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conducted examinations for the Medical Council in 1879, and was examiner for the University of Toronto in clinical surgery for over eight years. He also has held for many years, and still holds, the position of clinical examiner for Trinity University and Ontario Medical Council. Among other positions held by him are those of



international consultant on the charity hospital surgical staff in Buffalo, Vice-President of the Association of Hospital Medical Superintendents of the United States and Canada, and VicePresident of the Ontario Hospital Association. He was also some years ago asked by Sir Henry Burdett, of London, to act as honorary representative in Canada of the "Royal National Pension

Fund for Nurses," under direct patronage of the Prince and Princess of Wales. He is patron of the Post-Graduate Society of Toronto, the members being chiefly house staff and ex-house staff men of the hospitals of Toronto. He is a registered practitioner in Michigan, New York and the Province of Quebec, and he is also one of the Vice-Presidents of Toronto District of the St. John Ambulance Associates of England.

Dr. O'Reilly's retirement will be regretted, not only by his personal friends but by the medical staff and officials under him, to all of whom he has been uniformly loyal and kind, both officially and privately, and the patients, numbering over 100,000, who have passed through the hospital since he became superintendent, will long remember his well-known name, which seems almost inseparable from that of the Toronto General Hospital.

In addition to a half-tone of Dr. O'Reilly himself, we publish one of his life-long friends, the late Mr. Walter S. Lee, who was Chairman of the Board of Trustees for several years prior to his demise. We also print a wood cut of Toronto General Hospital as it was from 1854-1878, one of the Hospital as it now stands and the Emergency Branch on Bay Street.

The Board of Trustees of the Toronto General Hospital met recently. After passing a vote of condolence with the family of the late Mr. George Gooderham, the Board formally accepted Dr. Charles O'Reilly's resignation as medical superintendent of the hospital. It is understood that Dr. O'Reilly's active connection with the hospital terminated May 31st. The Board, though, recognizing his long service, will continue to pay his salary until December 31st, 1905. Further, the Board of Trustees decided that Dr. O'Reilly shall receive a gratuity of $1,000 a year for five years, dating from January 1st, 1906, consequently extending to Decen.ber 31st, 1910. Dr. O'Reilly sails for a prolonged holiday in the Old Country on June 22nd.


THE annual dinner of the Toronto Clinical Society was held at the Albany Club on Saturday evening, May 6th, and like its predecessors proved to be a very enjoyable function. Covers were laid for about one hundred. Dr. Herbert Hamilton, the president of the society, presided. A very pleasing incident of the occasion was the presentation to Dr. Chas. O'Reilly of a sterling silver loving cup. The toast of the Toronto General Hospital was proposed by Dr. Adam H. Wright, who, when about to close his remarks, handed the cup for presentation, which he made in a few well chosen and felicitous words. He alluded to Dr. O'Reilly's long term of office, the happy relations which had existed between him and the profession, and wished him the fullest enjoyment of the well-earned holiday, which he is about to take in company with his wife and

son, Dr. Brefney O'Reilly. Dr. O'Reilly was evidently taken greatly by surprise, and in rising to reply, it could be observed, was visibly affected. He, however, expressed in his usual happy and ready manner his thanks to the donors, and his appreciation of the honor which had been done him. Dr. Adam Wright was the recipient of many congratulations from his confreres upon the publication of his comprehensive book, which is recognized as a work of exceptional value, both as a handbook for students and a work of reference for practitioners. (A review of Dr. Wright's book will be found in this issue.) The cup as presented bore, in addition to a crest, the words, "And we'll remember you— O'Reilly" 1876-1905.


AN influential deputation of medical men was recently introduced to the Provincial Cabinet and made a request for the creation of a Provincial Department of Pathology in connection with the Ontario asylums, the sequel to the steady increase during the past decade in the number of cases of insanity, as well in Ontario as elsewhere, which has been for years a matter for serious consideration and alarm, so recognized not only by chemists, but by all who have devoted time and thought to the subject. In almost every other department of medical science there has been an advancement of knowledge that has resulted in the dimunition of deaths from disease, and improved preventive methods. In the realm of mental troubles alone science has been for years practically at a standstill.

The reason is not far to seek. There has been no systematic research or scientific investigation of the causes of idiocy, imbecility or lunacy. The common objection to such being undertaken is “that all is being done that can be done," but the pioneers in the medical treatment of the insane a century ago, when lunatics were mechanically restrained in jails and were flogged, starved, chained or confined in dark cells, and were bled, purged, or puked with the beneficent object of driving the devil out of them, probably met with the same objection.

It is with the object of changing this condition of affairs in Ontario and introducing method, system and sense into the treatment of our insane that the deputation organized by Dr. W. N. Barnhardt interviewed Premier Whitney to urge upon him the vital necessity of creating the department referred to. There is in the movement no reflection on the present management of our asylums. They are in charge of medical directors well fitted for their tasks, whose work compare favorably with that done in similar institutions anywhere abroad. But our asylums are to all intents separate and individual. There common centre where results are noted, and where the

is no

knowledge gained can be tabulated, considered and exchanged so that the experience of one may be utilized to the advantage of all. Furthermore, the present staff has now all it can do without devoting time to research work. The daily oversight of hundreds of insane patients, the dispensing and administration of medicines, and the making out of statistics, daily records and correspondence with relatives and friends is a sufficiently heavy task. Hence the need of a special department for research work.

The proposal is not an untried innovation. Its value has been tested and proved in Germany and several States of the Union, and it has already been favorably considered by the late Government. In short, the position is this: There are in Ontario 6,000 lunatics confined in asylums. They are well cared for, washed, fed, exercised and put to bed. But, broadly speaking, our asylums are mere houses of detention with but little attempt made at study or


The result is that this vast amount of valuable material is going to waste. This mine of information is being left unworked when every effort should be made to balance the increase in the number of insane by improving the methods of prevention and cure.

The objects of the department would be, to throw light on the early stages of the disease, a field at present neglected and unexplored, to observe and classify the forms of insanity, using for this purpose the observations of the directors of the asylums, and to secure uniform autopsies and prepare and preserve microscopical specimens of the brains and spinal cords of such as die in our institutions. This latter part of the work, while important, is not, as has been supposel, the chief end of pathology, which aims at the prevention of the disease.

The discovery that germs were the cause of inflammation in wounds resulted in a revolution in surgery. This discovery was made after years of careful research. It may fairly be asked whether similar care and time spent on the study of mental diseases may not bring about a similar happy reformation.

It is to be earnestly hoped that the Cabinet will unhesitatingly do as requested, there being no question as to the scientific value of the proposed department towards the curative treatment of the



ONE more large problem confronts the Board of Control and Council, another million dollar scheme, following hard on the heels. of the Union Station settlement. It is a new General hospital.

A little while ago Controller Spence remarked at a Board of Control meeting that Toronto had done nothing for hospitals, had not had to assume any responsibility for hospital accommodation. Its opportunity now confronts it.

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