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the electron. To illustrate the difference between an atom and an electron, imagine an electron to be the size of a full stop, as here printed, and an atom a church 160 feet long, 80 feet broad and 40 feet high-in an atom of hydrogen there are nearly 1,000 electrons-imagine these thousand full stops thrown into that church and some idea will be obtained of the relative size of the electron and the atom. The electrons give the atom its properties and enable it to act chemically. The electrons are revolving around each other at tremendous speed. They are not in the least crowded."

Thus is Hahnemann's claim, that drugs can be potentized, vindicated.Hom. Envoy.

Sanmetto in Difficult Cases of Cystitis, Prostatitis, Incontinence, Impo

tency and Hematuria.

I have used Sanmetto very extensively in my practice for years, and as evidence of my perfect satisfaction will say that I continue to prescribe it in all difficult cases. In cystitis, prostatitis, incontinence, impotency and many cases of hematuria I use Sanmetto with assurance of perfect success. In my female practice I find it the remedy par excellence, especially as a sexual tonic and a mammary rebuilder. I shall continue its use in typical cases.

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sorption and the marked exhaustion of an acute attack is readily explained.

Probably there is no better aid to further beneficial medication than Antiphlogistine applied warm and thick over the entire abdomen, the dressing to be immediately covered with absorbent cotton and a suitable compress. Peristaltic spasm is at once reduced, intestinal comfort promoted and refreshing slumber invited. Acting reflexly, Antiphlogistine restores the muscular tone of the intestinal walls and energizes the entire economy to resist the prostration from summer complaint so common to infant and adult during the humid months.

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Henrik G. Petersen, M. D.

Corresponding Member of the Societe d' Hypnologie et de
Psychologie, Paris, France.

Suggestive Therapeutics

applied during ten years' general practice in Boston, after two years' clinical study thereof principally with Prof. Bernheim, at Nancy, France, and Prof. Krafft-Ebing, at Vienna, Austria. Physicians with insight into the value of suggestion as a medical adjuvant are invited to send patients refractory to other treatment.

Office Hours: 10 to 12 a. m., and 2 to 5 p. m. 85 Newbury St., BOSTON, MASS. HYPNOTISM, And Its application to Practical Medicine.


"Medical Letters on Hypno-Suggestion," Etc.


This standard work has appeared in Swedish, German, Russian, English, and French. PRICE, TWO DOLLARS.

Published by G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS,

New York and London.


For applying a new and wonderfully effective method in the treatment of


Manufactured by


263-269 Calvert Bldg. BALTIMORE, Md.

When addressing our advertisers mention the Reporter.

tient, a young lady, who has been taking large doses of this compound, and who has found it so exhilarating that she has made herself a sort of walking advertisement for the enterprising manufacturers. She would have been indignant if asked to take a 'cocktail' or a drink of whiskey, containing less alcohol than her prized and secret tipple. The Massachusetts Board found 15.33 per cent of alcohol in Vinol; 16.77 per cent in Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable Compound; 5.87 per cent in Swamp Root. In Orangeine there were found acetanilid, caffein and sodium bicarbonate. Concerning acetanilid, Dr. Abbott, secretary of the board, says that it should be taken with much caution, lest its frequent use degenerates into a confirmed habit. The proprietors of White Ribbon Remedy were not going to be trapped in one way-there was no alcohol in the drug, but only milk, sugar and ammonium chlorid. It is 'as likely,' adds Mrs. Allen, 'to cure drunkenness as would a blast of east wind.' We have entire sympathy with the efforts of the W. C. T. U. to expose the meanest hypocrisy of the worst of liquor sellers, the patent medicine manufacturers."

Uses and Abuses of the Urethral Sound.

J. H. Dowd (Am. Medicine) lays down the following rules concerning the use of the sound:

1. When the urethra has been involved by inflammation, specific, or otherwise, no instrument, and especially the steel sound, should be used until the urine is clear excepting for shreds or floating particles. (Prostatic plugs.)

2. The urethra should in all cases be flushed with an antiseptic solution (formaldehyd, 1-3,-000) before the passage of any instrument. Following its withdrawal an astringent should be used, preferably silver nitrate 1-10,000.

3. A sound should never be passed for at least three months following acute gonorrheal infection, and then only when the urine is as in No. 1.

4. When dilation of a stricture will answer, sounds are increased in size according to the tissue forming the pathologic growth and its location. True gonorrheal strictures of the deep urethra may be dilated five or six numbers at each sitting, up to 18 or 20 F.; following this two or three numbers should be the rule.

5. In case of traumatic or gonorrheal stricture in the pendulous urethra, or when the sound is followed by marked irritation, etc., cutting gives the best results.

6. When the contraction seems not to dilate without too much force, weekly treatments being followed by considerable irritation, making the interval 10. to 14 days is generaly followed by the most gratifying results.

7. Stricture can be permanently eradicated. This occurs when after dilating the circular muscles of the canal to their fullest extent, without rupturing, no bloody string is found in the washings after four to six dilations which have varied from one to four months apart.

Accidents from Paraffin Injections. An interesting discussion of the use of paraffin to correct natural or acquired defects is reported of a recent meeting of the French Societe de Chirurgie (Gaz. des Hospitaux). M. Lejars reported the following case: A woman of 34 who had. a somewhat turned-up nose, flattened at the point asked that it be corrected. Some fifteen injections of paraffin were made in the back of the nose at one sitting. Some days later her eyelids and the upper part of the face became the seat of a hard edema. Two months after

Colden's Liquid Beef Tonic
Perfects digestion and nutrition

Supplies normal basis for enduring work
Strengthens nerve forces

Makes sound sleep possible

Enriches the blood

Has a wholesome effect on bile secretion

Aids in discarding blood impurities
And nerve irritants from the system
Is to depressed vital organs

What mother's milk is to a babe.

Sold by druggists generally. Be sure your patient gets the genuine Colden's Liquid Beef Tonic

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