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DR. G. A. PETERS, we are glad to say, has almost recovered from his recent illness.

DR. J. F. W. Ross, of Sherbourne Street, returned from the South about three weeks ago and has been greatly benefited by the trip.

DR. J. W. MACCALLUM and Mrs. MacCallum returned from England a day or two ago, after spending two months in the land. of "The Rose."

DR. ALEX. MCPHEDRAN, another of the ranks laid aside by illness, has returned to the city after a trip South, and, feeling his old self again, resumed his consultation work.

DR. C. R. DICKSON, of Sherbourne Street, has purchased from Hon. Justice Clute his beautiful residence, No. 192 Bloor Street West, near Avenue Road. Dr. Dickson will move there on the 1st

of this month.

MR. WM. A. MACDONALD, M.B., begs to announce to his colleagues in the medical profession that he has commenced the practice of his profession in Toronto at No. 8 Bloor Street East, and devotes his attention exclusively to the diseases of the nose and throat.




DR. JOHN HERALD, Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics at Queen's University, Kingston, died at the Toronto General Hospital on April 12th. He was admitted to the hospital the previous Sunday, and on Monday an operation was performed. Some hope was entertained for his recovery, but he sank gradually till the end came. Deceased was born in Aberdeen, Scotland, in 1855, his father being the Rev. James Herald (Presbyterian). John Herald was educated at Queen's University, Kingston, and graduated with honors in 1876, receiving the degree of M.A. in 1880. He graduated in medicine at the same institution in 1884, and was subsequently appointed to the staff of his Alma Mater. For some years he had been a member of the governing body of the University. Politically, Dr. Herald was a Conservative, and in the municipal campaign of 1894 was elected Mayor of Kingston. He was a Methodist. His wife, who survives him, was Miss Grafton, of Dundas, Ont.

Dr. Hastings, of Toronto, and Dr. Dickson, of Hamilton, were brothers-in-law of Dr. Herald. Deceased was Past High Chief Ranger of the Independent Order of Foresters. The remains were removed to Dundas for interment.

The Editor cannot hold himself responsible for any views expressed in this Department.



Sir, Inasmuch as occasional criticisms, unkindly and misleading sentences, and sometimes lengthy attacks on Christian Science are being woven into books and pamphlets, purporting to have been written on other subjects, we deem it but just to publishers that we should call their attention to this fact. In writing on other subjects it is not necessary to include an attack on Christian Science, and such an attack cannot but interfere with the mission of the book containing it, while at the same time it undoubtedly jeopardizes the good name of the publisher.

We believe all publishers will agree with us that it is only fair and just that all incorrect allusions to Christian Science should be eliminated from manuscript intended for books and periodicals, and we would suggest that Christian Scientists would gladly assist publishers in determining the accuracy of matter relating to Christian Science. Christian Science is comparatively new, and many write, not after a correct knowledge of the subject, but from a mere cursory reading and from data carelessly gathered from flippant critics.

The body known as Christian Scientists is largely recruited from the intelligent and educated classes, and the number is rapidly increasing, and we assume that all publishers desire to extend the same courtesy to Christian Scientists that is accorded to members of other denominations, that they will welcome the information which this letter is intended to convey, and will accept it in the same friendly and brotherly spirit in which it is written. Yours sincerely,


Aortic Regurgitation with Chronic Miliary Tuberculosis in a Man Twenty-two Years Old.-M. Leale reports this case, which seems of special interest, on account of the infrequent association of these two lesions. It is also unusual to see well developed aortic regurgitation in so young a subject.

News of the Month.


THE thirty-eighth annual meeting of the Canadian Medical Association will be held at Halifax, N.S., on the 22nd to the 25th of August, 1905. All members are invited to be present and contribute to the success of the meeting by contributing a paper or a demonstration or joining in the discussions.

The Committee on Papers and Business desires to call attention to the following extracts from the Constitution:

"All papers (or abstracts thereof) should be in their hands at least three weeks before the date of meeting.

"A copy of every address, discourse, or paper read before the Association shall at once be handed to the General Secretary, and shall become the property of the Association, and shall be preserved with the other documents, etc.

"Members desiring their papers to appear in any particular journal shall present a duplicate copy with the name of the journal marked thereon."

In order to make proper arrangements re accommodation, all intending to contribute or to be present should communicate with the General Secretary without delay.

Dr. John Stewart, of Halifax, N.S., is President, and Dr. George Elliott, 203 Beverley Street, Toronto, is General Secretary.


DR. OSLER, who is soon to enter upon the duties of the regius professorship of medicine at Oxford, arrived in Montreal on April 14th from Baltimore, and after declining to be interviewed by the newspaper men addressed the body of medical students at McGill University, lunched at St. James' Club with a number of wellknown local physicians, and in the evening delivered a speech at the medical faculty dinner at the Windsor Hotel.

Instead of being met at the station by a band of indignant sexagenarians armed with bitter anathemas and knock-out drops, the famous lecturer was received by a few friends and driven to the residence of Dr Shepherd, whose guest he was during his visit in Montreal. By noon hour, at which Dr. Osler was to address

the students, Molson Hall was crowded, and when the professor arrived a little later there were vociferous cheers of welcome. Applause and laughter interrupted the doctor quite frequently as he proceeded to speak...

Dr. A. Cummings, President of the Medical Association, presided, and on the platform were Principal Peterson and a score of physicians. The address was, as Principal Peterson observed, marked by humor, professional knowledge and wealth of literary allusion, sweeping from St. Chrysostom to George Eliot. Wit and lore were brilliantly blended.


Apart from the general mass of his remarks, Dr. Osler advised the students to study two things-books and men. Perhaps the famous theorist spoke from experience when he said: "To man is it given to know the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. But what is the student but a lover, courting a fickle mistress. Truth is the best you can get with your best endeavor. Thus you will learn to be content. If you retain your modesty it will enable you to avoid that terrible mental blindness where you cannot recognize truth if it stares you in the face the condition that faced Harvey when he discovered the circulation of the blood, and dared not publish it abroad for twelve years because the scientific leaders could not conceive that great truth.


The speaker epitomized his advice to young medical men follows: "There are three things the practitioner needs: a notebook, a library, and quinquennial brain dusting. The note-book is necessary to keep live observations on all cases, serious, obscure, and mistaken diagnosis. With regard to brain dusting I advise merciless self-severity, and broad charity to others, but especially always that you play the game fairly. The ambition of every young doctor should be to have three well-stocked chamberslibrary, a laboratory and a nursery. You may not achieve the first at once, but you can start at least, and, if necessary, for the sake of the first two, leave the nursery to the future."



THE annual meeting of the Ontario Hospitals Association was held on April 12th at the Parliament Buildings, and a deputation waited upon the Premier to ask for an increase in the grant to hospitals, or to have them, at least, placed upon a certain basis. At present there is provided 50 cents per patient, which is found insufficient. A further grant of 25 cents per patient is asked. The total grant to hospitals is $110,000. As the number of patients grew the grant per head automatically decreased. Those members of the deputation who spoke were Dr. O'Reilly, Dr. Powell, Ottawa; M. May, M.L.A., Ottawa, and Dr. Ferguson.

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