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me his face looked red and swollen, especially end of nose, eyes blood-shot, looked as if suffering from hay fever or grippe: felt "sore" and "lame" all over his body, being worse in the lumbar and sacral regions. This lameness and soreness was worse on motion, felt as if he had been stiffened by a bad cold; felt sleepy all the time; slept unusually sound the night before, and at intervals during the day. Was so "sore" and "lame" he did not want to move. It "hurt" him.

After making a note of the symptoms I prescribed sac. lac. with directions to report later. On the fifth day after taking the first dose of Salix Nigra, these symptoms remained: Fulness in frontal region and in stomach-the "pressure outward” in the forehead had now subsided-a sense of fulness and inability to move knees as quickly as formerly. All the other symptoms had disappeared.

The following conditions which existed before taking the Salix Nigra were relieved. Is an habitually late sleeper, and feels dull and heavy on waking. Now wakes at 6 A. M. and gets up refreshed bright and active. If he lay in bed later or until his usual hour for rising, 8 A. M., got a stiff neck, which remains through the greater part of the day. This stiffness of the neck did not come if he got up when he woke at 6 A. M. As the result of years of sexual excess his sexual organs had for some time felt "cold" and "lifeless" which kept his thoughts constantly on these parts. While taking the Salix Nigra and after, the sexual organs felt "passive" and comfortable. A sensation of stricture of the urethra at junction of penis and scrotum which he had felt for some time, was also relieved.-S. Geo. Hermance, M. D., The Chironian.

DRUGS FOR SLEEPLESSNESS. Sleeplessness is an all too common affliction, and causes its victims no end of mental discomfort.

It is an indication of a condition which demands speedy relief, and is often a precursor of insanity.

Our materia Medica contains numerous drugs which will cure this condition when indicated.

Aconite. Sleeplessness with or without fever, with restlessness and mental anxiety. Those who are nervous, and make up their minds before retiring that they will be unable to go to sleep.

Coffea-Sleeplessness with nervous excitability, extreme sensitiveness and flow of ideas, increased mental activity, feel wide awake with constant flow of pleasurable thoughts.

Bryonia. Sleeplessness from worry about business of the day. Ambra Grisea also.

Chamomilla. Lie awake from severe


Gelsemium.-Insomnia of brain workers, business men, and those who are exhausted by work or worry. Recent or incipient drunkenness.

Ignatia.-Due to grief or bad news.
Kali Carb.-Worse 2 A. M.

Opium.-Light sleepers; the least noise awakens them, and they can't get to sleep again.

Cimicifuga, or, better, its alkaloid Macrotin, for the sleeplessness of delirium tremens, or for those addicted to the opium habit.

Ipecac has also been used for the sleeplessness of opium eaters.

Avena Sativa, and Passiflora Incarnata have been used with considerable success among the insane.

For the sleeplessness of children who are very uneasy and restless, with difficult breathing or swallowing, and they twitch, cry out, and wake in fright we have: Belladonna. With bright, staring eyes,

red face and delirium.

Bora.c.-With associated aphthous stomatitis, offensive green diarrhoea of nursing infants, and fear of downward motion.

Cina.-Reflex from worms with dark rings about the eyes, and a diarrhoea of white mucus in little balls like pieces of pop-corn, and white, turbid urine.

Chamomilla.-During teething with one red cheek, the other pale.

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hot; pulse hard and quick; thirst, anguish and fear of death. Great restlessness.

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Belladonna. Fever; free, bounding pulse; throbbing carotids; drowsy, or may be wakeful: throbbing headache; aching all over the body; head hot, feet cold; the tonsils, glands and muscles of the neck are involved; cough dry and hacking, with tickling in larynx, worse at night.

Gelsemium. - Chilly, can't get warm; sneezing, watery discharge from nose; no thirst; extreme langour and lassitude; limbs of lower extremities as if paralyzed; double vision; headache, beginning in nape of neck, extending over head to above the eyes; face dark red. Patient is dizzy and drowsy. Pulse full and compressible.

Rhus tox. From exposure to cold and

Seminal emissions, followed by great damp. Fibrous tissues involved. Sore, prostration.

Soft, moist excrescences on and behind the glans penis.

Limbs sore as if bruised, and as if there was no strength in them.

Herpes; itching in the morning; burn after scratching.

Canine hunger, even when the stomach is full of food.-M. E. Douglass. American Physician. March, 1902.


The larynx seems sore, raw, and scraping. Sensation "as though a plug were fixed there, which moved up and down with a short cough." Larynx painful to touch.


Voice is hoarse, increasing with A dry, tickling cough comes on late in the evening and continues often during sleep. In its aggravation it recalls rumex in the following: Every contact with cold air causes a violent tickling cough, but the differentiation lies in the aggravation under rumex coming from inspiration of cold air.-Medical Visitor, March, 1902.


Dr. Frank W. Somers, professor of Materia Medica, Cleveland Homeopathic Medical College, prescribes Aconite for a cold resulting from exposure to dry, cold winds. Chill followed by high fever; skin dry and

lame feeling, as if pounded. General relief from continued motion. Restlessness. Cough is dry and worse at night, and by uncovering any part of the body.

Camphor.-Chilly, surface of the whole body cold, nose cold, sneezing. Temperature sub-normal. Eupatorium.

Soreness and aching of the body. Bones ache. Thirst, with vomiting.

Following the acute stage some of the following may be needed:

Pulsatilla.-Cough loose by day and dry by night, with soreness in sternal region. Cough worse by lying down. Urine emitted on coughing. Expectoration is yellow or greenish yellow, thick and bland.

Hepar sulphur.-Cough loose, with rattling of mucus. Croupy cough, worse toward morning.

Hydrastis. - Cough, with discharge of thick, yellow, stringy mucus. Expectoration.

Phosphorus.-Tightness across the chest. Cough aggravated by cold air. Frothy expectoration. Expectoration tastes salty. Drosera.-Arrested secretions in larynx. Cough paroxysmal, deep, hoarse and hollow. Tickling in throat. Cough worse by lying down and after midnight. Rumex Crispus.-Tracheo-laryngeal secretions scanty. Incessant cough and

tickling in larynx, worse at night and in horizontal position. - Medical Counselor, March.


When you meet a case that cannot tolerate milk for hyperacidity, do not overlook the heart. We may expect these cardiac symptoms: "violent palpitation of the heart, palpitations which resound in the heart, palpitation with vertigo headache and restlessness" (vide mitral insufficiency and hypertrophy). The pulse will correspond, being "rapid, hard, small," at times "irregular" and possibly in severe cases "imperceptible," especially if there is great prostration. The key to the æthusa case is the intolerance of milk.

If a child, watch for valvular lesions; if an adult, examine the heart and prevent valve injury.-T. C. Duncan, in Medical Arena.

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Arsenicum 6 x., cured chronic headache of twenty-five years' standing. Headache followed typhoid fever. Usually started during the night, lasted two days and two nights. Pain began in occiput, slowly extending to forehead during day. Attacks preceded by feeling of coldness in back of neck. Considerable nausea, but seldom vomited; no relief when he did. Motion and suddenly assuming a standing position made him dizzy. Scalp sore for several days after attacks subsided. As the years passed, patient became more sensitive to cold, drinking cold water made him worse. Dr. Edward J. Burch, in the Clinique.

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Dr. J. R. Green, of Chicago, in the Pacific Coast "Journal of Homeopathy, says of Cactus grandiflora: Useful in the cure of certain heart affections; that the fluid extract is substantially useless. Two preparations only are efficient, the expressed juice of the plant (which is difficult to get and soon ferments and becomes inert) and an alcoholic tincture. This remedy, to be effective, must not be mixed with anything else. Dose, not to exceed one drop of the alcoholic tincture; preferably, one-fifth drop. Hahnemannian Advocate, February, 1902.

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China, 15th, administered a dose a day for one month, an old Homeopath says, will prevent the formation of gall stones and the recurring attacks of gall stone colic.-Hahnemannian Advocate, February,



Nux Vomica is an important remedy during convalescence from various diseases with no appetite, and with a lack of recuperative nervous energy.

In dysmenorrhea after nostrums and various pain-killers have been tried without result, Nux Vomica will cure when there are twisting, stitching pains in the abdomen and pelvis, cramps in the bladder, ineffectual urging to urinate and defecate.

Nux Vomica is to a fatigued and overworked mind what Arnica is to a bruised and over strained muscular system.

Hering says no remedy is so useful in breaking up of a quinsy in its incipiency or in bringing about resolution in advanced stages as Lachesis.

The value of remedies often depends on the location in which they are used. This means that they are oftener indicated in certain localities. Thus Cinchona is more often indicated on the banks of the Wabash than in New York, and Gelsemium is far more frequently indicated in the relaxing climate of the South than it is in New England. The reverse is true of Aconite.

There is a great difference between treating a case of intermittent fever and curing one, and this is a remark that will apply to most diseases.

A keynote for Cimicifuga is melancholy with sleeplessness.

Irisin is a good remedy in gonorrheal rheumatism.—Clinical.

Mercurius may be given by boiling the quicksilver and dispensing the water. Ebullition seems to act the same as succussion.

Hydrastis muriate is an excellent remedy in dilatation of the stomach, and a number of cases have been cured by the 2x trituration.

PHYSICIANS SHOULD BECOME ACTIVE MEMBERS OF THEIR STATE MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. "Some men are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them." Few physicians are born great, more achieve greatness, and very few have greatness forcibly fall upon them. The field of medicine and science is so broad and the toiling practitioners' time so interrupted that by personal endeavor alone, it is difficult to achieve. By becoming a member of one's local and State society and national societies, views are broadened and knowledge and stimulus for further work is gained. One really appreciates more the depths of one's own ignorance. "A dwarf can see further on the shoulders of a giant than even the giant himself." Nowadays it is harder for a physician who does not come in contact with the discussions and knowledge of his fellow practitioners, to achieve greatness than it is for a camel to go to heaven. Truly, at best, the way of the physician is hard; those who have achieved even mediocre and local success know how hard it is; not to speak of the bitter calumny and enmity against those who have attained, whether born or thrust upon them, international greatness.

There comes through the long vista of years that old and gentle reproach from the Hebraic Talmud, Avoth d Rab. Nathan, Chap. 37: Seven have no portion in the world to come ?-"A notary, a schoolmaster, the best of physicians, a judge who dispenses justice in his own native town, a wizard, a congregational reader (or law officer), and a butcher." This good law places some physicians and the butcher on equality, even in the hereafter. We have no record, however, of medical societies in those days. By becoming a member of seven or eight, or even thirteen medical societies, may the spell not be broken? Self-protection is one of the first laws of nature; by joining with equals and with peers, from a physician's standpoint,

that axiom is best subserved. The Medical Association of Georgia meets at Savannah in April. There is an opportunity for every Georgia physician to reap its benefits, whatever they might be. "A single light answers as well for a hundred men as for one. The rivalry of scholars advances science."-Editorial, Georgia Journal of Medicine and Surgery.


The perfect tongue is clean, moist, lies loosely in the mouth, is round at the edge, and has no prominent papillæ. The tongue may be furred from local cause or from sympathy with the stomach, intestines or liver. The dry tongue occurs most frequently in fever, and indicates a nervous prostration or depression. White tongue is diagnostic simply of the feverish condition. When it is moist and yellowish brown, it shows disordered digestion. Dry and brown indicate a low state of the system, possibly typhoid. When the tongue is dry and red and smooth, look out for inflammation, gastric or intestinal. Sharppointed red tongue will hint of brain irritation or inflammation, and a yellow coating indicates liver derangement. When so much can be gained from an examination of the tongue, how important it is that the youngest child should be taught to put it out so that it can be visible to the uttermost point in the throat.-Journal Medicine and Surgery.


Berlin, Feb. 13.-Emperor William's recent conversations concerning Christian Science and Spiritualism seem about to bear fruit. The police authorities here, on the emperor's orders, will undertake an investigation of "Eddyism" to secure material for a public warning in the matter.

Emperor William has also directed that inquiry be made among prominent scholars regarding their views of Spiritualism. The authorities contemplate measures against the Spiritualists such as the prohi

bition of public seances where spirits are alleged to appear, and the prevention of mediums falling into trances for the purpose of communicating with spirits.


Never forget the following cautions: Do not instil atropin if there be increased tension. Do not neglect to dilate the pupil promptly in iritis. Do not permit a lead (or zinc) wash for an inflamed eye if there be any abrasion of the cornea, lest the metal be deposited, causing an irremovable opacity. Should you ever order such a wash, be sure the prescription is marked, "Not to be refilled," and with the patient's name. Finally, do not attempt to treat without even the help of an oculist infectious conjunctivitis, purulent ophthalmia, granulated lids, iritis, glaucoma, photophobia, or dim vision.John L. Moffat, North Am. Jour. of Homeo., February, 1902.


According to Dr. A. V. Minine, the chief advantage of blue electric light lies in its action on the vasomotor nerves. The action of blue electric light is diametrically opposite to that of white light from ordinary incandescent bulbs. Blue light produces an anemia of the parts exposed, while white light causes the tissues to be filled with blood. Blue light has a very marked anesthetic effect, and the author even employed it instead of cocaine in suturing wounds, incising abscesses, etc. Not only does blue light produce complete painlessness of the parts, but it also favors the healing of wounds by first intention. The removal of stitches can be accomplished without any pain under blue electric light. If a contusion is exposed to this light, the occurrence of ecchymosis, or of a hematoma, is prevented. Burns and scalds are very advantageously treated with blue light, for under its influence the lesions heal rapidly and painlessly with the formation of dry scabs, without the use of any local applications. In peliosis In peliosis

rheumatica white electric light produces certain changes in the eruption. The margins of the spots grow paler, and the center, which rises in the form of a minute cone, becomes yellow. This yellow color seems to depend upon the presence of pus; if so, this would be another fact in favor of the infectious theory of purpuric diseases. Blue light causes the spots to wrinkle and grow smaller; to turn red for a short time, and finally to pale and disappear. The general condition, the appetite, sleep, etc., are also markedly improved by this treatment in purpuric patients. The best combination for cases of purpura and peliosis is, first, a fiftycandle white lamp, to be followed in a few minutes by a twenty-five candle blue one. This treatment does not prevent recurrences of the eruption, but it shortens all the stages of the disease.-Medical News.


To my mind the subjects most neglected in all schools are Materia Medica and Therapeutics. The application of remedies to the treatment of diseased conditions is a matter of prime importance-it has a dual interest-one to the patient, the other to physician. Teachers give with the most minute detail the etiology and pathology of a disease, and dismiss with a few glittering generalities, the treatment. As a result, there is growing up among us a class of medical nihilists who think drugs. well nigh useless. It has been said by some one that "it does not matter so much what you give as who gives it." From a commercial point of view this may be correct; but from the scientific standpoint it is lacking in every element of truth. From the latter view point it does matter who prescribes; it is easy to tell then what will be prescribed-it will be the remedy indicated at the particular time and in the concrete case. It will not be the physician who will turn to his shelves. where are arrayed an assortment of bottles variously labelled: "Rheumatic cure," "Cough mixture," "Heart tonic," "Mixed treatment," and the like. One may well

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