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fact, none has been attempted in the old fields except to cut out grass and weeds with the hoes. Each year this work becomes more and more difficult and expensive. It is under such discouraging circumstances as these that the planters of the old sugar districts find themselves face to face with the sharp competition of the new beet sugar industry. No class of farmers understand better than the sugar beet growers the use of fertilizers and of modern methods of cultivation. It is evident that those who expect to compete with them must be equally able to adopt the latest teachings of scientific agricultural investigations.

It was largely to meet this emergency that the Cuban Agricultural Experiment Station was organized a little more than two years ago.

The Cuban Government

has given it hearty support and already it has been found that most of the problems of the Cuban sugar planter are of comparatively easy solution. For the most part it requires only the adaptation to Cuban conditions of the methods already worked out by the cane planters of Louisiana and Hawaii and the corn planters of the Middle West. In fact, the problem

simply resolves itself into supplying fertilizers to such lands as are exhausted enough to require them, and of making the rather scanty and expensive labor supply more efficient by substituting mules and, perhaps, in part steam or alcohol motors for cattle in plowing and cultivating and in planting the crop in such a way that it can be easily kept clean of grass and weeds with two-horse cultivators, thus doing away with the expensive hoe. It will of course take some time to effect radical changes in method. The necessity for a change is, however, widely recog nized, and a beginning has already been made by a number of the more progressive planters. The greatest difficulty lies in teaching the native laborer how to drive mules and manage complicated implements. There is no doubt that a few simple changes in methods of cultivation will enable the Cuban cane grower so to cheapen production that he can compete on more than even terms with the most favorably situated sugar beet growers.

The tobacco industry is second in importance only to sugar. The tobacco grown is entirely of the cigar type and in quality the best of it is unequaled. The

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sitated some changes in cultural methods. Tobacco is so sensitive a plant and responds so promptly to slight changes in soil and climatic conditions that even on the best managed vegas it is impossible always to produce more than a small per cent of the class of tobacco that will command the highest prices. The possible profits from tobacco growing are much greater than from cane, but the risks also are greater, and vastly more skill is required to handle the crop properly. Its culture should only be attempted by experts. It is not, like cane, a crop that is adapted to the general farmer. A fortune awaits any expert cultivator who shall succeed in solving all of the intricate problems connected with the proper manuring, cultivating, curing and fermenting of tobacco in Cuba.

The cattle industry occupies the third place in Cuban agriculture. The country is peculiarly favorable for cattle raising on account of its equable climate and fine

pasturage, which gives good grazing throughout the entire year. This is particularly true of the eastern provinces, where the tendency is to have two short dry seasons during the year instead of one long one, as is the rule in the neighborhood of Havana. Before the war Cuba was heavily stocked with cattle, but they were preyed on by both armies to such an extent that at its close the industry was almost extinguished, and it has since been necessary to make heavy importations in order to restock the pastures and provide the local beef supply. These cattle have come from all the surrounding countries, especially from Porto Rico, Florida, Texas, Mexico, Columbia and Venezuela. The result is a mixture of rather poor races, mostly of the old Spanish type. These serve well enough for work oxen, which are in strong demand for the sugar plantations, and they are used in the local markets for beef. It is realized by the more far-seeing of the cattle men, how

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great abundance by these beautiful trees. Mule raising is an almost unknown industry in Cuba, but it is one that will surely prove to be profitable. Mules are in strong demand here at high prices and they will be used more and more to replace oxen in all kinds of agricultural work.

Since the American occupation the growing of fruits and vegetables for northern shipment has attracted considerable attention. Soil, climate and geographical position all combine to favor these industries, and it seems probable that they will soon grow to large proportions. Even before the war, pineapples were shipped to the States in considerable quantities. The business has proved a safe and fairly profitable one and the quantity grown is constantly increasing. This year the shipments reached nearly a million boxes. Pineapples are Pineapples are grown almost exclusively on the red lands, but some of the sandy lands are also well adapted to this crop.

Oranges and other citrus fruits have been grown abundantly on the island from time immemorial, but their extensive com

mercial planting was begun only four or five years ago, and the oldest orchards are just coming into bearing. Probably a total of eight or ten thousand acres has already been planted, and while some problems remain to be solved, the industry seems destined to become a lucrative and important one. Cuban oranges are of good quality, but the grape fruit is even better and already commands the highest prices. Citrus fruit is being planted on all kinds of soils, but there are reasons for thinking that the best results will be obtained on the red lands and the sandy lands of the tobacco district.

The principal vegetables grown for shipment are tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, onions and potatoes. Heretofore the production has been largely confined to a small irrigated district near Guines in Havana province, but it has now been demonstrated that these vegetables of a superior quality can be grown on the sandy lands without irrigation. amount of such land available is very large. The extent of the industry therefore need only be limited by the ability to find profitable markets


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