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violet are eliminated, and these are converged and concentrated, thus vastly increasing the healing and bactericidal effects. The heat from the original arc is so intense that to prevent cracking of the lenses and discomfort to the patients, a stream of cold water is kept constantly circulating thru the reservoirs or water screens. To further concentrate and cool the rays a compressor is provided which consists of two rock crystal lenses so arranged that a chamber for running water exists between them. This part of the apparatus is used to compress the affected area and make it bloodless during the treatment, thus facilitating deeper penetration. The Finsen arc light has been used with markt success in curing many skin diseases, formerly thought incurable, especially lupus and rodent ulcer. During a period of six years the Finsen Medical Light Institute at Copenhagen has grown from a very small shed, where they were able to treat only one patient at a time, to a magnificent institution where they are now treating 300 people daily, and light institutes have been establisht in London, England; St. Petersburg, Russia; Paris, France; and Chicago, Illinois; where they are all carrying on a similar work to the parent institution.

The treatment has proven efficacious in many other skin diseases besides lupus and rodent ulcer, such as acne, alopecia areata, localized eczema, chronic ulcers and nevus. The treatments are given while the patients recline on couches. The affected area is placed about ten inches from the discal end of the converging apparatus, and the treatments, or seances as they are called, take about one hour daily in lupus and rodent ulcer, and in other skin diseases from ten to twenty minutes, depending upon each individual case.

The light treatment causes no pain; a red erythematous spot and blister appears where the light is applied, and in five or six days the scab falls off and the ulcer is healed beneath, and the skin is left free from scar or cicatrix, but red, the redness, however, after a variable period fades and leaves the skin white and uncontracted, except where there has been a loss of tissue from the disease before treatment. The possibilities for the light treatment in the curing of diseases are still unknown. Chicago. H. JOHN STEWART, M.D.

Facial Eczema.

Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-This is my first attempt to write for a medical journal, and I would not attempt such a thing, only that I hope to do good and help a brother practician. In the December WORLD, Edgar A. Hines asks information regarding a case of facial eczema. If he will try arse alb., gra

phites, or sulf. arse if there is itching, and most intolerable burning after scratching. Graphites: dryness of skin, humid tetters and eruptions; itching, stinging rawness of skin. Sulf. skin cold, pale, dry, chapt, exanthema, voluptuous itching, tingling after scratching. Get remedies at a homeopathic pharmacy. Get solution from the 6x as high as the 30th. Sig., 40 drops in 3 glass of water, 4 teaspoonful doses daily. Forbid patient to eat pork, or to drink any intoxicating drinks. Your journal is the best I have ever read. It is doing more to fraternize the brotherhood than all the other medical journals extant. JAS. C. KENNEDY.

4833 Butler st., Pittsburg, Pa. [We suppose that

arse means arsenic.

It would be well for homeopaths, and perhaps eclectics, also, to write out the names of remedies very plainly and in full. Then there will be no danger of error.-ED.].

Homeopathic Replies.

Page 17. Dr. Crittenden, will get some benefit from phenacetin, in small doses, frequently repeated for some time. Gelsemium is also good. We use silica generally, but that curativ remedy has to be very finely triturated to be effectiv. Hot bath to feet at bedtime, cold water to feet in morning, well rubbed.

Page 22. Dr. Boynton: The engaged physician, should be paid, if not his fault in being present. An attorney will collect for himself under similar circumstances.

Page 25. Dr. McCrory and some others have not read my article in November WORLD correctly. The Editor put the heading on, and it is misleading. The suggestions I made are to help Nature to become normal, not to force a drug or surgical action. I can give you names of men who are brainy whom I have helpt to become normal. Many physicians have written me, commending the article. I wrote the article to help clear-headed men to understand, and this is my last reply, for yours is not criticism; it is something else.

Page 25. Dr. Strong is straining at a gnat. I have been in the pharmacy and drug business for a number of years, and I don't forget knowledge.

Page 27. "Weeping eczema of face" may be helpt by calc. sulfid, if tender to touch; but graphites, if not tender to touch. These will cure, not suppress.

Page 28. Tetanus. Dr. R. will have success in future cases, if he will use hypericum (St. John's wort) in small doses, frequently repeated, and no chloral or bromids.

Page 28. "Old man's infirmities" can be helpt with ambergris, Tobo.

Page 29. No specific" for after-pains; but caulophyllum will help you many times and no after effects. Page 31. Rectal ulcer can be cured with tincture of peony; use internally and locally, and you will be pleased and surprised.

Page 32. "H. E." will receive help from the mollusc murex, if he does not use it too strong. Page 33. "Medicus." The silver nitrate is a good suggestion, and if that fails, try phosfate of magnesia, small doses in hot water, repeated frequently during paroxysm. Had a similar experience with myself a few months ago. Relieved with metallic copper, 10000.

Page 36. Nocturnal emissions can be helpt by digitalin, in frequently repeated doses. El Paso, Texas. JOHN F. EDGAR.

The coal tar analgesics are preferable to morphin in the treatment of neuralgia; they act promptly, and there is no danger of the patients contracting a habit.


New books as they appear, are sent to our Assistant Editor, Dr. A. L. Russell, of Midway, Washington Co., Pa.,

for review As the Doctor thus has all the late books for reference, and is made familiar with them by reviewing each one carefully as it reaches him, he is unusually equipt for answering queries. Therefore it has been our custom for a long time to send

tion is possible in the first three months only; it has occurred in both intra and extra-uterin pregnancies; the liquor amnii becomes mucilaginous, and the fetus is wholly absorbed Putrefaction after preliminary maceration.

cannot occur so long as the membranes are queries to him for reply. In fact, the Doctor made a special unruptured, and when it does occur, the soft

request that this be done, as he enjoys this work. It now occurs to us that time will be saved if you will send directly to Dr. Russell matter intended for the Quiz Department, which has grown so much under his vigorous "treatment " Please notice that our query department is not used to "boost" proprietary remedies,

almanac fashion. THE MEDICAL WORLD has no interests other than to give to the medical profession the greatest amount of honest service possible. It has absolutely no interests in any proprietary preparation nor any medical supply house. Other medical editors have become, and are becoming, wealthy, by using their pages to increase the sale of preparations that they are interested in; but we prefer to render service to our subscribers that is above suspicion of personal pecuniary interest. How can a man interested in the sale of certain preparations render the best service? He is always trying to push one of his preparations in. That is commercial journalism. We prefer ethical journalism-and so does the profession, for THE MEDICAL WORLD is growing in popularity faster than ever before-and our subscribers are paying ones. They must be, for we have no medicins to "boost," nothing to sell nothing to depend on but pure journalism; but doctors that want honest, straight journalism are willing to pay for it-they are glad of the opportunity.

Only such queries will be publisht as are likely to interest and instruct many others as well as the one asking help. No charge has ever been made, nor will any charge be made, for this service to our subscribers. However, those who wish an immediate and personal reply by mail may obtain the same by inclosing two dollars to Dr. Russell. This is really a consultation in the interest of the patient, and should be charged to the patient-two dollars being a very moderate consultation fee. The Doctor agrees to give full, careful and immediate attention to such consultations. We reserve the right to publish in this department any such consultations that may be interesting and helpful to our readers. Name and address will be withheld if requested. Come freely for help, but read up as fully as you can before coming to us.

How Long Can a Dead Child Remain in the Uterus?

Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-How long will a woman carry a child after it dies? I know of no authority on that one point that I can put my hand on at once. I suppose there is no laid down law upon the subject, as it varies. My observation is that within a few days the liquor begins to escape, and then labor soon begins, but I want to know if it is probable, or even possible, for the mother to go on for weeks carrying the dead child, and the woman keep in apparently good health. Uniontown, Ky. G. HUSTON CHAPMAN.

[Yes, under certain conditions, it is possible for the death of the fetus to occur, and the woman continue to carry the child many weeks and yet remain in perfect health. If the membranes rupture, the liquor amnii escapes, and then expulsion or complication is only a matter of a few days. If the membranes remain intact, the woman may remain in perfect health, and expulsion may be indefinitly delayed. Much depends upon whether or not air enters the fetal sac. Any of six changes may take place in a fetus retained long after its death. It may become macerated; then the skin falls off in places, the body swells, the cord is round and smooth, and the spiral effect is lost; the fetus may be reddish, greenish, or brownish, and there may be an offensiv odor. It may undergo mummification; this occurs only in cases of unruptured membranes, and the fetus becomes dry, shriveled, grayish-yellow in color, and the amniotic fluid has been absorbed. Absorp

parts may disintegrate and leave the bones to ulcerate their way thru the uterin wall. Saponification or adipocereation refers to a chemical change in the fetal tissues whereby they assume somewhat the characteristics of soap by the deposition within the fetal body of margarates of cholesterin, sodium, calcium, or potassium; the fetus is hardened and has a soapy feel. Calcification results in a fetus called a lithopedion, or "stone child," and is brought about by the deposition of salts of lime within the fetal tissues. Cases of this kind have been recorded where the child has been retained within the uterus for years.


If by law laid down upon the subject," you refer to legal mandate, we are not able to find any reference to such in our medico-legal works of reference; but we presume you refer to medical teaching by authority.-ED.]

Respiratory Distress in Bright's Disease.

Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-I shall be very grateful to you if you will suggest some prescription which will relieve the distress in respiration in a case of chronic Bright's disease. I am unable to account for the unusual degree of distress in this particular case, and shall be correspondingly grateful if you can suggest W. E. S. PRESTON, M.D. any relief.

Limerick, Me.

[The dyspnea of chronic nephritis is best treated by relieving the primal cause; yet it is often difficult to ascertain what this is. One may generally get relief for the patient by empirically prescribing codein, 4 to 1⁄2 grain every three or four hours, nitroglycerin, grain ro at like intervals, or five grains of chloral hydrate every three or four hours for a few doses. The codein and nitroglycerin can be kept up indefinitly, but the chloral must be watcht. Also treat your patient on general hygienic lines. Diuretics are used less often than formerly. Alcohol is generally contraindicated, but if essential, is best employed in the form of pure imported Holland gin. Edema is best treated by the hot pack or hot air bath, if the condition of the heart does not contraindicate We have had good results such procedures. from the "hot corn" pack in cases sufficiently robust to stand the sweating. Boil a bushel of ears of common corn in a large kettle; take out singly with a fork, and wrap each with a single layer of flannel cloth and place close to the patient; surround him with these steaming ears, and keep a cold water compress on his head; keep warmly covered with blankets;

and in a very few moments you will have the most profuse perspiration you ever saw. Keep flannels next the skin, and insure free ventilation in both living and sleeping rooms.

It is not well to insist upon an exclusiv milk diet except during acute exacerbations, lest you increase anemia and weakness. Too much meat should be avoided. Only allow very weak coffee and tea. Fresh buttermilk is an excellent beverage, as is also Vichy, Seltzer and Appolinaris. Iron, codliver oil and nux vomica are the best tonics. Basham's mixture is an old and good favorit, and meets several indications.-ED.]

Medical Treatment of Appendicitis.

Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-Very recently I had a very severe case of acute appendicitis. Operation was refused and impossible. My patient had the usual type of symptoms and under such treatment as mild saline liquid diet and heat applied externally, she has now recovered. Opiates were used sparingly. At a recent meeting of the Windsor County Medical Society a paper on appendicitis was read. The speaker gave two treatments: First, operate as early as possible every case; second, give opium "until in some cases the respiration number is 8 or 10 to the minute, or less." Cathartics the worst treatment possible. Now I do not agree with him, except I do believe in operating in many cases, and early in them. While I was in college I did not learn such treatment, and my library does not furnish it now. Will you please give me the latest treatment of appendicitis, operation rejected? I have had a number of cases of this disease and all are alive today; only one was operated on, and then after the acute attack subsided. Where can I purchase a copy of the Hippocratic oath? C. H. HAZEN, M. D.

E. Corinth, Vt.

[It is probable that there will always be two theories advanced by extremists as to the best method of treating appendicitis, and since there is no possible way of determining how a case might have turned out if it had been handled the other way, the argument bids fair to be continuous. There is a certain number of cases of appendicitis that do well on medicinal treatment, and never recur; there are others which will end fatally if not operated upon early. The argument of the surgeon is that any case of appendicitis, however mild, may rapidly become a grave menace to life; and that any one having suffered from appendicitis once and not having been operated upon will be pretty certain to have it again and in an aggravated form. They exhibit the low mortality of cases operated upon at the proper time, and contrast it unfavorably with the entire list of cases treated medicinally.

Why do you say operation was impossible in your case? no primary case of appendicitis, taken in season, can be declared inoperable.

Cathartics are not accorded a high place by the better class of therapeutists. If constipation seems to complicate the case, the trouble is easily relieved by enemata; cathartics produce undesirable peristalsis about the site of the inflamed appendix, while the enema will

empty the lower bowel thoroly if properly administered, and it is not supposed that the contents of the small intestin can do much harm by pressure. Opium should only be used in sufficient quantity to blunt the pain; more will mask the symptoms.

See also the extract from Stevens' Manual of the Practise of Medicin in this issue.

The Arlington Chemical Company, Yonkers, N. Y., some years ago, put out a superb facsimile copy of the Hippocratic oath ready for framing, free of charge to the profession. You might write them and see if they have any left. We have publisht the text of the oath at various times, but that referred to is a superb work of art, and well worth having.-ED.]

Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-Can you furnish me with formula for "Daffy's Magical Pain Extractor." MISSISSIPPI.

[This is our first knowledge that such a nostrum existed, and none of our references name it. It must be strictly local in consumption, and possibly some of our Miss. brethren may be able to give us the formula. However don't think there is anything "magical" in it. You can prepare a better mixture yourself if you will only put your mind to it. Review the formulas for liniments, etc., in all the books that you have access to, and then go to work and prepare a "magical pain extractor' of your own. After a few experiments you will eclipse "Daffy."-Ed.]

To the Editor :-Can you or some member of the WORLD "family" advise me as to the most reliable remedy for the prevention of the recurrence of small canker sores in the mouth, which are extremely annoying and painful at times.


[The canker sore in the mouth is caused by an excessivly acid condition of the saliva, brought about by fermentation of food particles lodged about the teeth, or by the condition of the stomach. They are easily cured by perfect oral hygiene, and by getting the stomach and bowels in proper functional activity. Scrub the teeth carefully after each meal and on retiring, with any good tooth powder or dentifrice; soap or salt are as good as any, tho not quite so pleasant as others. If artificial teeth are worn, they should be removed at night and placed in a glass of saturated solution of boric acid. Administer laxativs until the bowels are well cleansed. Pay attention to diet, avoiding excessiv amounts of all sweets. Give digestants, if necessary; but simple attention to hygiene is usually all that is necessary.--Ed].


Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-I am 64; have been constipated from my youth up. The cause I believe to be proctitis, because I have suffered from an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the anus and rectum from

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[Constipation can be cured, even if of lifelong standing, but never by drugs alone. The suppository named should help proctitis, but would, of course, have only indirect influence on the constipation. Follow the suggestions given below for a sufficient length of time, and you will cure yourself of cor stipation.

The fundamental principle of cure is that constipation is a habit, and not a disease; and that the habit must be broken up and tonicity restored to the tissues before a cure can be hoped for. A daily motion of the bowels must be attained and maintained. It may be necessary, for a time, early in the treatment, to employ drugs, but their use should be dispenst with as early as possible. Begin by kneading the abdomen deeply, in the line of the colon, with the clencht fist, for ten minutes before rising each morning; begin on right side and progress toward the left, going over and over again

the line of colon. Rise, dress, and go to stool. Do not strain, but remain on commode or closet seat for ten minutes, encouraging gently any sensation indicating a passage. Do this every morning at the same hour, absolutely regardless of whether or not there is desire for stool. If desire to evacuate bowels occur at any other time in the day, go at once and allow nothing to interfere with the discharge of this duty. Drink freely of water at all times, but especially just before retiring and on arising. Eat plentifully of those articles of diet you know are laxativ to you; pay no attention to the ordinary routine diet prescribed in cases of constipation except in so far as you know them to be fitted to your case. Tone up the muscular coat of the stomach and intestin with the indicated remedies, such as strychnin in full dosage, etc. Now the great tactor remains: make the bowels move. This factor may be gained by laxativs, suppositories of glycerin, etc., or by injections of water or oil. Whichever method is employed, make certain that it is discontinued before you have saddled yourself with another habit as tenacious as the constipation. Perhaps the best method is the instillation of oliv oil as follows: Place a half

pint to a pint of oil in a cup; provide a rubber tube about one-quarter inch in lumen and about five feet long; lie down on the right side with the pelvis elevated; fill the tube with oil; insert one end in the cup of oil and the other in the rectum as far as possible; lie still till all has passed into the bowel (probably an hour). The cup should be about six inches higher than the anus. This oil will climb the intestin by tubal attraction until you can taste it, after having continued its use for some time. Buy the Malaga oil by the gallon wholesale; it is very inexpensiv. This will cure you of both proctitis and constipation. It is some trouble we admit, but hardly so much so as dyspepsia, proctitis, and constipation.-ED.]

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I have him on wine of codliver oil, Stearns'. I have advised a change of climate, but he will not do that. Would a Spanish-fly blister do any good? Please inform me what you would do to prevent these recurrent attacks. I have painted the chest with tr. iodin. Homestead, Pa. D. T. POWELSON, M.D.

[Counter irritation by small and frequently repeated fly blisters will aid in helping to


avoid recurrence of acute attacks, and this is the main indication in chronic bronchitis. the acute exacerbations can be avoided, the chronic condition will disappear or become amenable to the proper treatment. We suggest that you change from Stearns' wine of codliver oil to the same firm's preparation of codliver oil and hypophosfites, and give him the maximum dosage. Exclude cardiac insufficiency; but if found, add strychnin and digitalis in a separate prescription. Iron and

arsenic are the tonics of selection, and such are pretty constantly indicated. Keep him indoors, where there is perfect ventilation air of his room moist with a vapor containing without draft, as much as possible. Keep the terebine, creosote, and oil of pine; or get an oronasal respirator and make the following mixture for use by direct mouth inhalation : Chloroform . . dr. Creosote Terebine

Oil of pine, of each. .1% drs. Alcohol, enuf to make an ounce. Mix, and direct inhalation of ten to twenty drops several times a day.

If the sputum is heavy and purulent, the best drugs are carbonate of guaiacol and creo

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Displaced Uterus.

Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-Patient, aged 39 years, mother of eight children, youngest two years old; family history good. Health good till last January, when she fell from barn loft, which produced an anteflexion of uterus, with considerable pelvic inflammation. An abscess formed in broad ligaments. Aspirated abscess in April, thru vagina. Patient improved for a month or more, then a profuse menorrhagia began at the regular menstrual period, which has continued to come on each twenty to twenty-four days, lasting from four to eight days, which has caused patient to become very anemic. Appetite, digestion, and assimilation very good, bowels kept open with lapactic pill at night. There was considerable enlargement of uterus, and a general corporeal endo-metritis, which still exist, tho uterus is now but little larger than normal. There is now but little cervical inflammation, nor has there been.

Treatment: After aspirating abscess, replaced uterus to normal position, and used cotton tampons daily to retain it, as patient could not bear pessaries. Used copious hot water vaginal douches, which have been kept up. Cotton soakt in borated glycerin. Cureted uterus, but no abnormal growths. Applied tr. iodin, sub-nitrate silver, and fl. ext. hydrastis to uterus internally. Have used different kinds of uterin supporters, and quite a lot of pessaries, both hard and soft, but owing to soreness, she can wear them only a few days at a time. Have not used one now in the last sixty days. For past eighty days have kept her in bed, on the back as much as possible; put up uterus two to three times a week; it is easily replaced, but just as easy to "flop back" when patient laughs,

coughs, or sneezes.

For men

Medical treatment: Have used aletris cordial (Rio Chem. Co.), hypophosfites, iron, strychnin and ergotin, fl. ext. black haw, nuclein, proto-nuclein, pepto-mangan, and a few other tonics. orrhagia have used ergotin, fl. ext. ergot, tannic acid, alum, hydrastin, oil erigeran, arom. sulfuric acid, fl. ext. mistletoe, etc.; yet the menorrhagia continues to come. Now, brethren, help me to relieve this woman. J. P. PHILLIPS, M.D.

Yantley, Ala.

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[There is no satisfactory treatment other than tonsillotomy, tho some cases are benefited by prolonged treatment. The enlargement and the chronic pharyngeal catarrh are interdependent, one on the other. Place the child in the best hygienic surroundings; insure fresh air at all times, but without exposure to drafts. Keep the stomachic and intestinal functions up to par. Apply counter irritation over the outside of the throat in the form of tincture of iodin, and later potassium iodid ointment containing a dram of ichthyol to the ounce. Give alterativs and tonics internally.

Have you tried hot air on your cases of obstinate lumbago? In many cases it gives considerable relief. Occasionally the constant wearing of belladonna plasters of generous size on the affected area will relieve. Diuretics are always indicated, and will often cure, in time, when anti-rheumatic treatment without including them is futil. We have often relieved lumbago by the old-fashioned "ironing" process: Cover the affected part with a few thicknesses of damp flannel, and take a hot polishing iron and iron just as the laundress works on a shirt. The heat drives the steam against the skin, and it is astonishing what markt relief is sometimes obtained. The water used to moisten the flannel can be impregnated with turpentine.

The morning vomiting of gastric catarrh is best treated by half drop doses of Fowler's solution hourly thruout the day, or the same drug may suit certain cases better given in larger quantities, before meals. Fluid extract of golden seal, non-alcoholic, is another valuable remedy for this class of troubles.--ED.]

Senile Gangrene.—Incipient Locomotor

Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-Case I. A lady patient age 65, came under my care a few days ago, suffering from dry gangrene of right foot involving at present the little toe and neighboring two toes together with a great portion of both dorsum and plantar surface of foot. The gangrene commenced in outer part of little toe, and involving it, extended to both dorsum and plantar surfaces of foot. It commenced about one month ago, and only this past few days has it extended to the fourth and third toes. However it is spreading, and I thought best to seek immediate help from headquarters, as I am puzzled as to which is best to do: await for line of demarcation, or amputate below or above knee. I have read up on it from Gould & Pyle's Encyclopedia, Walsham and Ericksen's Surgery, but before being satisfied write you for help. Examination of urin shows it normal. Her evening temperature

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