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paper into the London papers) is the land? What! Do not the of a subscription by the slaves of "starving weavers" know that the part of that Island, for the relief land is bound to keep them from of the English working-people.

(From the Public Advertiser of Jamaica, June 12.)

starving! What need have they of "charity"? The law gives

them a maintenance out of the land, if they cannot lawfully get it in any other way; and, it takes in, not only all the land in their own parish, but of other parishes also, if that in their own parish

Why, then, are people of the

We bin berry sorry for yerry Massa read in him paper torra day dat dem poor buckra in a Ingland no hab bittle foo nyam. Cum massa nega make we all put down little or much foo send dem for you no sabby dem make behbraba suntin foo we, dem hin make one paper 63 foot long foo be not sufficient. we free mans; but dem buckra fool the unfortunate too much, dem call we Slave.-Goramity, dem no bliged foo work foo | North to be insulted by charitable dem Massa 16 hours ebery day, and donations from boxers and ne no can get bittle foo nyam poor sauntings!!! We will beg Massa foo send de money in de packet foo de poor tings beffore dem ded wid hungry bellie and we beg ebery Nega in dis yere cuntry foo do de same.

The names of one hundred and twenty-two subscribers we will give to-morrow, and we heartily wish that every individual in the empire would follow the laudable example here set for them; how soon would they subscribe a sufficient sum to alleviate the distresses of the unfortunate “operatives" in England!!! We understand that the money subscribed, amounting to 271. 4s. 2d will be sent home by the present packet free of expense.

Now, it is possible that this is a Jamaica joke; but it is a most cutting joke, and one that is very well calculated to expose the fools or knaves, and sometimes both in the same person, who have been bawling out for negro emancipation. But what a scene is here!

Where are the poor-rates? Where



(From the Morning Herald.) Of all human beings, a Patriot, by profession is the most difficult to please. If we are to have a dispute, churchman, a religionist, but save us give us a Tory-give us a courtier, a from a red-hot patriot. He is constantly speaking of the services he has rendered his country, of the triumph of his principles and public virtue, yet he is often the greatest despot in existence. So long as you flatter his vanity, report his speeches at full length, interlard them at every other sentence with "loud cheers," "immense applause," deafening applause," and represent him as the most virtuous and patriotic of men, he will be on the best terms with you, and even praise you for your discern



But if you find fault with him in any way whatever; if you do not place all his good qualities in the fullest light; if you do not say that all eyes are turned towards him, and hundreds, and thousands, and hundreds of thousands are trusting to his individual exertion; that Government itself cannot go on

without him: in short, if you do not worship him as a god, and flatter him more than any other human being, he becomes your bitterest enemy, and will do every thing in his power, openly or covertly, to injure you. No language can be too violent for his purpose; no punishment can equal the offence.



THE "INSTRUCTOR" is exceedingly puzzled, just at this moment. It does not know what

Indeed, Mr. THWAITES! Then to anticipate. It has been so this: "patriot" is really worse soused about by me; so exposed; than any thing that you have so discredited; so baffled; and, named. But, if your charge indeed, its profits have been so against the man whom you evi- much diminished, that it does not dently mean to point out, should know what to do. It naturally be wholly false: if he, never in loves the paper-system; its very his whole life, called himself a existence depends on it; and, patriot;" if he would, at any yet, being afraid, that it will give time, almost as soon have been

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way, it is balancing whether to stick to it, or not. It has seen

flung down a chalk-pit as to have praised you if he never found the system in such a perilous

fault with you for your silence way, that it is afraid to seem to be with regard to him, nor even for attached to it. But, whenever your disagreement with him; if there arises a gleam of hope for it were your lies, your unprovok- the system, see how the best and ed calumnies on himself and on basest Instructor turns about, and his friends; and if it were evi- falls to praising the system. dent to him and to all persons ac- Their REMEDIES for the disquainted with the matter, that tress are, however, the things these lies, these calumnies, that most delight me. They are, sprang from the basest of all pos- indeed, good upon the causes; as, sible motives: then he was right for instance, TORRENS ascribes in using the harshest of language the unfortunate loans to South towards you; and, if you had any America to ...... what, think other than bodily feeling, he you? To the Corn Bill! "To would be right in inflicting pun-the Corn Bill!" exclaims the ishment on you of the severest reader, "what, then, is TORRENS kind.

mad ?" Mad! no: at least no madder than the rest of them; for

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DOCTOR BLACK of the "CHRONI- of any " class lower than that CLE" says that Dr. TORRENS of to which he himself belongs? the "GLOBE" is quite correct in Good God! To give away cotton Come, come," goods, in order to make the trade

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this opinion."
says the reader," you do not
mean seriously to say, that they
"really contend that it was the
"Corn Bill that caused people


to lend money to the South "Americans?" But, I do, though; and I positively assert, that TORRENS's assertion to this effect, and Dr. BLACK's subscribing to it, will be found in the Chronicle

of 21st July 1826. "What! the Corn Bill make people buy Colombian Bonds !" Yes:

flourish! To buy the goods up by subscription, and give them away in charity, to an amount equal to an export trade!

But after all, employment is the one thing needful. Laudable as public and private charity is, we should be sorry to see our labouring population depending upon it for support. It is by an abuse of the Poor-Laws in this respect that the independent spirit of the people has been in so many instances broken down.

In what "respect," good Mr. un-THWAITES? In what respect, I

qualifiedly, yes. "Well, then," say, is it by an abuse of the poorexclaims the reader, the Devil laws, that the " independent spirit take the fellows!" To which " of the people has been broken should be tempted to say, AMEN," down?" In what "respect?" did I not recollect the lenient sen


tence which, according to SWIFT, is to be the lot of fools.

Delightful, however, as their causes are, their remedies are still more delightful. Let us take a few of THWAITES's, as a speci


Next to the supply of food to meet the most pressing wants of nature, we do not know of any more laudable way in which private benevolence could be employed, than in dealing out clothing to the lower classes wherever it is wanting, which would go further even than any export trade to diminish the immense stock of cotton goods now on hund.

And besides, is there, Mr. THWAITES, in the four or five millions of paupers, now in England, one single creature who has less of " independent spirit" than you and your brethren of the broad sheet?

Are there not useful public works in which multitudes of people might of which the public money might be be employed, and in the promotion well, bestowed? Might not rivers be made navigable, new roads constructed, mountains cut through, and various other projects made available, all of enrich the community? which would, in the end, benefit and

What, then, Mr. THWAITES,

Does THWAITES happen to know you perceive, do you, either that

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the government collects more mo-, nor sense in what they say. Most ney than it wants for present pur- of them are constantly looking out poses; or that it would be advise- for the popular persuasion, or able for it to collect more money opinion of the day; and, then, than it now collects? You cer- when they think they have distainly wrote this after dinner, Mr. covered it, they follow it, and sell THWAITES. foolish, or very shallow people, their own erroneous opinions! Thus the public is kept blunder

In the mean time, we would earnestly implore such of our suffering artizans as these observations may reach, to be upon their guard against ing along from error to error; and those incendiaries who, would betray thus we get deeper and deeper in them into excesses which can only

increase their own immediate misery, embarrassments and distress. and with it the means of diminishing


What" incendiaries," Mr. MANCHESTER AFFAIRS. THWAITES? Have you got the

names of any of them? Sad luck

THE Morning Chronicle, of tofor you, not to be able to get up day (Thursday) says: "We have a rebellion, nor even a riot! But," received the following commuwhy should the "artizans" be on "nication from our Manchester their guard against "incendia-" Correspondent. Our readers ries," who would lead them into" will see that the unemployed "( excesses," "if these excesses" population of Manchester and would, as you say they would, "the neighbourhood cannot be "increase the means of diminish- " maintained many days longer ing their own immediate miserý?" "without the aid of the Poors' What strange "excesses "these Rates. The feeling seems to "incendiaries" must lead people into! Excesses which increase the misery; and which, at the same time, increase the means of diminishing the misery!

Such, reader, is the rubbishy stuff which proceeds from Mr. BROUGHAM'S "best possible public instructor." The writers seem, half their time, as if they were drunk. There is neither reason

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be, that it is impossible to go on "longer with subscriptions. This "is a momentous revolution."

What! "Momentous revolution"! What, then, would you have the people die, lie down and die? Indeed they will not. "Revolution" is it! Why, a great part of my business in the North, was to place well in the minds of the people, that they had a right to



Funds." As it was notified that the

the land, as far as was necessary poor, was held yesterday at the into keep them from suffering from stance of the Boroughreeve, "For purpose of taking into consideIn every town, where I spoke to the people, I told them ration the very reduced state of the to be prepared for still worse trade Sub-Committee would present their and lower wages; but I told them, Seventh Report, and great interest in every town, to go to the land; was naturally excited by the importI told them that the law gave them ance of the subject they were called the land, as far as was necessary together to consider, the attendance to their sustenance. I told them of the Members of the General that it was their duty to work and Committee was numerous. The Remaintain themselves, if they could port having been read, the Boroughreeve was asked, whether he had any get wages sufficient for that pur- proposition to submit to the Compose; but, if they could not, the mittec?-He stated that he had not; law ordered it so that they were but that he had deemed it adviseable to have a maintenance out of the to convene them, in order to learn land; and if the lands of their own their opinion as to the course that parishes were not sufficient, the ought to be followed, for the purpose lands of the surrounding parishes; of replenishing their funds. Some and if they were not sufficient, ed their doubts as to the propriety of members of the Committee express then the lands of the whole county; making any further efforts to mainfor that the laws of England, tain the unemployed work-people by founded on natural right and. on public charity. The Poors' Rate was, the laws of God, commanded that in their judgment, the proper fund to no man should starve in the midst which application should at once be of plenty. But this Scotchman made. The distress was not likely calls it a momentous revolution soon to cease, and it was hopeless, for the people to appeal to this they thought, to attempt to raise another subscription in this town, law; this best of all the laws of and the supplies from the methe country. Let us now, how-tropolis would be quite insuffiever, have a look at this account cient to continue beyond a few from Manchester, in which we weeks, the distributions now makshall see our own and vigilant ing by the Sub-Committee. friend, the famous " Borough-the other hand, it was strongly urged, reeve," engaged in other matter than that of " interfering" on the subject of my intended speeches. The following is the account.


that the object for which they had instituted the local fund, viz., to save pauperism those who have, by the from the permanent degradation of circumstances of the times, been thrown out of employment, was Manchester, Tuesday Evening. worthy of another struggle before it This is the great market-day for was wholly abandoned, and that an the manufacturers in this neighbour-appeal should therefore be made to hood. The transactions to-day have the Metropolitan Committee, from been unusually few in number, and whom it was remarked, as a just at much reduced prices. This is the ground of complaint, that only two natural progression, until, by some thousand pounds had yet been remeans, the demand for goods can be ceived for the relief of the people of considerably increased. A Meeting Manchester, though, when the subof the General Committee of the scription was opened at the City of Local Fund, for the relief of the London Tavern, it was evident from

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