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it and read and study the entire work. One of the greatest faults of physicians is almost total lack of directions given to the mother concerning breast feeding. If the mother gets any information at all it is likely to come from some other mother or perhaps from a mother's column in some newspaper. This work gives a most practical account of the details of breast feeding, and the management of difficult breast feeding when the milk is deficient or wanting in some essential. The directions as to mixed feeding are also fully given.

The subject of artificial feeding, and ali that pertains to it — principles of home modification and choosing of its formula to correspond to the physiological needs and capacity of the baby are simple and complete. Regarding sterilization of cow's milk the author says very tersely: "The ideal cow's milk for an artificial food is clear raw milk." Neither pasteurization or sterilization add to its digestibility. He mentions the work of Freudenreich, which shows that fresh raw milk possesses remarkable germicidal powers.. The author agrees with A. Jacobi in his experience with laboratory-milk. His experience is that children fed on laboratory-milk have been backward in their developement after its use for a long time.

The directions given for the home modification of milk are most simple and complete Regarding the prepared infants food he is very fair and gives in detail their food-values-pointing out their deficiencies and variaticns from mother's milk. The second part of the book deals with diseases arising from improper feeding. The work is fully illustrated, showing all the utensils necessary for the nursery. A valuable dietary concludes the book and is adapted to the management of infants and children in health as well as disease.


THE. By Robert A. Hatcher, Ph. G., M. D. Professor of Materia Medica and Director of the Laboratory of Urinary Analysis in the Cleveland School of Pharmacy. Demonstrator of Pharmacology in the Medical Department of the Western Reserve University. 40 pages; paper $0.50 net. The Mayell-Hopp Co., Cleveland.

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This is a small manual which gives concise but sufficient directions for the examination of urine for clinical purposes. All the tests given are such as the examiner can easily apply, and the materials for which are easily obtained. The work is not intended to take the place of more complete works on Urinary Analysis, but the aim of the author is to give to the general practitioner a guide which will enable him to make his clinical examinations of urine in an accurate and complete manner without scanning a mass of material which is ordinarily found in text books and which is of use only in research works.

MANUAL OF DISSECTION, (A.) By Alfred W. Hughes, M. B., M. R. C. S. (Edin.), late Professor of Anatomy and Dean of Medical Faculty, King's College, London, etc., and Arthur Keith, M. D., Joint Lecturer on Anatomy, London Hospital Medical College, etc. In three parts with many colored and other il lustrations I. Upper and Lower Extremity. 38 colored plates and 116 figures in the text. II. Abdomen. Pelvis. 4 colored plates and 151 figures in the text. III. Perineum. Thorax. In the press. Per volume, cloth $3.00 net. P. Blakistone's Son & Co., Philadelphia.

MANUAL OF GYNECOLOGY FOR THE USE OF STUDENTS AND GENERAL PRACTITIONERS, (A.) By F. H. Davenport, A. B., M. D., Assistant Professor in Gynecology, Harvard Medical School. New (4th) edition, revised and enlarged into one 12mo. volume of 402 pages, with 154 illustrations. Cloth $1.75 net. Lea Bros. & Co., Philadelphia and New York. MORPHINISM AND NARCOMANIA -From Opium, Cocaine, Ether, Chloral, Chloroform and other Narcotic Drugs; also their Etiology, Treatment and Medicolegal Relations. By T. D. Crothers, M. D., of New York. Size, 12mo.; 351 pages. Price, cloth $2.00 net. W. B. Saunders & Co., Philadelphia.

PRACTICAL MANUAL OF INSANITY, (A). For the Student and General Practitioner. By Daniel R. Bower, A. M., M.D., LL. D. Size, octavo, 426 pages, 9 insert plates. Price, cloth $3.00 net. W. B. Saunders & Co., Philadelphia. REGINAL ANATOMY OF THE HEAD And Neck. A Text-book for Students and Practitioners of Dentistry. By William T. Eckley, M. D., Professor of Anatomy in the Chicago College of Physicians and Surgeons, ete., and Corinne B. Eckley, M. D., Professor of Anatomy, Chicage School of Anatomy and Physiology. In one octavo volume of 240 pages, with 36 engravings and 20 full page colored plates. Cloth $2.50 net. Lea Bros. & Co., Philadelphia and New York.

ROUGH NOTES ON REMEDIES. By William Murray, M. D., F. R. C. P. (Lond.), Consult

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This is an extraordinary array of communications concerning syphilis, from seventeen different writers, all of whom are syphilographers of prominence, and may of whom have an international reputation as authorities upon the subject. It is gratifying, especially as syphilis is not exclusively a venereal disease with victims among the dissolute only, to note that a majority of these authors, who are preeminently qualified to pass judgment on the subject, agree that it is a curable disease, with certain rather infrequent exepttions. Syphilitic parents can, except in unusual malignant cases, be so thoroughly cured in from two to five years, as to procreate and bear healthy offspring. These are the clinical facts stated, yet these writers doubt whether it is good policy for a physician ever to promise such a result unqualified, since in rare exceptional cases, the patient does not escape the danger of a later out-cropping of the poison in himself or his children.

The chapter devoted to "Unrecognized Syphilis in General Practice" is of particular interest to the general practitioner. In cities, where the disease is a frequent one, physicians are keen to discover evidences of it, but in smaller towns, where it

is relatively uncommon, sporadic cases are often overlooked. The author emphasizes the following points:

First-Syphilis is not a veneral disease in all cases, and the absence of a history of sexual exposure should never throw one off his guard when there is reasonable evidence of the existence of the disease.

Second Syphilis is often a very erratic disease, and it is sometimes difficult to get a satisfactory corroborative history.

Third-The diagnosis established, it is very important that the general profession and laity be thoroughly convinced of the necessity of careful and prolonged treatment to cure the disease, and avoid many of the late and often unrecognized lesions which are the result of imperfectly treated early syphilis.

We most heartily recommend this little book either to the general practitioner or specialist. It is a symposium-short, concise, interesting and valuable.

Boericke & Runyon, New York, have in press, to be ready about May 1st, a book on "Diseases of the Skin," by Dr. Henry M. Dearborn. This will be a very extensive treatise on the subject, and will be profusely illustrated. It will be a valuable addition to Homeopathic literature.

The same publishing house announces that there will be a 3rd edition, enlarged and revised, of Dr. Carleton's book on "Uropoietic Diseases," ready about May 1st. The book will be thoroughly up-todate on diseases of the Kidney and Bladder, and with their latest Surgical, General Medical, and Homeopathic treatment. The book consists of 400 pages. $3.50.


Dr. Ch. Gatchell has a new work in press on "Diseases of the Lungs; their Pathology, Symptomatology, Diagnosis, and Treatment." The book will be issued in a few weeks.

Medical and Surgical Reporter


JAMES RICHEY HORNER, A. M., M. D., 275 Prospect St., Editor.

HUDSON D. BISHOP, M. D., 143 Euclid Ave., Managing Editor.

The subscription price of the REPORTER is $1.00 per annum in advance. Single copies 10 cents. The REPORTER is mailed on the 10th of each month, and all matter for publication must be in the hands of the editor by the 25th of the preceding month.

Reprints of original articles published in the REPORTER will be furnished authors at actual price of paper and press work.

If authors will furnish names, copies of the REPORTER containing their articles will be mailed free of charge (except to addresses in Cleveland) to the number of one hundred.

The REPORTER solicits original articles, news items of interest to the profession, short clinical reports and Society transactions. Books for review, manuscripts for publication, and all communications to the Editor should be addressed to J. Richey Horner, M. D., 275 Prospect St., Cleveland, O.

Business communications regarding advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., should be addressed to Hudson D. Bishop, M. D., 143 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, O.

Vol. 10.

MAY 1902.

No. 5




"Whereas, a majority of the allopathic physicians continue to deride and oppose the contributions to the materia medica that have been made by the homeopathic school, and whereas, the state of the materia medica in both schools is such as to imperatively demand a more satisfactory arrangement and greater purity of observation, which can only be obtained by associate action on the part of those who seek diligently for the truth alone; and inasmuch as the state of the public information respecting the principles and practice of Homeopathy is so defective as to make it easy for mere pretenders to this very difficult branch of the healing art, to acquire credit as proficients in the same; therefore,

Resolved, That it is deemed expedient

to establish a society, entitled the 'American Institute of Homeopathy," and the following are declared to be the essential purposes of said society:

"First. The reformation and augmentation of the Materia Medica.

"Second. The restraining of physicians from pretending to be competent to practice Homeopathy, who have not studied it in a careful and skillful manner."

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Hahnemann was eighty-nine years old when the above words announced the birth of this organization. The date was April 10th, 1844, the place "The Lyceum of Natural History," New York City, and the "Father of Homeopathy in America,' Constantine Hering, of Philadelphia, was chairman of the convention. Fifty-eight years have been added. Need we say anything of the progress of our beloved Institute, of the triumphant march of Homeopathy? This is written in the records of the world. The monument at Washington adds emphasis.

* * *

The growth of the Institute has been steady, it numbers to-day in its membership about twenty-three hundred Homeopathic physicians. For more than half a century, with the exception of the war period in the sixties, have annual meetings been held. Here have gathered a fair percentage of the membership-all intent on building up the Institute and furthering the cause of Homeopathy.

* * *

"Furthering the cause of Homoeopathy" that bears repeating. Of late years a suspicion has been aroused that part of its attending membership have

been active in furthering the cause of the individual. Do not misunderstand us, At no time has the Cause of Homeopathy been entirely submerged. It has merely been standing back in the shadow. As a body, the Institute to-day stands united for Homeopathy and when needed, every man and every woman will come promptly to the front — sinking personal ambitions, likes and dislikes. But there is no denying the fact that in striving for preferment men (and not women) have used methods which savored very much of the political. Political!-how we hate to use that word in connection with our Institute. And yet when the word fits it should be used. There is no reason in the world why members should stoop to the methods of the Ward Boss. "When the Institute wants you, the Institute will let you know." There is no more uncomfortable situation than that which finds a man in a place where he has forced himself in spite of the fact that he is not wanted. Once offices were bestowed by unanimous vote, and while we realize that such an ideal is in the present day impossible, it would be possible to strike a golden mean which would rule out political manipulations, trading and things much worse. Let every man keep his own skirts clean.

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What is there to prevent united, concentrated effort the "long pull, the strong pull, the pull all together?" Verily, it is so, "United we stand, divided we fall.” The silver-tongued orator from the Empire State, the gifted Talcott, said in his presidential address:

"An old man called his sons about him, and built a huge fire whose flames shot up till they illumined the heavens. He then pulled the blazing pile apart, and made seven small fires. These flamed up brightly for a time, then flickered feebly, and were soon extinguished. He then commanded his sons to unite their forces and work always together, thus preserving and increasing the fortune which he gave them.

"In all medical work, where we entertain the same general therapeutic beliefs,

we should imitate the unity typified by the blazing fire, and thus maintain ourselves against the danger of destruction and premature extinguishment of our powers."

Let it not be said of us in the record of the ages that internal dissensions were rife. Surely men may have differences of opinion surely each may strive for that which he thinks best-but why should these differences, that strife be carried to such a point as to leave behind wounds which may not heal, which may drain strength-even vitality to the lowest ebb. Harmony is a good word, it should be our motto. Let each man so conduct his contest that in the end all may rejoice - and not one be "wounded unto death."

* * *

"The importance of an association, its standing among kindred associations, its worth, its power to disseminate the principles which are responsible for its existence, its very existence is dependent not so much upon its numerical strength, its intellectual weight, as upon its growth."

And that's a fact. To the end that we continue to grow it is not enough that we solicit new members each year, though that is of vital importance. New members do not as a rule come without such solicitation-and that good work must go on. There are other elements which, however, must be considered. The most important is the College. There are to-day twentyone colleges which are under the care of the Institute. Each one sends out physicians every year. These physicians are later found in almost every quarter of the globe. It goes without saying that not one of them ever forgets the alma mater -but does he realize that back of that alma mater is an organization which watches over her, which guides her, whose every effort is directed towards perfecting her methods of instruction and her curriculum of study? It is essential that the Institute should so act as to impress on every student of every college the fact that the prime instrument in their education is the Institute that through its Intercollegiate Committee a powerful force

is set free which finally results in his emerging from the college doors a "finished product." Hence it follows, does it not, that he will be impelled to join the Institute to the end that he may have a voice in what shall be outlined for the work of future generations of students and physicians? Guard the Colleges. Cultivate them so that they shall grow and in their growth the greatness of the Institute must in


* * *

And the Journals-they are our tower of strength-not a single one of them but should receive the countenance and support of the members of the Institute. Yes, of course, there are good ones and there are those not so good. Not all of the books of the Bible are the best, some one is better than another. but each fills an important place. So with the Journals. Not every one is beyond criticism, possibly not any one (you see we are modest), but each one has a place, and its editor strives to do his duty and do all he can to make his efforts tell not only for the good of himself and his journal, but for the good of homeopathy. To a large extent journals are moulders of opinion. they place before their readers subjects which are current topics and upon which all ought to be informed and, commenting on these subjects, they influence the opinion of the reader. That remark applies to all journals. The journals of the Homeopathic sort aim to increase the strength of that school of medicine, and so are integral factors in its success or failure. Therefore the Institute, if it would strengthen its foundations, must uphold the journals. There are not too many journals. There are not enough, the more there are the more is Homeopathy presented to the world. Long live the Homeopathic Medical Journal. May its kind increase. * * *

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ogy several papers relating to the field of medicine in that branch of the work as opposed to operative procedures. And the Materia Medica Bureau is filled to repletion with good, sound papers. Then, too, the work of Dr. Bellows and his associates comes in for a goodly share of commendation. Verily the world does move. seems as though we were getting back to the time when our school was essentially a school of therapeutics, only different from that time in this that we have surgeons of the best and most skillful. Materia Medica is the cornerstone of Homeopathy-neglect that and down will come the structure. The warning has been sounded to good effect, the surgeons do not dwell so much on the efficacy of the knife as upon the means by which the knife may be avoided, they are writing paper after paper on medical treatment vs. surgical interference, and the balance is often in favor of the former. Let our surgeons be physicians before they are


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A word as to this particular meeting of the Institute. You know, don't you, that in one hundred and twenty-six years there have been only, is it nineteen amendments to the Constitution of the United States ? Be careful how you, ye Institute members, tamper with the fundamental laws which for fifty-eight years have governed this Institute, and upon whose integrity the very life of the Institute depends. No, we are not preaching, we are only counselling caution in law-making and law-changing-that's all.

Another thing. Does the outgoing President of the United States appoint the Cabinet of his successor? Why should the outgoing president of the Institute appoint the Bureau chairmen for his successor ? Yes, the situations are parallel, of course they are. The incoming president of the Institute should by all right have the appointment of the Bureau chairmen who are to serve during his administration. They are his cabinet and upon their efforts depends much of the success of his administration. This should have been ob

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