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Short articles of practical help to the profession are solicited for this department.

Articles accepted must be contributed to this journal only. The editors are not responsible for views expressed by contributors. Copy must be received on or before the twelfth of the month, for publication in the issue for the next month. We decline responsibility for the safety of unused manuscript. It can usually be returned if request and postage for return are received with manuscript; but we cannot agree to always do so. Certainly it is excellent discipline for an author to feel that he must say all he has to say in the fewest possible words, or his reader is sure to skip them; and in the plainest possible words, or his reader will certainly misunderstand them. Generally, also, a downright fact may be told in a plain way; and we want downright facts at present more than anything else.-RUSKIN. RECORD




The Principles of Prostatic Obstruction and its Relief.

Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-The prostate gland lies against the outer surface of the apex of the bladder, and the urethra passes thru it as do also the seminal ducts. There are strong layers of pelvic fascia on both sides of it, above and below, which hold it firmly from underneath. They are part of the pelvic floor, which in man is very firm and unyielding.

It consists of glands, fibrous tissue, and muscle in varying proportions, and has scanty blood supply itself, altho to reach it one has to cut thru plexuses of veins which are just outside its capsule among the layers of supporting fascia.

It greatly imfluences an operation that three-fourths of the normal prostate is muscle, which is continuous with the vesical sphincter, and assists in controling urination.

The enlargement which occurs in men of advancing years can cause protrusion upward and backward only, because the pubic bone is in front, and below the support of pelvic fascia and levator ani muscle cannot be overcome. Therefore, a large prostate encroaches almost entirely into the bladder and somewhat upon the rectum. The overgrowth may be general and symmetrical, and then causes very little obstruction or retention, but usually it is in irregular lobules protruding anywhere they can, like uterin fibroids composed of many little tumors. If one of these presses against the urethra it causes partial or complete obstruction; if they make it crooked they do the same. Sometimes a little mass with a long slender pedicle hangs just where it blocks the passage, and all the rest of the prostate is normal.

Quite often there is a thickening of tissues around the beginning of the prostatic urethra that has contracted so much as to cause retention, and is so rigid that it cannot voluntarily be relaxt. In any of these conditions the catheter is required frequently, perhaps cannot be dispenst with at all, and only part of them are hypertrophic conditions. Examination by usual methods may show

hypertrophy, a normal sized gland or even atrophy. Prolonged obstruction, complete or partial, results ultimately in relaxation and enfeebleness of the bladder itself, progressivly less expulsiv power, and less ability to resist or recover from cystitis, which after several intermittent attacks becomes chronic.

The inflammation extends into ureters and kidneys, and the patient dies of uremia, septicemia and the exhaustion from pain, and from being deprived of rest by day and night.

The indications are to remove the obstruction, retain all tissues necessary to preserve normal functions, and drain the bladder if there is cystitis, and there nearly always is. Early operations removed all the prostate. In this they exceeded the requirements and caused the few post-operativ complications, incontinence and permanent fistula, for, as I mentioned earlier in this paper, the prostate lies against the neck of the bladder and more than half its bulk is of muscular fibers surrounding the beginning of the urethra and continuous with those of the vesical sphincter. Their removal deprives the man of that much ability to retain his urin directly, and indirectly still more by weakening the insertion of the sphincter fibers. Also, when the whole of the prostate is removed, it is in some cases impossible to avoid removing a strip along the floor of the prostatic urethra, which still further weakens the power of retention, as that divides all sphincter fibers in that region. Furthermore, it removes the ejaculatory and seminal ducts, which are within the prostate near the median line and behind or below the urethra, and I have learned that men of 65 and 75 are very unwilling to be deprived of them.


The methods of operating depending upon cauterizing grooves thru the obstruction are faulty. They fail in cases that do not bulge into the bladder, but obstruct by pressing along the urethra because they do not always relieve and do not prevent recurrence. are dangerous from hemorrhage, shock, and post-operativ septicemia, and they fail to provide continuous bladder drainage, an essential in the majority of cases. Supra pubic operations may be done upon enlargements that are entirely within the bladder, but as no one can determin before long whether they are, they are very poor surgery. The perineal incision and exploration of the bladder by one finger passed thru an opening in the membranous urethra is the only way by which one can know the condition of the whole prostate. It also enables the operator to discover any complications within the bladder and remove one that is curable, such as stone or tumor. Thru the same incision in the urethra a retractor is passed by which the tissues are controled during opera

tion. Only enuf of the prostate is removed to cure the obstruction and prevent liability to recurrence. Complete removal is unnecessary. It is especially important to leave the prostatic urethra uninjured and preserve in its normal condition that part behind and below the urethra, which contains so many sphincter fibers and the several ducts. This conservatism constitutes the latest improvement in methods; it perfects the operation; and its elaboration is largely due to Dr. Hugh Young, who also invented instruments to make it easier. The bladder must not be opened, as that accident adds the danger of permanent fistula.

The deformities upon which the symptoms of this condition depend are now well understood; so also are the indications upon which attempts at its relief are based. The principles of the operation are thoroly and finally establisht, and it is not to be expected that they will ever be materially changed. In the future if any improvement is introduced it will be in methods of arriving at the same results now secured by those we have.

Old men in great numbers are suffering from this condition and looking to us for cure. Until recently they have lookt in vain, except those in its earlier stages. At last we can assure them of relief and comfort as surely and safely as anything in reparativ surgery, and secure to them freedom from physical suffering so that their declining years may be prolonged in peace and contentment as the close of life should be. WILLIAM B. JONES.

Rochester, N. Y.

Pemphigus Acutus Contagiosa. Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-The article on pemphigus acutus contagiosa by Dr. Ross in the May WORLD interested me considerably, for the reason that the very same conditions existed in this remote section of the country as he experienced in his section. Likewise some called it smallpox of a mild form, others chickenpox, etc.

The onset is more or less gradual, with malaise and general weakness for from three to six days. Then headache, at first slight, becoming more severe until the eruption appears; also pain in the back with chills and chilliness, anorexia, disordered digestion with nausea and fever between 102° and 103.5° F. These symptoms last about two to five days when the eruption appears, first on the sides of the nose and the contiguous part of the cheeks, then rapidly appearing on the forehead, neck and all over the body, even on the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet and on the mucous membrane of the lips in severe cases. tion is about the size of a split pea.

The erupItching


and burning are more or less intense. papules soon become pustules, their bases are somewhat indurated, and where the papules are close together the part is red and swollen. The eruption lasts from five to ten days, the scabs drop off leaving a redness, which gradually disappears, with little or no pitting. The temperature is practically normal after the pustules are all formed, the appetite gradually returns, and the patient makes rapid and uneventful recovery with practically no treatment. It is very evident that it could not be smallpox, as one man had it who had smallpox about 12 years previous, and others had it who had been recently successfully vacinated. It is just as improbable that it could be chickenpox, and I was therefore glad to see it named, as the medical works are silent on the subject so far as I could learn.

It is supposed that the soldiers returning from Cuba and Manila brought the disease to this country, and it has been called Cuban and Manila itch, also called Dobie or Dohbie itch by others. I understand that quite a number of ex-soldiers were employed in the mines at Tonopah, Nev., where it started, and on account of no quarantine laws being enforced it was allowed to spread to other towns in this vicinity. E. T. KREBS.

Bridgeport, Cal.

Intra-uterin Douches.—Charging Clergymen. Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-In the current number of your journal, several cases are reported in which high temperatures followed the use of intra-uterin douches. The reporter draws the correct inference that, in some manner, the douche is responsible for the rise in temperature. He also advances several queries as to the rational explanation.


Nearly two decades ago, when I began practise, intra-uterin douching, in puerperal cases, had reached the high water mark of its popularity. I frequently saw this treatment followed by chills and high temperatures. have never found but one explanation that appeals to me as being rational. About ten years ago a writer, whose name I cannot recall, publisht a short article in the Philadelphia Medical News on this subject. His view was that the disturbance is due to the fact that the douche is usually hot. The high temperature of the douche causes a prompt condensation of the uterin tissues and contracts the blood vessels and lymphatics. What is the result? A sudden and considerable decrease in the drainage. The general circulation is suddenly overloaded with septic matter, and the chill and high temperature are the necessary result.

This reasoning appeared logical to me. I have never used a hot intra-uterin douche since

I read that article. I have been careful that the temperature of the water should not be higher than the normal temperature of the body. I have never had a chill or elevation of temperature to follow this procedure since I have taken the above precaution. A number of my professional friends have observed the same change in results. Unfortunately, nearly every writer who advocates such a douche, specifies that it shall be hot.

I am fully convinced that I have seen several cases in which lives have been saved by frequent and prolonged douches. They are particularly valuable in cases of late infection, due to retro-displacements and consequent retention of lochia. But unless we unlearn the dictum of the hot douche, we expose our patients to a very real danger.

I was interested in the query of the Texas physician as to the propriety of charging clergymen for medical services. I hope he will not change his attitude in this matter. In case of a poorly paid clergyman, any physician will make a reduction in his bill, just as the grocer or dry-goods merchant would do. But it is impossible to render services for nothing, to one who is able to pay, without a loss of respect on both sides. There is a still greater objection to such a custom. It sometimes places the clergymen in an embarrassing and un fortunate position. Suppose a member of his family is taken sick in the night. He will hesitate to call a physician if he knows the service is to be rendered without charge; while if he knew that a charge would be made, he would gladly and promptly send the call.

I recall a sad case, illustrating this point. A druggist was taken with cholera morbus in the evening and sent for a physician, an intimate friend. The condition improved, temporarily, but about 3 a. m. he became much worse. Knowing that the physician would make no charge, he would not allow a call to be sent till morning. The delay was fatal. The tremendous loss of fluid had left him pulseless and all efforts were unavailing. A hypodermic of morphin a few hours earlier would have saved his life. Cincinnati, O.


Whooping Cough. Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-Page 266-7 of your June issue has a query and reply from you as to best treatment for whooping cough. Tho the main points of what follows have recently been publisht, in my opinion it is worthy of wider distribution and elaboration to attract attention. About twenty years ago my only son, a weakly child, was attackt with whooping cough, and in two weeks had failed so much that there was no prospect of his weather

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ing the storm. Having exhausted the remedial measures then known to the regular profession, in despair I askt my druggist if he knew of anything likely to be of use. He replied that he had just recieved Roche's embrocation, which he had specially obtained for a child of a wealthy Scotchman temporarily living in the town, who said "the well-to-do at home never use anything else for whooping cough.' Roche's embrocation is a red oil of which there is about 11⁄2 ozs. in each bottle. The instructions accompanying it are, to rub one teaspoonful into the epigastric region while the part is exposed to radiant heat, once every twenty-four hours. Of course these are not the words printed upon the bottle, but as I have not seen them for years, I give the idea. Here, this bottle costs $1.75, and it is claimed that before the twelve days are past the disease will be practically cured. I took a bottle home and it filled the bill. I prescribed it for others until the idea that drugs act upon disease thru the ganglionic nerve centers (see Canadian Journal of Medicin and Surgery for February and June, and the Eclectic Gleaner for June this year, for my later words on the subject) got possession of my mind. Since then I have prescribed the 11⁄2 ozs. of oliv oil (plain or colored) used in the way directed for Roche's embrocation, because I believe the heat and massage over the solar plexus to be all that is curativ about Roche's embrocation. We have had a number of epidemics of pertussis during the twenty years, but I have no recollection of any difficulty in this treatment if the instructions were faithfully and intelligently carried out; but the rubbing in of a teaspoonful of oil on a space six inches in diameter takes from twenty to sixty minutes, and not unfrequently this time is grudged; so that of late years I have added the nomeopathic specific drosera, one drop in water viij; a teaspoonful to be given after each paroxysm of coughing. The latter will be attended to when the oil is partly or wholly neglected, and one or two prescriptions are all that will be needed in any uncomplicated case of whooping cough. Of course hygienic measures should not be neglected.

The gist of the above was publisht in the Medical Brief a couple of months ago, and when I received a check for five dollars for the 100 words my hat became so tight that I thought I should have to purchase a new and larger one; but the last few issues of THE WORLD have saved me that expense from that cause. I am not a subscriber to the Medical Brief, and think your position in regard to it et al. is correct, and your reward sure, provided you can stand it to wait long enuf; for medical men, tho easy game when approacht

while worrying over a puzzling case or cases, are not ungrateful to their friends when they recognize them. My only regret is that you did not begin before the silica splint man and the Comstock agency "pulled my leg." More power to your elbow. Faithfully and fraternally yours. GEO. M. AYLSWORTH.

Collingwood, Ont., Can.

["Wait long enuf?" I can hold out as long as the medical profession lasts and remains true to its ideals.-ED.]


Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-Of the four varieties, the (1) acute, (2) amebic, (3) malignant, and (4) chronic, I have seen two epidemics of the second-one in 1884, the other in 1901. My experience as physician is limited to the latter. It is usually confined to the tropics, but occasionally becomes sub-tropical. The duration is usually from six to eight weeks, and it often proves fatal. Treatment is per rectum, at seat of disease, and consists in high enemas (with rectal tube) of ichthyol in warm water, once daily. Large doses of subnit. of bismuth are given internally, with a small amount of salol (if adult); opiates in limited quantity to produce rest. Diet confined to milk, whey, and rice-water. Cold pack and sponge to reduce temperature. This method has been very satisfactory to me.

But most of our dysentery belongs to the first the acute catarrhal type, which runs but a few days to a week, and rarely proves fatal under appropriate treatment. First, administer a saline purge or mercury, in small repeated doses, and followed by castor oil or Rochelle salts. Give bismuth every two hours, and the following every twenty to thirty minutes:

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two hundred days of sunshine, in which there was not a cloud to mar the sky, and over one hundred days more that were days of sunshine. The real facts, Doctor, are that we have over 300 days of sunshine every year, and that the city is located seven miles from the base of Pike's Peak, and that the sun rises here as early as any place of the same longitude, and sets but thirty minutes earlier. The hours of sunshine in Colorado Springs are greater than in any other city of the United States. I trust that this will set you right about sunshine in Colorado Springs. This city is known the world around as "The City of Sunshine."

B. B. GROVER, M.D. Colorado Springs, Colo.

[We had received the impression somewhere that Colorado Springs was in the mountain shadows during the early forenoon and late afternoon of each day. We are pleased to have the facts.-ED.]

A Business Method Worth $1,000 per Year.

Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-For five long years I struggled to keep up with my professional brethren, always doing a good business, but booking an average of one thousand dollars a year in bad accounts. Possibly once a year, perhaps oftener, I sent out statements. At the end of five years I was one of the collection agency "suckers."

I began to think something was wrong. I found the cause in myself. Bills for my own purchases were either due on delivery of goods, in thirty days or in sixty days. My debtor's bills seemed not to be limited; in fact never came due. Two years ago I resolved to be my own collector. I actually destroyed by fire every memorandum and old account, which in bulk if paid would have amounted to over five thousand dollars. I believed it was not too late to start over again. I personally framed this form of blank statement. [See next page.]

I was somewhat timid in sending out the first batch, but after that it was a regular routine. Some of my patients and debtors were insulted (temporarily only), but an explanation that it was my method of doing business, and that each and every one of my patients got the same thing, never failed to clear the atmosphere. I have never lost a patient by this method.

Between the 25th and 28th of each month a list showing every account is made out. I check each name with a number, either 1, 2, 3 or 4.

Number 1 gets a statement of his account as per blank, simply showing amount.

Number 2 gets the same with the following

[blocks in formation]

It is my custom to send statements out of all accounts, whether due or not, for the first day of February, April, June, August, October and December. In this way if there is any mistake in account it can be promptly rectified.

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