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and above all, the intense interest evidently felt, fully justifies us in what we have done. And, surely, if ever there was a period in our history, when men of all ranks and parties ought to come forward to use their utmost endeavours to rescue their country from the awful calamities which now surround it—that pe

tion which would involve themselves that there will no longer be a necesand others in one common ruin. It sity for the future to apply to this, or is a fact, I believe, well known to all any other of those authorities, who, who hear me, that the great mass of in their attachment to hole-and-corthe people of this manufacturing ner proceedings, have treated this county have long been without the great and enlightened town, as if it necessaries of life, that some have were unworthy the exercise of any died for want, and that tens of thou- | public right.—(Great and continued sands receive a bare existence applause,) from the hands of charity. The public have been long impressed with MR. RICHARD POTTER, prethe belief, that it was imperative vious to moving the Resolution, thus upon the Government to remove addressed the -Meeting:-After the every impediment which obstructs remarks of my friend, your worthy our commerce with the other nations Chairman, it is not necessary for me of the world, and particularly to re- to enter into a justification of the peal those pernicious laws against steps which have been taken (and the importation of corn, the exist- which I am proud to avow, I joined ence of which operates as a double in), to bring about the present meetScourge upon the industrious inha-ing; the number of the inhabitants bitants of this country; first, by de-assembled show high respectability, priving them of a market for the produce of their labour; and, secondly, by enhancing to so exorbitant a price the greatest necessary of life, as to put it out of the power of the labourer and mechanic to obtain for himself and his family their daily bread. In calling together the leypayers only, the Requisitionists were not actuated by any feelings of dis-riod is the present. It should be our respect, or of the incompetency of the business this day to inquire into, and, people at large to deliberate with themselves upon the question before the Meeting; but it was thought that an Address from that portion of the inhabitants which composes this assembly, would, in the present state of things, be more likely to have the desired effect, and that it would disarm the opponents of the measure (if any there be), by showing that the Resolutions which are intended to be passed, were not carried by that part of the population which is labouring under the want of the necessaries of life. The illiberal conduct of the Committee, to whom is intrusted the power of permitting the use of the large room in the Exchange, which has been refused upon this occasion, is scarcely worth naming. In all probability, before another Meeting is required, the Town Hall will be in a state for use; and I congratulate you

if possible, find out those causes of poverty and embarrassment which afflict us; and why a powerful nation like England, meriting happiness and greatness by its high moral character, its skill, its capital, its enterprise, and, above all, by its unwearied industry, is in a state, the most depressed and wretched; more so, I do believe, than any country in the world-not even excepting Ireland; and of your enlightened minds and sound judgment, I am sure, will enter upon the inquiry with that calmness which its importance deserves. The Resolution which I have the honour of submitting to you is to this ef fect:


"1. That this town, and the great manufacturing districts, of which "it is the centre and the mart, are suffering, at the present moment,

true!) There must be something rudically wrong to have produced this state of things; it has been ascribed to various causes-some years ago, to the transition from "war to peace." During the last session of Parliament, we heard of its being caused by over-trading ruinous speculations, an over-issue of paper-money, &c. &c. But one great cause, and, in my opinion, the greatest of them all, and respecting which I trust you will this day express your opinion, was completely lost sight of, viz., over taxation.

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"under the pressure of distress, "which is wholly unexampled in its "extent and duration; which has al"ready brought to insolvency and "ruin, great numbers of manufac"turers and dealers, and merchants, "whose honest acquisitions appeared "to have placed them beyond the "reach of embarrassment; which is "daily augmenting the difficulties of "those whom it has not yet over"whelmed; which has deprived of "all employment many thousands of "skilful and industrious families of "the labouring classes, degrading (Applause.) This was indeed "them into miserable dependants on "the scanty pittance furnished by the "poor-rates, and by charitable relief; "which is continually adding to the "number of those who are so de"pendent; which is, at the same "time, gradually forcing down into "the ranks of the necessitous, many "of the persons by whom those rates "have been paid, and that relief has "been given; and which is thus threatening to involve, in all the "horrors of starvation, this most "thickly peopled portion of the "three kingdoms."


It is fortunate for me, though dreadfully unfortunate for the country, that no oratorical powers are needed to induce you to adopt it, but I will avail myself of the privilege which moving a resolution gives me, to make a few observations. For a number of years back, fluctuations and changes of a most violent nature have taken place; at one time we appeared to be all prosperous and happy; suddenly a cloud arises, and a storm is generated, which, in its descent, overwhelms and destroys all before it. These convulsions have come on periodically, but none of them was ever so distressing, ever so frightful, or caused such general destruction to the trading world as the one under which we have so long suffered; for, from the highest merchant, down to the humblest weaver, all are alike prostrate. (Applause and cries of True!

brought forward by that faithful and indefatigable friend of the people, Mr. Humne, but he could obtain no support, scarcely a hearing on that subject.-(Applause). A question of great importance, the Corn-Laws, will be brought before you by gentlemen far more qualified for the task than I am. I will, not, therefore, occupy any of your time with it. Taxation will, in all probability, by others be entered upon, but I must join my efforts to theirs in endeavouring to direct your attention to this all-important subject. I contend, then, that we are called upon to pay far more than we are able or ought to do, and unless we are speedily relieved by a considerable reduction, this country must sink in the scale of nations,-or, in the emphatic and prophetic language of Earl Grey, "If this were not done (that is, inquiry made into the state of the country, and relief granted) these distresses would come on from time to time, in an aggravated form, and would ultimately produce such a convulsion as he hoped the country might recover from hereafter, but which the present generation could not pass through without producing a degree of suffering which he was not prepared to describe or express." The necessity of a reduction of taxation was, in the spring of 1822, brought before Parliament by that great Statesman, Mr. Brougham, in a motion he made, pledging the House to lessen the burdens of the

people; he concluded a most lumi- the habitations of some of the applinous and able view of the causes cants; those of you who may not which had brought the country into have had such opportunities, can the state it then was in, and which hardly form an idea of the wretched he justly attributed to our vast ex-state to which many of them are rependiture; and declared, "That the duced. I'have, in company with our only hope of relief to the suffering highly respected Chairman, entered classes lay in a determined reduction an apartment, probably three or four of the taxes which oppressed them. yards square, in which we found a The celebrated Mr. Burke, in his man, his wife, and six children, hudfamous speech, delivered near fifty dled together round a few embers. We years ago, on Economical Reform, asked, where is your furniture?— We observed, in glowing language, the have none but what you see, was the misery and ruin which over-taxation reply. And what do you think it was? entailed upon a people. Fortified for seats, a few loose bricks; for bedby such high authority, I again de- ding, a piece of tattered wrappering, clare my firm and solemn conviction, rolled up in a corner, with shavings in that to over-taxation a great part of it; and only one such bed for eight the distress and misery now felt niay persons. We inquired, where is your be attributed. Ministers have either food? Answer We have none, nor gone too far, or not far enough. any means of procuring any. This Free trade, cheap food, and reduction was not a solitary instance. I could of taxes, in our situation, should be detail scores, even still worse than this; simultaneous. When a prudent in- but your feelings and my own would 'dividual finds his income reduced-be too much worked upon, for it and all individuals are, I fear, now would " a tale unfold, whose lightest in this situation-he conforms his word would harrow up your souls." expenditure to that reduction. I ap- (Applause.) Dreadful as their conprehend a similar line of conduct will dition is, it becomes, in point of exapply to countries. The people who tent, comparatively light to what is find the money have a right, and are endured in other parts of the country. surely justified in telling their Go- I have the authority of an extensive vernment, in respectful but firm manufacturer, Mr. Edward Pollard language, that they are no longer in of Burnley, in stating, that out of a a condition, or are willing to pay the population of ten thousand persons, no enormous demands made upon them less than eight thousand of them re-and that they must be consider-ceived relief only last Friday! I have ably reduced leaving to the wisdom also the authority of a gentleman, inof the legislature from and where the capable of exaggeration, who has exretrenchments may be made. You tensive print works in the neighbourare, no doubt, aware of the great dis- hood, in stating, that in no very Itress which, since the commence- extended circuit round Pendle-hill, ment of this year, has prevailed, and there are at least eighty thousand perwhich still continues amongst the sons in a state of the most frightful working class of this town and neigh-destitution, comprehending, probably, bourhood, more particularly with twenty thousand families, most of those employed in the cotton busi- whom still get up in a morning withness. To endeavour to alleviate this, out having the slightest article of food a very liberal subscription has been to eat in their houses, and no certainty entered into by the wealthier part of of obtaining any that day! Good the inhabitants. I was thought wer-GoD! what a state to be in. Imathy to be appointed on the Commit-gine to yourselves, a mother with an tee for distributing this charity, and infant at her breast, crying and in the execution of that duty, have struggling to extract nourishment visited, along with my colleagues, from those sources from whence it

had been accustomed to derive it[Great emotion was here audible in the meeting-tears were given-they could not be withheld from a picture so vivid, yet so true.]—and which, from the mother's deprivations are now dried up. Imagine to yourselves, a father, surrounded by his clamorous and famished children, wailing in vain for food; and then say, if in the midst of misery and wretchedness like this, it is not incumbent upon us to call for the severest economy in the public expenditure, in order that every available means may be adopted to relieve the Country from a state so dreadful.(Great and continued applause.)


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MR. moving the second Resolution, said, in furtherance of the very important purposes for which this Meeting has assembled, I have now the honour to submit to its consideration a motion against the Corn-Laws-(Cheers); and I assure you that I do this with the most perfect satisfaction, because, in my judgment, there is no question of public interest which surpasses in importance that to which this motion refers. Whether we regard the injuries which the existence of the Corn-Laws, under every modification, has inflicted on this country, the inevitable destruction which certainly awaits the continuance of such MR. DAVID HOLT gave his de- would result from its abandonment, a system, or the advantages which cided approbation to the foregoing we cannot fail to be impressed with Resolution, and bore his testimony the conviction that our attention as to the extent of misery and dis- could not be directed to any subject tress just described. He expressed of greater consequence. (Applause.) an opinion that, under present cir- That a system like this should have cumstances, it was not in the power been persisted in, after the mistaken of individual charity to reach as far views and principles in which it ori as the people's necessities, and that ginated had been fully and repeatednothing could impose an effectually exposed-after it had been inconcheck to the present deplorable state testibly demonstrated that it involved of the working classes but some wise the grossest injustice on one part of and powerful act of Government, the community for the advantage of such as those advocated in the Re- another; after it had been shown, solution he seconded. that it presented the most formidaMR. LILLY now addressed the ble obstruction to the general prosassemblage. For some minutes he perity of the country, is a fact, which was listened to with patience. He I shall leave those to reconcile to the began, however, shortly to laud the integrity and the wisdom of Parliameasures of Government, and to ex-ment, who are still like Mr. Lilly bepress a warm confidence in the purity and correctness of ministerial intentions generally. Several mufmurs were heard. The Meeting exhibited symptoms of impatience. It had become known that he was one of the ill-omened cavalry who acted on the 16th of August (this was the 17th,) and he was soon overpowered. The Chairman repeatedly asked a patient hearing; but remembrance, and his pertinacious recurrence to unseasonable language and gratuitous opinion, caused such a tremendous expression of disapprobation, that he was compelled to withdraw.

hind me— (Cheers and laughter)— in the habit of making those qualities of our legislature a constant theme of amplification and praise→→→→ (Loud applause.) With those who thus highly estimate the merits of Parliament, I, for one, altogether disagree.-(Great applause.) I am not, however, disposed on this occasion, to enter upon any general discussion of the merits or demerits of Parliament; but confining myself strictly to the connexion which the charac ter and constitution of that body have with the question before us, I shall say, that its conduct, with re

spect to corn, entitles it not to any being desirous of extenuating the degree of public approbation or con- evils of taxation. Those evils are fidence. (Cheers.) It has now been certainly great; but great as they are, busy upon this subject for the last I trust it inay be easily shown, that two centuries, and in reviewing its they are not fairly chargeable with proceedings during that period I can the monstrous aggravation of justidiscover scarcely any thing but a fying these laws. Whatever taxes constant and anxious endeavour to are now raised in this country are so promote the interests-to gratify the distributed, that they fall with some sordid' feelings, of that particular degree of equality on all descriptions class, of whom, unfortunately for the of commodities;--they fall quite as country, Parliament is almost entirely much on wrought manufactures as composed, to the exclusion on this on agricultural produce, and they subject, of that general consideration cannot, on that account, afford any for the rights and interests of the facilities for the introduction of focommunity at large, which is essen- reign corn. It must be obvious that tial to all just and enlightened legis- in whatever degree we import foreign lation. To raise the price of corn, corn, we must export some other for the purpose of benefiting the article to pay for it; and if taxation growers of that article, seems to me, has operated on all other articles to have been almost the only object equally with corn, the importer of of the numerous laws, which Parlia- foreign corn, receiving his payment ment has enacted for the regulation in those other articles, would be able of the corn trade. Those laws abun- to obtain no more for a given quandantly prove that the corn growers tity of his produce, if he sold it to of this country are also its legisla- us when we were pressed upon by a tors; and that in that capacity, how-heavy taxation, than he would if he ever elevated may have been their sold it to us, and we had no taxes pretensions to disinterestedness and whatever. Supposing our taxation independence, they are not, upon had raised the price of corn 20 per this subject at least, entirely superior cent., the foreign corn grower would to the control of selfish and sinister have an inducement to that amount influence (Great cheers.) As le-to bring his corn hither; but if, at gislators, indeed, the corn growers the same time, our taxation had have acted, as if they had no interests raised the price of every thing else to consult or recognise but their own; as if with all the national authority, all the national welfare was vested in themselves; as if they alone were entitled to float upon society, like Leander on the Hellespont, combining all things in their own body

20 per cent., the foreign corn grower, receiving his payment in commodities at this advanced rate, would be in precisely the same situation as if no such advance had taken place. This reasoning shows that the taxation which enters equally into the price of corn, and into the price of all other things, does not expose the "At once the pilot, passenger, and bark." home grower to the risk of injury (Great applause.) The most pro- from foreign competition. The arminent pretext which is urged in gument, therefore, which the advosupport of the Corn-Laws is, that cates of the Corn-Laws derive from the taxation to which the corn grower taxation, must be limited entirely to of this country is subject is so much those taxes which fall exclusively or more burdensome than that to which unequally upon the land. Whatever the corn growers of other countries taxes press disproportionately on are liable, that he cannot bring his agriculture, operate to the amount produce to market against foreign of that partial pressure, as an encoucompetition. I am very far from ragement to foreign cultivation, to

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