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oratory and personal magnetism would have carried the convention, as he did carry the spectators, but that the delegates were fixt. Their program was cut and dried, and they were held to it as if by a band of iron. Nothing could move them. Then why should Bryan support Parker? and if he does, why should not every democrat do so? Let us consider for a moment: Mr. Bryan is a party man. He is young and hopes for a future. He knows the melancholy fact that, politically, more men are led by the party noose than by reason. Therefore he feels it his duty to stay in the party, and remain regular," hoping to win back the control of his party, and thus bring multitudes of men to support progressiv measures. I think that he sincerely believes that he can serve his country best in this way; therefore I have no criticism for him.

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If I were confined to a choice between Parker or Roosevelt-between voting for a democrat on practically a republican platform or a republican on a republican platform, I would unhesitatingly choose the latter. First, because the democratic party ought to be punisht by the severest possible defeat for reversing itself; and also for the questionable manner in which a few manipulators were permitted to accomplish that end; and defeat ought to come as a punishment to the many leaders, first, second and third class, who are always ready to sacrifice anything for the prospect of "victory"-they know not principle.

Second, because it is fitting that a republican administration should be administered by a republican. Cleveland, during his last administration was a misfit-more of a republican than a democrat-and what a failure his second administration was! and how it hurt the democratic party. Parker is a man like unto Cleveland. He had Cleveland's warmest support for the nomination, and now has his support for election.

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Third: Roosevelt is the best republican president since Lincoln. He represents the patriotic rather than the corporation element of his party. He has done more against the trusts than any president, either republican or democratic. He compelled arbitration of the coal strike, and the coal trust and other trusts in sympathy, cannot forgiv him for it. He is nearer to the people, and more in sympathy with organized labor than Parker. He has personal peculiarities that I do not admire He is spectacular, and too fond of killing; but these peculiarities are much less noticeable now than they were three years ago. On the other hand, he has personal peculiarities that I do admire intensely. He is frank and courageous-rare things in politically prominent men; he is a manly man. However, we ought not choose our presidents on the basis of personality-certainly not of personal peculiarities-but on the basis of broad and deep principles. The question of "negro domination" is pueril in this campaign. Roosevelt has appointed fewer negroes to office than Harrison, Cleveland or McKinley; but he hasn't that smooth, politic way of managing such things that McKinley had, hence his political enemies have been able to raise all this racket. It should not influence a single vote against him.

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The next morning after writing the above, the following cartoon appeared in the Philadelphia North American. It so faithfully portrays the sentiments I exprest yesterday, that I present it here.

Roosevelt is in. He has a good cabinet. The machine is running all right. Would you take out a machine that is running all right in order to put in another (untried) machine of the same kind? No manufacturer would run his establishment in that way. However, he would seriously consider taking out the old machine in order to put in another of a different kind-more modern in its plans and pur


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How does this clipping strike you?

CHICAGO DEMOCRATIC EDITOR'S VIEWS. Louis F. Post, editor of the Chicago Public, a democratic weekly, says:

Indications are not lacking that no inconsiderable army of Democratic voters will leave August Belmont and the Standard Oil crowd who made the Parker-Davis ticket to their own devices to elect it. With the populist party offering a good democratic ticket, and a superior democratic platform; with the socialist party confronting better propaganda opportunities than it has ever had; with the prohibition party moving with renewed vigor into the campaign, there are ways in which unfettered democratic democrats can protest against the sale of their party to the votaries of frenzied finance." Even Roosevelt may not be so objectionable to them, when contrasted with Parker.

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posit of $50 to the Returning Officer, who immediately publishes the names of the candidates. During the canvass the voters freely subject the candidates to questions upon the subjects at issue. This process of questioning candidates in public upon the current issues is one of the most unique and interesting features of politics in New Zealand. What can be more simple and reasonable? Why don't we do it here?

One of my most intimate friends, Mr. George H. Shibley, of Washington, D. C., filled with fear for our country and our institutions if we continue the "pell mell" course that we have been pursuing, has for some years been devoting his energies and his income to the problem of how our reckless course may be changed. He finally came to the conclusion that Direct Legislation (the Initiativ and Referendum, as in operation in Switzerland) is the door of escape from danger, as well as the instrument of progress to all the improvements in government of which we are capable. But how shall this instrument be obtained? By the simple process of questioning candidates before election, and supporting only those who make satisfactory pledges. But questions from one man would not be replied to very eagerly by candidates in order to get that one man's support. So Mr. Shibley saw the importance of getting organizations with a large membership of voters behind the movement. It was for this reason that he moved to Washington, in order to get in close touch with the management of the federation of labor, and get that immense body of voters all over the country behind the movement. No candidate can afford to ignore the voting strength of organized labor. Some of the fruits of Mr. Shibley's labors may be seen in the following newspaper clipping:



WASHINGTON, D. C., July 27.-The Federation of
Labor has formed a plan for making sure of the attitude of
candidates for Congress on all labor questions President
Gompers has framed a scheme of questions which will be
put to candidates and their views requested in a public
and unequivocal manner.

The general officers of the Federation will urge on all
the local bodies thruout the country co-operation with
a view to gaining strength in Congress and greater prom-
ise of success in the matter of labor legislation. The ques-
tions that are to be propounded are the following:
"Will you vote against government by injunction, by
voting for our bill on that subject?"

"Will you vote for our Eight-Hour bill?"

"Will you vote for the people's sovereignty by voting to establish in the people a right to a direct vote on public questions?"

President Gompers says that these questions are susceptible of a yes or no answer, and any candidate who is not willing to make an answer to them will be entitled to the widest publicity of the fact that the Federation can secure in that candidate's district. He says that a refusal to reply in ten days would be construed as a plain negativ and treated accordingly.

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Civilization is the result of labor. But labor in the field is just as important as labor in the shop or at the desk, if not more so. It is a shame that in this country there has never been much sympathy, and no harmony of action, between the farmers and mechanics. In New Zealand the strength of the liberal movement is just such a union. The great liberal victory of 1890, after the failure of the Great Strike, could not have been won without a union between the defeated laborers and the farmers. One of the most interesting chapters in political literature is Chapter 35 of "The Story of New Zealand," beginning on page 178, describing this union, and the political victory which followed, which was the basis of all the glorious history that New Zealand has given to the world since 1890.

Mr. Shibley realizes the importance of such a union of forces-the forces of production-a union of producers and he has long been reaching out after the granges. Late in June he attended a meeting of the officers of the Pennsylvania State Grange in Harrisburg, and on his way to Washington he stopt and spent a night with me, and told me all about it. The following newspaper clipping tells the results :



Special Dispatch to The North American. HARRISBURG, Pa., July 27. Congressional and legislativ candidates who decline to pledge themselves to support legislation advocated by the Pennsylvania State Grange will be opposed for election by the members of that organization.

The legislativ committee of the Grange has formulated a series of questions to be propounded by the pomona and subordinate granges to candidates of all parties, impartially and fairly. These questions will be printed and sent to candidates with a circular letter explaining that attempt of the candidate to evade a positiv and direct answer should be lookt upon as representativ of a man with no settled convictions, and therefore unworthy of trust."



Congressional candidates are askt to pledge themselves to assist in passing legislation ** which will enable American citizens to buy American products as cheaply at home as they are sold for abroad; to use their influence to secure the establishment of postal savings banks," and to favor the "establishment of a parcels post."

Legislativ candidates are askt to favor legislation giving to trolley companies the right to carry freight; levying a tax of at least one mill on all personal and corporate property for road purposes, this money to be applied locally in proportion to the road mileage; amending the state constitution so as to give to the people the right to initiate and veto legislation, and providing that all license taxes, personal property taxes and tax on county and municipal loans shall remain in the counties and municipalities.


The committee by which these questions were formulated consists of William T. Hill, master of the State Grange; Representativs Creasy, of Columbia county, and Brunges, of Wyoming county; ex-representativ Louis Piollette, of Bradford county, and George W. Oster, of Bedford county.

Mr. Creasy said today that in advocating a constitutional amendment for the referendum and initiativ, the Grangers will be joined by the organized wage earners of the state and United States.

Brother Shibley's modest hand does not appear, but it is there just the same. It doesn't require many men like him to save a nation. He is working as hard as any man I know, not for office, not for glory, not for money, and not with the hope that any of these things will come to him as a result of his work. He believes that our country is in grave danger from party spirit and party government; and he believes that the People's Sovereignty (Direct Legislation) and the questioning of candidates will rob the politician of his wily powers, and take from the corruptionist his power to debase and corrupt our public life.*

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Why should not doctors question candidates on their own account? Every doctor has a following, and candidates know it. You can write your questions and send them by mail, and publish the replies, or you can put the questions when the candidates are" on the stump." Let your first question be:

Have you read "The Story of New Zealand?" Then follow with direct legislation, or people's sov ereignty, postal savings banks, package post, government telegraph, preserving our government paper money (greenbacks) instead of destroying it, which is threatened, and increasing it instead of allowing the banks to issue asset currency, etc., etc. Some questions will be more appropriate for congressional candidates, some for legislativ candidates, some for candidates for governor and other state officers, but Have you read The Story of New Zealand' will apply to all of them, and to yourself.

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Public business is your business. You have a right to ask a candidate for a public office, questions pertaining to the duties of the office to which he aspires; and if he is unwilling or unable to answer such questions publicly he stultifies himself, and such a course should lead to his certain defeat.

*If you want literature or further particulars, or if you want to contribute one or more dollars to the work, address George H. Shibley, The Astoria, Third and G Streets, Washington, D. C.


is the only internal germicide which will kill the bacilli in the alimentary canal and in the blood, and at the same time eliminate their toxins without harm to the patient. It will prevent or control all zymotic diseases, and cut short or abort True Cholera Infantum, in from twelve to twenty-four hours, and Pneumonia, Bronchitis, Broncho-Pneumonia, Malignant Malaria, Typhoid, Puerperal (or child bed) Septic Fever, in from three to six days after the forming stage is fully past.

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Some one askt Lincoln how long a man's legs

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Norwood's Tincture of
Veratrum Viride.

This old and well-known therapeutic agent
is now manufactured by

The Shakers' Medical Department,

According to the original methods of W. C. Norwood, M.D. For many years this pharmaceutical preparation has acquired a reputation attained by a few articles in the entire Materia Medica. There is scarcely a disease that has not felt its power and yielded to its prowess. Mania, Cancer, Puerperal Fever, Puerperal Eclampsia and Convulsions from other causes, Epilepsy, Chorea, Acute and Chronic Pneumonia, Orchitis, Asthenia, Phthisis Pulmonalis, and so many other morbid conditions of inflammatory, nervous and other origin, that an attempt to enumerate we believe to be entirely unnecessary-the medical profession throughout the world being so familiar with its therapeutical effects. The only necessity is that you see that you get a good and reliable preparation, by demanding on your prescription orders

should be. He replied he had not given the subject Norwood's Tincture of Veratrum Viride,

any thought, but should say they should be long enuf to reach from his body to the ground.

Are you going to prepare for an examination? If you are, Dr. Scott's experience will be useful to you. Better have him coach you. See adv. on page 19.

(Continued on page 20.)


The Shakers' Society of Mount Lebanon, N. Y.

You can depend on getting most satisfactory results.


The knowledge that a man can use is the only real knowledge; the only knowledge that has life and growth in it and converts itself into practical power. The rest hangs like dust about the brain, or dries like raindrops off the stones.-FROUde.

The Medical World

C F. TAYLOR, M.D., Editor

A. L. RUSSELL, M.D., Assistant Editor PUBLISHT BY THE MEDICal World Co.. Entered at the Philadelphia Post-Office as Second Class Matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: To any part of the United States, Canada, and Mexico, ONE DOLLAR per year, or FOUR YEARS for THREE DOLLARS; to England and the British Colonies, FIVE SHILLINGS SIX PENCE per year; to other foreign countries in the Postal Union, the equivalent of 5s. 6d. Postage free. Single copies, TEN CENTS. These rates are due in advance.

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Pay no money to agents unless publisher's receipt is given.

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Language is a growth rather than a creation. The growth of our vocabulary is seen in the vast increase in the size of our dictionaries during the past century. This growth is not only in amount, but among other elements of growth the written forms of words are becoming simpler and more uniform. For example, compare Eng. Hish spelling of a centnry or two centuries ago with that of to-day! It is our duty to encourage and advance the movement toward simple, uniform and rational spelling. See the recommendations of the Philological Society of London, and of the American Philological Association, and list of amended spellings, publisht in the Century Dictionary (following the letter z) and also in the Standard Dictionary, Webster's Dictionary, and other authoritativ works on language. The tendency is to drop silent letters in some of the most flagrant instances, as ugh from though, etc., change ed to t in most places where so pronounced (where it does not affect the preceding sound), etc.

The National Educational Association, consisting of ten thousand teachers, recommends the following:

"At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the National Educational Association held in Washington, D. C., July 7, 1898, the action of the Department of Superintendence was approved, and the list of words with simplified spelling adopted for use in all pub lications of the National Educational Association as follows:

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securing the general adoption of the suggested amendments. IRVING SHEPARD, Secretary."

We feel it a duty to recognize the above tendency, and to adopt it in a reasonable degree. We are also disposed to add enuf (enough) to the above list, and to conservativly adopt the following rule recommended by the American Philological Association: Drop final "e" in such words as "definite," "infinite,” "favorite," etc., when the preceding vowel is short. Thus, spell" opposit,' preterit," "hypocrit," "requisit," etc. When the preceding vowel is long, as in "polite,” “ finite,” "unite, " etc., retain present forms unchanged. We simply wish to do our duty in aiding to simplify and rationalize our universal instrument-language.

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Weaning of Babies.

This is a process which directly affects the life and health of every child, yet the laity as a rule consider it a matter of so little importance that they seldom consult a physician until after the harmful results of injudicious. weaning have been manifested. The physician, himself, oft-times is careless when consulted upon this matter, tho there are few practicians so illy informed as to fail to appreciate the gravity of the matter as concerns the health of both mother and child.

Weaning should never be done rapidly except in those instances where it is imperativ, as when the mother is suffering from consumption, great debility, typhoid fever, pneumonia, or other severe acute disease. Some consideration should be given the matter of weaning every child when it has reacht the age of ten or twelve months. If this age is reacht in hot weather, weaning may wisely be postponed until cooler weather. The best plan is to begin the weaning process while the mother yet has abundance of milk of good quality, so that one bottle of artificial food may be given each day, and at that feeding-time the breasts should be emptied by a breast pump. As time passes, and the infant becomes accustomed to the innovation, the number of bottles is gradually increast and the number of nursings diminish t, until artificial food has entirely supplanted the breast milk of the mother. Weaned thus, few infants will manifest serious disorders of digestion, either temporary or permanent. In some instances, there is so great a diminution in the quantity or quality of the mother's milk that the child no longer receives sufficient nourishment, and when this occurs, the plan outlined above should be taken up regardless of the age

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