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broader in every sense.-Dr. S. E. Earp, Indianapolis, Ind.

DEAR DOCTOR TAYLOR :-" The Story of New Zealand" is well told. It is as interesting as a novel, instructiv, educating, elevating. Its popularity, if in proportion to its value, will be great. J. D. ALBRIGHT,

"The story is admirably told. While there is careful adherence to facts, however they may bear on theories, the sympathy of the writer with the progessiv movement he describes shows itself in many eloquent and powerful passages, which make the book more fascinating than a novel. I like it much, and feel that you and he have rendered the world an immeasurable service. I know nothing else so well suited to the need of our times."-Rev. Alex. Kent, of Washington, D. C., in a letter to the Editor and Publisher.

"The aggressivness of the reform spirit in New Zealand has fastened upon that country the eyes of all progressiv people thruout the world, and I shall read your book with great pleasure."-Dr. I. K. Funk, of the Funk & Wagnalls Publishing Company, New York.

"It is a noble work, and is shamefully cheap. Possess yourselves of this grand work and you will never regret it."-Dr. Cooper, in The Medical Gleaner.



Do you know your representativ in Congress? you know either or both of the United States senators from your state? Whether you know them personally or not, do you know the weight and influence with these men communications from their constituents have? No difference about the party. They are there to serve the people, regardless of party, and as a rule they welcome and consider communications from their constituents, regardless of party. The truth is, the people are too indifferent about this. Representativs like to hear from their constituentsthey like to feel that they are serving their constituents. One enterprising constituent who knows his rights and his duties as a citizen can impress his ideas on the law making powers more than a thousand, or many thousand, passiv and indifferent constituents. Which kind are WORLD readers?

If every WORLD reader would communicate his views and wishes to the congressman from his district, and to the United States senators from his state, in a carefully composed, well worded letter, nicely written -typewritten if possible-they would be surprised at the weight they would have. The indifference of Congress to the interests of the people, and to progressiv measures, is due to the indifference of the people themselves.

Have you obtained and read "The Story of New Zealand?" If not, you have certainly read of it in the February WORLD, pages 85 to 88, and particularly the opinions given on page 87, and also in the present issue. It is known by all who have read the book or who know of it, that it is eminently a statesman's book. Not that it is beyond the average, general reader; it isn't. While it is attractiv, with many beautiful pictures, and as fascinating as a novel, it is a book that particularly every statesman should own and read. Now, the thing to do is to let your member of Congress and your United States senators know this. The elegant thing to do would be to make them a present of the book. You can send order here, and we will send book or books with your compliments, and also write a letter to the recipient of each book, to go at same time each book would go, without extra charge. Of course you know the price of the book$3., which includes delivery by mail or express.

Or, if you don't feel financially able to do this, you can write to them about the book, and tell them how important it is that every statesman should possess and read this book. We will send circulars to you to

inclose in your letters if you wish them. Say how many you can use advantageously, but don't get the circulars and then fail to write the letters. Or, better than nothing would be to write on postal cards simply: Have you read "The Story of New Zealand?" "and then sign your name and address. After a congressman gets say a dozen of such postal cards from his constituents, he will begin to inquire into the matter. Every congressman ought to possess (either by purchase or gift) a copy of this book, and he ought to read it; and his constituents ought to read it, and then ask him questions about the feasibility of adopting certain measures in this country, out of the many suggestiv measures that have been workt out and are in such successful operation in New Zealand.

Don't stop there. Every executiv officer of the Government ought to know how they do things in New Zealand, for the eyes of the word are on that island commonwealth. That would include the President and members of the cabinet, every United States marshall and attorney, every post master, etc. Also every judge, whether United States judge or county judge, should be acquainted with these developments. Every prospectiv candidate for Congress, or for any other public position, should be put on the rack and questioned as to his information concerning these developments, which the people will soon demand a consideration of, for our country. Then there are all the state officers from the Governor down. Get after these and make them progressiv men. You need not do much talking. The book will talk for you. A book can do wonders, if it presents the right thing, in the right way, at the right time, and if it is properly placed and vigorously pusht. This book presents the entire story, from the beginning to the present time, of the most wonderful and original political and industrial developments that the world has ever seen, with all the principles and philosophy involved, not too soon-after a sufficient number of years to prove the success of the experiments, and not too late, for this is the first and only adequate presentation of the subject, and here it comes now at this opportune time, just on the eve of a campaign. I have done my part, as explained in last issue (page 88); now won't you do yours?

What's the Matter with Uncle Sam? Doctors know the importance of the circulationthat is, the circulation of the blood, lymph, etc., of the human body. Life would be impossible without circulation. So would civilization be impossible without circulation-that is, the exchange of the products of one section with another, and of one person or firm with another. Just as in the body, certain organs, as the heart, arteries, veins, etc., are necessary for the circulation of the blood, so in commerce certain agencies are necessary for this function. Several years ago we considered the money question in this relation. At present we will omit that, and give attention to more tangible agencies, as messengers, horses and wagons, railroads, our postal system, express companies, etc. All this is commonplace to us, but not one man in ten thousand realizes the importance of, or has any conception of the possibilities in these things. Every voter ought to know in full about this important matter, in order to join in a demand on Congress for the proper development of this function in our country. Every voter should read the following article which I clip from the February Cosmopolitan Magazine, by John Brisben Walker:



How far the industries and commerce of the United States are hampered by a postal system which, in many of its features, has come down to us from the beginning of government, and which has failed to keep

step with other advances in governmental organization, may be briefly shown by a presentation of the conditions which prevail in some other countries which we are accustomed to regard as the reverse of enterprising. Those conditions which prevail today in the United States are factors of the highest importance to our commercial development.

Commerce in its final analysis resolves itself into the delivery of packages. As civilization develops, commerce divides itself more and more into parcels; and the carrying of packages must play a constantly increasing part.

For years it has been the hope that, because every merchant and manufacturer in the country was vitally interested in the subject, Congress would take the matter in hand; but unquestionably until the great losses annually incurred by our merchants come to be fully understood by the public, Congress will do nothing.

One statement is sufficiently startling to arrest attention namely, that the rate charged by the United States Post-Office for merchandise is six thousand percent greater than that charged by Germany.

Under the United States Post Office: First, the merchant must pay sixty-four cents for four pounds of merchandise known as fourth class matter.

Second. He has had refused any package which by chance was sent to the post-office and found to be of more than four pounds in weight;

Third. He has had refused registration of packages without an extra price. This registration, if carried out, would have involved a visit to the Post-Office Department and much valuable time lost;

Fourth. He has had delivery of parcels to the home refused by the Post-Office Department if consigned to any town in which there is no free-delivery system;

Fifth. He has had all insurance on the package refused by the government.

Yet, because of the superior acumen of those who have legislated for the English Post-Office Department, the same package might have been posted in Edinburgh, carried across the Atlantic, taken in United States' postal-cars across the entire American continent, and delivered in the remotest suburb of Seattle

For how much, think you?

For one-fourth less than what it would have cost to send it from Rochester to Buffalo.

But that is not all. Instead of being limited to four pounds, at sixteen cents a pound, as between Rochester and Buffalo, one could send eleven pounds from Edinburgh to Seattle for three-fourths of the price that would be paid from Rochester to Buffalo, and, in addition, could have it insured at a nominal cost.

You ask how the people of the United States, who usually are so quick to perceive advantage, can permit this state of affairs to exist?

This query is answered by the reply which John Wanamaker made to a somewhat similar question which I put to him when he was Postmaster-General:

"It is true," he said, "that parcels could be carried at about one-twelfth their present cost by the PostOffice Department, but you do not seem to be aware that there are four insuperable obstacles to the carrying of parcels by the United States Post-Office Department,'

Then without waiting for a show of surprise, he continued:

On the

"The first of these is the Adams Express Company; the second is the American Express Company; the third, the Wells-Fargo Express Company; and the fourth, the Southern Express Company." There could be no further argument. Does this seem like an exceptional case? contrary, Great Britain goes much further in her liberality. She carries a package from Edinburgh thru London to Egypt, thru the Suez Canal to India, from India to Hong Kong, from Hong Kong to Shanghai, and there delivers it to the home of the receiver for twelve cents per pound, or three-fourths of what the United States charges from Rochester to Buffalo-a distance of fifty-one miles.

Is Great Britain exceptional in her postal liberality? On the contrary, Mr. Henniker Heaton, a member

of Parliament who has made postal reform his especial study, claims that Great Britain is as far behind Germany and Austria in her postal system, as the "benighted" United States is behind Great Britain.

Certainly, while we give England and Germany the privilege of sending a package from Berlin across the American continent to Seattle for twelve cents a pound, and at the same time charge the merchant of Rochester sixteen cents a pound from Rochester to Buffalo, the word "benighted" scarcely covers the case.

Perhaps it may be described more nearly as paralysis of the governmental nerves produced by conflicting private interests.

If a Rochester manufacturer sends a package of shoes weighing four pounds a distance of ten miles out, he pays sixty-four cents, or sixteen cents a pound. If the shoes happened to weigh four and one half pounds, his messenger would be compelled, as I have stated, to carry them back from the post-office, refused. But if, instead of being in the United States, this manufacturer had lived in Germany, he could have sent a box of shoes, weighing up to twenty-five pounds, the same distance of ten miles for six cents, or less than one-fourth of a cent a pound.

Because we are foolish enuf in this country to give representation to our private interests in Congress, our merchants and manufacturers pay a tariff for parcels by post six thousand percent greater than in Germany!

While we absolutely refuse to accept a package greater than four pounds in weight, Germany has found it good business to extend the limit to one hundred and ten pounds These one hundred and ten pounds will be sent by the German government from one end of Germany to the other for thirty cents, or about one-fourth of a cent a pound.

But even that is not all. When it arrives at its destination, the one-hundred-and-ten-pound package is delivered at the home.

And that is not all. For from two to six cents extra, the government insures the package and guarantees its safe delivery.

And, again, even this much is not all. If, instead of to Germany, a merchant in a city of North Germany wishes to ship a package of one hundred and ten pounds to a city in the southern most part of Austria, he may do even this for thirty cents, about one-fourth of a cent a pound-that is, the merchants of Rochester pay six thousand percent more to the United States government for sending parcels from Rochester to Buffalo, than do the Germans even to the extreme limits of a foreign country.

Of course, one large package may be shipt for less than many small packages. Anyone who handles material knows that. But the officials of the PostOffice Department, lest they should be tempted into also discovering this fact, have carefully limited this greatest of all conveniences for the manufacturer and merchant to the insignificant weight of four pounds-equivalent in effect to nullifying the carrying of parcels at all.

If Marshall Field or John Wanamaker or any one of twenty able organizers known to the American people could be put in charge of the United States Post-Office with a free hand, he could so adapt the conveniences of the department to the necessities of the American merchants that there would be an annual saving to the American people of a sum which may be represented by two hundred millions of dollars and still be within bounds.

How far we are hampered by a lack of advanced post-office organization is illustrated in some measure by these facts. But these, tho striking, embrace only a small part.

Here is another phase of the subject. If a merchant wishes to make his shipments C. O. D.-a thing impossible under our postal system and possible only by express at a payment of a fee of at least twenty-five cents-he may do so in Germany by a small additional fee of a few cents. In Austro-Hungary this idea has been elaborated into an almost perfect system, by which both merchant and purchaser may, at a most trifling cost conduct, the one a collection, the other a payment of account. A depositor purchases from the

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Post-Office Department a cheque-book, for which a charge of one dollar per hundred cheques is made, and a book of deposit blanks, costing thirty cents per hundred blanks, the name and number and address of each depositor being printed on each cheque and deposit blank. In addition to this, he receives one hundred special envelopes for one-tenth of a cent each on which is printed the address of the government. These cost about ten cents per hundred.

Wishing to pay a debt, the depositor fills out a postal cheque to the order of his creditor with the address, date and amount. He incloses it in one of the special envelopes addrest to the Post-Office Department. The post-office authorities find the payee, pay the amount and take his receipt for the same. Within a short time the depositor receives thru the post-office a statement showing the transaction. It contains the date, name of depositor, number of the cheque, amount, name of the post-office where it has been paid and the cash balance of the depositor. The whole cost of this transaction has been one and four-tenths cents. The cheque of the depositor, forwarded in this way, becomes a post-office order, without incurring the trouble, time and expense which our system involves. The remitter has had all the advantage of a post-office money order without going to the postoffice, without spending a moment's time except that required for drawing a cheque, and the government has become responsible for its proper payment.

Here is still another phase of the subject. In New York city, if you will stand in any block, you will witness all day long a procession of wagons arriving and delivering parcels. Mr. Wanamaker's wagon arrives and delivers a package at one house, then two at another, and goes out of the block. Then Mr. Altman's wagon comes. Then Macy's wagon delivers another parcel. Then Stern, then Saks, then the postman, then the telegraph boy, then the postman again, then the Booklover's Library, and so one after another the long, costly and laborious procession moves into and out of that street, each wagon delivering its one, two or three packages-and the householders paying for it all.

And thruout the three thousand miles of streets of Greater New York this same stupid, disorganized, wasteful and extravagant system goes on hour after hour, day after day and year after year. It would not be too much to estimate the loss annually in New York city alone at four millions of dollars.

Will the merchants and manufacturers of the United States permit such disorganization of their most important interests to continue?

Is there a remedy? Only one. The United States government must buy out the private interests vested in the great express companies which today so paralyze the problem of transportation. Pay full value, even for watered stock. Take the price of express companies' stocks on the 1st of January, 1904, as a criterion, if you will. Pay the full price. Almost any price would be cheap to get out of the way of commerce these strong companies, which are today so intrencht in the Post-Office Department and in Congress, and which have such a paralyzing effect upon industrial processes. Give the American merchants and manufacturers a clear field. They have a right to every facility for doing business expeditiously, economically, efficiently and with a safeguard of insurance.

I do not agree with Mr. Walker that we ought to buy out the express companies, watered stock and all. They have been getting the cream long enuf -by our consent, or by our stupidity, rather. We should enlarge the functions of the post-office (which we have a perfect right to do at any time), and let the express companies look out for themselves.

As to the representation of the express companies in Congress, it is a regretable fact that they are strongly intrencht there. When a man is elected to Congress, he ought to be required to devote himself exclusivly to the interests of the people, and not become an attorney for any corporation whose

interests are opposed to those of the general public. There ought to be a way to ferret out all members of both Houses of Congress who have interests opposed to those of the general public. For example, Senator Platt, of New York, has large interests in an express company. Is he in a position to serve the interests of the people when they conflict with those of his company?

There is in New York a Postal Progress League, and Colonel Albert A. Pope, of bicycle fame, is the president of it, and he has proposed a bill to Congress, which provides for:

The consolidation of second and third class postal matter, including authors' manuscripts, commercial papers, etc., and the extension of the present weight limit to eleven pounds, with the rates as follows: On parcels up to three ounces, Ic.; over three up to six ounces, 2c.; over six up to nine ounces, 3c.; over nine to twelve ounces, 4C.; over twelve ounces to one pound, 5c.; on larger parcels for each additional pound or fraction thereof, 2c.; on eleven pound parcels, 25c.; this with house to house collections and delivery and with insurance up to the value of the parcel. On unregistered parcels the ordinary rates carry insurance up to $10. On registered parcels the 8c. registration fee insures up to $25. On more valuable parcels the rate proposed is 2c. for each additional $50 insurance.

When you see or write to your congressman, call attention to this matter.

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Do not fail to write to Frederick Stearns & Co., Detroit for a sample of their new germicide and antiseptic, Alphozone, which they send to any physician on application. Stearns & Co. present this as one of the most potent germicides known; non-toxic and with many other valuable physical properties which render its use convenient and satisfactory. See adv. on last page.

A physician in speaking of Glyco-Thymoline imitations, remarkt that they reminded him of oleomargarin "which might be used when it was impossible to get butter." "Imitations are at best poor substitutes and I never use them. I want the results that invariably follow the use of Glyco-Thymolinegenuin," See adv. on page 9.

Four Pretty Books of Secrets, each of them different, and containing conundrums, signs and omens, will be mailed, free of all cost, to anyone who writes for them Address, PABST BREWING CO., The "Best" Tonic Dep't. Milwaukee, Wis.

The Pomeroy Co. are so well known as the makers of the "Master" elastic stocking (the one with side stays-that "pulls on like a boot") that no doubt many physicians lose sight of the fact that they make a complete line of belts, trusses, orthopedic instruments, etc. See adv. on page 19 and send for their catalog.

(Continued over next page.)


During the past fifteen or twenty years various forms of pain, as neuralgia, headache, dysmenorrhea, sciatica, etc., and high temperature from various causes, have been controlled in an almost magical manner by a new class of remedies: The synthetic chemicals, or coal-tar derivatives, chiefly of German manufacture. Antipyrin, and acetanilid are prominent members of this class of preparations. But, as is well known, the magical relief from this class of remedies carries with it a grave danger: That of heart depression, with cyanosis and profuse sweating. Cases of sudden death from this cause have been many, but the greatest harm, which has become very wide-spread, is the insidious injury wrought by occasional doses of these remedies.

It was thought that European countries contained all the talent and scientific attainments for the production of remedial chemicals. But at last Yankee inventive genius has come to our aid, and the result is, a group of chemicals far more efficacious than the aniline products (sometimes called dye-house chemicals), and what is, still better, they are absolutely safe, being free from the depressing qualities of the foreign drugs.

The first preparation perfected, was one intended to cover the wide field involved by the two leading symptoms met in the practise of medicine, namely, Pain and Fever. The mode of manufacturing it is very complicated, involving many chemical actions and reactions that cannot be entered into here, but those interested in this phase of the subject may obtain full details by writing us. In brief outline: We begin with carbolic acid, then add nitric acid, producing nitro-phenol; then ethylate it through the influence of bromide of ethyl; then it is reduced to the anide group, and afterwards condensed with the two acid radicals, acetic and salicylic acids, the product being a white, crystalline powder.

It is the therapeutic value of any medicine that the practical physician is interested in. Here is the strong point of this preparation, the object sought in its preparation being therapeutic efficiency combined with safety. This preparation is practically tasteless, and does not disturb the most delicate stomach. Its action is that of a sedative to the nerve centers, particularly the thermocenter, thus controlling heat at the point of physiological control. It assists elimination by way of the kidneys and the sweat glands, by means of gentle relaxation of those parts. At the same time it is antiseptic, inhibiting bacterial growth wherever it goes in the system. The combined result of all these actions is the elimination of fever and pain. Thus sleep is invited, delightful rest is obtained, and Nature returns to her task of repair and rejuvenation.

This remarkable preparation is called Thermol, and its therapeutic application is almost endless. As a temporary remedy, it gives speedy and safe relief, without depression, in headaches, neuralgias, sciatica, painful menstruation, and all painful conditions. As a leading feature in the treatment of serious and protracted cases. it is invaluable in typhoid fever, pneumonia, peritonitis, rheumatism, remittent fever, etc., etc., also in all meningeal inflammations. It has been on the market now for about four years, and has been thoroughly tried, tested and approved by the medical profession in all parts of the country. The above mentioned claims have been more than fulfilled. Wherever known, the demand for Thermol becomes steady and increases rapidly. Sales are rapidly increasing, both through the trade and direct with physicians, as many physicians seem to prefer to order direct from us, again and again, as our books amply .show.

While salicylic acid is one of the very best antiseptics, it disagrees with the stomach and deranges digestion. This true not only of salicylic acid, but also of the salicylates, is as salicylate of soda.

We also know that formaldehyde is the king of antiseptics, and as a uric acid solvent it stands only second to salicylic acid; but the trouble is to place it where we want it. To do this it must be combined in such a way that the combination will split up at the right time and place, and set formaldehyde free slowly and safely where needed.

Dr. S. Lewis Summers condenses salicylic acid with formaldehyde, and then acetylizes this union, thus forming the well defined organic chemical compound Acetyl Methylene Disalicylic Acid which has the structural form

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Ur(ic) a(cid) sol (vent).
Ur a - sol.

It is nonirritating to the mucous membranes.
It is acceptable to the stomach.

As it is not absorbed till it reaches the bowels, it is a valuable antiseptic for the alimentary tract.

But in the blood is where it does its chief work, for there it breaks up, and its constituents, as explained above, exert their great powers.

It is the eliminator of eliminators. It increases the peristaltic action of the bowels, the diaphoretic action of the skin, the diuretic action of the kidneys, the solvent action on the uric acid salts as well as restoring the normal fluidity of the blood, and stimulates the respiratory tract through the incorporated properties of acetic acid.

Do not the therapeutic applications suggest themselves readily and abundantly? Wherever there are bacteria to overcome-typhoid fever, scarlet fever-in fact, all fevers, pneumonia, pyemia, septicemia, etc., etc. But its particular application is in the uric acid diathesis, as manifested by the many forms of rheumatism, lithemia, gout, sciatica, etc.

But its application does not stop with its many uses as a hematic antiseptic and uric acid solvent. It is excreted in the urine, and hence as an antiseptic to the urinary tract it is of very great value. The urine remains normally acid. Decomposing and ammoniacal urine is speedily corrected, and all inflammations of the tract are beneficially influenced. Try it in gonorrhea.

The most frequent use of ur-a-sol is as an anti-rheumatic and as an eliminator of the uric acid salts. When sufficiently large doses are given to meet the requirements, the removal of the pain and the reduction of the temperature to normal are quite promptly obtained. Whilst it increases the quantity of the urinary fluid with an augmentation of the solids of the same, it is steadily removing the excessive presence from the blood of the salts of uric acid through elimination by combination. Thus the system is rid of the toxins of the disease and other effete substances from the blood.

Ur-a-sol has now been in successful use for several years, and its use is extending because of its inherent merits. It is truly a remarkable chemical. One notable result of its use (say 10 grains with or after each meal) is increase of the appetite. The explanation is supposed to be this: The elimination of uric acid creates a demand for more nutriment; hence, hunger, and a stimulation of digestion, and assimilation. Usually increased buoyancy and cheerfulness come with the increased appetite. It is now attracting the attention of medical college professors and other leaders of the professionthey are seeking it for investigation, because they have heard of its remarkable usefulness.

Send $1.00 Money Order, and we will send you a highgrade, one minute, self registering clinical thermometer, worth more than $1.00 and one ounce of either Ur-a-sol or Thermol, either in powder or 5 grain tablets. Literature free.




2559 N. Sydenham St., Philadelphia

Why not study French or German when you can do it so easily and pleasantly as the phonograph now makes possible. See adv. on page 13.

$3000 business, slight opposition, rich farming

country, plenty of work, 98 per cent. good pay. No better country, location.W. A. Webster, N. 4th St., Zanesville, Ohio.

One thing that the careful physician will appreciate $2500 unopposed practise, 95 per cent. collectible,

in the Freligh remedies is that the formula and the dose is given in the advertisement. This is always a good sign; and it is a sign that physicians would do well to demand before using a remedy. We will not say that they should demand that the formula be in the advertisements, but it should at least be supplied on the bottles or packages, or in some other way to physicians before they give the remedy to their patients. The Woodruff Co. takes the plan of giving them right at the start-in the advertisement; and it is a very satisfactory plan for the physician. See adv. on page 3.

What a numerous and troublesome class of cases are the "digestiv" cases. They give the physician almost as much trouble as the patient. If your present treatment of these cases is not entirely satisfactory to yourself or to your patients, why not give Ingluvín a trial? See adv. on page 7.

BILLINGSLEY, ALA., September 24, 1901. The last Brace bought of you was for a lady suffering from retroversion of the womb, of which it cured her. She gained 25 pounds in two months. Would that I could enlist more physicians to use your Brace. H. W. THOMPSON, M.D. Concerning the Natural Body Brace, see adv. on page 4.

The minutely detailed treatment of pneumonia given in Dr. Abbott's advertisement this month will

interest all. Dr. Abbott is well known to all of our readers, as the great champion of alkalometry, and what he has to say concerning pneumonia will be found interesting. See page 15.

The Whirling Spray of the Marvel Syringe will appeal to our readers. The Marvel Co. present this syringe as one that will fully extend the folds of the vagina, washing every part thoroughly, and in such a way that it cannot be injurious. The lack of danger is not accomplisht by lack of water, but by the direction and manner in which it is emitted from the syringe. See adv. on page 5.

George F. Roehrig, M.D., Denver, Colo., April 5, 1898: Pabst Malt Extract is by no means new to me. I have used it for years, in such cases of general debility and denutrition, where a reconstructiv agent was indicated, and invariably with success."

Need a new set of harness, Doctor? Well, if not just now, you may soon, and so you would better send now for the King Harness Co.'s catalog. See adv. page 19.

The following is reported to us: "In a case of typhoid fever where the patient could not tolerate a single ounce of milk, Trophonine was used with markt success. Practically no tympanites developt during the course of the disease. I regarded the extreme distaste for milk as a calamity, and was forced to use Trophonine exclusivly, but after it had demonstrated its value the "calamity" turned out to be a blessing. I have used many kinds of artificial and natural foods, but none of them have, in my experience, given the markt success of Trophonine.' Trophonine is made by Reed & Carnrick Jersey City, N. J.

$1800 Easy country practise to purchaser of $175 worth

of books, microscope, skeleton, etc. Address Dr. A. H. Sissakian, Niobrara, Neb.

G $1800 chaser of drugs, furniture, horses, etc. $650

OOD village practise, central Ohio, given to purchaser of property. $600. Might rent Box 8. Jelloway. Ohio. Practise in central Illinois town of 1,500, to pur

cash. Will sell or rent house worth $3,000; small cash payment, long time if desired. O, care of MEDICAL WORLD.

given to purchaser of my nine-room residence and office; price, with thorough introduction, $1,200. Part cash, balance on time. Address Dr. E. D. Moore, Moorefield, Ohio.


OR SALE-Practise paying over $1,600 per year and property costing $1,650, for $1,450. Town of 400. Northwestern Ohio; rich farming community; pike roads; no hills; railroad; easy terms. Address "K," care of MEDICAL WORLD.

FOR SALE-Eight-room house, barn, big lot, and $2.500 unop

posed practise, for $450. Will give time on part. Big snap. F. Yonkers, M. D., Woodville, Michigan.

W ANTED location for drug store and medical practise, Pennsylvania, Ohio or New Jersey preferred. Will buy stock of drugs, etc., if location suits. Give price and describe fully. Address "Doctor." Quakake, Pa.

OR SALE-Unopposed village practise of $2,000 yearly. etc., bargain. Address, with stamp, "Dr. M.," R. F. D. 6, Columbus, Indiana.

FOR SALE Physician's residence, small drug store and build ing, in town of 450; in best part of central Illinois. Splendid chance for good man. Good reasons for selling. Address Dr. E. N. Wheeler, Latham, Ill.

FOR SALE- Good location; practise $2,000; prominent commer

lot; house, office and barn, $2,600. Pop. 1,300. Central Ohio. Particulars by mail. Reason, ill-health. Address "G," care of MEDICAL WORLD.

BUY housefurnishing goods and make living practising, or keep hotel. No competition. I came a "lunger;" am well. Snap. Dr. Hamilton, Howard, Colo.

FOR SALE-Unopposed practise, with or without property. Indiana. Cheap if taken at once. 'J," care of MEDICAL


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railroad appointments. Best outfit in Territory; growing ENTRAL OKLAHOMA—$3,000 practise. Insurance and town of 1,000: collections, 95 percent. Bargain fine opening, any school. Moving to city. "Oklahoma," care of MEDICAL WORLD. First class.

WANTED-Location or partnership June 15.
Indiana preferred. No property. Dr. H. A. Giltner, Lex-

ington, Ind.

$1300 Town 600; black prairie land. Collec

Buys $1,800 practise; six-100m house; two acres tions good. Bargain. Address, Box 94 Hutto, Texas.

CAN SELL YOUR MEDICAL PRACTISE (with or without real estate), no matter where i is or what it is worth. Send full particulars, including your best cash price, and learn how. If you want to buy a practise anywhere, state your requirements. W. M. Ostrander, 310 North American Bldg., Philadelphia.

NY regular, energetic practician can learn of a first-class

A location for moderate price by addressing A. B. C., General

Delivery, Canton, O.

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WANT of Ohio (within fifty miles of large city preferred), in

ANTED-To buy property and practise in nice laying sectown of not less than 500. Good roads, telephones, railroad. Live, established, regular practise, not less than $2,000 yearly. Address Dr. L. S. Hennen, Rcsbys Rock, W. Va.

GOOD practise given to purchaser of my property in central

Pennsylvania. For description and particulars, address Box 304, Hughesville, Pa. First-class location in town of 500, in Anderson county, for price of doctor's residence. Price, $800. Address Dr. Bradford, Overbrook, Kas.

FOR SALE-A snapo

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