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Briefly the scheme is this: The hospital trustees will undertake to raise $700,000; the Ontario Government will add to that $300,000. The million would be spent on buildings and equipment. This is the plan that has been laid before the Board of Control.

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The proposed site is at the south-east corner of College street and University avenue, 500 x 600) feet, nearly seven acres. It would extend east to the Dental College and south to Christopher street.

Two objects are aimed to be accomplished by the scheme: First, to provide larger, better equipped and modern buildings for the General Hospital, of which it stands very greatly in need; second, to provide better hospital clinical facilities for the medical faculty of the University of Toronto. It is for this last that the government is prepared to contribute so large a share of the cost.

To the minds of the Mayor and Controllers the question presented itself under three heads: First, whether or not the city should enter the scheme and so admit its responsibility to provide hospital accommodation, approving this undertaking as the best means of discharging that obligation; second, how to re-adjust the relations between the city and the hospital; third, how to raise the money, submit a by-law to the people or get authority from the Legislature.

No one will deny the city's reponsibility in the matter; at any rate, the Controllers do not. As to policy, it is simply a question of concentrating the municipal fund to insure one great institution or dividing it up among the hospitals as they are at present.

If the Board of Control recommends Council to go into the scheme it will be upon the strict understanding that the city is to have, if not a preponderating, at least a very large say in the management of the institution. The University also would be largely interested, and as far as can be learned it is the intention to organize a new trust, in which the city and the University would be the controlling elements.

If Council decides to join in the undertaking a by-law will likely be submitted to the people. Probably authority to issue the necessary debentures could be obtained from the Legislature, because the Government is anxious to see the scheme floated for the sake of the University, but there is a strong feeling in the Board of Control that the people should be consulted, and as Controller Hubbard says, " Im always ready to trust the people."

The hospital trustees will have a pretty large order in hand in undertaking to raise $700,000. Mr. Cawthra Mulock's contribution of $100,000, however, makes a handsome beginning. Another $100,000, it is said, has been promised by a lady. The amount to be raised would then be reduced to half a million dollars.

The hospital's endowment brings in at present $25,000 a year. If the new plan goes through, when the new buildings are completed, the Emergency Hospital down town could be done away with. To erect and equip the new buildings would require probably five years.

Since the above was printed, the trustees of the Toronto General Hospital have issued the following statement for publication, so that there is now very little question as to the splendid future for Toronto, so far as hospital accommodation is concerned. We congratulate Premier Whitney and his Cabinet upon their foresight and liberality in this connection.

The action of the Government in authorizing an advance of $250,000 by the University of Toronto to the proposed reorganization plan of the Toronto General Hospital, and the advance of a further $30,000 out of the University endowment toward the purchase price of a suitable site for the hospital, makes the present a natural time for the trustees of the Toronto General Hospital to make known to the public the character of the negotiations which have been in progress for many months.

Recognizing that the present premises were unequal to the requirements of a modern hospital, and that new buildings and equipment were highly desirable, they approached the University authorities, the Government of the Province and the Board of Control of the city, asking if there was not some basis for a fusion of interests that would work out to the common benefit of the city and the University, and meet the responsibility of the Government for the provision of adequate medical education for the University of Toronto School of Medicine. It was felt that if it were possible to secure such co-operation, it would be proper for the present Board of trustees of the Toronto General Hospital to tender to the Government the trust under which the property and endowment is held at present, and to have a new trust formed, which would recognize the interests of all the contracting parties named above.

The response on the part of the Government and the University has been the setting aside of the above two sums, aggregating $300,000. It is hoped that the response on the part of the City Council will be $200,000, and that individual citizens will contribute, say $800,000.

With this sum a central site will be secured and a general hospital, an emergency hospital and out-patient hospital will be built upon it. The public wards will be available for the medical faculty of Toronto University, for educational purposes, and for the moderate expenditure of $300,000 the Province will have secured for its Provincial Medical School all the necessary advantages which they would secure in a direct ownership of a hospital establishment costing $1,300,000 in land, buildings and equipment, and a yearly income of $25,000. The city will enjoy the advantage of a modern, well-equipped hospital, capable of performing to the highest degree of efficiency the service necessary for the comfort of the sick and suffering.

It would not have been possible for any one of the co-operating bodies to have alone acquired a site and buildings of the type at present proposed, and the fusion of interests which has taken place seems to provide the needed facilities for all with a fair distribution of the burden. (Signed) J. W. Flavelle. Chairman; Thomas Urquhart; M. J. Haney; Peter C. Larkin; Cawthra Mulock.


DR. DONALD ARMOUR, F.R.C.S.E., entertained the ex-members of the Toronto General Hospital, in England, at dinner some weeks ago in London, those present being Drs. Geo. Badgerow, Colin Campbell, E. D. Carder, T. M. Cochrane, A. C. Hendrick, H. Lowry, W. J. Mallock, J. R. McCollum, Geo. W. Ross, A. T. Stanton, G. A. Schmidt, P. W. Saunders, A. B. Wright, T. P. Weir and S. H. Westman. The host, Dr. Armour (son of the late Chief Justice Armour), is a graduate in arts and medicine, Toronto University, and was on the house staff of the Toronto General Hospital, 1894-5. He welcomed his Candian confreres, and proposed the "King," 'Canada and the Empire" and "Toronto General Hospital," coupled with the name of Dr. Charles O'Reilly. The toast received a perfect ovation, with "three times three" for their old friend and Principal. As this toast was responded to by every man present, was quite impossible for the list of other toasts to be either proposed or responded to, so great was the flow of eloquence. It must be gratifying to Dr. O'Reilly and his many friends to hear of his name being honored thus across the sea by those who know him best and so well, and to feel that his life-long service in hospital life and his great assistance in clinical teaching, is so much appreciated by ex-members of his own house staff, who now number over 225, and also the thousands of medical men who hold the certificates of Toronto General Hospital, signed by his well-known signature.



THE Ontario Medical Association will begin its twenty-fifth annual meeting on the morning of Tuesday, June the 6th, under the presidency of Dr. Wm. Burt, of Paris.

A programme full of papers of an exceedingly interesting character has been secured through the efforts of the energetic Committee on Papers. Beside the large number of local men who will participate, the Committee feels itself honored in being able to announce papers to be read by two men from across the line who have distinguished themselves in their special fields of work—Dr. A. J. Ochsner, of Chicago, the eminent surgeon, and Dr. W. B. Pritchard, of New York, the neurologist associated with the post-graduate hospital of that city.

The Committee on Arrangements will provide for a few hours of entertainment to relieve the strenuous programme. This will take the form of a tea at the Ontario Medical Library on Tuesday afternoon, at which the men from outside the city will be able to see the newly acquired home of the library and have an opportunity for a social hour together. On Wednesday evening an informal gathering will be held in the Biological Buildings, at which a

pleasurable entertainment of a scientific and social character will be provided, taking the place of the burdensome luncheon which has heretofore held sway. Friends from the province are requested to bring their wives with them and help the city men with their ladies make this a most enjoyable evening. The proceedings will be quite informal, and it is not desired that anyone bring his dress. suit to adorn the occasion.

The fact that the post-graduate course of the medical faculty and the meeting of the executive health officers of the province immediately precede these Sessions, should ensure the largest attendance in our history. Even though that seems assured, the value of these Sessions to the younger practitioners should not be forgotten and should ensure a large attendance of young men.

Any association which, through a quarter-century of existence, has steadily striven for absolute fairness and justice as between man and man for high professional ideals and the well-being of society, has in it the elements of perpetual strength and deserves the support of every man, and especially of the younger men, who will most be profitted by the conditions which the Society has been largely effectual in securing.


McConnell-Lister. The marriage of Miss Frances Charlotte Lister, daughter of the late Mr. Justice Lister and of Mrs. Fred. Lister, of 92 Spadina road, to Dr. John Herbert McConnell, of 625 Dundas street, took place at the Church of the Redeemer on April 19th. The Rev. Septimus Jones performed the ceremony, and Mr. Tusham, organist of the church, rendered the musical part of the service.

A Doctor's Dog-cart for Sale.-Any physician wishing to purchase, for less than one-half of the cost, an open two-wheel dogcart, should address a postal card to Box 23, CANADIAN JOURNAL OF MEDICINE, Toronto. The cart has lancewood shafts, full Collinge axles, trimmed in English all-wool green cloth, and was built by the well-known firm of John Burns & Sons, Toronto. It cost $275.00, and can be bought for less than half if taken at once.

A New Physicians' Supply House in Toronto.- Messrs. Chandler, Ingram & Bell take this opportunity of informing the profession that on May 1st they purchased the entire retail business of Chandler & Massey, Limited, for the Province of Ontario and the Yukon Territory. They will carry a complete line of physicians' and hospital supplies and guarantee the best goods at lowest prices consistent with quality. The accurate filling and prompt shipment of all mail or other orders will receive their closest attention. They have located in their new premises, Yonge Street and Wilton Ave, where they will be pleased to see any of their friends.

Special Fire Precautions at Toronto General Hospital. Toronto General Hospital has made special arrangements with the Wilton Avenue section of the fire department, whereby an officer from that station makes bi-weekly visits to the hospital and superintends the fact that all fire appliances are in thorough working order. A separate city fire alarm box is in the main hall, 252, with speaking tubes and direct telephonic communication with every building and every flat.

Canadian Doctors in Control-Dr. Geo. Chene, of Windsor. and Dr. G. W. Robinson, of Scarboro, were recently appointed house surgeons of St. Mary's Hospital for two years. Dr. Chene is a graduate of Toronto University. The medical and surgical staff of St. Mary's is now entirely Canadian. Dr. McLean, head surgeon, being a native of St. Mary's, Ont., and Dr. McIntyre, assistant, of Forest. St. Mary's Hospital is one of the largest in the city It is under Roman Catholic control, but non-sectarian in its benefits.

Canadians who Graduated in Edinburgh.-The Evening Despatch, Edinburgh, of April 3rd, gives a list of the successful candidates taking the quarterly examinations of the Board of the Royal College of Physicians and the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, and Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons, Glasgow. Of forty-five candidates entered for the examination, twenty-four passed and were admitted L.R.C.P.E., L.R.C.S.E.. and L.F.P., and S.G., and it is interesting to Canadians to note that of these twenty-four successful men six were from Canada. Their names are: Edgar Rae Frankish and Wilmot Alvin Graham, Toronto; Henry James Duff Davidson. Frederick William Green, Alfred Harold Singleton, and Alexander Thomas Munroe.

Post Graduate Course at McGill. The tenth regular course of instruction for post graduate students will be given by the Faculty of Medicine of McGill University during the month of June, 1905. The course will begin on Monday, June 5th, and will be carried on until Friday, June 30th. This year it has been decided by the Faculty to depart somewhat from the lines upon which the course has been conducted in the past. The principle adopted in framing the work for this session, is to make each course optional, attaching thereto a special fee. The applicant, after paying the initial registration fee, is entitled to select the courses which seem to be best suited to his needs. The programme, speaking broadly, includes general clinics and special courses, the latter having been added this year, in order to meet the wishes of those who desire work along special lines. In addition In addition to stated to stated special courses. if a sufficient number of men-three or more desire special instructions in any one subdivision of a subject, they may secure it by applying to the head of the department concerned, or to the Registrar. A course will then be arranged according to their wishes, as far as is possible, and a special fee will be charged. A registration fee of $5 will be charged each student.

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