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week, my canvass books showed sent. If I am wrong, then I that I had votes sufficient to should be brought to a severe ackeep up a constant supply of count-if I merited it, 'I hope to fair and free suffrages. If there be applauded. (Here Mr. W. have been delays they are not of was about to retire from the front my seeking. Gentlemen, I told of the hustings, when Captain you that whatever I could do Polhill, who was standing in the would be effected by me in Par- Mayor's box, said—" Mr. Wood, liament for your interests; that remember to do what you promised.”

one man could not work miracles

there-but that as far as an active,

Mr.WOOD.-Oh, yes-I forgot';

sedulous attention to any business but I intended to speak from my

which you may wish to carry on in Parliament-so far as a readiness to receive suggestions, instructions, petitions, communications, from you—so far as a strong desire to do you service can make me worth your acceptance, I will prove deserving of it. I said, as Ι say now, that all my votes on the different questions proposed in Parliament, no matter by what quarter they may be proposed, shall be given on the side that will be most conducive to the interests of England. Whenever I give a vote, or take a part in Parliamentary proceedings, I could wish that every elector should be pre

window-but if it is desired, I can do so here.

Captain POLHILL here, if you


The MAYOR.-It is best to do it here.

Mr. WooD then proceededHe had the other night taken an opportunity to reprobate the conduct of some person who, wearing his colours, had insulted a gentleman in a carriage. He did not know at that time that the gentleman so insulted was an officer in the King's Guards.

Captain PоLHILL.-The King's Dragoon Guards.

Mr. WOOD-The King's Dra

lence and injustice used towards my friends. I protested against the validity of the election. That protest is now in the hands of my legal friends, and I shall be disappointed if I do not meet you again in March. Mr. Stanley has

goon Guards, who accompanied | second on the list; I have, howthe detachment that was brought ever, a very respectable minohere for the purpose of preserving rity. I protested against the vio the peace of the town. He would tell them plainly, that he had joined the other candidates in requesting the Mayor to send for the military, and those who could throw stones or insult that officer, had acted most disgracefully. If those wearing his colours thought said, that though shattered and they consulted his interest, they weather-beaten, I had fought to, were mistaken-they were a dis-the last, and gone down with In March you grace to the colours they wore. flying colours.

His cause was the cause of truth shall find me the same, and then and justice. By reason and fair I have no doubt of coming off argument let them defend it, and triumphant.-(Loud cheering and they had nothing to fear. Abuse groans.) To those voters, who at he never would descend to. Such the risk of their lives, came up to outrages could only disgrace the vote for me, I have not words to good cause, and sully the success express my thanks. To Mr. Stanwhich they had that day achieved. ley I return my hearty thanks. Captain BARRIE next came for- His conduct all along has been ward, and was received with hisses friendly, and candid, and gentleand groans from a certain part of manly. From the other, and his the multitude. His friends, how- party, I have received nothing ever, cheered him enthusiastically, but insults. (Hear, hear, and and at the request of the Mayor, groans.) Good-bye, Gentlemen, the people listened to him at we shall meet again. - (Loud length with attention. I dreaded, cheering.) said he, all along, the situation of the poll-not from the want of friends-not from want of voters, but from the violence that has been used in preventing them from coming up to the poll. With fair play I could have been this day

The Court was then adjourned, amidst the most boisterous and enthusiastic acclamations.

Captain Barrie returned to his hotel, accompanied by a great number of the most respectable part of the inhabitants, and ad

dressed them shortly from the quietly moved on to see the two successful candidates mount their horses for riding the town.]

window. He had protested, he said, against the election, the protest was in the hands of his legal advisers, and should in due time be brought under the notice of the House of Commons. He had no doubt that the election would be declared void, and that they should see him again in March, and if he gave them his word, they might depend upon it he would keep it.


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In about an hour after the hustings were cleared, the ceremony of the " Riding" took place. The two inns from which the success

ful candidates were to proceed respectively, are opposite to each other; and consequently, those who were to form the processions of each were under the necessity of joining each other, and thus united they formed a very numerous and imposing multitude, It should be observed that early

Captain COLQUITT concluded the scene in words to the following effect:-Gentlemen, you all know that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong. What you have this day witness-in the morning, the following bill

ed proves the truth of the saying.
The cup, however, is not won, and
depend upon it we shall have a
new start. (Laughter.) We shall
start in March. Gentlemen, pre-
pare for the race, and rally round
the man who comes forward in
the cause of the King and Consti-
tution. Ladies, I call upon you
to use your influence. Apply im-
mediately to your husbands and
sweethearts, and tell them if they
vote not for my Gallant Friend,
they shall find no favour in
eyes. You have much in your
power. Do your duty, and then
the victory shall be ours. [The
multitude gave three cheers, and


was posted about the town :—

To the Electors of the Borough of
Preston, professing the Roman
Catholic Religion.

The poll will close this day at
three o'clock, and the result can be
no longer doubtful. You electors
who have been debarred from exer-
cising your undoubted right of vo-
ting at this election, are invited to
join the procession, when the two
successful candidates, Hon. E. G.
Stanley and J. Wood, Esq., are
chaired. You will thus evince your
gratitude to them for their liberal
and honourable conduct, in dispen-
sing with the Oath of Supremacy-
an oath which is so obnoxious to
every conscientious man.
It is pro-
posed to meet in Fox-Street, at three
o'clock; and those who intend to
appear with crimson or scarlet ri
join the procession are requested to



Signed by about thirty-eight of the the melted pomatum, their hair, dishevelled, and their costame

most respectable Catholics in the


In consequence of this announcement, about a thousand of

most laughably disordered.

The procession having performed the usual round of streets

the principal Catholic inhabitants, and squares, returned to the Bull

decorated with crimson scarfs and
rosettes, formed themselves into a
procession, headed by a band of
music and a very elegant flag,

which had emblazoned, on a white
ground, the arms of England.
The flag was trimmed with
and was ornamented with orange
and green rosettes, the colours of
theccessful candidates. Mr.
Stanley's procession advanced
from the Bull Inn, in this order:
A Standard.
Trades with Flags.
District Standards.
Mr. Stanley, on a gray charger, pro-
fusely caparisoned with
orange ribands.

The procession of Catholics, headed
by the Rev. Mr. Morris.
The Friends of Mr. Stanley.
Bands, &c.

It is usual on such occasions that the horse o which the Member rides should be led by men in shirt sleeves, wearing scarfs, and their hair powdered.


The same language would almost describe the riding of Mr. Wood, except that his caparisons.

consisted of green ribands instead of yellow.

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As the respective processions passed the Cas le Inn, Mr. Cobbett appeared at the window from which he usually addresses the people, and as Mr. Stanley's party passed, he gesticulated a litt in a laughing way. As Mr. Wood's procession went by, Mr. Cobbett made some motions to the crowd which accompanied it, that appeared to that Member not intended to be very respectful, for he put on his hat in a signi ficant manner, and took it off when he had gone a little further.

The evening was spent in great rejoicing.

Mr. Stanley left Preston in the course of the evening, unattended by any of the electors.

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On this occasion, too, the grooms appeared in full costume, but unluckily they were not in rea- Mr. COBBETT, about eight diness at the proper time, and o'clock, presented himself at the contented themselves with run-window of his hotel. He came ning as fast as they could a'ter forward with such a placid/smile the procession, all bedewed with-with so much good nature de

picted in his countenance-such gave votes for me when I was an air of ease and happiness, that present, gave plumpers.-These all appeared at once to enter into wort y candidates boast this evenhis feelings, and greeted him with fing, that they have ridden through the most enthusiastic applause. the town; but you all know, that Gentlemen, said he-Gentlemen but for those deal boards and -This day ends four weeks since scantlings I should have been the I came to Preston. It ends a first to ride through the town. calendar month; and I can assure These contemptible creatures have you that that month has been the the baser.ess to say, that they have happiest to me that I ever passed achieved a great victory; but that in my life.-(Applause.) We victory, as they shall find to their have had a tough battle to fight, sad experience, I will soon debut we have stood it out to the stroy.-(Bravo.) I will soon set last. We have not flinched from aside the election, and oust these our posts. Those that boast of half idiots from their seats. The having received your almost una- contemptible creatures have said nimous approbation-those that much about their co'ous, about boast that they are the men of green and ye ow. What signifies your choice, have all sneaked the colour of a candidate? the away by this time, I dare say, or colour is ridiculous. You have will sneak away in the dark. I all heard of some evergreens, the will not sneak away in that man- clippings of which are destructive ner. I will go away in day-light, to man and beast—and one plant and I dare say not one of them that unites the colour of these would venture to go with me.- victorious candidates-the night(Laughter.) One thing I wish to shade-is the most poisonous of impress on your minds-this is plants. G eat laughter.) That no election; it will not stand. If plant has the green and the yellow

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oppose it-if I petition, all is combined, and such a plant in over with them; and petition I time I trust I shall pluck up by the will. Next March, you shall hear roots-(Good lad.) If you could more of the matter; nay, by the submit to be represented by these 5th of February, my petition shall creatures, I should call this the most be before the House. My num-contemptible rotten borough in. bers are low; but you must all England. Lord Derby counts recollect, that most f those that upon one member, and likewise

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