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That we live in the enjoyment of the fruits of our labors, that we live at all, perhaps, or live girt about by the blessings of civilization, we owe, under Providence, to our country. Let us prove ourselves true sons and daughters of such a mother.— Epes Sargent.

a government of all the

This is what I call the American idea of freedom people, by all the people, for all the people; of course a government of the principles of eternal justice — the unchanging law of God.- Theodore Parker, D. D.

Oh the land of our Union! it sweetens the morn

With the fragrance of orchards, the sunshine of corn:

In its beautiful bosom the fountains are sure,

And the gold of its furrows is wealth to the poor:
And the children of exile as kindred may toil

In the vineyards of freedom with sons of the soil.

- Anon.

Freedom of religion, freedom of the press, and freedom of the person under the protection of the habeas corpus, these are the principles that have guided our steps through an age of revolution and reformation.- Thomas Jefferson.

Our country

whether bounded by the St. John's and the Sabine, or however otherwise bounded or described, and be the measurements more or less;— still our country, to be cherished in all our hearts, to be defended by all our hands.- Robert C. Winthrop.

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If this country is to reach the full development which we believe to be possible, it must be by maintaining in all its integrity the Constitution which our fathers framed, and in giving steadfast and uncalculating support to the Union which they formed.- Hugh S. Thompson.

God's mercy will still lead our country on. On under the dearest flag that freemen ever bore. On in the broad sunshine of liberty, equality, and justice. On to the inspiring music of the Union. On along the grand highway of the Nation's glory to the future of our country's hope.- John M. Thurston.

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PREFATORY NOTE.- In the life of the nation, true Patriotism and honest Labor are very closely allied. Then why not upon the printed page?

Only a few years ago, the State of New York recognized the cause of labor by making the first Monday in September of each year a legal holiday, called "Labor Day." On that day hundreds of thousands of the toilers of the great Empire State march in procession with flags flying and bands playing,- and then away for an afternoon of games and sports! And every on-looker feels not only that "the laborer is worthy of his hire," but of his holiday.

Moreover, the laborer is worthy not only of his hire and holiday, but of the best education for his children, and the best protection for himself and his family which the State can give! For without his faithful toil, the white Sails of Commerce would soon desert the seas; the Wheels of Trade would clog and stop — and the National Government itself stand still. There is no better patriot in the land than the strong-handed, true-hearted laborer.

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As for bidding me not work, Molly might as well put the kettle on the fire, and

say, "Now, don't boil!" - Sir Walter Scott.

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Here we'll drop our lines, and gather

Old Ocean's treasures in,

Where'er the mottled mackerel

Turns up a steel-dark fin.
The sea's our field of harvest,

Its scaly tribes our grain;

We'll reap the teeming waters

As at home they reap the plain!

- From "The Fishermen."

There wrought the busy harvesters; and many a creaking wain
Bore slowly to the long barn-floor its load of husk and grain;
Till broad and red, as when he rose, the sun sank down at last,
And, like a merry guest's farewell, the day in brightness passed.
- From "The Huskers."

The gentleman, sir, has misconceived the spirit and tendency of Northern institutions. He is ignorant of Northern character. He has forgotten the history of his country. Preach insurrection to the Northern laborers! Who are the Northern laborers? The history of your country is their history. The renown of your country is their renown. The brightness of their doings is emblazoned on its every page. Blot from your annals the words and doings of Northern laborers, and the history of your country presents but a universal blank. Sir, who was he that disarmed the Thunderer, wrested from his grasp the bolts of Jove; calmed the troubled ocean; became the central sun of the philosophical system of his age, shedding his brightness and effulgence on the whole civilized world; whom the great and mighty of the earth delighted to honor; who participated in the achievement of your independence, prominently assisted in molding your free institutions, and the beneficial effects of whose wisdom will be felt to the last moment of "recorded time?" Who, sir, I ask, was he? A Northern laborer,— a Yankee tallow-chandler's son- a printer's runaway boy.-Charles Naylor.

And who let me ask the honorable gentleman, who was he that, in the days of our Revolution, led the Northern army,—yes, an army of Northern laborers,— and aided the chivalry of South Carolina in their defence against British aggression, drove the spoilers from their firesides, and redeemed her fair fields from foreign invaders? Who was he?

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