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The consta

[From the Morning Herald, June 24.] that position for some time. By Preston, Friday Morning, 23 June. degrees some of the fugitives Ahout half-past ten o'clock a slowly returned, and vented their party of the First Dragoon Guards wrath in coarse expressions against dashed into the street, galloping the soldiers. The women assailand flourishing their swords. The ed them with every sort of offen-trampling of their horses-the sive epithet; but officer and men glittering sabres and helmets of behaved with excellent temper the hardy-looking warriors, had and forbearance. the effect of an apparition upon bles, who were now restored to the multitude. They dispersed in authority, went into the crowd consternation; some threw down and apprehended, without resist their bludgeons-others ran to se-ance, a number of those whom crete them in some neighbouring they had already marked out as....... depository. The women, who are the most active of the mob luring extremely active, and may be the morning, whom they brought said, indeed, to be the chief in-into Mr. Cobbett's door. Ninestigators of all the riots which have teen persons were taken up, and taken place here, perhaps calcu- being hand-cuffed two by two, lating on the impunity which their were marched off to the House of sex affords them, remained still, Correction, a considerable dis

and called out to the bludgeon-tance, accompanied by an escort

men to stand and not lose the of dragoons.

day. Captain Polhill (by the

way, a nephew to the candidate

Preston, Monday Night, June 26. 、 As soon as the clock struck

of that name who contested the late Southwark election) commanded the party of dragoons. three, there was a tremendous They stopped and formed in front shout in the area in front of the of Mr. Cobbett's door, and kept hustings. The Mayor, then an

nounced the state of the poll, first appearance and first expres

and declared Mr. Stanley and Mr. Wood to be duly elected,

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after which the acclamations were increased..

Mr. STANLEY then proceeded

sions made on your minds. I am gratified to think that I am not: only at the head of the poll, but at the head with such an overwhelming majority. I am nearly.

to the front of the hustings, amidst one thousand above my nearest

competitor, and have polled more voters by one thousand than ever were polled by any candidate in

friends still who have come up to poll in my behalf.—(Hear, hear.)) To all my friends, whether they have polled or not, I return my best thanks-thanks, I assures

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the loudest acclamations. As soon as silence was restored, he addressed the multitude to the following effect-Ge: tlemen-At Preston before; but besides that the close of an election unparal-I have at hand a great number of: leled in this town, not only for its duration, but for the actual fumber of votes polled, I have great difficulty in expressing my feelings of gratitude for the warm, cordial, generous, and I might them, that flow from the bottom of almost say, unanimous support a warm and grateful heart.---- › which I have received from this (Cheers.) I cannot disguise, how➡> town. Many years since I be-ever, that I feel a peculiar diffi came acquainted with Preston. A culty at this moment in addressing number of years ago I expressed you, not on my own account, but my determination to offer myself on account of the Gallant Cap to your notice the first favourable tain on my right. The language opportunity; and. I feel pecu- of triumph must always be harsh liarly flattered that your experi- and grating to the ears of the unence of my public and private successful candidate. I should character has not diminished the not wish to hurt the feelings of favourable impression which my any man; and, least of all, thes

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feelings of that Honourable and impossible for me to have used Gallant Officer, whom I am proud any influence, and that I have to call my friend-for a more ho- all along deprecated those meanourable, a more brave, and sures which caused interruptions, more upright man than Capt. or prevented the whole of the Barrie does not exist. (Loud electors from coming forward cheering.) I have received marks fairly and freely to give their of kindness from him which enti- votes. I said at first, and I have tle him to the warmest place in kept my word, that I would split my heart, and proud I am to ex-with no party. I acted impar. press my sentiments. I should be the last person to say any thing that could hurt his feelings, or the feelings of his friends, for the

tially towards each party, and only regret that the election has not been brought to such a full conclusion as might satisfy the minds of every one of the voters.

measure to that effect, and I defy any man to say that I have favoured any measure, or any at

utmost good will and gentlemanly conduct have, from the beginning, I have uniformly advocated every existed between the two parties. Another circumstance I regret exceedingly the unsatisfactory conclusion of the poll; for there re-tempt that could interrupt the main doubts on the minds of many, proceedings. Captain Barrie, as to the issue, if all the voters had been polled. Many believe that the sentiments of a great number of the electors have not been distinctly seen.-(Cries of hear, hear.) This I regret, and you will do me the justice to say, that it has not been caused by

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though he has lost, will have the satisfaction of reflecting that he has stood out the contest like a brave and gallant sailor, as he is.

(Groans and applause.) He came late, he came not so well prepared as some of us, he has sunk at last, but he sunk without

striking, and went to the bottom

with his colours flying-(Bravo! as follows:-Gentlemen, there bravo! and disapprobation.) I are moments in every man's life, will not detain you by recapitu- when he feels it difficult to give lating my political opinions. I utterance to the sentiments with stated them at the commencement, which his breast is filled. The and the opinions I once adopt, I first of those sentiments with which not quickly abandon. I have I am animated is gratitude toalways openly avowed them on wards you for the exertions which the three great leading questions; you have made in my favour, and and consequently it is unneces- which have at last placed me in sary to repeat them at the final the proud situation of one of your close of the election. I now take representatives in Parliament.leave of you, and thank you all Gentlemen, you have nobly fulmost cordially for the kindness filled the promises which you and support which I have received. I will not make pro

have made to me when first I offered myself to you, and it only remains for me to fulfil to you the promises I made to you, in my new capacity as your representative. I am well aware of the aw

mises, because I do not count much on promises; but I call upon you to judge by my future actions, whether or no I serve you faithfully and truly.-(Great ful responsibility which attaches applause.)

to such a character, particularly when it has devolved on one who ventured to come forward, not on any personal merit, but entirely

Mr. STANLEY having withdrawn to his place at the back of the hustings, Mr. Wood then came forward at the call of the people, and to the front of the hustings, whose boast it ever will be that amidst the greatest acclamations. he has been the humble instruAs soon as the applause had sub-ment of achieving the people's sided, he addressed the electors triumph. I shall endeavour to

show my gratitude, not by words, of victory, that would hurt the

feelings of those who have been unfortunate in the contest. 1 have constantly told you that I

but by my votes and acts. Gentlemen, I hope that it is not necessary for me to recapitulate my opinions; but I will say that, if thought my adversary was mis

any stie can arise from honesty taken that he was not the less


and consistency of opinion, I have reason to expect that I shall long maintain my connexion with the people of Preston. I cannot, like Mr. Stanley, appeal to the acts of my public life-whatever little of my conduct is entitled to the name of public has been spent amongst

you, when, eight years ago, my friend Dr. Crompton offered him

self to your choice. Since that

time I have been the object of the recollection, and I hope of some

lingering affections, amongst you;

but I little thought the kindness

and perseverance of the people of

Preston would have so soon real

ized in my favour those projects of ambition, which I had scarcely

ventured myself more than to

dream of. I agree with Mr.

Stanley in saying that I, as well

as he, would be the last man to

honest because he differed in opinion with me. I may be mistaken as well as he, and I only hoped that I should be judged by him with the same charity which I extended towards him. Gentlemen, you have triumphed in a just and righteous cause, and that cause I am sure you will not sully by any harsh language or insult, ing gestures. You will recollect that on the first day of the elec tion I endeavoured to obtain silence, when one of the candidates, whom you did not wish to hear, wanted to address you-I begged of you to give him a hearing. With, respect to another topic, I can only say with Mr. Stanley, that I too was always anxious that the whole of the electors

should be polled out. My canvass was most complete, and if

say or do any thing in the moment the polling had gone on another

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