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him, he inclosed several other articles for me to read, one from the Medical Owl! a crea ture of darkness that I have never seen. Life is too short, Dr. Jackson. You would better go back to the practise of law. You are too voluminous-and dilute-for the medical pro


The Medical Brief has circulated reprints entitled "Independent Journalism," encouraging the independent journal. For this we ought to be deeply grateful. We fear, however, that instead of being an earnest appeal, as we had taken the reprint to be, the little sheet was prepared by the editor of the Brief as a practical joke in a most jocular moment. There are some passages which we must credit with delightful sarcasm, pleasant satire and real wit. We can imagin how the editor winkt and smiled when he penned this sentence: "The Medical Brief, which is the most ethical, progressiv, scientific and fairest journal in the world." The humor of this was doubtless carried on into the next pages, where vaccination, antitoxin and other therapeutic procedures of known and accepted worth were condemned most scientifically as absurdities.-Chicago Clinic.

I have noticed the editorial above referred to reproduced entire in several medical journals, and it could also be noticed that such journals also carried advertisements of one or more of the Lawrence list of proprietaries. Is this a coincidence?

The Brief prates so much about "independence;" claiming to be the only Simon pure "independent medical journal." The fact is that it is the most flagrant trade organ publisht in America. If it were not for its RioOdd-Sultan-Peacock-Dad-Celerina-ChioniaSeng-Sanmetto Neurilla-etc., etc., etc., combination, it wouldn't be publisht at all. Any doctor who will read discriminatingly will have no trouble in seeing the purpose for which the Brief is publisht; and then he can decide whether or not he wishes to spend his time in serving that purpose.

Confidential information comes to me that money sent out by Dr. J. J. Lawrence for articles for the Brief is being returned to him, without the articles. One letter says significantly: "I did not write the 100 words, as he desired." There are some doctors who cannot be brought into questionable associations by money.


The President of the "Christian Hospital" Defends the
Medical Brief and Threatens the Editor of
CHICAGO, May 10, 1902.

Philadelphia, Pa.

Sir:-I note with some interest the renewal of your attacks on "The Medical Brief" in your May issue, and your answers to Dr. Jackson and other medical men, who have tried to point out your motive for "knocking" your more successful rival.

I also wish to take exceptions to your repetition of the uncalled for and outrageous assault on the Christian Hospital, of which I am one of the managing Directors.

You printed a gross libel on this Institution and its

management last July, and repeat part of it again this month. It is plainly evident from what you say that you are actuated solely by malicious motives or have been grossly misinformed; perhaps a little of both. You certainly betray the fact that you have no knowledge whatever of this worthy Hospital and its proper management, or you would hesitate to print such unjust and malicious libels.

You do not seem to know or care, who or what, worthy Institution or person you outrage, so that you may pose to your subscribers as the self-appointed guardian of their ethics, and the conservitor of their morals and money, forgetting that they are not children, or imbeciles, but men of mature years, fair education and average common sense. A few perhaps, like yourself, may however be slaves to an antiquated and obsolete "code."

You seem lately to be inclined to devote more space to meddling with other peoples business, than to the discussion of subjects strictly medical.

I was glad to see you get a hard jolt in the current issue of The Medical Brief" for your meddling with other peoples affairs (see first nine pages, also editorial under caption "Lies" in May Brief).

You are fast acquiring the reputation so aptly and tersely described by Dr. Lawrence in the editorial above referred to.

Dr. Lawrence edits and publishes one of the best Medical Journals issued in America, and is amply able to defend himself from your calumnies, therefore I shall not attempt to defend him. His journal probably has five times the circulation yours does, and the intelligent unprejudiced physicians of the country can plainly see your motive:

"For Base envy withers at another's joy,

And hates that excellence it cannot reach."

If you decide to continue your policy of "knock" I would suggest that you change your present title, which is somewhat misleading, and in future call it "The Medical Knocker."

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You say in answer to Dr. Jackson's criticism that 'you came into the field of medical journalism not to fight, but to serve the daily medical needs of the average Doctor." If this be true, why do you make unwarranted assaults on reputable medical journals, hospitals, christian charities, and brother Physicians engaged in the same, or in a different line of work?

You say further on that "any man makes a grave mistake when he comes into any profession with a fighting spirit." Quite true. Can you not see that your own words condem you?

You doubtless have a lot of "Yap" Doctors on your list who, for the vanity of getting their names in print,. will write you flattering letters, endorsing your "stand," etc., etc., among whom will doubtless be found Dr. T. D. Crothers of Hartford, Conn., whose hypocritical juggling and contortions with ethics is so neatly and completely exposed with your own duplicity in this months "Medical Brief."

I am informed that you are not content with publishing "fake exposes" of our Hospital, but are also writing personal letters containing similar wicked and vicious falsehoods to Doctors throughout the country. I warn you here and now, that we will not stand much more of this sort of thing. Your cry of "fraud " and "fake" where there is no justification whatever for such an indecent and unprovoked slander, is amenable to the law, and unless you stop it at once, you must take the consequences that follow the violation of laws made to protect decent citizens against such assaults on their reputation.

Our attorneys inform us that you are not only liable under the civil laws, but that the criminal statutes also run against such publications as you have made; Will you retract, apoligize and quit, as Abbott and Waugh of "The Alkaloidal Clinic" did, or shall we arrest and prosecute you? Yours Sincerely,

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N. NEWS WOOD, A.M.. M.D. President and Superintendent Christian Hospital. P. S.-You are privileged to print this in your next symposium" if you print it in full.

Now this is rich! Incidentally it shows the

class of people that defend the Medical Brief. My remarks referred to concerning the Christian Hospital are on page 207, May WORLD, which please see. The complete exposé of this institution appeared in July, 1903, WORLD, pages 294, 295 and 296, which please see. I don't see how I can be "misinformed," for the literature that these people have been sending to doctors recently is identical with that sent out last summer, except a bad attempt to blot out the name of Dr. J. B. Murphy in the sample certificate. So if this institution was unworthy of the recognition and patronage of the profession then, it is now. As to what the profession thought of it then, see the Journal of the American Medical Association, and all the other leading medical journals, for last summer. The literature of this institution shows its character. If you have not seen it (and you are fortunate if an attempt has not been made to "work" you), see WORLD for last July, pages above referred to.

Yes, I am "meddling with the business" of certain kinds of people, and I propose to continue to do so; and I don't need to "lie" to do it. All that is necessary is to show them up in their true light. Their own wordstheir own literature when shown up and analyzed-condemn them. I am not surprised that you are an intense admirer of the Medical Brief. Yes, Dr. Lawrence could well afford to give the Brief (free copies) many times the circulation of THE WORLD if there were that many doctors, and if he could get the doctors to read it; for he would make it all up on the proprietaries boosted in the editorials and other parts of the reading pages. Jayne's almanac has a circulation of millions, perhaps. So it is easy for the Brief to have "the largest circulation of any medical journal in the world". that is, if we consider it a medical journal.

"The Medical Knocker"-thank you. Per haps you and some others feel that this is an appropriate name.

To show up certain things is one way, and an important way, of serving the daily needs of the average doctor. If your work is all right, why should you object to having it shown up? Why not be glad to get that much free advertising?

I do not fight with the profession, but for it -and that is glorious.

As to the matter between Dr. Lawrence and Dr. Crothers. which you call my "duplicity," that is not my affair at all.

I am too busy to write personal letters to doctors thruout the country about your "Christian Hospital." They can keep posted by reading THE WORLD.

Your threat is amusing. I have nothing to apologize for. I will not quit" until you


quit trying to debase and cheat the medical profession by offering a piece of parchment or sheepskin with tinsel and ribbon to the foolish or vicious hangers-on to the medical profession, at $15 to $25 per "certificate," to be used by the purchasers thereof to delude and mislead the general public.

If you ever quit the unprofessional business that your literature describes and solicits, and turn your back on it forever, I will congratulate you

I will ask WORLD readers everywhere to send to me any and all literature they may receive from the "Christian Hospital." Dr. John B. Deaver, in his letter to them last summer (see WORLD for last July, page 295, second column) said: "The circular you sent is an insult to any reputable physician." I supposed that it was stopt last summer-I guess it was until recently. It must be stopt permanently. If I continue to receive their literature from subscribers after this issue, in next issue I will again publish their literature in full, and let their own words condemn them.

Some Interesting Facts Concerning Antikamnia Methods.

GRASS VALLEY, CAL., May 6, 1904.

DR. C. F. TAYLOR, Ed. MEDICAL WORLD. Dear Doctor:-Last month I took it upon myself to write to the Antikamnia tablet makers expressing my surprise at their work of advertising their product to the laity, having been thus far under the impression that they were strictly ethical towards the medical profession. The inclosed was sent to me in reply to my letter. Yours, etc., H. E. FRANCK, M.Ď.

I suppose the Doctor wrote to the Antikamnia people an account of the correspondence given on page 147, April WORLD, showing how Antikamnia tablets are placed in the hands of clergymen. Here is the "beautiful " letter that they wrote to Dr. Franck :

ST. LOUIS, U. S. A., April 25, 1904. HARRY ED. FRANCK, M.D. Grass Valley, Calif. Dear Doctor:-Replying to your esteemed favor of the 19th inst., we beg to state that for twelve years we were advertisers in THE MEDICAL WORLD, during which time Dr. Taylor found his vocabulary insufficient to tell of all the virtues of Antikamnia tablets. About two years ago when the advertising rates were raised out of all proportion to the circulation and standing of THE WORLD, we withdrew our advertisement, and now Dr. Taylor, after trying coaxing, cajoling, threats and bulldozing to get us back, is trying what might be termed a species of ethical blackmail to "bring us to time."

Is not this sufficient explanation of the character of the articles which are now appearing in THE MEDICAL WORLD? We have not changed our business methods in the least since THE MEDICAL WORLD carried our advertisement, but the loss of our advertising contract is what is hurting the old gentleman. Isn't it wonderful what a change a few dollars will work?

Thanking you for the opportunity to show the motive of THE MEDICAL WORLD'S attitude towards Antikamnia tablets, we remain, with best of good wishes, sincerely yours,

Frank A. Ruf, Prest. and Treas.

Now let us analyze this letter. We will find that Mr. Ruf, while a brilliant master of English, is not always prudent nor truthful. Please see on page 184, May WORLD, that I began publishing formulas for acetanilid mixtures as early as 1893. Knowing that antikamnia was simply an acetanilid mixture, I was surprised at its remarkable success. Doctors took to it, and I wondered why. I thought that its success would be temporary, but I was surprised to learn of its continued success, year after year, while its approximate formula had been repeatedly publisht. The only explanation I could think of was the exceedingly clever, original and effectiv advertising that Mr. Ruf gave to the preparation, and that it was the first preparation of this kind to be put up in comprest tablets, and that each tablet bore a monogram, then original, and that skilfully devised combinations of antikamnia with standard drugs, as quinin, codein, salol, laxativs, etc., were made, and that each combination bore its appropriate monogram. I was frequently led to admire these business methods, but never have I extoled the "virtues of antikamnia," for I knew what it was, and if the profession didn't know it wasn't my fault. At this late day the doctors are realizing it-much to the discomfiture of the antik amnia people. So much for that point

Now, as to the next-please refer to the letter. Our advertising rates were never "raised out of all proportion to the circulation." Whenever our advertising rates have been raised, it has been because of greater proportionate increase in our circulation.

Now, the next point: The letters from our advertising department are always dignified;

we never have and never will stoop to "coaxing, cajoling, threats and bulldozing." I defy Mr. Ruf, or anybody else, to show any communication from THE MEDICAL WORLD office that will substantiate this charge in the faintest degree.

As to "ethical blackmail!" Is publication of the fact that antikamnia is an acetanilid mixture blackmail? They do not deny that antikamnia is an acetanilid mixture, which any doctor or druggist can easily make, at a fraction of the price of antikamnia. If it is true, has not the profession a right to know it? As to bringing them "to time:" No, thank you. I don't want your advertisement. I blame myself for not refusing your advertisement years ago, and bringing these truths out more emphatically than ever. I was too much like other medical journalists, and also I thought that your advertising was confined strictly to the medical profession. I did not know that you were reaching the clergy with your letters and samples.

All the charges made by Mr. Ruf are absolutely false.


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They say that they "have not changed their business methods in the least." How long, then, are we to understand that they have been sending their letters, literature and samples to the preachers (and perhaps to other classes of the laity) directing them to purchase directly from the druggist ?

"The old gentleman!" This expression astonishes me and causes me to look into the mirror. Yes, I can find a few gray hairs, and my hair is getting a trifle thin on top; but I feel as young as ever, and this kind of work for the profession makes me feel younger still. It makes me feel that I have a field of usefulness worth living for.

"Wonderful what a change a few dollars will make!" And this from a man who has gulled a fortune out of the doctors, and who is trying to gull another fortune out of the preachers! It is wonderful what a change a little information will work. Mr. Ruf can use soft and flattering words when he expects journalists to keep his methods dark; but what a change when the light is thrown on! And do you notice that he says not one word about the composition of antikamnia? The truth is out, and it hurts.

Ruf's "Cajoling" Methods.

The following correspondence of over a year ago will be of interest in this connection.

In an article by Dr. J. W. Curless, of Ursa, WORLD, page 81, occurred the following: Ill., which appeared in the February, 1903,

"I will give the readers my formula for an antikamnia, and can be compounded for less antipyretic powder which I think is equal to

than twenty cents an ounce :

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180 gr. 20 gr.

Triturate the caffein and salol well together; then mix the whole mass and grind well in the mortar."

In March, 1903, WORLD, page 112, is an article from Dr. R. E. Eagan, of Fontana, Kan, in which he gives a list of drugs which he uses, one of them being antikamnia.

Please keep the above in mind while reading the following letter from Mr. Ruf, which is the most arrant attempt at "cajoling" that has ever come to my notice:

ST. LOUIS, U. S. A., March 4, 1903.

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hibitiv. We would gladly advertise with you at the old rate, but because we cannot see the value in your journal which you place upon space, is no reason why our long friendship should be severed. It is a plain business proposition with us. We cannot use $1,000 horses in our business, but that is no reason why any person who has a $1,000 horse to sell, should be


on us," for not buying it at his price. We cannot use space at over $200 a year for twelve issues, but that is no reason why you should be angry with us for not buying your "horse" at your price.

Regretting that you should have deemed it advisable to publish the matter in your February number to which we take exception, we beg to remain ever, Sincerely yours.

Frank A. Ruf, Prest. and Treas.

To this letter I immediately replied as follows: See if you can find any "coaxing, cajoling, threats and bulldozing" in it.

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1723 Olive St., St. Louis, Mo. Gentlemen:-Yours of March 4th is at hand, and it is a great surprise to me. I do not see what you expect; I did not know what you meant by reference in February WORLD, until I carefully lookt it up. Did you suppose that you owned me, body and soul, and for eternity? Did you suppose that a business transaction between us in the past, entirely fair to both parties, would control my editorial course? I do not like the inference that your letter plainly makes, and I am surprised that you would write such a letter. Yes, and on re-reading the letter I see that you also drag in "friendship." You say no reason why it should be severed"; I did not know that it was severed.

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What you say about your advertising is all right; it is your own business. We have never complained about your managing your own business in your own way. We do not get sore when an advertiser leaves us. We did not know that we were 66 sore" you, until your letter informs us of it; and yet even with this information, we are not conscious of it.


But the remark "we cannot use space at over $200 per year for 12 issues" is the most foolish remark that has yet come to us in a letter from a business firm. You entirely disregard the factor of circulation. The Ladies' Home Journal gets $4,000 per page per issue, and shrewd advertisers that have used and continue to use their space, consider the price a reasonable one. Assuring you that we have never thought of being "angry" with you for not advertising with us, and again expressing great surprise at your letter just received, we are, Very sincerely yours,

THE MEDICAL WORLD, C. F. Tavlor, Ed. and Pub.

That is the way we do business-on a perfectly fair and frank basis, and "straight out from the shoulder." You see that all the "cajoling" is in Mr. Ruf's letter, and not in mine. Yet, since he sees that he finds that his attempt at "cajoling" did not work, he finds it convenient, in a letter to an innocent and uninformed third party, to charge me with the "cajoling," while he poses as an innocent and injured martyr!

When a medical journalist sets out to serve the interests of the medical profession, regardless of any or all private interests, his trouble begins. But this isn't trouble; it is fun; and it is a great satisfaction to know that much good is being done.

Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-I inclose check for $4.00. Please send me "The Story of New Zealand" and three WORLD Binders.

I take this opportunity to say to you that in my mind you are an ideal medical editor. Your light on certain subjects is very commendable, especially concerning the Brief methods. Sorry to see other editors whom we have learned to love and honor, putting into journalism practically the same methods.

A lady patient of mine gave me a letter yesterday which she had received from the Antikamnia Company. It is as follows:

Dear Madam:-We are pleased to enclose you a sample of Antikamnia tablets. A sample of something good is a "good thing" to keep about the house, or for convenience, in your puise. Antikamnia tablets will relieve all headaches, neuralgias, insomnia, and especially woman's aches and ills. The enclosed booklet tells when and how to use them. Druggists everywhere sell them. FRANK A. RUF, President. The booklet describes 122 ailments for which antikamnia is recommended. B. D. SMITH. Cincinnati, Ohio.

An Illustration of Quack Methods. Following is a fac-simile copy of the wonderful Hoff Prescription for Consumption, as originally publisht in the New York Journal :


Acid. aromies. gr

Hali cantor dep.


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Can you make it out? Do you think it was intended that any doctor or druggist, other than those in their own branch establishment as specified below, should understand the prescription? Do you think that the medicin is actually put up for each patient at this branch? or don't you think that it is kept in stock there, just like any other secret proprietary, and dispenst in "hand-me-down " style, just like other "hand-me-downs? "' Here is a copy of the imitation type-written letter, which accompanies the literature:

handbook, also Professor Hoff's original prescription DEAR SIR-Agreeably to your request we send you for the cure of consumption.

This prescription can be filled safely and accurately only by skilled chemists who deal in imported drugs. Being a new discovery, two, at least, of the ingredients are not to be found in one drug store in a thousand. Skill is required for the reason that the greatest possible exactitude is demanded in the directions given by Professor Hoff. The proper amount of boiling and the after settling of the compound can be done accurately only by one who has practical knowledge of chemistry. Everything depends upon the purity and freshness of the drugs and the accuracy of bringing them together into one medicine, and when scientifically prepared, and containing the right ingredients, will make a perfectly clear, transparent solution, as pointed out by Dr. Hoff in the fourth paragraph on page 13 of pamphlet.

One of these drugs is an active poison and must be distributed evenly and thoroughly throughout the mass in order to assure safety to the patient.

The distinguished Vienna physician has demonstrated that his prescription is also a positive cure for Asthma, Bronchitis, Catarrh and all other troubles connected with the breathing organs of the body.

Prof. Hoff says the diseases last named which are but the advance guards of consumption, yield readily to his treatment, requiring at the most but a few weeks for their successful eradication.

If you desire to take no risks, and want to feel absolutely safe as to the exact ingredients and correct compounding of the mixture, you had better procure it here in New York City of the Eiker Drug Co., corner Nassau & Spruce Sts., who will send you the medicine, (a month's treatment,) all delivery charges prepaid and in plain package, upon receipt of one dollar, money order or registered letter.

We know the management to be of the highest character and reliability, employing chemists of national reputation to compound the prescription. They took a special interest in the prescription from the start and also went to considerable expense in getting up a "Treatise on Consumption" containing, among other matters of vital interest, special directions for the use of the medicine for diseases other than Consumption, together with Dr. Hoff's advice on matters of Exercise, Hygiene, Rest, Sleeplessness, Fever, Night Sweats, etc., which they send with the medicine. This advice is highly important in the effecting of a complete cure. However, our interest lies entirely with the safety of the patient, the proper compounding of the prescription, the use of pure and fresh drugs, and a warning against any concern that attempts to monopolize the prescription or offer auxiliary medicines in the shape of a $5.00 treatment in order to force excessive money out of patients.

We regret to say that several concerns are doing this. Sincerely yours,

THE JOURNAL RESEARCH SOCIETY. P. S.-We would be glad to have the names and addresses of any of your friends who are afflicted and whom you think would like to receive prescription and book.

Do you notice the "pure drug" and the "new discovery" racket in the above? It is an old quack method to pretend to give a prescription, free, but the prescription is always a jumble, and can never be filled except by the quack who sets the trap. Warn your patients

against these methods.

Methods of this Collection Agency.

I was called upon today by a gentleman representing the International Collection Agency, of Syracuse, N. Y. If I am not mistaken this same company was exposed by one of the leading weekly journals a few months ago. Their scheme is to get you to promise to send in some bad accounts for collection. All the doctor had to do is to pay $7 per year as a membership fee, which, as they tell you, comes out of the collections; and all money is paid direct to the doctor.

To a busy doctor the idea is a good one, and in a great many cases he will sign a contract on the above plan. Now, if the doctor will take time to read the contract (which, by the way, the agent will try and prevent you from doing, by talking and directing your attention to other matters), he will find that you agree to send in not less than a stated amount of collections per year, and you also agree to remit to them the first $35 collected on said accounts, being, as they say, 5 years' dues. Should the doctor in his hurry sign the contract and find out its contents later, he will probably say to himself: "I won't send them any accounts, and then I won't owe them anything." There is where they have him; he has agreed to send them a certain amount of accounts each year, and if he does not do so, they sue the doctor for $35, and get it, as they have done a number of times. It's a scheme to catch the busy doctor, or one that doesn't take time to read what he is signing. They came near getting me, but I happened to read it over and told them it was a skin game. He backt out of the office without any argument. I write this thinking perhaps it will prevent them from working the scheme on a too much workt profession.-THOS. F. BRAY, M.D., in Jour. Mich. Med. Soc.

[Is this the old Comstock concern, operating from a new place, with slightly changed methods? Be on your guard.-ED.]

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Starch Bandages Not New.

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Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-I notice, on page 209, May WORLD, that Dr. Martin of Gate, Okla., says that "none of the works on surgery say anything about it," i. e. starch bandages. Now I have an idea that his works on surgery are late works, which explains what he says. For the benefit of any who have no way of finding out, I will say that the first paper that was ever publisht in America on "Starch Bandages,' was by Dr. W. H. Van Buren, of New York. This paper was publisht in the American Journal of Medical Sciences, May, 1840-sixty-four years ago. The French surgeons used starch bandages years prior to that date (See Velpeau's Operative Surgery, by Mott, Vol. i, 1847.) I will here say that Mayo, the great surgeon, in about the year 1830, used plaster of paris to set limbs. He learned it from Dieffenbach, who learned it from the Moors in Spain, in 1829. On page 229 of the first American edition of Druitt's Surgery (1848, according to the preface) starch bandages are spoken of. Vol. ii of Erichen's Science and Art of Surgery, 1885, gives directions as to how to make these bandages, but says that they dry

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