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OR SALE-$2,000 village and country practise, also drug store invoicing about $600, eheap for cash. No opposition. Address, with stamp, Box 12, Hampton, Fla.

VILLAGE and country practise for sale in west Mo. No
opposition. Eight miles from railroad. A bargain.
Address, with stamp, Dr. G. V. Dalgliesh, Quincy, Mo.
FOR SALE-Unopposed practise, Illinois, $1,000 to $1,500.
Homeo. or Regular, registered. Make offer quick.
S. M. B., 312 E. 13th St., Kansas City, Mo.
YPO NEEDLES-40c. dozen. Bargains. Instruments.

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HOtto Wilkens, 36 Hancock Ave., Jersey City, N. J.


OR SALE-Electro-surgical apparatus $15 (cost $27). Microscope (Bausch & Lomb), with objectives 1-3 and 1-7, $25 (cost $50). G. F. Washburne, M. D., Elkhart, Ind.

WANTED Young, energetic physician wishes a good location in Penna. Will give good compensation for information leading to a good opening. Address Doctor, Farrandsville, Pa.

FOR SALE $2,000 practise and office fixtures 8150. Population 1,200; on Ohio river in Ky. No competition, thirty days' introduction. Address L, care of MEDICAL WORLD. FOR SALE-Drug store, invoice $3,500. Paying business, low rent, clean stock; cash receipts last year nearly $7.000. Population 9,000. Reason for selling, poor health. Address M. A. Gaugh, Chillicothe, Mo.


(Continued on page 18.)

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The ""OREGON" Medicine Case


DIMENSIONS-11 in. long, 6% in high, and 534 in. wide. Contains 24 1-oz. 24 3-dr., 3 3 oz., and 42-oz., G. S. & M. C. bottles for acids, etc. Also a large Supply space, 10x5x1 in. deep. It is fitted with the "Western silver plated springs for holding the bottles, metal covered flanges at head of corks, preventing same from coming out and spilling contents; nickle spring lock and key and extra strong handle with metal reinforcement on inside.

Is made of heavy black grained waterproof leather (cowhide), handstitched around the edges, and lined with thoroughly durable material. The sides and bottom of case are protected with leather buttons.

Cash with order, sent express prepaid to any express office in United States for $6.50. Write for NEW CATALOGUE of Surgical Instruments and Physicians' Supplies.


Will not persist


ADVENTURERS in annoying



who are protected against suits for alleged MALPRACTICE by a policy in



HIS company will defend its clients against any such proceedings at its on cost and if damages are awarded will pay same up to Two Thousand Five I Dollars for injuries suffered by one person, or Five Thousand for injuries suffered by more than one person, for a premium of Ten Dollars a year. Insurance for double above amounts at same ratio. Agents in all Considerable Towns

Special fornis of Accident & Health Insurance for Physicians, Surgeons & Dentists

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In all cases where there is a weakened action of the heart, following an attack of the "Grippe," after Typhoid, in Chronic Diseases, these Drops will be found of marked value, acting promptly, and perfectly SAFE to use in every case where indicated. No reaction ever follows the use of them, and when the need of them has passed, they can be discontinued at once, no tapering off required.

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That rare thing, a true hepatic tonic, free from all cathartic or purgative action, it tones the liver up to a normal condition, where it will perform its normal functions without the lash or spur of drugs.

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As a Brain and Nerve tonic it has stood the test of 17 years, and is still unequaled for the treatment of Paralysis, Locomotor-Ataxia, Epilepsy, Neurasthenia, Senile and General Debility, Mental Failure, Debilitating Losses, Spinal Weakness, Nervous Dyspepsia, all troubles affecting the Brain, Nerve Centres and Spinal Cord, and as a safe and powerful Aphrodisiac.

Each of the above is put up in only one style, without menstruum, at retail price of $1.00. None of them is ever sold in bulk or in Tablet form. Anything, under any of the above names, offered in bulk or Tablet form, is prima facie evidence of fraud.

Samples, each sufficient for ten days' trial, of any or all of the above, mailed to any physician pon request. As we furnish no samples through the trade, either wholesale or retail, all reques for samples must be made direct to


Manufacturing Chemists

97, 99, 101 Reade St., New York City


ters, he will be a jolly companion. If you or any of your friends have the remotest idea of going to Europe, be sure to write for his circular of information. Write for it any way, and see how interesting it is.

WANTED-For experienced and capable physician, an unopposed practise in Arkansas, Texas, or New Mexico. Without real estate, unless very low price. J. D. Hart, M.D., Eddyville, Ill.

FINE village practise near New York for price of dwelling

and team. Address New York, care of MEDICAL WORLD.

FOR SALE-A desirable village home

jucrative pracFREE $2,000 practise to purchaser of property, horse, buggy, and drugs. Railroad town. Good location. Address Dr. Taylor, General Delivery, Perry, Okla.

tise gratis. Box 8, Sergeantsville, New Jersey.

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Your old bills. We are turning worthless
accounts into ready cash for scores of phy-
each state.
Largest Physicians Collecting Agency. Our
plan is very successful. Write forit, free.
Physicians Protective Assn., Kansas City,Mo



Perfection Aseptic Piston

For Hypodermic and Antitoxin Syringes

Never binds. Always ready for instant use. Can be sterilized and rendered perfectly aseptic by boil ing or by chemical means. Inserted in old syringes and guaranteed for one year. Price, $1.00.

4In sending syringes to be fitted with the Perfection Aseptic Piston be particular to attach name and address to syringe case. Address


Circulation: December, 1903, 35,610.


The knowledge that a man can use is the only real knowledge; the only knowledge that has life and growth in it and converts itself into practical power. The rest hangs like

dust about the brain, or dries like raindrops off the stones.-Froude.

The Medical World

C. F. TAYLOR, M.D., Editor and Publisher

A. L. RUSSELL, M.D., Assistant Editor

SUBSCRIPTION RATES: To any part of the United States, Canada, and Mexico, ONE DOLLAR per year, or FOUR YEARS for THREE DOLLARS; to England and the British Colonies, FIVE SHILLINGS SIX PENCE per year; to other foreign countries in the Postal Union, the equivalent of 5s. 6d. Postage free. Single copies, TEN CENTS. These rates are due in advance.

HOW TO REMIT: For their own protection we advise that our patrons remit in a safe way, such as by postal money order, express order, check, draft, or registered mail. Currency sent by ordinary mail usually reaches its destination safely, but money so sent must be at the risk of the sender.

We cannot always supply back numbers. Should a number fail to reach a subscriber, we will supply another, if notified before the end of the month.

Notify us promptly of any change of address, mentioning both old and new addresses.

If you want your subscription stopt at expiration of the time paid for, kindly notify us, as in the absence of such notice we will understand that it is the subscriber's pleasure that the subscription be continued, and we will act accordingly.

Pay no money to agents unless publisher's receipt is given.

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Language is a growth rather than a creation. The growth of our vocabulary is seen in the vast increase in the size of our dictionaries during the past century. This growth is not only in amount, but among other elements of growth the written forms of words are becoming simpler and more uniform. For example, compare Eng lish spelling of a centnry or two centuries ago with that of to-day! It is our duty to encourage and advance the movement toward simple, uniform and rational spelling. See the recommendations of the Philological Society of London, and of the American Philo. logical Association, and list of amended spellings, publisht in the Century Dictionary (following the letter z) and also in the Standard Dictionary, Webster's Dictionary, and other authoritativ works on language. The tendency is to drop silent letters in some of the most flagrant instances, as ugh from though, etc., change ed to t in most places where so pronounced (where it does not affect the preceding sound), etc.

The National Educational Association, consisting of ten thousand teachers, recommends the following:

"At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the National Educational Association held in Washington, D. C., July 7, 1898, the action of the Department of Superintendence was approved, and the list of words with simplified spelling adopted for use in all pub lications of the National Educational Association as follows:

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securing the general adoption of the suggested amendments →→→ IRVING SHEPARD, Secretary."

We feel it a duty to recognize the above tendency, and to adopt it in a reasonable degree. We are also disposed to add enus (enough) to the above list, and to conservativly adopt the following rule recommended by the American Philological Association: Drop final "e" in such words as "definite," "infinite," "favorite," etc., when the preceding vowel is short. Thus, spell opposit,' preterit," "hypocrit," "requisit," etc. When the preceding vowel is long, as in "polite,' finite," "unite," etc., retain present forms unchanged,

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We simply wish to do our duty in aiding to simplify and ration alize our universal instrument- language.

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This is January-the beginning of a new year. Have you closed your books for last year, and settled, by cash, "truck" or note, your out-standing accounts? If not, do it immediately. An account loses value the older it gets. It is surprising how accounts degenerate in value by age. Every day makes a difference; every week makes a greater difference; every month a still greater difference, and if you let a year go by without seeking and obtaining a settlement, many accounts will then be of no value at all. If you are rusht, and anxious about patients seriously ill, employ a book-keeper and collector, if even only temporarily, to attend to this part of your business for you. Perhaps you can arrange to employ some good man in your town in this way for a couple of weeks every few months, if your business does not justify steady employment-say the latter few weeks of every quarter-March, June, September and December. If you have been neglecting this, make a beginning now-don't wait till March.

On the other hand, pay everything you owe as promptly as you wish to be paid. Don't let bills against you accumulate, and then press all at once, thus embarrassing you and injuring your credit. And see that you pay for every medical journal that comes to you. If there are any coming to you that you do not want, pay up to date and stop them. If any come to you without seeming to expect pay, suspect them. Look for covert advertisements in the reading matter, and if you find that they are publisht in the interest of certain preparations or firms, refuse to take them from the post-office, and instruct your

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