PREFACE. WITHIN a few years past, extensive explorations have been carried on throughout the East, which have resulted in remarkable discoveries in nearly all of the ancient and renowned cities known to sacred history. Among the most important of these discoveries are those made in Jerusalem, in the excavations around and under the Temple site-among the ruins of King Solomon's store cities, Baalbek, Tadmor, and Hamath-at Babylon, Nineveh, and Shushan. These discoveries have awakened an interest that will not be satisfied with anything less than a description of the ruins of all the important cities of the East. In the ordinary works of Eastern travelers and writers, so much space is given to incidents of travel, and the speculations of travelers, that but little room is left for a description of antiquities or relics. The aim of this work is to comprise in a convenient compass the results of all the important explorations and excavations made in the East;-especially among the ruins of King Solomon's cities. To this end, this work has been made strictly descriptive and historical; yet containing only enough of history to render the subject intelligible. By this plan a description of the ruins, as now seen, of forty of the most famous cities of antiquity is given in the space of this volume. THE AUTHOR. WAIVER: OF CALIFORN ITS ORIGIN, AND A SKETCH OF ITS HISTORY. ORIGIN-ASSAULT AND CAPTURE OF THE CITY BY DAVID-DAVID'S DEATH-HE IS SUCCEEDED BY SOLOMON, WHO BUILDS THE MAGNIFICENT TEMPLE, AND THE STORE CITIES— RELICS, OBJECTS AND PLACES OF INTEREST. ANCIENT POTTERY-LAMPS-KNIVES AND OTHER RELICS -ZION BRIDGE ANCIENT CASTLE OF DAVID-GATES OF THE CITY-POOLS-FOUNTAINS-VALLEY OF JEHO- SHAPHAT-VILLAGE OF SILOAM-ANCIENT TOMBS AND 51 THE VALLEY OF JEHOSHAPHAT-OF HINNOM-ACELDAMA -MOUNT OF OFFENCE-ANCIENT SEPULCHRES-SCOPUS CONCERNING THE TEMPLE OF KING SOLOMON. MOUNT MORIAH-THE TEMPLE AREA, OR ENCLOSURE— WILSON'S ARCH-ROBINSON'S ARCH-MASONIC HALL- FOUNDATION WALLS OF THE TEMPLE-SOUTH, WEST, CONTENTS. PLACES HISTORICALLY CONNECTED WITH SOLOMON'S TEMPLE ANCIENT TYRE, HIRAM'S TOMB-MT. LEBANON—A SKETCH OF ITS HISTORY-ITS WONDERFUL TOPOGRAPHY-THE RENOWNED CEDARS-THE FOREST WHERE THEY WERE PROCURED FOR SOLOMON'S TEMPLE-HOW THEY WERE CONVEYED FROM THE MOUNTAINS TO THE SEA, AND MADE UP INTO FLOATS-THE SINGULAR INHABITANTS OF LEBANON; THEIR MANNERS AND CUSTOMS-THE AKALS, A SECRET ORDER, HAVING SIGNS, GRIPS, AND WORDS SIMILAR TO THOSE IN USE AMONG MASONS- PASS OF THE JORDAN-JOPPA-HEBRON, ITS IMPORTANT RELICS OF ANTIQUITY, AND SINGULAR MOSQUE-KING THE GARDEN OF EDEN-MOUNT ARARAT-THE DISPER- SION OF THE PEOPLE-THEIR LOCATION, OR THE |