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Joint commander with Captain Mikkelsen of the expedition to discover a new arctic continent

ing in his carcass. By the time the horseflesh is consumed, the dogs will in turn be slaughtered and eaten, and when these are exhausted the venturesome explorers will haul along the remaining supplies themselves.

A very careful study based on many tests was made with regard to the kind of foods to be carried over this part of the trip, something of small bulk and yet of sustaining power being called for. It may be interesting to note in this connection that a vegetable diet will be put to a practical test on this trip, and that alcoholic liquors will be dispensed with entirely. A noted dietetic expert in England prepared foods and had them put up in tins and sealed, and a Battle Creek firm contributed a supply of food for use on the two men's lonely and perilous journey. Although the vegetable diet is expected to be the main one, the rod and gun will doubtless furnish additional food, it being supposed that game exists in these latitudes.

On their journey over the ice, surveys

and soundings will be taken, and it is thought that much shallow water will be found. No explorations have as yet been made for more than four miles from the shore line, but it is now the intention to go some three hundred miles out, to 76.30 north. The soundings will show whether it is necessary to proceed further, though it is expected that land will be found before reaching this point. Should new land be struck, it will be noted as precisely as possible, while in any case the two men upon giving up their researches will return to some of the whaling stations as best they can, making perhaps for Barrow or Wrangel. They concede this trip of theirs to be one fraught with peril and hardship, but are not to be deterred by the prospect.

While Mikkelsen and Leffingwell are engaged in this branch of the work the other members of the party will be busy in Banks Land and the islands northwest of Melville Sound. Here some ethnological and geographical investigations will be

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from left to right: Ejnar Ditlevsen; Ernest De K. Leffingwell; Captain Mikkelsen; Dr. George Howe; Edwards, the sailing master. Thuerson and Parker, members of the crew, in the background

ill-fated ship, the Investigator, which went north in 1850, with the McClure expedition, after Franklin. The ethnological research promises to establish an affinity between the Esquimaux of these islands and those of Greenland, and prove that both are descendants of stock from the Asiatic coast.

The expedition ship, the Duchess of Bedford, will most probably return to Victoria in the fall of 1907, some of the scientists stating that they will return to civilization by an overland route, while Captain Mikkelsen and Mr. Leffingwell will remain in the Arctic for another year.

The expedition has received financial aid from the American and British Geographical societies, many private individu

practically unknown region for which they are bound, count for anything, perhaps the world will gain much in knowledge through the efforts of these men, who are without a doubt taking their lives in their hands.

Captain Mikkelsen has accompanied several Arctic expeditions, being an officer with the Baldwin-Ziegler party, and also spending some time on the coast of Iceland in the service of the Danish government; Mr. Leffingwell accompanied him on two occasions. The little ship, Duchess of Bedford, carries much that is valuable to the present expedition, in the shape of scientific appliances and instruments for use in the Arctic, a very complete photographic outfit included.






SCHAT rank will the American of the future take among other peoples of the earth? Will the future American be our superior or inferior mentally and morally? Will he be tall or short, light or dark? These are questions of fascinating interest which science now answers with precision.

Here is a huge biological laboratory in which a new family of the human race is being made. The Frenchman, the German, the Italian, we know by certain constant characteristics which distinguish them from all other peoples. America, on the other hand, has not yet developed a definite, stable type. But in course of time a type must develop here which will be as distinctive in its own way as is the Italian in Italy or the yellow man in China.

Before the white man came North America had produced the red men, a race of strongly marked individuality. There is no reason why another people just as strongly characteristic should not come to dwell here. We have ample evidence already upon which to base such an assertion, the evidence of every-day observation backed up by the conclusions of the scientists. From the scientists we shall hear later on in this article. Here it is only necessary to point to the Roosevelts of the United States to show that the Dutchman or the Scandinavian, the Italian or the Slav of one century becomes the American of the next cycle. So far as racial characteristics are concerned there is nothing to distinguish a Dutch Van Cortlandt or a German Astor from the descendants of early English settlers, who are, I suppose, the most American Americans of us all.

Nothing but extreme rashness would

lead one to attempt now to describe this final American type in detail. But we can at least get an idea of the elements that will contribute to its making, and a reasonably exact idea of the final product. At present the formative influences upon which the shaping of this product depends are still in motion. In one decade we are invaded by Scandinavians, in another comes a horde of Slavs or Celts; later still, Latins far out-number any other people in the immigration returns. The way in which the Italian by taking the lower place has literally pushed up the Irishman in the social scale is one of the curiosities of our class evolution.

The conditions of life are also in a constant state of change. The old balance between city and country has been destroyed. In Massachusetts seventy-six out of every hundred people live in cities. The percentage of city dwellers is smaller in newer states, but in California forty per cent of the population is already urban. Our cities are outgrowing themselves, and in time they will become workshops only, from which the workers will scatter widely by means of transportation of which the 125-mile-an-hour electric train gives us a hint. Already people are crowded into some sections of New York at a density which, if continued all over the city, would mean a population of nearly two hundred millions. Nor is New York an exception. So youthful a municipality as Cleveland has in spots a ratio of humans to square feet which, if it prevailed throughout the city limits, would give a total of eight million people.

The prophecy that our cities will be less and less the dwelling places of the millions who work in them, is set down here to show that present conditions of life are an unsafe basis for predictions as to the future American. In all probability he

will not dwell in a city, and so the present conditions of city life do not indicate what he will be. The awful predictions as to the degradation of the race when New York shall have reached 20,000,000 - predictions based upon the baneful results of 3,500,000 people attempting to live in one hive are false and useless because the city of 20,000,000 will not to any considerable extent be a dwelling place.

When Mr. Robert Hunter tells us that in industrial centers fourteen per cent of the people are in "distress" in good times and twenty per cent in hard times, and that the number of city dwellers living in "poverty" rarely falls below twenty-five per cent, we naturally ask, Will not this condition of things produce a race in every way inferior to the American of to-day? A confidently negative answer may be returned to all such questions, not only because of the change that is coming over the city, but also because we are only beginning to learn how to live healthily either in cities or elsewhere. Sanitary science is new, and what it has discovered is applied so far only in the dwelling places of the rich. To the poor the results have come largely in the form of rare and scattered "model tenements" in which even the small number who occupy them have not learned how to profit by their improved surroundings. We smile at the East Siders who keep potatoes in the bath tub and use the ice box for a clothes press, but we all have much to learn about healthful living. Furthermore, preventive medical science has not, it is fair to assume, exhausted its possibilities for the good of mankind.

It is reasonable to say, then, that the American of the future will live in the mass under even more favorable conditions than at present exist. His home will be more healthy, and invention, particularly in the field of electricity, will lighten his burdens to an extent comparable to the improvement of the locomotive over the stage coach or the incandescent lamp over a tallow dip.

Turning now from future conditions of life to the stock of the race, there is every reason to be optimistic in our forecasts of the future. It is the usual thing to bewail the arrival of so many foreigners every year. They have poured in until now one-third of the population of the United

States is of foreign birth or parentage. The census of 1900 gives the total as 26,198,939. Since ther there have been five record-breaking years in which nearly four million immigrants have come in. By far the larger number of these immigrants were Austrians, Italians, and Russians. After watching this stream many people conclude that a country overspread by it can not fail to produce an inferior race. But that is not the conclusion either of the scientist or any other man who looks at the matter calmly and logically.

It is perfectly true that many elements in the foreign invasion are undesirable; especially has this been so in very recent years. Nor is there any doubt as to the quality of this immigration aside from its place of origin and national traits. An overwhelming proportion is made up of unskilled laborers. Servants, farm laborers, tailors, and merchants form the next largest classes, until we get down to the professional class which is the smallest of all— 13,265 in 1904 out of a total of 812,870. But taking our foreign population as a whole, the desirables far outnumber the undesirables. The German stands at the head of the list with about 3,000,000, over ninety per cent of whom are naturalized. Irishmen number about 1,750,000, while the Italians of foreign birth or parentage in the United States up to 1900 had reached a total of not more than 732,421, and do not now exceed 1,100,000. Only half of the Italians become citizens, and many return to their homes.

It is not, however, the composition of the immigration we receive that should make us cheerful. The important fact to remember in this connection is that only the fit will survive. If the Slav and the Italian or any other element in our population can crowd out and dominate racially and politically the older American it will be because the new predominating element is stronger and better than the element it succeeds. The large families of the "lower classes" among our foreign population as compared to the families of the upper classes of native Americans have caused much alarm for the future. There is no danger to be apprehended from this direction. The Negro family is among the largest, but a death rate twice as high as the death rate for whites, not to mention many other reasons,

keeps down the actual proportion of increase. That the "undesirable" will supplant the native American is as impossible as "negro domination.'

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Another spectre that haunts unthinking is that what is called "American blood" should be tainted by inferior continental infusions. This, to judge by present and past experience, is most improbable. Few marriages between men and women of old native and new foreign blood take place. When the "immigrant" after a few generations of American training has lost his objectionable characteristics he may marry an American. But so long as the foreigner is in the raw either as to mental, moral or physical qualities, he intermarries only with his own kind. “American blood" is not now and is never likely to become a mixture of the inferior qualities of European strains.

It is, furthermore, to be remembered that the most undesirable of all our foreign elements remain hewers of wood and drawers of water. They do not compete to any considerable extent even as skilled laborers. Their unprogressiveness may be deplored from one point of view, but it certainly does not suggest any danger of the domination of inferior elements by sheer force of numbers. If the experience of the past is a prophecy of the future, the United States will be ruled, as they have always been, by men of comparatively long American descent. Not only the governing class is thus recruited. Our literature, the contributions we have made to science and human progress generally, are the product of the native American. The foreigner, that is, the lately adopted American, has contributed little or nothing.

This country can and does in a few generations make good material out of the foreigners it takes in in a raw state of development, but it is only when they grow up to the mental and moral standards long ago established, that they begin to have any influence either politically or socially. Our standards are not lowered to the level of the "undesirable alien," however numerous. The alien is raised to fixed and constantly more exacting standards which are physical as well as mental and moral, for it is in fact impossible to maintain any one of these standards without the


As to the main point under discussion sociologists have the almost unanimous support of the anthropologists. They agree substantially in the prophecy of a higher and in a sense final American type although their conclusions are reached by somewhat different routes. Dr. Edward Anthony Spitzka's studies of brain development have led this famous investigator to the conclusion that "the American mind is destined to dominate the human powers of the earth." For his views upon the subject Doctor Spitzka referred the writer to an address before the American Association for the Advancement of Science, in which he said: "Nowhere in the world is the mixture of races, chiefly the Teutonic, Celto-Roman and Slavonic, going on so actively as in this country. If we may judge from the present indications of the formation of an American family of the Aryan race, the conditions governing the population of this continent seem to have been peculiarly advantageous to the preservation and restoration of the best types, characterized by greater energy, motility and culture."

To this statement of his conclusions Doctor Spitzka added especially for this article: "I have the greatest faith in the ability of the American people to solve successfully the problems of future existence and eventually, domination, tempered with just indulgence, of the rest of the world. On the other hand, I am not one of those who think that in the formation of an American family of the white race there will occur a retrograde metamorphosis in the direction of the native Indian prototype, through climatic or any other conditions, as held by some superficial ob


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Professor Ripley of Harvard, Professor Otis T. Mason of the Smithsonian Institution, and Dr. W. J. McGee, now director of the St. Louis Public Museum, carry their conclusions as to the ultimate American type much further. From Professor Ripley we get the prophecy that the American of the future will show, physically, the effect of the amalgamation of the neutral and positive characteristics of European races, the blonde, stolid German counteracting the influence of the dark, impulsive native of Southern Europe, and so producing a race of medium stature, neutral complexion. unac

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