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News of the Month

Byron E. Miller, '85, sends us a clipping from the "Telegram" of his home cityPortland, Oregon, in which there is quite an account of the Doctor's experience abroad. He spent some six months traveling through Europe, visiting he great hospitals and universities there, and gives such an interesting account of his experiences that we propose to publish the same in some future number of the "Reporter." The Doctor is Secretary of the Board of Medical Examiners of the State of Oregon, and in the January examination was in charge of the departments of Diseases of Women and Materia Medica and Therapeutics (Homeopathic).

C. E. Hauver, '88, Greenville, O., in subscribing for the journal has some sympathetic and complimentary words to say. The last thing he says is that he is going to arrange to come to the Institute meeting

in June.

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We note that the wife of our poet-surgeon, Helmuth, of New York, has been elected president of the National Council of Women. Mrs. Helmuth has been active not only in social and club life of New York, but was the founder of the Hahnemann Hospital, and is distinguished as having set out the call for the first meeting for organization of the New York Homeopathic Medical College and Hospital, which meeting was held at her home in New York City. Prof. Helmuth delights in nothing better than acknowledging the wonderful help she has been to him in his life-work.

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B. R. Burgner, '00, having closed his service as resident physician and surgeon at the Huron Street Hospital, has established offices at 718 Rose Bldg., where he may be found every day from 10 to 1. He is doing special work as an anæsthetist, being particularly well qualified for it by

virtue of his long experience in the surgical wards of the Hospital. We are sure everybody wishes him success.

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There was an old doctor, a long time ago,
Who hired a fellow to shovel snow,
But instead of a shovel he gave him a hoe,
For he was a Hoe-me-a-path, you know.

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It may be a matter of interest to those who have formerly attended our College and who have known of the work done in the old Brownell Street Medical College, formerly known as the Medical Department of the University of Wooster-but at present affiliated with the Ohio Wesleyan University, and the Medical Department of the Western Reserve University, to know that there has been considerable talk in the daily papers about a coalition of these two institutions. Just what will be the result of the efforts being made in this direction is at present problematical, but at any rate we are interested in reading the discussions and interviews published in the papers.

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The following story is rather interesting and was told by Hon. James M. Beck, assistant attorney general of the United States, at the banquet of the Society of Ohio in New York City:

” he said,

"There was an Irishman once, in illustration of a point, "who was passing through the streets of a large city of Ohio, when he came to a massive statue erected to the honor of the great German physician and scientist, Hahnemann. He stopped and gazed at it for a moment and then burst forth, 'Begorra, it must be a great thing to be an Ohio man. When you die they erect over you a big monument like this, if yez happen to be a Hanna man!'"

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The following is an excerpt from the "Boston Evening Transcript," the writer

being one of our clearest thinkers, the author of a very interesting and instructive book called "Philosophy of Homeopathy." To the Editor of the "Transcript':

One writes himself a believer in homeopathy with neither more nor less confidence than that with which another pooh-poohs the whole subject. At every country crossroads there are ardent advocates of homeopathy, and opponents no less ardent. Evidently the question is still

one of opinion.

Prejudicial to homeopathy has been a seeming lack of anything analogous to it outside of medicine. Now it seems to me that homeopathy has analogues which, as such, have been overlooked in what all men experience in the world of thought and feeling; if, indeed, what we there experience are not evidences of the same law of similars as underlies homeopathy. The world of thought and feeling is a part of the universe; a law, if universal, will be evidenced in that world no less than in this which our bodies inhabit-as Henry Drummond saw.

In practice under the law of similarswhether it is from bodily disease we would release one, or from some fault in his way of feeling, of thinking or of doing -we exhibit a picture of what we would see corrected; for the principle of homeopathy is simply that the picturing from without of a disorder or fault may incite to reformative action from within. Introduced by Don't, such picturing is a remedy well known to childhood; introduced by Thou shalt not it, so far as heeded, cures throughout life. The picturing of faults, with intent to cure, is common. Without such picturing, actual or implied, there could be no such thing as an exhortation to reform; nor could there be caricature, or satire, with its power for good. only may the intentional portrayal of faults prove curative; faults themselves in others may, when recognized as like one's own. It would seem that, so far from being unlike what we experience elsewhere, homeopathy in medicine is but a part of homeopathy universal.


A mistake has been to suppose that if

the law of similars is universal, homeopathy is therefore the all of medicine. The universality of the law lies in the fact that it obtains in both worlds. In either world are cures other in kind than that of which similia similbus curantur speaks. The reform analogous to cure by a homeopathic drug is that from within, for the sake of which we point one to his fault, and appeal to him to correct it. There is no reform better, but often some other is indicated, or this is impracticable. To some kinds of reform external force is requisite. Chains and prisons are indispensable. The incorrigible must be dealt with. Some reformatory measures look to radical improvement-others to superficial mitigation. Some affect immediately the offender-others immediately his environment. To ignore homeopathy in medicine is like ignoring that kind of reform to which the pointing out of faults, and exhortation look. To ignore in medicine all else than homeopathy is like ignoring all other kinds of reforms.

If these opinions are correct, homeopathy is a subject the breadth and bearings of which have been but little considered.

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G. O. Rowland, '01, East Palestine, O., writes that he is busy, doing a fair share of work in that locality. As our readers will see, he does not claim to do everything, hence we feel quite sure that he must be getting on his feet.

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C. J. Richards, '99, writes from Ashtabula, O., that he is going to change his location and the locality in which he has been living will then be unoccupied. He has special reasons for making the change, and recommends his location to any who may desire to locate.


W. T. Horn, '97, Columbiana, O., writes that he "could not do without the 'Reporter.' It seems like hearing from a personal friend." He says that he is doing a good business and if he had his life to live over again he would still be a Homeopath forever. "The more I see of it the more I like it."

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We regret to report the death, October 25th, 1901, of Reuel Bartlett, '79. He died at Boulder, Colo., of locomotor ataxia, from which he had been suffering for some time. The "Reporter" extends to Mrs. Bartlett its sympathy.

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Wm. Rowley, '57, formerly of Indianapolis, Ind., is reported by the postmaster as being dead. We have no further information concerning the postoffice notice. * * *

C. B. Green, '97, is reported by the postmaster as having changed his residence from Wooster, O., to Medina, O. We would like to hear from him in confirmation of this change.

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The State Convention of Homeopathic Physicians of Kentucky will be held in Lexington during the latter part of next month. Our D. A. Amoss, '80, is prominently mentioned in connection with the event.

F. Edmonds, '97, is president of the Sa ginaw Valley Homeopathic Medical Society recently organized and composed of the homeopathic physicians of all of the Bay cities and Saginaw, Mich. At a recent meeting of the Society the subject of medical registration was taken up and fully discussed.

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It is a regret to note that politics has so much to do with the management of charitable institutions. For no other reason in the world but political differences has the Governor of Missouri removed from the management of the Fulton Hospital for the Insane the homeopathic physicians who during the past four years have made such a splendid record. Drs. W. L. Ray, Emil Theilman, J. A. Reilly and E. H. Tincher are victims of the change, and homeopathy is deprived of one of its institutions where similia was making a good clear record.

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F. L. Davis, '70, is located in Evansville, In speaking of the "Reporter" he says that he has the volumes of the first issue beginning at 1867. He says also, as do so many of our correspondents, that he is expecting to attend the meeting of the American Institute of Homeopathy in June. We shall be glad to welcome him to the scenes of his student life. * * *

There is a bill in the legislature authorizing the Governor to appoint a commission of five to report on the advisability of establishing a sanitarium for the treatment of tuberculosis. So it looks as though Ohio is in this matter, as she is in all others, going to keep up with the procession. * * *

J. W. Donaldson, '01, reports from Marietta, Ohio, "I am doing nicely and eat three meals a day just the same as if I was rich. The new steel plant which is being erected is going to boom the town and help us all." We hope the Doctor may have a full share of the new prosperity.

We aim in this department to keep our readers in touch with the medical literature of the month and will supplement the notices given below with a fuller review of such books as in the opinion of the editors are of special interest. Any book mentioned will be sent postpaid by the REPORTER on the receipt of the published price, which in all cases is net.


Flavel B. Tiffany, A. M., M. D., Professor of Ophthalmology and Otology in the University Medical College of Kansas City, Mo.; Oculist and Aurist to the University Hospital; Oculist to the "Katy" R. R. Co.

351 illustrations, including 101 halftones, 17 micro-photographs, 5 two-colored plates, and 21 six-colored lithographs of the fundus; an Appendix and a Glossary of 500 words, besides a complete index. 8vo. 600 pages. Cloth $5.00. Bryant & Douglas. Kansas City, Mo.

CHILDBED NURSING. With Notes on Infant Feeding. By Charles Jewett, A. M., M. D., Sc. D., Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women in the Long Island College Hospital, Brooklyn, N. Y. New fifth edition. Revised and greatly enlarged. 12mo. 96 pages. Cloth, $0.80. E. B. Treat & Co., New York.

CHEMICAL PATHOLOGY IN ITS RELATION TO PRACTICAL MEDICINE. By C. A. Herter, M. D., Professor of Pathological Chemistry in the University and Bellevue Medical College, New York. In one 12mo. volume of 454 pages. Cloth, net $1.75. Lea Brothers & Co., Philadelphia and New York.

FEEDING OF INFANTS, THE. Home Guide for Modifying Milk. By Joseph E. Winters, M. D., Professor of Diseases of Children, Cornell University Medical College. Pp. 47, cloth $0.50 net. E. P. Dutton & Co., New York.

This is another valuable little volume on infant feeding, and though intended by the author as a guide to mothers in the modification of cows milk for infant feeding, yet it will be found of great value to the general practitioner. It is an excellent book to recommend to a mother who is compelled to use an artificial food for her child. It will educate her as to the importance of proper feeding and indirectly aid him in the management of the case.

The arrangement of the formulae and the principle upon which they are based are such that any intelligent mother can grasp the subject of scientific infant feeding and modify cows milk to meet the conditions which arise.


By Henry H. Morton, M. D., Clinical Professor of Genito-Urinary Diseases in the Long Island College and Hospital; Genito-Urinary Surgeon in the Long Island College and Kings County Hospitals, etc., New York. 400 pages, royal octavo with many half tones and full page color plates. Cloth, $3.00 net. F. A. Davis & Co., Philadelphia.

Gentio-urinary surgery has made great progress in the last decade. The treatment of veneral diseases formerly was relegated to the charlatan, or if attempted by the physicican or surgeon, was nothing more than mere empiricism. To-day the treatment of acute and chronic gonorrhea is placed upon rational basis., and the methods of clinical diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the genito-urinary tract are scientifically accurate.

The author of this work is eminently qualified to handle his subject. One praiseworthy feature of the book is the free use of photographs and drawings showing the pathology of inflammations of the genital tract. It is as true of genitourinary diseases as of any disease, that a proper conception of the disease and its consequences can only be obtained by understanding the pathology of the inflammatory process. The author presents the subject in a way which shows his appreciation of this important fact.

The many advances in genito-urinary surgery-cystoscopy, improvements in lithotomy, recognition and treatment of seminal vesiculitis and surgery of the prostate are all fully and carefully presented. In the chapter on diseases of the prostate the author gives quite an elaborate discussion of the choice of operations to be considered in the radical treatment, and which, if followed more generally, would put these operations on a better basis. dismisses the operation of vasectomy with the statement that "there is nothing to prove that the operation causes an atrophy of the hypertrophied prostate." In mak


ing this statement he certainly ignores the work done by Harrison, Fenwick and Frere at St. Peter's Hospital in London.

The chapter on diseases of the kidneys is short, but it is concise and probably as complete as could be expected in a book of this size. The chapters devoted to acute and chronic urethritis, seminal vesiculitis and stricture are most complete. yet absolutely void of anything xecept what the student or well-infomed physician or surgeon should know. It is impossible to get so satisfactory a discussion of these matters from works on general surgery.

For instance to show

the practicability of the text, we would quote the "Method of Examining a case of Chronic Urethritis."

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colored plates and several other illustrations. 12mo.; cloth $1.50 net. P. Blakiston's Son & Co., Philadelphia.

INFANT FEEDING IN HEALTH AND DISEASE. A Modern Book on all Methods of Feeding. For Students, Practitioners and Nurses. By Louis Fischer, M. D., attending physician to the Children's Service of the New York German Poliklinik; Bacteriologist to St. Mark's Hospital; Professor of Diseases of Children in the New York School of Clinical Medicine; attending Physician to the Children's Department of the West-side German Dispensary; Fellow of the New York Academy of Mediicine, etc. Containing 52 illustrations, with 16 charts and tables, mostly original. 368 pages, 534x8 inches; neatly bound in extra cloth. $1.50 net. F. A. Davis Co., Philadelphia.

The second edition of this valuable work was made necessary by the fact that the first edition was exhausted within less than six months of its publication. This is not only an indication of its practical value to the general practitioner but also shows that medical men are awakening to the need of more knowlegdge of the principles underlying the feeding of infants. It has been the experience of the writer that the more he has learned of infant feeding, the less did he resort to medical treatment in the diseases of early infancy. Many doctors, however, of seemingly good standing, do not appreciate the importance of putting dietetic treatment first. Early last fall I was called in a case where the child had had colic for six weeks. The attending physician was waiting for the "three month colic period" to pass and in the meantime was giving the baby anodynes and hypnotics. Had he carefully digested such a book as this one under consideration he would be a better doctor. We cite this case only to illustrate the lamentable fact that only a small proportion of physicians have accurate knowledge of infant feeding and the methods of detecting and correcting infant dietetic errors.

Too much can not be said or written on this subject, and even at the present rate of progress it will be a long time before physicians generally, thoroughly grasp the subject. It is not our purpose to give a critical survey of the work; but rather to notice some interesting parts in the hope that the reader will be attracted to

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