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Now, we do hereby declare our | it into Gold, as soon as they can; opinion, that all such meetings are most people expect a dreadful illegal, as having a manifest and crash before Christmas. I think direct tendency to a breach of the it is likely enough, though, it alpeace, which it is our duty to proways will come like a thief in the night. Therefore, again I say, We therefore caution all persons get gold, and keep gold.


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not to attend any such meetings, nor in any respect to be induced, by the wicked and mischievous, to engage in proceedings which must bring upon them all the consequences attending such illegal conduct.

Given under our hands this 15th July, 1826.




New Bailey Court House.



I SHALL Soon have for sale, at my shop, No. 183, Eleet-street, the first Number of a little Work, under the above title. I intend it to contain about six Numbers, at - I cannot help laughing at this Two-pence a Number, to be pubdoctrine about tendency to a lished Monthly. I intend it to be breach of the peace. TEN- the Companion of the Working DENCY to a breach of the Classes, giving them useful INPeace. This is the Manchester FORMATION and ADVICE, adapted doctrine invented by Parson HAY. to their present difficult situation; These fellows talk of "6 outrage and especially I intend it as the and insubordination," and they means of teaching them how To always seem to think that this AVOID SUFFERING FROM HUNGER! "insubordination," as they call I intend to explain clearly to them it, is worse than outrage. "In- their rights and their duties.subordination" is a military Applications from the country phrase, the law knows nothing should be made without delay. of insubordination; and, indeed, I shall give one copy of each Manchester knows very little Number to every working family about law in the meanwhile in Preston, as a mark of my grathere does appear to have been titude for their great kindness toMeetings of men armed, or pretty wards me, and also as a mark of nearly armed; and there appears my admiration of their sense and besides, as we have seen above, their public spirit. The First no very anxious desire, in the for- Number will be published on the merly Aristocratic newspapers, to First of August, and the other prevent it; that is to say, to pre- Numbers on the First of every vent risings of any sort. There- succeeding Month. Six ACTS will fore, let those who have any thing not let me publish in the middle of that they can turn into Gold, turn a Month.


it originated with the gentlemen, and is signed by eight most respectable gentlemen and fourteen clergymen. The second is from the Preston Charitable Society, at a meeting held July 2d, 1826. The third is from the Preston Catholic Beneficent Society, composed of about 240, at a meeting held July 3d, 1826. The fourth is from a Catholic Friendly Society, consisting of 347 members, at their annual meeting, held at the Shuttleworth's Arins, Broughton Four-lane-ends, near New

A MORE infamous part has seldom been acted by newspaper fellows than that acted by the Morning Herald fellow who reported from PRESTON, or by the Proprietor, THWAITES. Numer-House Chapel, on the 4th of July,

ous instances of this might be mentioned; but I shall here confine myself to one; namely, the vile and wilful and atrocious slander

1826. This address was signed by the President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Stewards, and Secretary, in behalf of the Society; and by ten Catholic Clergymen, who attended the meeting.

ments, I hope no impartial or liberal After the perusal of these documind can entertain the slightest I doubt of the utter falsehood of the statements in the Morning Herald

on MR. MARSH. This gentleman published an answer in the PRESTON CHRONICLE, which, though much longer than this vile news-and Globe newspapers, that "Mr.

paper was worthy of, I shall insert here.

To the Editor of the Preston


Marsh is a retired Priest, whose company is declined by his own brethren," or, in other words, that I am a suspended Priest, a disgrace to my cloth and a scandal to my profession. The falsehood of the above statement as to iny character being MR. EDITOR-In the letter I ad- thus established, justice to my friends dressed to you last week, I promised obliges me to notice another equally to enter more fully into a vindication false assertion, "that Mr. Marsh atof my character from the false, base, tempted to address the Mayor." I and calumnious attacks of the Morn- hereby most solemnly and most poing Herald and Globe newspapers of sitively declare, and would affirm it the 24th June. Since then many on my oath in a court of justice, worthy and respected friends have were I called upon, and were it neanticipated my intentions; and have cessary, that so far from attempting addressed me in terms so creditable to address the Mayor on that occasion, to my character, as greatly to sur-I never even entertained the most pass my utmost expectations. No distant idea of such an attempt, nor language can express my grateful had I the least wish or desire of adfeelings towards all those, who have so generously come forward in my defence on this occasion. I send you the original addresses, and request your insertion of such as your columns will admit. The first is from the Catholic gentlemen and clergy residing in my neighbourhood;

dressing the Mayor. In order to confirm this assertion it will be necessary to state the circumstances which took place on that occasion. After the bustle and confusion caused by the bludgeon men breaking into Mr. Stanley's tally box, one man appeared in front of the hustings with

his head and face besmeared with that I had not been on the hustings blood. He flourished his bludgeon since Monday, this being Thursday. in defiance, and at length disappear. After some conversation with Capt. ed. At this time, Mr. Birchall, De- Colquitt, I left the Hustings. At the puty Clerk of the Peace, and one of same time two gentlemen withdrew, Capt. Barrie's law agents, addressed whom I had observed near me all the me in the following terms:-Mr. B. morning, but with whom I was not "I appeal to you Mr. Marsh, as a in the least acquainted. As we passed respectable gentleman, what was the front of the Exchange, one of the colour of that man's staff?" them thus addressed me, "Really, Mr. M. "I did not observe the "Sir, I never heard such a shameful colour, Sir. Mr. B. Did not "and unprovoked attack on any genobserve, the colour, astonishing!""tleman, as the Mayor has made on Mr. M.I really did not, Mr." you to-day, I am astonished you Birchall: I was so shocked with the "did not make a reply." I anappearance of the man's head and swered that I considered silence the face covered with blood, that I paid most prudent on that occasion, but no attention to the staff or its co- that I intended to take some other lour." Mr. Birchall then withdrew opportunity for reply. to the other end of Capt. Barrie's Having candidly stated the above box, and as I thought, seemed to facts, I shall make a few remarks on question my veracity. Anxious to the intemperate and hasty assertions remove so unfavourable and false an of the Mayor, who stated that my impression from Mr. Birchall's mind, attendance at the hustings was for I leaned over the bar that separated the purpose of creating confusion; Mr. Cobbett's from Capt. Barrie's that I was a disgrace to my profesbox; and was stating to Mr. Birchall, sion, and that he believed many of who I rather think did not hear me, my friends admitted it. As to my as he was at the other end of Capt. attendance at the hustings, with the Barrie's box, that if I saw the man exception of three days, the first, the again I would take notice of the co- third, and the twelfth, I never relour of his staff, and give him the mained there above an hour; on one desired information. Whilst stating occasion not five minutes. On many the above to Mr. Birchall, one of the days I never appeared at the hustings, bailiffs thus addressed me: "Are as I had heard that the attendance you a townsman?"—"No, Sir," of Catholic Priests in Mr. Cobbett's "Are you an elector?"-"No, Sir,' ," box was particularly annoying to the "Then you have no business here!" Mayor. On Wednesday, the 21st of On this wise and impartial announce- June, the eleventh day of the elecment of the law of election by the tion, I was in Preston, but not at the Bailiff, the people exclaimed, "Peter hustings. The court of election was Horrocks is neither a townsman nor adjourned that day, I believe, about an elector; you do not speak to him; two o'clock, instead of five or six. you do not turn him out." This ex-This extraordinary occurrence in clamation appears not to have reached the ears of the impartial reporter; at least he takes no notice of it. The questions of the bailiff I suppose attracted the notice of the Mayor, who immediately addressed me in no measured language; and in terms nearly similar to the newspaper report. My only reply was, Yes, Sir; No, Sir; accompanied with a respectful bow to his Worship, and an assertion,

Preston was the general topic of conversation with all parties during the evening. Curiosity and anxiety was at the height.-Curiosity, and I hope not a blameable curiosity in such circumstances, induced me to attend the opening of the hustings on Thursday morning, to hear the remarks of the candidates on the subject. Bustle, confusion, protests, and remonstrance, were the order of the

New House, July 6th, 1826.

day: the battle of words was suc-you, Mr. Editor, by your obedient ceeded by the more direful battle of servant, J. B. MARSH, bludgeons; the Mayor, the Bailiffs, the candidates, their friends were alarmed-many took to flight; the aid of the military was again im

near Preston.

plored; I was appealed to by Mr. To the Rev. J. B. Marsh, New House, Birchall; the Mayor attacked me by vilifying my character, and assuming to himself the right of penetra- Rev. Sir, Having observed in the ting into my intentions. I again reports of the proceedings at the affirm that curiosity was the sole Preston Election, given in the Morncause of my attendance on that oc- ing Herald and the Globe and Tracasion. So far from desiring to pro- veller newspapers, a paragraph from mote disturbance, I did my utmost which the following is an extract:that morning to appease the wrath of" In the mean time Mr. Marsh, a one of Mr. Cobbett's voters, who," retired Catholic Priest, whose sohaving lost his certificate, was re- "ciety is declined by his own brefused another without an order from the Mayor; his application to the Mayor was unavailing, and he was in consequence deprived of his vote. This man was very indignant, he even advanced into Captain Barrie's box; I did my utmost to pacify him, and to induce him to retire peaceably, which he at last did, I believe with Mr. Faithful, Mr. Cobbett's solicitor. As to the Mayor's attack on my character, after the public manner in which my friends have come forward in my defence, I shall not add another word.

"thren," We, the undersigned Roman Catholics, resident in your neighbourhood, cannot refrain from expressing our surprise and regret at the calumnious insinuation thus levelled against your character.

motives which have dictated such Without entering at all into the an unjustifiable mis-statement, but which from political feeling, we are of opiappear to have arisen solely nion that we cannot answer the libel more effectually than by subscribing our names, and thus testifyBefore I conclude this letter, I ing our esteem of your character both take the opportunity of stating that as a clergyman and a gentleman.

towards Mr. Grimshaw I feel no personal animosity; I endeavoured to attribute his attack upon my conduct and character to a warmth of feeling, to accidental excitement, and to momentary irritation. My religion forbids me to entertain rancorous or uncharitable sentiments towards any individual. Observing that no mention was made of this attack upon me in either of the Preston papers, I had resolved to take no public notice of the occurrence, but to consider and treat it as an election squabble. The subsequent false and calumnious statements in the London papers, obliged me to appeal to the public in vindication of my character, which is the sole object of this letter addressed to

We are, Rev. Sir,

Your obedient Servants,

Rev. J. Dunn

Rev. J. G. Morris Preston.
Rev. J. Bird,

Rev. S. Day, Clayton Green.
Rev. Francis Trappes, Preston.
Rev. George Brown, Lancaster.
Rev. Thomas Crowe, Thurnham.
Rev. James Sharples, Blackburn.
Rev. Richard Gillow, Fernyhalgh.
Rev. H. Brewer, Brownedge.
Rev. Richard Albott, Lea.
Rev. J. G. Weston, South Hill.
Rev. Thomas Caton, Cottam.
Rev. T. Reeve, Chipping.
J. Dalton, Esq., Thurnham.
F. Middelton, Esq., Preston,
Jos. Bushell, Esq., Preston.

W. Riddell, Esq., Preston. T. F. Brockholes, Esq. Claughton. F. F. Brockholes, Esq., Claughton. F. Fitzherbert, Esq., Claughton. R. Gillow, Esq., Clifton Hill. G. Weld, Esq., Leagrim. June 30th, 1826.

The Members of a Friendly Society, amounting in number to 347, assembled at their annual meeting, held this day, at the Shuttleworth Arms, Broughton four-lane-ends, (near to New House Chapel,) take this opportunity of stating their regret and astonishment at hearing a passage in the Globe and Traveller London paper, dated June 24th, 1826, reflecting most seriously on the character of the Rev. J. B.

Marsh, the present incumbent of New House Chapel: they feel themselves called upon to say that the publication is a false, calumnious, and unmanly attack. That during a period of sixteen years they have individually and generally known. him that as a clergyman, he has been a good pastor to his flock, and in private life his conduct has been such as to gain the good wishes and respect of all those who have the pleasure of his acquaintance. Signed, in behalf of the Society, Thos. Singleton, President. Henry Green, Vice President. Nicholas Gillett, Treasurer. Thomas Wareing? Stewards.

Wm. Threlfall

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Preston, July 3d, 1826.

Society, composed of about 240 At a meeting of the Beneficent members, held at the Shelley Arms, the following resolution was proposed, and unanimously carried :—

This society have heard that a passage has appeared in the " Morning Herald" and "Globe and Traveller "London newspapers, reflecting upon the character of the Rev. J. B. March, of New House Chapel. Having had a knowledge of the character of the said Rev. Gentleman for a number of years, we feel it our duty to make this our statement, that he has always been respected as a clergyman, and has at all times conducted himself as a gentleman.

Signed, in behalf of the Society, by

Rich. Fairclough, President.
Rich. Melling, Vice President.
John Melling, Stewards.
Thos. Simpson,

the Preston Charitable Society, held At a meeting of the members of at the Shelley Arms, July 2d, 1826, the following resolution was proposed and unanimously carried:-

The Members of this Society having heard a paragraph in the "Globe and Traveller" London newspaper, reflecting upon the character of the Rev. J. B. Marsh, of New House Chapel, think it their duty to state that this Rev. Gentleman has resided in this neighbourhood for sixteen years; during which period we have no hesitation in stating that his conduct as a clergyman in the situation he filled at Lea, for ten years, and in that of New House, which he at present occupies, has been irreproachable; and in private life it has been such, that those who know him hold him in the highest estimation.

Signed on behalf of the Members of the Society, by

T. CARTER, President.

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