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such facts as that of multitudes of the Japanese poor going without breakfasts in order to help the government with the two or three cents thus saved. The sympathies of the medical profession will probably be upon the side which cares most scrupulously for the health and lives of the common soldier. Since modern medical science has arisen, the "God of Battles" is not " upon the side of the strongest battalions," but upon the side of those who attend most zealously to the laws of sanitation and the cure of disease. This is the new and all-controlling factor in national struggles.-Amer. Med.

Methods of Sharpers.

The sharper having perfected his scheme of robbery and adopted a high-sounding and confidence inspiring name, advertises in the metropolitan and country newspapers. He also procures (if he does not already possess it as the result of a prior and equally villainous scheme) what is known among this class of rascals as a sucker list." That is, a list of persons who have previously been caught by other schemes, or by reason of their opening correspondence with the operators of earlier schemes have indicated a desire to be. caught.

These lists are interchangeable or purchasable. A possible victim, having written to one of these fakirs," will be surprised at his rise from obscurity to popularity in the course of a few months, as indi cated by his increast mail and numerous offers of golden opportunities for acquiring a steady income or great wealth.

The following sent out in March, 1903, by a Philadelphian, is a mild example of an announcement that


plan never before opened to you," but which promises a large permanent income with absolute safety," is now open to those who will allow the kind gentleman to " handle their account":


As the result of my 35 years' experience as a professional trader in stocks listed upon the New York Stock Exchange, I have evolved a plan, which, if rigidly adhered to, brings large and regular profits. It is the plan adopted by all successful professional traders and is the only way to make continuous and large profits.

It is my intention to widen the scope of my business, and I now place before you an opportunity to speculate in the stock market thru a regular stock exchange house, and on a plan never before opened to you. This plan is the result of my 35 years of observation and experience as a professional trader, and if you want a large permanent income with absolute safety for your investment then write me for full details, references, etc.

Trusting to have the privilege of handling your account, I remain, Sincerely yours,

It requires from three to a dozen letters before the victim begins to give up his wealth. But having once succumbed to the blandisments of the accomplisht swindler, it is appalling to note the confidence and sense of security he displays in absolute strangers while the deal is on, and the surprise he manifests when he finally and inevitably awakens to the realization that he has been duped and robbed.

About 99 percent of the victims are ashamed to acknowledge their verdancy and very few of the balance care to go to the trouble and vexations of prosecuting. So that it makes this system of robbery comparativly safe.

The underlying object of every one of these swindles is to get possession of the victim's money, and then either to decamp or ostensibly to lose it for him, but in either event to convert it to the use of the swindler. -John Hill, Jr., in N. Y. Commercial.

Doctor, are you on anybody's "sucker list"? Many doctors are on such lists..

Wives and daughters all remind us, We must make our little pile; And, departing, leave behind us Cash; so they can live in style.

Solution perchlorid of iron is one of the best local styptics.

Novel Treatment for Whooping Cough. Dr. G. A. Stephens, of Swansea, England, advocates a new method of treatment of whooping cough. He syringes the ears night and morning with a warm solution of boric acid. The same antiseptic is sprayed in the throat. The "whoop" is said to subside in five days, tho the bronchitis persists some little time longer. The method has been used in a series of cases with universally good results. It is harmless and well worth a trial in any case. The spraying of the throat is not new, but this is the first time we have heard of like treatment being given the ears.

The Keeley Remedies.

The Keeley tonics contained neither gold, double chlorid of gold, chlorid of gold and sodium nor gold in any form, but were composed for the most part of willow bark, hops and 25 percent of alcohol.

The Keely red hypo solution contained hyoscin hydro-bromate, glycerin and boracic acid.

The Keeley solution No. 2 ccntained plain sulfate of morphin, two grains to the dram.

The Keely solution No. 3 contained caffein. The Keeley solution No. 4 contained pilocarpin, one grain to the dram.-Dr. Wm. Krauss, Analyst.

Indiana State Board Questions for July, 1904.


1. Give the origin, course, and distribution of the pneumogastric


2. What are the names of the groups of the spinal nerves, and the number in each group?

3. Give a brief general description of the sympathetic nervous


4. Describe the diaphragm.


Between what points on the anterior chest surface are the cardiac valves?

6. Describe and give the elements of a ginglymus joint.

7. Give the names and relation to each other of the tendons passing over the wrist joint.

8. What muscles have attachment to the upper extremity of the ulna?

9. Give the names and relation to the bones of blood vessels found on cross section at the middle of the forearm.

10. What nerves are divided by cross section at the middle of the leg?

Submitted by W. A. Spurgeon, M.D.

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Answer briefly and concisely, in writing, the following questions:

1. Define the term synergistic and antagonistic, as applied to therapeutic agents, and give illustration.

2. Define physiologic action as applied to the action of therapeutic agents, and give illustration.

3. What is meant by the therapy of a medicinal agent?

4. What is meant by the term analgesic as applied to the action of therapeutic agents? Give example.

5. Give the physiologic action of opium, its therapy, a synergist, and an antagonist.

6. What is meant by the term eliminants as applied to therapeutic agents?

7. Name some agents which increase cutaneous action.

8. Name some agents which increase renal action.

9. Name some agents indicated in a septic condition of the alimentary tract.

10. Name some agents indicated in a septic conditon of the urinary

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1. Describe method of physical examination of the chest.

2. Define (a) subjectiv and (b) objectiv symptoms.

3. Give location of normal apex beat of heart.

4. What is the pathologic significance of its displacement to the (a) right, (b) left?

5. What are the subjectiv and objectiv symptoms of mitral re gurgitation?

6. Describe the normal respiratory sounds and movements.

7. Give objectiv and subjectiv symptoms of pulmonary emphysema.

8. How would you develop the patellar reflex and what is the pathologic significance of its absence?

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1. What structures would be cut, and how would you identify each in the usual muscle-splitting operation for appendicitis? 2. Give differential diagnosis between acute infectious osteomyelitis and tubercular osteomyelitis involving one of the long bones.

3. Name the differential clinical and pathological points between a malignant and a benign neoplasm.

4. How would you treat a fracture of the neck of the femur in a woman seventy years of age?

5. Give the differential diagnosis between a stone in the kidney and one in the urinary bladder.

6. Etiology and classification of goiters.

7. Give differential diagnosis between (a) concussion of the brain, (b) fracture of the base of the skull, and (c) rupture of the middle meningeal artery.

8. How would you treat a compound fracture of the lower third of the leg in which the fragments of both tibia and fibula protrude?


9. What symptoms would lead you to think that a patient was suffering from a concealed hemorrhage after a laparotomy? 10. What are the surgical landmarks of the elbow joint, and how would their position aid you in making a diagnosis between a fracture of the lower end of the radius and a posterior dislocation of the ulna?

Submitted by J. M. Dinnen, M.D.


1. Give name and number of the bones that constitute the human pelvis.

2. Give differential description of the male and female pelvis.

3. Give the normal diameters of the superior and inferior straits of the female pelvis.

4. Describe the uterus and its appendages.

5. What treatment would you employ in recent laceration of the os uteri?

6. Define lochia, and state the influences which modify it.

7. Name the causes of sterility in the female, and give treatment.

8. Describe the proper method of resuscitation of the newly born. 9. Give cause and treatment of colic in young babies.

10. Give the indication for the use of ergot in obstetric practise. Submitted by W. T. Gott, M.D.


1. Describe erysipelas and give treatment. 2. Define equinia and,give a synonym.

3. What is anthrax? Give treatment.

4. Give symptoms, etiology, and treatment of impetigo contagiosa.

5. Give treatment and etiology of hyperidrosis. Submitted by W. T. Gott, M.D.

Summary of the State Requirements for the Practise of Medicin.

STATES ADMITTING TO PRACTISE ON PRESENTATION OF A RECOGNIZED DIPLOMA.-(Note: Italics indicate that diploma must be supplemented by an accepted State license).-Alaska, no law; Colorado, Indian Territory, each nation has its own law; Indiana, also matriculates of Indiana colleges to January, 1901; Iowa, Kansas, discretionary with the board; Kentucky, until June, 1904; Maryland, physicians in District of Columbia; Michigan, students registered in Michigan colleges, January, 1903; Missouri, matriculates of Missouri colleges to March, 1901; Nevada, graduates of foreign colleges excepted; New Hamp shire, certain matriculates of New Hampshire colleges; New Mexico, New York, certain matriculates of New York colleges; Philippines, certain persons only; Porto Rico, Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming.

LICENSE GRADUATES OF COLLEGES WITHIN STATE WITHOUT EXAMINATION.-Indiana, students entered prior to January, 1901; Kentucky, present matriculates; Michigan, students entered prior to January, 1903; Missouri, students entered prior to March, 1903; New Hampshire, certain students of New Hampshire schools.

STATES REQUIRING EXAMINATION AND PRESENTATION OF DIPLOMA.-Arizona, California, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indian Territory (each nation has its own law), Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky (after June, 1904), Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota (by resolution of the board), Montana, Nebraska, Nevada (graduates of foreign colleges), New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Philippines, Porto Rico (certain persons only), South Carolina, South Dakota, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin, Wyoming (of nonrecognized colleges).

STATES REQUIRING EXAMINATION, BUT DIPLOMA NOT NECESSARY.-Alabama, Arkansas, Hawaii, Indian Territory (see note above), Kansas (applicants must show evidence of college attendance), Maryland (supplemented by accepted State license), Massachusetts, Mississippi, Missouri, Nevada (certain persons only), New Hampshire (certain persons only, if licensed to practise in some foreign country), North Carolina (if supplemented by accepted State license), North Dakota (must show evidence of college attendance), Ohio (if licensed to practise in some foreign country), Oklahoma (certain persons only), Oregon, Pennsylvania (foreign liecentiates), Philippines (certain persons only), Rhode Island, Tennessee, Texas (evidence of college attendance), Utah, West Virginia.

STATES EMPOWERED ΤΟ RECOGNIZE CERTIFICATES OF OTHER STATE BOARDS.-California, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Virginia, Vermont, Washington, Wisconsin.

STATES EMPOWERED TO ACCEPT LICENSES OF OTHER STATES OR COUNTRIES IN LIEU OF A DIPLOMA.-California, Kansas (in lieu of examination), Maryland (of a foreign country), New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania.

STATES WHICH PERMIT THE PRACTISE OF PHYSICIANS FROM OTHER STATES IN CONSULTATION.California, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana (from border of neighboring States), Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, New Hampshire, New Jersey, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Philippines, Porto Rico, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Vermont, Wisconsin, Wyomiug.

STATES EMPOWERED TO ISSUE TEMPORARY LICENSES.-Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Montana, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia.-Circular Issued by the Illinois State Board of Health.


Von Bergmann's Surgery. A System of Practical Surgery. By Drs. E. von Bergmann, of Berlin, P. von Bruns, of Tubingen and J. von Mikulicz, of Breslau. Edited by William T. Bull, M.D., Professor of Surgery in the College of Physicians and Surgeons (Columbia University), New York. To be com plete in five imperial octavo volumes, containing 4000 pages, 1600 engravings and 110 full-page plates in colors and monochrome Sold by subscription only. Per volume, cloth, $6.00; leather, $7.00; half morocco, $8.50 net. Volume II just ready. 820 pages, 321 engravings, 24 plates.

The brilliant promise of the first volume is carried out in this, the second volume; the work is destined to be a trustworthy surgical monitor. The peculiar American ideas have been skilfully incorporated by the Editor without disarrangement or impairment of the original text. The multitude of creditable sections precludes detailed mention, but the articles on wounds of the heart and on fracture of the ribs are especially noteworthy.

International Clinics: 1st Volume, 14th Series. A quarterly of illustrated clinical lectures and especially prepared original articles. Edited by A. O. J. Kelly, A.M., M.D. Publisht by J. B. Lippincott Company, Philadelphia, Pa. Price $200.

The Early Diagnosis of Pulmonary Tuberculosis, and the article on Pneumonia, are the most noteworthy. A valuable collection of high grade medica! literature at an astonishingly moderate price.

Musser's Medical Diagnosis. New (5th) edition. A Practical Treatise on Medical Diagnosis for Students and Practicians, by John H. Musser, M.D., Professor of Clinical Medicin in the University of Pennsylvania; Physician to the Philadelphia and Presbyterian Hospitals; Consulting Physician to the Woman's Hospital of Philadelphia and to the West Philadelphia Hospital for Women, to the Rush Hospital for Consumptivs and the Jewish Hospital of Philadelphia; Fellow of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia; Member of the Association of American Physicians; President of the American Medical Asseciation, etc. New (5th) edition, revised and enlarged octavo volume of 1213 pages, with 395 engravings and 63 colored plates. Cloth, $6.50; leather, $7.50; half morocco, $, net. Lea Brothers & Co., Publishers, Philadelphia and New York.

In one

This is the best illustrated book on diagnosis now on the market. In this issue the subject matter has been re-arranged, and less verbosity is apparent. Theoretical portions have been abbreviated, and the book has gained in clearness of presentation. About 100 pages have been added. It is complete, thoro, and up to date. The latest information regarding the value of the X-ray as a diagnostic agent is included. The author lays stress upon thoroness in diagnosis, and to this end follows a systematic scheme of historical diagnosis, subjectiv diagnosis, objectiv diagnosis, physical diagnosis, and laboratory diagnosis; this is logical, and not only prevents omissions, but also enables one to judge of the actual health value of the patient. While considerable of the primary directions in diagnosis noticed in the earlier editions have disappeared, the work still remains elementary enuf for the beginner and complete enuf for the veteran practician.

Epilepsy and Its Treatment. By William P. Spratling, M.D., Superintendent of the Craig Colony for Epileptics at Sonyea, N. Y. Handsome octavo volume of 522 pages, illustrated. Philadelphia, New York, London: W. B. Saunders & Co., 1904. Cloth, $4.00, net.

This is the first complete treatise on Epilepsy since the appearance of Echeverria's work publisht over 33 years ago, and represents the practical experience of Dr. Spratling as Superintendent of the Craig Colony for Epileptics at Sonyea, N. Y., during a period of ten years. The great progress made in the knowledge of Epilepsy and its Treatment during the past fifteen years certainly demanded an accurate and careful work which would include these latest advancements. Dr. Spratling has given us all that could be desired. Of particular interest are the chapters on the Psychologic and Medicolegal Aspects. An entire section is devoted to the all-important seizure type-Status Epilep

ticus; and Treatment, general, educational, medical, and surgical, is discust with wisdom, thought, and conservatism. The subject is bountifully illuminated by the citation of illustrative cases.

Rontgen Rly Diagnosis and Therapy. By Carl Beck, M.D., Professor of Surgery in the New York Post-graduate Medical School and Hospital; Visiting Surgeon to St. Mark's Hospital and the German Polyklinik. With 332 illustrations in the text. Publisht by D. Appleton & Company, New York and London, 1904. Price $4.00.

Many books have been written upon this fascinating subject, and too many of them were written under the intoxication of the rapidly widening horizon, and in too enthusiastic a manner. The revulsion following these misguided works is upon us, and the time was ripe for a calm, conservativ, and judiciously edited work which would be a safe guide for the man who wisht to shun radicalism and dangerous experimentation. Beck gives us such a book.

American Edition of Nothnagel's Practise: Tuberculosis and Acute General Miliary Tuberculosis. By Dr. G. Cornet, of Berlin. Edited, with additions, by Walter B. James, M.D., Professor of the Practice of Medicin in the College of Physicians and Surgeons (Columbia University), New York. Handsome octavo volume of 806 pages. Philadel phia, New York, London: W. B. Saunders & Co., 1904. Cloth, $5.00 net; Half Morocco, $6.00 net.

The American edition of Professor Cornet's exhaustiv work appears at a time when the subject of tuberculosis has a peculiar claim upon the attention of mankind. Within a few years both professional and general public interest in the disease has taken enormous strides. In almost every civilized community societies for the prevention of tuberculosis are being organized, and these are composed not only of physicians but of laymen, while governments themselves are taking an activ part in the movement. Under these circumstances, and at this time, the work is of interest to practicians, for there are few other books which give an equally clear and comprehensiv view of this subject.

Obstetric and Gynecologic Nursing. By Edward P. Davis, A.M., M.D., Professor of Obstetrics in the Jefferson Medical College and in the Philadelphia Polyclinic. 12 mo. volume of 402 pages, fully illustrated. Second edition, thoroly revised. Philadelphia, New York, London: W. B. Saunders & Co., 1904. Polisht Buckram, $1.75 net.

It is necessary for an obstetric nurse to possess some knowledge of natural pregnancy and of its consequent diseases; and as gynecologic nursing is really a branch of surgical nursing, special training and instruction are required to meet the conditions arising. This book just fills the need, everything that the obstetric and gynecologic nurse should know being included. The second edition is carefully revised thruout, and new matter has been added.

American Edition of Nothnagel's Practise: Diseases of the Intestins and Peritoneum. By Dr. Hermann Nothnagel, of Vienna. The entire volume edited, with additions, by Humphrey D. Rolleston, M.D., F.R.C.P., Physician to St. George's Hospital, London, England. Octavo volume of 1032 pages, fully illustrated. Philadelphia, New York, London: W. B. Saunders & Co., 1904. Cloth, $500 net; Half Morocco, $6.00 net.

This, one of the most valuable volumes in the series, is by the famous clinican Dr. Hermann Nothnagel himself, and is as exhaustiv as it is practical. The distinguisht editor, Dr. Humphrey D. Rolleston, of London, England, has used his pen most profusely, almost every page giving generous evidence of his careful editing. The editorial additions include sections on Intestinal Sand, Sprue, Ulcerativ Colitis, and Idiopathic Dilatation of the Colon. Appendicitis and Peritonitis have been given unusual space. The section on Intussusception has been greatly enlarged by the invaluable additions of D'Arcy Power, of England,

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A Text-Book of Operativ Surgery. Covering the Surgical Anatomy and Operativ Technic involved in the Operations of General Surgery. Written for students and practicians. By Warren Stone Bickham, Phar. M., M.D., Assistant Instructor in Operativ Surgery, College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York; Late visiting Surgeon to Charity Hospital, New Orleans, etc. Second revised edition. Handsome octavo of 984 pages, with 559 illustrations, entirely original. Philadelphia, New York, London: W. B. Saunders & Co., 1904. Cloth, $ net; Sheep or Half Morocco, $7.00 net.

The text completely covers the surgical anatomy and operativ technic involved in the operations of general surgery. It is constructed on thoroly new lines, the discussion of the subjects being systematized and arranged in a manner entirely original. A feature of the work to which we would call special attention, is the magnificent illustrations. There are 559 of them, all original. They depict the progressiv steps in the various operations detailed with unusual clearness, and at the same time represent the highest artistic excellence. Another feature distinguishing it from other works on operativ surgery, is the treatment of the anatomic side of the subject in connection with the operativ technic.


Prof. Nathaniel Schmidt occupies the Chair of Semitic Languages in Cornell University. His linguistic attainments are remarkable; he is master of a number of languages, both ancient and modern. During the intervals of teaching, his pen is busy writing special articles for cyclopedias, writing books on linguistic, historic or biblical subjects, or preparing lectures, as he is in great demand as a lecturer in various parts of the country. He has a leave of absence from the university during the coming scholastic year, during which time he will lead an expedition into the least known portions of Palestine, and possibly adjoining countries, for the purpose of investigation. It is to this that he refers in the following letter. The Professor exhibits a combination that some consider unique; that is, in combination with his attainments in ancient lore, he takes an activ interest in modern problems, even such prosaic but important ones as the proper disposal of garbage in cities, and the water supply of his college city, Ithaca. However, this combination is not unique, for I have often noticed that those who have delved deeply into the life and affairs of the ancients, are also alive to the affairs of the moderns. This is an introduction to the first paragraph of a letter (omitting the subsequent purely personal parts) which was evidently written on the day that the Professor received the August


ITHACA, N. Y., July 29, 1904.

the sun to set before I express my hearty
sympathy with practically every word you
have written on the platforms of the four polit-
ical parties, in the issue of THE MEDICAL
WORLD received this morning. It is good to
find, for once, the questions put so simply
and sanely. I shall go this fall to the East,
losing my chance to vote in November with
less regret than I ever felt thru a similar
deprivation. I do not know when I ever found
a fellow citizen with whose views on political
questions I am in so hearty accord. It gives
me additional pleasure to know that he is my
warm friend.

It seems that the good Professor did not seriously consider the alternativ of voting for the Springfield platform. The ticket which is placed on that platform will, of course, not be elected, but many will vote for it as a protest against the platforms of the two dominant parties, and as a means of indicating to the dominant parties what the people want. In 1892 about a million and a half voters voted for Weaver, on the Omaha platform, a noble instrument, but I must here confess

that I did not then have my eyes open wide enuf to see its excellencies. In 1896 the democratic party became progressiv, and took the wind out of the sails of the other progressiv party and stopt its growth. If the Chicago convention of that year had not taken the progressiv stand that it did, and had put up a conservativ ticket, consisting of democrats of the Cleveland stripe, Bryan and his hosts would have gone to St. Louis where the populists were soon to be in session, and the united progressiv forces there would have nominated a ticket, doubtless headed by Bryan, which would have very probably been elected, because of a divided enemy, just as Lincoln was elected in 1860, because he was opposed by a divided democracy. However, as it was, Bryan was not really defeated in 1896, unless you consider wholesale corruption of the ballot a legitimate means of victory. As an indication of the extent of this corruption, read the following paragraph from T. W. Lawson's articles entitled Frenzied Finance" running in Everybody's Magazine :

I shall deal with a bit of the nation's history in which within a few days of the national election of 1896 a hurry-up call for additional funds to the extent of $5,000,000 was so promptly met as to overturn the people in five states and thereby preserve the destinies of the republican party, of which I am and have always

been a member.

This paragraph is from the July number. The August number fulfills every expectation justified by the Foreword" in the July number. I suggest that every WORLD reader send for these two numbers, 10 cents each, or $1. for a whole year. Address Everybody's Magazine, Union Square, New York City. This is the magazine, you know, that doesn't accept quack medicin advertisements.

But now the democratic party has gone back into its old ruts, and the people and institutions that contributed so much money to defeat Bryan in 1896 are now supporting Parker.

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How shall you vote? Well, if I may suggest, how does this strike you? Suppose you are a Roosevelt You have a good friend who is a Parker man. You are both honest, and each wants to see his man (or rather, his party) get in. But you have both been reading"The Story of New Zealand," and perhaps crank " literature. At any rate you have both been thinking, and you both want to do what is best for our common country. You both know that the corporations and aggregations of capital now as previous to 1896, control both the republican and democratic parties. You both know that these parties are struggling for the control of the government and that the trusts, corporations and banks are contributing funds to both of these parties, and that they will still be "in the saddle" whichever way the election may go. You both know that both these dominant parties are avoiding modern needs and issues, as postal savings banks, package post, government telegraph, etc., which other countries have had in successful operation for many years. You both know and feel these things, but what ought you to do? Well, my suggestion is this: Say to your friend, "Jim, I want Roosevelt and you want Parker. We both know that, but we have both been thinking, and we have talkt things over several times together. I don't want to throw my vote away,' and neither do you. I don't want to help you to elect Parker, and you don't want to help me to elect Roosevelt. Let us do this: let us trade off and both vote for the platform with the live wires' in it, as publisht in the August issue of THE MEDICAL WORLD, page 365. This won't affect the strength of either Parker or Roosevelt in our state, one way nor the other, and it will be a protest against the avoidance of modern issues and needs of the day in the platforms and conduct of the two dominant parties."

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to the politicians and party managers. The corporations, trusts, and privileged classes generally are very well pleased with things as they are. They don't want anything to disturb their "cinch." They have control of both parties again, and they will play the old game of see saw with them, allowing one to stay in awhile, and then change to the other, to keep them both encouraged and "good." If one party is kept out too long it might get obstreperous," like the democratic party did in 1896, and that is very unde sirable. It shocks the nerves of the precious privileged classes, and it costs too much money to defeat the wayward party.

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Do you see how it goes-how it has been going? Do you "get onto the game?" It is interesting, isn't it? Now read about New Zealand, and about the Referendum in Switzerland, and of the package post and government telegraph all over Europe, etc., etc., etc., and conclude if you do not think these things worth voting for.

Under pressure of his Wall street friends in New York City, Parker the sphynx spoke to the extent of a telegram to the St. Louis convention just at its close. No power could induce him to give an opinion on any public question previous to that date, but it is generally believed that the great financial and trust magnates, who do not like Roosevelt, had satisfactory private information concerning Parker's opin ions and position in general a year or two ago. Yesterday (August 10) Parker spoke again, formally and deliberately, in response to the formal notification of his nomination. And what did he say? His speech was a very nice, dignified essay, consisting chiefly of platitudes and generalities. It was not full of virility like Roosevelt's notification speech. This sentence from the Philadelphia Press characterizes it better than any I have seen: "The speech suggests nothing above decorous and respectable mediocrity." He favors a reasonable reduction of the tariff." The republican platform advocates "readjusting rates of duty when the public interest demands their alteration," says that "the measure of protection should always at least equal the difference in the cost of production at home and abroad," and it advocates reciprocity. Is there any essential difference between the two? Parker also frankly admits that even if his party should be successful this fall in electing both President and a majority of the House of Representativs,

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"we cannot hope to secure a majority in the Senate during the next four years, and hence we shall be unable to secure any modi. fication in the tarrff save that to which the republican majority in the Senate may consent."

What encouragement is there here for the ardent tariff reformer? Anyway, are we willing again to close our eyes to all other needs and fight another campaign out, as we have many others in the past, on the tweedledee or tweedledum of a little higher or a little lower tariff? Is it not time that we were making it manifest that "there are other things in our philosophy?"


Mr. Bryan gives the Philippine question as one of the chief reasons why he will support Parker. If we compare the treatment of this question in the two notification speeches, we will find as little difference as on the tariff question. Besides, we have no war now in the Philippines, and I believe that conscientious efforts are being made to make the civil government there as good as it can be made under existing circumstances, and that efforts are being made to train the Filipinos in government service perhaps as fast as they are ready for it.

Some will say-some have said-"if Parker is good enuf for Bryan he is good enuf for me." Mr. Bryan is an honest man and a great man. I confess to great admiration for him. He was not "eternally squelcht" at St. Louis. Those who were present have told me that he added to his laurels there, and towered head and shoulders above the other leaders there. I have read his speeches before the convention and I consider them admirable. I have been told that his

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