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rochial relief, receive assistance as tion was received, and he had expe liberal as the circumstances of the rienced the heart-piercing thought, times will permit; and others, who that when what he had bestowed have not a strictly legal claim, but was expended, the objects of his who have long resided amongst us, bounty might perish with hunger. and borne good characters, are occa- He had seen this, and, for his own sionally relieved by our humane and sake, he wished that he had not seen active overseers. But there are it. How dreadful the experience of thousands, and tens of thousands, to that misery, the very sight of which whose assistance the law cannot, by is thus intolerable! Well might even the most liberal construction of Mr. Potter be overcome, when, in its beneficent spirit, be extended, and detailing one case of wretchedness, who are consequently enduring a the whole amount of suffering rushed distress, the intensity of which it is into his mind with overpowering impossible to imagine; for every effect. Well might hundreds of the variety of wretchedness which the assembly which he addressed burst most active imagination could com- into tears, when they thought how bine for the formation of one picture nrany instances had come within of exquisite misery, could not furnish their own knowledge, of misery such such a scene as may be beheld in as he so feelingly pictured. almost every cottage in the back streets of this town. A gentleman from Suffolk, on Wednesday last, went into some of the streets between London-road and Ancoats, wishing to behold with his own eyes the condition of the people whose misery he was willing to believe was exaggerated. On his return from his melancholy search, he told us with an expression of horror, that he regretted the indulgence of his curiosity. "I wish I had not gone," said he," the wretchedness was too great even to be seen." He had seen houses with no other furniture than a truck covered with straw, on which the heart-broken father sat, with a glazed eye and a death-like expres-saries of life to a starvation price, sion on his countenance, seemingly unconscious of the wailing of the half-naked children who lay around him. He had seen emaciated mothers, in whom even the extreme of wretchedness had not extinguished hope, nor slackened exertion, striying to soothe those foodless wailing children. He had seen the dull apathy of despairing man, and the "The Sub-Committee of Managerestless and exhausting exertion of woman hoping even against hope.ment have agreed upon the followHe had seen many human beings ing, as their Ninth Report:fated to a not distant destruction. "In conformity with your direcHe had seen the wild rapture of tions, your Sub-Committee discontithankfulness with which his dona-nued the distribution of provisions,

What is to be the fate of these our poverty-stricken fellow-creatures? There is little probability of their obtaining employment before next Spring; the fund raised by subscrip tion for their relief is exhausted; they have no legal claim on the parish funds; and Winter, with all its accumulated horrors, is approaching. Our conviction is, that if prompt measures are not adopted, thousands will die of absolute starvation. Is: this then the time to talk about the danger of introducing the precedent of a government grant? And do not those incur a fearful responsibility, who delay for one single day, to repeal the laws which raise the neces

and who support a system of wasteful expenditure, while the people are, in want of the means to purchase bread?

To the General Committee of Subscribers to the Fund for the Relief of the Necessitous Poor.

three and a half per cent. upon the sum expended; and with respect to the last article, it can scarcely be considered a charge, inasmuch as these

wages are paid to persons who would have been fit objects of relief, and to whom their employment was afforded in lieu of a ticket, to entitle them to provisions from the charity.

and withdrew all the tickets, pre-sometimes attended the distribution sented on Friday, the 18th instant. of charitable funds. The whole charge "Painful as this measure was, upon this fund, including the very they, in consequence of the reduced heavy but indispensable articles of state of the fund (evidently unavoid-advertising, printing, the stipends of able)-your Sub-Committee have the upwards of twenty persons, specially high satisfaction of reporting to you appointed for the prevention of frauds, that the demeanour of the poor rents of some of the stores, and applicants on this occasion has af-wages of labourers assisting in and forded a strong proof of genuine preserving order during the distribugratitude for the bounty you had tion, amounts to little more than bestowed, and for the kindness with which they had been treated; for, though most of them could not but anticipate the accumulation of distress, which a privation of the accustomed pittance must bring upon their already suffering families, even this sad prospect did not prevent their expression of unfeigned thanks, or their prayers for a blessing upon their "As a matter, in some degree, benefactors. Your Sub-Committee connected with the accounts, it may conceive it to be a duty they owe to be stated, that since the distribution their poor neighbours to bear this closed, a credit of 1000l. in favour of testimony to their good conduct; and the Central Committee of Corresrecollecting also (what they had be-pondence for Manchester and the fore had occasion to commend) their neighbourhood, it has been placed by patient resignation, and peaceable the Managers of the Subscription in endurance of the evil that has be- London, in the hands of the Bankers, fallen them, they cannot but refer to such evidences of right feeling, that Committee. to be applied for at the discrétion of and readiness to acknowledge obligation, which, in this season of calamity, have been so generally exhibited, as most gratifying proofs that your contributions have not been indiscriminately lavished upon unworthy objects.

"It will also be an interesting piece of information to many, that considerable progress has been made, with the assistance of Mr. M'ADAM, in preparing to carry into immediate effect, a plan for the employment of In their last Report your Sub-ing to work upon the public roads, such of the poor as are able and willCommittee presented a concise re- and that there is a prospect of afview of their proceedings from the fording the means of subsistence commencement of their labours; from this source, to great numbers of they now beg leave to lay before you those who are now entirely unemthe following abstract of their ac- ployed. counts, a more particular detail of which is now upon your table. [Here follows the abstract of the accounts.]

"On the inspection of these accounts, an observation of some importance will naturally suggest itself to those who have been in the habit of remarking the expenses which have

"The Sub-Committee gladly avail themselves of this opportunity of acknowledging the valuable services of Mr. THORPE, who, at the commencement of the subscription, professed his willingness to undertake, gratuitously, the office of Secretary. In performing the duties of his office, which he has done most efficiently,

his experience, particularly in matters of detail and local practice, has frequently been of essential use to your Sub-Committee, whilst the regularity of his arrangements has ma

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terially contributed to facilitate and Hoot a wa mon! They dinna

to forward much of the business

with which they have been occupied. know onny theng aboot hoppaness

before the time o' Audem Smeth

and the Cheap Currency !


"It now only remains for your Sub-Committee to resign into your hands the trust which you confided to their management; and while they do this, they feel assured it will afford you sincere pleasure to be informed, that during the long period We are sorry to hear that there in which they have been assiduously are no symptoms of a revival of employed upon this important object, trade in Paisley. Since our last rethe most cordial unanimity has port, the number of unemployed marked all their proceedings; and have greatly increased, and the apthough it was your pleasure, in the plications for assistance from the reselection of your Delegates, to asso-lief Committee have been greater ciate together persons differing most this week than any week since the essentially in opinion upon subjects stagnation commenced. On Thursof the highest concern, it is with unmixed satisfaction and perfect confidence they appeal to the whole of their transactions, and to the comprehensive record of them before you, for a proof that neither party prejudice nor religious distinction has ever influenced their decisions, or in any manner interfered with the duties they had to perform.

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day a few sales were effected. We hear of one manufacturer, who has been doing a good deal of late, who has sold the most of his stock, and although at an advance of 10 per cent., yet it will not enable the manufacturer to engage hands. It seems to be the opinion of well-informed manufacturers, that the sales will be very limited in number, and low in price, until a scarcity of goods is complained of, and from the quantity of goods in the market, there is no anticipation of trade reviving in Paisley before the Spring. It is the intention of some manufacturers to

make no goods, except on order, even when things get better. In the mean time, Winter draws nigh, and what an almost naked population are

to do in the inclement season of the

year, we are at a loss to see.
visions are so alarmingly high in
price, and wages so unprecedently
low, that it is starvation and wretch-
edness at present, and what will it

be a few months hence? We are

glad to see that the county of Renfrewshire are to meet next week, to

devise measures for the relief of the unemployed; and as there is not the

most distant hope of the weavers engaged in the Paisley manufacture being employed for some months, something must be done to keep them at out-door labour.-Glasgow Chronicle.


I TAKE the following articles from the Morning Chronicle of the 24th and 30th August. I shall make no other remark on them at present, than just this; that I shall be greatly deceived, if the stupid and greedy wretches who have bought "Greek Scrip," be suffocated by the fat arising from their gains; to which I will add, that to view their progress will give me very great pleasure. -Look at the NAMES of the parties that is enough for any reasonable man.-Let us SEE, now, how this affair will end.

outfit at their own expense, and they are evert to pay their passage to some port in the Mediterranean. Their uniform is handsome, little differing, except in the button, from that of the British navy and marine. The vessel in which they are expected soon to sail is now lying in the river Thames. Her first destination will probably be Malta, where the officers will find instructions from Lord Cochrane.

GREEK STEAM-VESSELS. -A Correspondent of a Morning Paper says

-"Many months previous to August last, the Greek Deputies, Messrs. Orlando and Luriottis, gave to Mr. E. Ellis, late M.P. for Coventry, a sum of 10,000l., in order that he might get a steam-vessel built for the service of Greece. This vessel was afterwards built, and was. called the Perseverance. In the month of August last the Deputies made an arrangement with Lord, Cochrane that he should have six steam-vessels (of which that ordered by Mr. Ellice was to be one) placed under his command, as Admiral of A Correspondent informs us, that the Greek fleet in the war against a party of young Englishmen, of the Turks. The arrangement was highly respectable connexions, have made through the instrumentality of just enrolled themselves in the Greek Sir F. Burdett, Mr. J. C. Hobhouse, service, under the auspices of Cap- and Mr. E. Ellice, who engaged on tain Campbell, the friend of Lord the part of Lord Cochrane, that he Cochrane. The motives of these should carry it into effect. The Deyoung volunteers are of the most puties were to provide 150,000l. to generous and animated kind. Their accomplish this very important bunumber is at present small-between siness; and it was a part of the stitwo and three hundred offers of en-pulation, that the vessels should be listment have been made, but Cap- purchased and made completely. tain Campbell exercises his discre- ready for sea within a limited period tionary power within such limits as of time-I believe about two or will render the Greek commissions three months. The treaty being honourable. The commissions to concluded, Messrs. Ricardo, the conwhich Captain Campbell has made tractors of the last loan, were dithe recent appointments are in the rected to set apart, out of the funds marine and navy, and are mostly in their hands, the above large sum, lieutenancies; and in all his en-making, with the 10,000l. previously gagements of this nature, he is said given to Mr. Ellice, 160,000. Into have the sanction and concurrence stead of purchasing vessels, as was of the Greek Committee. As in intended, five steam-boats were orthe regular British service, these dered to be built; but who it was young officers have purchased their that gave the orders I have never

been able to learn. Two ship-builders, | I shall give one copy of each I understand, were employed, Messrs. Number to every working family Brant and Co., and some other gen- in Preston, as a mark of my gratlemen, whose names I do not now titude for their great kindness torecollect. For the supply of the re-wards me, and also as a mark of quisite machinery for the five vessels, a contract was entered into by Messrs. Ricardo and Mr. Galloway, of West Smithfield, and by the terms of the contract, Mr. Galloway engaged that the whole should be completed by the month of December last. How it has happened that the business should have been protracted to this period, the Deputies, and the

other individuals who have taken part in the affair, will, I hope, be called upon to explain."


HAVE not had time to give I this hero his dose yet. I hear that he is in France. That, however, would not prevent me from laying the lash on him. He most richly merits it; and he shall

have it in the manner that best becomes the receiver as well as the layer-on.



my admiration of their sense and their public spirit.-The other Numbers will be published on the first of each succeeding month.The price, to Gentlemen taking a quantity, will be, for one hundred, twelve shillings, for five hundred, fifty-five shillings, and, for a thousand, five pounds.


I have for sale about 50 or 60 and perfectly sweet, never having Oak-Casks. They are quite new had in them any thing but dry seeds. They are made of Ame rican white oak, are clean and clear, and very stout for their bulk. They have hoops of hickory or white-oak, and each cask contains about thirty gallons, Winchester corn-measure. An English eighteen gallon cask, made of very slight stuff, costs fourteen shillings. I will sell these for eight shillings each; JUST published, No. 1I., a little and to any one who takes the work under the above title. I in- whole lot, for five shillings each; tend it to contain about six num-and, at that price, they are cheap bers, at twopence a Number, to for the making of the tops of be published monthly. I intend high fences, in which capacity it to be the Companion of the they would last a couple of good Working Classes, giving them long life-times. For beer barrels, useful information and advice, their present wooden hoops would, adapted to their present difficult with care, last many years, but, situation; and especially I intend these may be exchanged for ironit as the means of teaching them hoops at a very trifling expense. how to AVOID SUFFERING FROM Any person, wishing to purchase HUNGER! I intend clearly to ex- them, will please to apply at plain to them their rights and their Kensington, where the casks are, duties. Applications from the coun- and where they can be seen at try should be made without delay. any time.

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