ever it forgets itself, the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the naturally assumes good humor. -Cumberland. Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Precepts or maxims of great weight, and a few Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste, useful ones at hand, do more toward a happy life than whole volumes that we know not where to find.-Seneca.

and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best

female physicians and nurses in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price, twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP."




need the latest

Supporter for

Skirts and Shirt Waists

It is the


The device is very simple and easily applied in two seconds. No sewing, no stick pins, no hooks and eyes, in fact, nothing but the "Nuketch" is required to do everything necessary.

Positively prevents the skirt, basque, or waist from slipping. Securely supports the heaviest skirt. Admits of exercising freely, without disarranging either garment.

Made of flexible special metal, it is yielding and gives ease and grace. Guaranteed not to break. Will shortly be on sale in department stores. Meantime all orders must be sent to us direct.


Money cheerfully refunded if the "Nuketch" fails to do all that is claimed for it. Size "A" 26 inches waist measure. Size "B" 32 inches. Mention which of these sizes you want. The "Nuketch" has solved the vexatious problem of how to hold shirt waists, basques and skirts in place.

Miss H. B., Brooklyn, N. Y., said:

"I tried the Nuketch on a waist which always annoyed me and did not fit when fastened with safety pins or other contrivances. The results were immensely gratifying and the Nuketch make the waist and skirt hang beautifully. My mother is delighted and wants you to send her a dozen at once.' Mrs. E. S. W., East Orange, N. J., said:

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"Have tried every device I could find in Wanamaker's, McCreery's and Altman's. Not one of them satisfied me and I had to use pins. They tore the material and were a nuisance. Three months ago I tried the Nuketch. It pleases me greatly; have constantly used it, and would not part with mine. I believe it will be demanded by thousands of women as soon as they see the Nuketch. I recommend it to all of my women friends."

Send 25 Cents and Size to

Room 510,


150 Fifth Ave., New York.

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which has become the
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the best possible evi-
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STORMER and PENNANT CHAIN WHEELS summarize all that is known of the building of bicycles of the clin type, each containing the highest possible value for price. New Models, $50, $35, $25.

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THE COLUMBIA COASTER BRAKE is always reliable trustworthy, holding the machine in complete control_and] ing none of the defects of other devices of the kind. Price $.. when attached to 1900 models.

See Columbia and Stormer Catalogues.


HOME OFFICE, Hartford, Conn.

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