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of pregnant women who were obese or anemic. While his sole attention, at first, was directed toward the physical improvement of the prospectiv mother alone, he soon noted that the nutrition of the embryo was also affected in two ways. First, it was noted that the fetus exercised somewhat the functions of a parasite in that it was able to secure nutriment enuf to fulfil all the requirements of growth, metabolism, and vitality. And second, that the restriction in the diet of the mother resulted in a lessened accumulation of fatty tissue and a slower deposit of earthy material in the forming bones of the child.

It was in 1889 that he first gave the results of his observations to the world, and in 1901 he again appeared in medical literature with a definitly outlined diet table. In his second paper he discusses the vegetarian theory, and calls attention to the fact that among those races whose chief sustenance is derived from fruit and vegetables, the accouchements are, as a rule, easy; and that European women who reside in such localities and whose diet is of necessity modified according to their environment, pass the throes of labor with greater ease and celerity than when in their nativ land.

Such theorizing, followed later by tests in practise under widely different circumstances, and in different quarters of the globe, has now reduced the matter to a well known and admitted principle in biology. It is therefore a consistent and logical advance in the science of obstetrics when this modified diet enters the scientific arena in competition with symphyseotomy, prematurely induced labor, and cesarean section; and the practician who fails to use this method in cases where a history of maternal dystocia is present, fails in his full duty and lays up a store of trouble for himself.

It will be noted that the widest variation exists in the diet prescribed by the strict vegetarian and the table of Prochownik; there is also a great difference in the amount of fluids allowed. Rombotham, the oldest observer, allowed fluids ad libitum, and reduced the amount of solids all along the line. The vegetarians also place no limit on the fluids, but insist upon the solids being non-nitrogenous. Prochownik limits the fluids sharply and cuts the carbo-hydrates down to the minimum. It suffices to say that the utterances of Prochownik are the only ones that have a scientific basis, and that they were the only ones recording the observations of learned and skilled accoucheurs. Rombotham was a London druggist; the author of "Tokology" is a homeopathic lady physician; and the vegetarians are practically laymen.

Prochownik's table follows: Breakfast: A small cup of black coffee containing not more than 3.38 ounces, and not to exceed 5 ounces of zweiback, or bread and butter. Luncheon : Any kind of meat or fish, eggs, green vegetables, salad, and cheese. Dinner: Same as the luncheon, with the addition of 1 to 134 ounces of bread and butter. The only fluid allowed beyond this is 10 to 14 ounces of red wine. Water, soup, potatoes, starchy food, beer, and sugar are absolutely forbidden.

He has tabulated the results in 62 cases as follows:

1. All the mothers bore the diet well after slight initial hardships, principally thirst (especially in the corpulent), and repugnance to so much animal food. Both these difficulties were mitigated by increasing the allowance of green vegetables. The weight of the women, allowance being made for the growth of the embryo and uterus, remained practically the


2. All the confinements were relativly easy in comparison with previous labors, even in those exceptional cases in which, despite the diet, the fetus was large and fat at birth.

3. All the children were born alive, altho the mothers, as a class, had experienced still births. The few cases of asphyxia neonatorum were easily reanimated. As far as known, all the children survived the accidents which produce secondary mortality.

4. The great majority of the children were lean at birth, there being a notable sub-development of the panniculus adiposus. The skin of the head was noticeably lax, and the cranial bones exhibited a notable degree of motility one upon another.

5. The children exhibited the essential insignia of maturity (normal length, head measurements, etc.)

6. The normal gain in weight took place in the majority of children.

7. The diet of the mother exerted no unfavorable action upon lactation.

As soon as delivery is accomplisht the special diet is dropt, and an effort instituted to supply food especially rich in non-nitrogenous nutriment.

The Prochownik diet is used only in the last six weeks of pregnancy, and the benefits accruing to the mother are so evident that the physician will find in her a willing patient when the facts are once explained to her. Complications are lessened; accidents so common in protracted and dystocic labors are averted; maternal suffering is minimized; the chances of the fetus are enhanced; and the time of the physician is conserved by the shortened period of labor.

I have brought this subject to the attention

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2. Into what classes are articulations divided?

3. Describe and give origin and insertion of the pronator radii teres muscle.

4. Describe the abdominal aorta, giving its use and termination. 5. Name the principal veins of the head and neck.

6. Give characteristics of lymphatics; where are they not found? 7. Name the membranes of the brain. Give brief description of each.

8. Give brief description of the spinal cord. Give only its gross anatomy.

9. Name the openings into the pharynx. 10. Give gross anatomy of the liver.


A. G. Stoddard, M.D., Examiner, Fairfax, Minn.

1. Name one property common to all blood leukocytes, and give some of their physiological uses.

2. What is lymph, and its mode of reaching the lymphatic vessels and glands, and, finally, the venous circulation?

3. Tell something concerning cerebral localization, describing any three local centers.

4. Give origin and function of anterior and posterior roots of spinal nerves.

5. What is the composition, reaction, and function of the pancreatic juice?

6. Give normal constituents of arterial blood, and the process by which venous is converted into arterial blood, and the physiological necessity therefor.

7. Give nature of function performed by kidney, and detail with some minuteness the method of its performance."

8. What is the physiological difference between striated and nonstriated muscular tissue, giving some examples of each.

9. Describe the portal circulation.

10. Give normal constituents of urin, and amount voided (approximately, in ounces) in 24 hours.


1. Give pathology of kidney in chronic interstitial nephritis. s. How would you make a Widal test? What is its value in diagnosis?

3. Name varieties of tape worm found in man, and give usual source of infection of each.

4. Name the different varieties of leukocytes, and give the proportion of each in normal blood.

5. Explain the difference between activ and passiv congestion. 6. How would you make a bacteriological diagnosis of diphtheria?

7. What are the vital manifestations of a cell?

8. How does a peptic gland differ in structure from a pyloric gland?

9. Describe a nerve cell. What is meant by a bipolar cell? 10. What form of epithelium occurs in the following organs? Lungs, urinary bladder, stomach, ureters, oviduct, vas deferens, cornea.


A. B. Cole, Fergus Falls, Minn.

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6. How would you use antitoxin in the early stage of a severe attack of diphtheria in a child six years old?

7. Prescribe an ointment for a case of scabies.

8. Give the average adult dose of each of the following: Extract of nux vomica; bichlorid of mercury; oil of sandal wood; extract of hyoscyamus; tincture of opium.

9. Prescribe iodid of potash for an adult suffering from a syphilitic ulcer of the leg.

10. What precautions are necessary in prescribing tincture of the chlorid of iron? Why?


Charles M. Cannon, M.D.

1. Give the use of lobelia in eclampsia; of veratrum; and dose of each.

2. Give the indications for the use of bryonia and rhus tox. What are their physiological actions?

3. What is acetanilid? Give physiological action.

4. Name some of the later alkaloids of opium and the dose of each.

5. Give use and dose of Jamaica dog-wood; chloral hydrate; trional; sulfonal; cannabis indica.

6. Give physiological action of ergot; digitalis; gelsemium.

7. What are the specific indications for chamomile; nux vomica; ipecac; hydrastis.

8. Name three reliable tonics; three stimulants; three sedativs. 9. What are the medicinal properties of turpentine, and how would you give it?

10 Name some conditions calling for collinsonia; sanguinaria and phytolacca.

W. A. Beach.

1. Differentiate between aconite, belladonna and arsenic in fevers.

2. Give prominent symptoms of baptisia; rhus; bry. which indicate them in typhoid fever.

3. Give characteristic symptoms of lycopodium.

4. Give characteristic symptoms of digitalis cactus and spigelia in heart affections.

5. Give me a picture of child in whom calcarea carb. is indicated. 6. Give prominent symptoms of gels.

7. Name four remedies having special action on the female generativ organs.

8. Give four remedies of use in diarrhea with their most characteristic differential symptoms.

9. Name three remedies of service in follicular tonsillitis. 10. What conditions indicate hypericum arnica; rhus tox in in



E. O. Giere, M.D., Madison, Minnesota.

1. Give physical signs of pleuritic effusion.

2. Describe sonorous, sibilant, crepitant and mucous rales. 3. Give causes and diagnosis of gastric ulcer.

4. Give etiology and symptoms of cerebral embolism.

5. Name the chronic diseases of the liver.

6. What do you understand by enteroptosis, and what are the common pathologic conditions involved?

7. Name six chronic diseases most likely to be associated with a daily rise of temperature.

8. What is the difference between intermittent and remittent fever?

9. Give differential diagnosis between chronic parenchymatous nephritis and chronic interstitial nephritis.

10. Give the normal location of the apex beat of the heart, and give diagnostic significance of its various displacements.

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3. What is the greatest possible duration of a pregnancy that may result in the birth of a living child?

4. What conditions influence the time of appearance of rigor mortis?

5. What is the minimum fatal dose in an adult of arsenious acid? of sulfate of morphin?

The Oath of Hippocrates.

I swear by Apollo, by Esculapius, by Hygea and Panacea, and by all the Gods and Goddesses, to keep this promise to the best of my power and knowledge. I will regard him as my father who instructs me in medicin, will divide with him my possessions if need be, and will care for his children as if they were my brothers, and will, if they desire, instruct them in medicin without pay.

I will do the same for those who bind themselves to me by a similar oath. I will prescribe for the sick the regimen most likely to suppress all injurious influences. I will resist all solicitations to give poison or induce abortion. I will preserve my life pure and exercise my art for the good of mankind. I will not cut for stone, but leave that operation for those whose office it is.

Whatever I do shall be for the good of the sick, keeping myself pure from all iniquity, abstaining from the seduction of women, and from debauch with either freemen or slaves. That which I may see or hear in the exercise of my art, I will preserve as a secret under no circumstances to be divulged. If I keep this, my vow, I feel that my life will be happy and contented both in the present and the future; if not, may the evil consequences of perjury fall upon me.

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State Board Examination Series: Surgery.-Bv, R. J. E. Scott, A.M., M.D. Publisht by Lea Bros & Co., Philadelphia.

This is a compilation of the questions that have been askt by the New York State Board, with an answer to each question, or a reference to where the answer may be found.

A Compend of Pathology, General and Special. A students' manual in one volume. By Alfred Edward Thayer, M D., Professor of Pathology, University of Texas. Second edition, containing 131 illustrations. Publisht by P. Blakiston's Son & Co., Philadelphia, Pa.

This volume is really a combination of the two compends by the same author publisht in 1902, but the text has been thoroly revised, and some new illustrations have been added. It is sensibly bound in flexible morocco, and the type page is beautiful. Disputed and technical points find no place. It is a plain, safe and concise guide for the student or general practician. The cuts of bacteria and of the various tumors are especially good. The directions for the preservation of tissues and organs constitutes a valuable feature of the work, and is thoroly up to date. It will satisfy all except those who wish to go into details and minutia.-A. L. R.

The Perverts. By William Lee Howard, M.D. Second edition. Sold by the author, 1126 North Calvert street, Baltimore, Md. Price, $1.50.

There are very few books written by competent medical men which are at the same time readable fiction and psychological studies. Dr. Howard has given us such a book. One may read it lightly, and find it as a novel, interesting; or he may study and re-read

it and see in it many good moral points and considerable evidence of deep study of the subject. Every character is well portrayed, and the medical reader can almost imagin the notes have been taken from his case book. In such a highly tinted plot, only a skilful pen could glide thru with so few blunders. When he speaks of the hero "pulling at her befouzled hair, and off came a greasy wig, exposing the rotting skull, and beneath it the pulsating brain tissues," he slightly overreaches himself, for the medical reader at least. The inconsistencies are few, and the book is intensly interesting.-A. L. R.

Practical Gynecology. A comprehensiv text-book for students and physicians. By E. E. Montgomery, M.D., LL.D., Professor of Gynecology, Jefferson Medical College; Gynecologist to the Jefferson Medical College Hospital and St. John's Hospital; Consulting Gynecologist to the Philadelphia Lying-in Charity and the Kensington Hospital for Women. Second revised edition, with 539 illustrations, the greater number of which have been drawn and engraved specially for this work, for the most part from original sources. Publisht by P. Blakiston's Son & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Price, $5.

Contains 900 pages. The illustrations are an im portant feature of the work. Every operation and procedure of practical merit is fully described and illustrated. Thirty-six pages are devoted to ectopic gestation, and 96 pages to deviations of the pelvic organs. Malformations and inflammations have full attention. This work will prove valuable to any practician interested in gynecology, no matter how many others he may have. It has, besides the stereotyped material common to all books of its class, much information not given elsewhere, both in illustration and text.-A. L. R.

(Continued on page 18.)


Revolutions are usually bloody. Their results are sometimes temporary, and sometimes permanent. Evolution is peaceful, because it is a gradual yielding to new forces and adjustment to new conditions, and the results are usually permanent. If it were not for the constant operation of peaceful evolution, revolutions of force would necessarily frequently occur. Thus those who defend existing evils are courting possible revolution; while those who discover and expose existing evils in order that they may be peacefully corrected are assisting orderly progress to better conditions-the normal and proper evolution of society.

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These thoughts (and other thoughts too voluminous to record here) are suggested by a recent book* by Mr. B. O. Flower, the talented editor of The Arena. A realistic and thrilling picture is given of the fearful industrial conditions in England in the 30's and early 40's. A prominent factor in the social condition there at that time was the tariff upon food stuffs (called corn laws"), which greatly enhanced the price of food to the masses of the people. This tariff was in the interest of the then all powerful landed aristocracy of England, their object being to keep the price of food (the product of their landed estates) high, in order to avoid the competition of cheaper food from other parts of the world, particularly from agricultural América. The struggle was between the opulent and arrogant rich, and the starving poor. I will not attempt to outline the book here except to say that the conservativs had the grace and good sense to yield in time to avert a bloody revolution. I cannot understand why novel reading is so general among our people, to the comparativ popular neglect of such books as this. No work of fiction could be more thrilling, or more absorbingly interesting. Truth is stranger than fiction" and when equally thrilling and entertaining, it should be more attractiv. When will the masses of our people learn, not only the importance of sociologic studies, but also how deeply interesting they are? Progress in this direction is encouraging, but it should be faster.

"How England Averted a Revolution of Force;" by B. O. Flower. Publisht by Albert Brandt, Trenton, N. J. Cloth bound, 288 pages, price $1.25 net; postage io cents.

We usually accomplish what we devote our minds and energy to. Certainly we cannot expect to accomplish what we do not put our minds and energies to. As long as we devote our whole time and attention to private interests, and allow public interests to drift along, or leave them entirely in the hands of professional politicians, how can we expect to make any surprising advance? Here some one will say, Well,

I read the papers." What of that? What would you think of a man who prepares himself for practising medicin by reading the almanac, and the domestic medicin department in our magazines and newspapers? Newspapers are for the purpose of giving the news; and in doing this they perform a useful function. But the science of government cannot be gotten from that source. Newspapers do not make such a claim. You get your medical education chiefly from books. And if you are keeping abreast of progress in your profession, you are still a reader of books, written by men who have devoted special attention, with special facilities, to special subjects. When it comes to an understanding of public questions, should you be satisfied with a smattering gained from here and there, and nothing reliable or authoritativ?

We don't like theory when we can get fact. One fact, when demonstrated, can knock down structure after structure built upon theory. Years ago I feared that these Talks might be considered theoretical, so I searcht the world for sociologic, economic and political facts, and have in this department presented many of them. I found that in New Zealand there were facts sufficient to revolutionize the civilized world (peacefully), if made known. I have spent much time and money in having them attractivly presented, having the readers of THE MEDICAL WORLD in view all the time. Many WORLD readers have purchast the book ("The Story of New Zealand," $3, MEDICAL WORLD office-money refunded if not satisfied), and are now reading it or circulating it among their friends; but not half enuf have yet done so. keep a record here of every book sent out; so we know just how many have ordered the book, and just who they are.



I am not a revolutionist. Many have been the gloomy prognostications I have heard in recent years, and sometimes from well balanced men of good judg ment; but I have always discouraged such sentiments. However, let us all realize that safety is in knowledge. Such expressions always stimulate me to further efforts to spread the light, and show how our social and political condition can be vastly improved, in peaceful ways. That's the way to prevent tions of force." If that had always been done, in time and in the right way, perhaps there would never have been any of the bloody revolutions that we read about. But it won't be done without an effort. The advanced government that New Zealand is now enjoying did not come without an effort-persistent and intelligent. What shall we do? Let things drift along hap-hazard? or shall we put our minds to public questions? New Zealanders had only theory to guide them, in most instances, while we have the theory workt out into demonstrated, practical fact by New Zealand. Shall we not at least look and see what New Zealand has done, and how she has done it? Surely we ought to do that much. Those who do so will be able to see how shallow and inadequate to our needs are the platforms of our dominant political parties, and how unfit for leader-ship is our average statesman."

The Right Kind of a Missionary.

C. F. TAYLOR, M.D.; Dear Doctor :-Inclosed find certified check for $3, for which please send me another copy of "The Story of New Zealand." I have, with a great deal of interest, carefully read the book from title page to index. I regret that every intelligent man in the United States can not do likewise. I want this copy for another friend. You remember I bought two copies in December. My own I keep loaned out, and will, in a short time, have to buy another to replace it. P. D. SIMS, M.D.

Chattanooga, Tenn.

[Let me here give you a family secret: The prepara

tion and publication of this book cost me a little over $5,000. I didn't intend it, but the expense grew and grew, for I wanted to do it right. But it would be worth many, many times that much to the country to have the voters of this country thoroly acquainted with what has been done in New Zealand, and how it was done. Now that I have told the above secret, will not every member of the family buy at least one copy of the book and read it and circulate it among friends? Is not that little enuf for you to do, compared to what I have done? Some will do what Dr. Sims is doing. May his kind increase.-ED.]

It is a monumental volume. Well done. I hope it will be read by millions, for it will usefully clear away superstitions which clog the progress of economic legislation in the United States.-Pres. E. B. Andrews.

Contains a great deal of most interesting information. I shall order a copy for our library. * ** I have great interest in every project which has for its purpose the instalment of an equitable balance between public and private control, so far as industrial conditions are concerned, and this I understand to be the essence of the New Zealand experiment.-Prof. Henry C. Adams, Michigan University.

Altho familiar with the writings of Lloyd and Reeves, and several reports of our Government on the same subject, I have found your book the most comprehensiv and up-to-date treatment of what a progressiv American wants to know, of any book I have seen in this country. The book aims to give a historical survey of the development of economic and social legislation in that most interesting and instructiv country. In all this you have succeeded so admirably that I wish your book could be read by every American citizen.-Prof. E. W. Bemis.

I have read "The Story of New Zealand." The book is a remarkable one, and treats of a remarkable subject. In fact it is the story of a wonderful revolution where the rights of man have triumphed and equality of opportunity is establisht among people of the English race. Every person interested in the great social questions, which are now being workt out in this country, should read this book. I learn that there is a way for justice to be bestowed upon those who produce the wealth, and that the greed of man can be curbed, and the interests of the toilers protected. ** * I consider the book invaluable.-Ex. U. S. Senator R. F. Pettigrew.

A genuin contribution to the cause of industrial freedom. *** It seems strange that we should find a better example of democracy in the government of New Zealand than is presented in our own. *** The attractiv and interesting way in which you have set forth what has been done in this wonderful country will be, I am sure, a great help to all students of the democratic equality that we are striving to obtain in America. Samuel M. Jones, The Golden Rule Mayor of Toledo.

In all the wide conflict between Man and Market, Brotherhood and Bargainhood, nothing that I know of in all the literature of today compares with "The Story of New Zealand." *** The manner, method, matter and masterfulness of the book all delight me. No one is up-to-date until he reads it.-Pres. George M. Miller.

I think very highly of your pains-taking work upon New Zealand. It will prove very useful to thinking men.-John Wanamaker.

No one can read this book without amazement. The development of New Zealand, which in a little more than sixty years has arisen from cannibalism to a civilization of the highest type, is one of the marvels

of history. This book tells the story of this wonderful evolution-how this "ideal republic" has been built into its present state of economic advancement, a century ahead of the rest of the world, by the earnest and unselfish efforts of a group of true statesmen, whose names are hardly known, if known at all, in this country. The work is both historical and economic; it sketches briefly the history of the country, but most of its space is devoted to the careful description of the economic peculiarities of government which made New Zealand the ultima thule of the reformer.

New Zealand today is a land without strikes, without lockouts, without panics, without sweat-shops, without railroad rebates. It has state insurance, state mines, railroads, telegraphs and banks. It has adopted a modified single tax, the income tax, exemption to small holders and the taxation of mortgages. It has introduced woman's suffrage, compulsory voting, the eight-hour day, old age pensions and other reforms

too numerous to mention.

New Zealand is the land of tomorrow, a country of prophecy! Every student of the social conditions in our own country should read this book, even tho he is unable to endorse the multiple reforms which have given that country its peculiarly interesting position in the world.-Alkaloidal Clinic.

It is a book that should be closely studied by every patriotic citizen of this country, for it would inspire him with a reformatory zeal that would express itself in all his public relationships, and it would make him one of the millions who would vote right in peoples' conventions, and at the polls. The book deserves much praise. It is a noble work, and should be in the library of every one.-Charlotte Medical Journal.

This is one of the most interesting and instructiv books which we have seen for some time. It is a very complete treatise on New Zealand, the land of government railroads, government coal mines, compulsory arbitration, old age pensions, the eight-hour day, and many, many other good things.

The book should be read by every citizen of the United States, as a general knowledge of it would result in desirable changes in this country. New Zealand has settled the many questions which threaten so much trouble in this country. Every private and public library in the land should have the work. The book is beautifully printed and bound and contains excellent illustrations.-Wisconsin Medical Recorder.

From New Zealand's Labor Secretary.

To Edw. Tregear, Secretary for Labor in New Zealand, and one of the colony's most distinguisht literary and scientific men, a copy of "The Story of New Zealand" was sent, with a letter from Prof. Parsons asking for criticism and suggestions. The following extracts are from Secretary Tregear's most interesting and instructiv reply:

"It is difficult to speak of the book except in terms that would seem like flattery. Short as the history of the colony has been, it has been full enuf of incident and excitement to make it no easy task to grasp the subject strongly, and yet in a way in which the ordinary mind can take pleasure. You have succeeded in this difficult task, and have covered the historical dry bones' with a very charming living body that will, I hope, become familiar to the eyes of many citizens of your great nation. * **You have managed to avoid repetition of other people's work to any extent, and have properly dwelt on the points sometimes not brought out clearly. ** But as you put I

it, I see how great the advance has been. am glad to find that you understand the 'inwardness › of our progressiv legislation. Really it may be condensed into the phrase 'public education.' It is the effort for national culture, especially on the line of (economic) ethics. Where I can see no fault, what could criticism be but praise? * **Reading your book is over; it will now be a work of reference, often lookt up and consulted, for we have no volume condensing so thoroly so much information."

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