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guide us in the selection of the remedy. While the old school deny the existence of any such law, they claim that no therapeutic law has been discovered. Meantime the Homeopath goes on in the even tenor of his way prescribing according to the law of the similars and curing his cases, while the so-called Regular physician blunders along-using Bergeon's life-giving gas, the youth-giving fluids of Brown Sequard, the toxic dose of Koch's tuberculinum, etc., etc., etc., until their representative editor is fain to moan and groan in this chaotic chasm, and from its depths call for another scientific investigation by a scientific investigator. Why in the name of all that's common sense do they not make a careful, scientific, unprejudiced investigation of Homeopathy? They would find something which would satisfy their fondest hopes-as it satisfies the fondest hopes of its true adherents.

The C. H. M. C. has not been lacking in this onward march. Ever thorough in her work she has recently placed her curriculum on the same plane as that occupied by Cornell and other great universities. Two years ago a curriculum committee was appointed. Their first

move was to send to each one of the teachers a request for a list of the subjects upon which lectures had been de-. livered during the year just closed. These lists were carefully studied, as were the announcements of other colleges and universities. From all of this was evolved a course of instruction which is second to none in the land, and the members of your Faculty are now doing their work under the direction of this committee, so that the entire four years' course is thoroughly and systematically graded. The re-organization of the dispensary was another step in advance and the utilization of its great resources was made perfect. Steps are being taken

for the use of the splendid library which is the property of the College through the munificence of Mrs. Dr. N. Schneider. We are also endeavoring to arrange for the holding of Saturday clinics at the City Hospital. Just how soon this may be accomplished it is difficult to say. There is a long standing feeling that the field does not belong to us, and it may be difficult to make an opening there. There is one point which you should ever keep uppermost in your minds, and that is that the faculty are ever watchful for your interests. The question with us is "What more can we do for our students?"-so that you may be sure you will get enough to keep you busy.

Nor will we forget that there is a limit to all endurance of work. I do not think there is in the history of the College any record of a case of mental prostration through over-study. In fact, I am in unison with one of our late writers in believing that there is no such thing as breaking down through excessive brain work. When you hear of a student who has to quit college on account of such a condition, look into his life. You will find there is something else which may account for his collapse. It is so with the brain as it is with every other part of the body, that hard work invigorates and hardens, strengthens and develops it and makes it all the better able to withstand prolonged activity. Thought is to the brain what physical exercise is to. the body. No, the cause for break is not found in the brain-it is found in some irregularity in the student's living-perhaps lack of nutritious food, or a lack of a proper amount of physical rest, or, perhaps, worry.

An equilibrium must be maintained; that is the sine qua non of health. If you are driven by the requirements of your course of study to spend hours with your

books, you must be all the more careful to have a proper amount of nourishment, of exercise, of rest, of equable spirits. Concerning the latter much might be said. The student who cultivates a happy disposition, a contented frame of mind, is going to do better work than the one who is irritable and pessimistic. Optimism is a wonderful stimulus toward doing our best. That ancient man of wisdom who taught law to kings and wrote sermons to preachers might well have been addressing students in medicine when he declared, "A merry heart doeth good like medicine." So cast aside all fears of breaking-the rather, I would say, attend to the demands of the physical system and your mind will readily respond to all demands you may make upon it. And need I say to you that a hill ahead is far larger than a mountain behind? All our tasks look so much harder before we have reached them than after we conquer them. And do not be discouraged at failures. A sense of failure is a mark of rising ideal. The man who has failed and can acknowledge that he has failed bids fair to become the successful man.

Remember, too, that you must constantly advance-the goal you reach today must be behind you tomorrow. Every task is but the preparation for a harder task; every achievement but opens the way for a greater achieve


"Through the deep caves of thought I hear a voice that sings:

Build thee more stately mansions, O my soul,

As the swift seasons roll!
Leave thy low-vaulted past!

Let each new temple, nobler than the last,

Shut thee from heaven with a dome more vast,

Till thou at length art free, Leaving thine outgrown shell by life's unresting sea!"

In Memoriam

We may appropriately amplify the familiar saying "that in the midst of life we are in death" by observing that those who combat disease, and advise for health, are no less subject to the inexorable law that "all who live must die, passing through Nature to eternity."

In the midst of apparent good health Dr. M. M. Scheble, of Ashley, Ohio, an enthusiastic pioneer of Homeopathy, was fatally stricken with cerebral apoplexy. She was an alumnus of the Cleveland Homeopathic Hospital College, class '80-'81, and practiced medicine successfully till the time of her death, July 13th, 1901.

Apart from immediate relatives and friends, the disappearance from among us of one or more excites no especial interest unless his character was marked by extraordinary genius along the lines practically in touch with the complex machinery of human activity. Among these in no small degree may justly be classed the subject of this memorial; not so much in consequence of the visible result of her work, for she was a woman contending with traditional prejudices against women doctors, as in consideration of the scant means at her command, and lack of early preparation to accomplish it. Her early life was characterized by a forced frugality incident to the early settlement of a new country, but she availed herself of the limited privileges then afforded in country schools, which were few and far between, were in session only a few months in the winter, and which taught reading, writing, and arithmetic.

At an early age she assumed the responsibility of her own support, neglecting no opportunity to improve her mind. and to prepare herself for a useful and active life. At nineteen, she married

Jos. A. Scheble, at Marion, O., assuming the duties of an increasing family with becoming earnestness. Not satisfied that her whole duty was done when her own four children were grown to manhood, she adopted two others, friendless waifs of the neighborhood, and made them a charge on her bounty until they were settled in life.

Life to her was real, yet she was lighthearted and sympathetic. The therapeutic value of these qualities was recognized as a substantial aid to the more formal instruments of her profession.

At the age of 54, a time of life when most persons' minds are engrossed with past events and preparing to enjoy the fruits of their labor, she determined to take up the study of medicine. She matriculated at the Cleveland Homeopathic Hospital College, and after three years' close application received her degree.

Thus armed against disease, she opened her office at Ashley, O.

Excluding a few short vacations, and latterly, some perplexing, rather than dangerous, attacks of rheumatism, which kept her from business, she devoted her whole time up to her 74th year to the practice of medicine; not in the perfunctory manner common to many, but with a total disregard of personal convenience. She assumed often the duties of nurse where emergency indicated, or where circumstances would not indulge such a luxury. Thus by extending the sphere of her work, she largely multiplied the responsibilities that went with it.

Her life's work is finished, but the result cannot be estimated in sensible signs. Eternity will strike the balance and assign to her a suitable niche in the temple of noble women.

Materia Medica Notes

Treatment of Gall Stone Cases.-Cal. carb. 30x every fifteen minutes to relieve the pain of a gall stone attack, i. e., gall stone colic.-Hughes.

Berberis, (tinct.) every fifteen minutes. -Hughes.

China 6x every eight hours for four weeks to prevent their formation, then at increasing intervals.-Ruddock.

Chelidoneum, (tinct.).-Expels and prevents formation, has cured numerous cases.-Hughes, Hale, Ruddock.

Aconite 3x with large hot compresses over the seat of pain.-Ruddock.

Podophyllin 3x to aid expulsion.— Ruddock.-Dr. Horace Packard.-Medi

cal Era.-November.

Next to alcohol, as a poison to the nervous system, in common use, stands opium with its derivatives, especially morphine. This most useful and very efficient drug for relief from pain is likewise a most fruitful cause of relentless physical and mental suffering. Dr. J. M. Aikin. Medical Era.-November.

Tuberculin. It was generally agreed at the recent Congress of Tuberculosis that the dose must be very small.-Medical Century-December.

Phellandrium aquaticum.-Seems to have a special action on the right lung. Clinically it has been found useful in many phthisical coughs. An article in the Journal Belge D'Homeopathie is devoted to it, but there is so much alternation in the cases reported treated that no special value attaches to it. Give us clean-cut indications for a single remedy and we will store up some mental merchandise fit for delivery.-Medical Century-December.

Crataegus oxyacantha.-Should not be lost sight of in those cases of typhoid fever in which there is sudden collapse. In a case brought under my notice the action of the new remedy was very prompt. The patient was a little girl twelve years of age, who in the third week of the fever suffered a sudden collapse. Cactus grandiflorus, strychnia and digitalis purpurea were administered without effect, and she was then given five drop doses of crataegus oxyacantha every two hours. The result was that she rallied at once, and eventually made a good recovery. The indications which called for the administration of the drug were: Cold extremities, great pallor, irregular breathing, and the pulse 120, and very weak and irregular. Before the crataegus was given the condition described above had existed for two days, and only temporary relief had been obtained from the administration of strychnia and the other heart tonics. Prompt and decided relief, however, was obtained from crataegus oxyacantha and a permanent cure was established. Kopp.)-Medical Century.-December. An Unusual Method of Administering Potentized Medicine.


The telephone hastily summoned me to a typhoid fever patient, who was "in convulsions," so-called.

When the brougham stopped before the patient's house my ears were greeted with a series of unearthly shrieks and yells. Four men and two women were making a determined effort to prevent the patient from injuring himself and them. One of them was already badly scratched. Adding two men to the

force, we finally succeeded in applying restraining apparatus. To give medicine by ordinary methods was plainly impossible; in fact, it was dangerous to come near the patient's head. Such furious delirium I never saw before.

The appropriate remedy was then dissolved in water and injected under the skin by means of the ordinary hypodermic syringe. In a very few minutes the patient was perfectly quiet.

My professional brother was astonished. As for the lay spectators, they assumed that the patient had been put under the influence of morphine; and it has been a difficult matter to convince them that the injected substance was an ordinary solution in water of a Homeopathic medicine in the two hundredth potency, which was the case.

Subcutaneous medication is unpopular among Hahnemannians for the reason that it usually consists of heavy allopathic doses. The judicious physician will, nevertheless, remember that the needle may occasionally be of legitimate use to him. — Edmund Carleton. — Journal of Homeopathics.-November.

Petroleum.-Petroleum has as limited a field in eczema as ledum, it being only suitable to the form where fissures or rhagades are present, which are deep and frequently bleeding. Especially if

the affection exacerbates in winter from the cold and the use of cold water. If the lower potencies do not act try the higher. An intercurrent dose of sulphur here works well, for sulphur also has painful fissures of the hands.-W. A. Dewey.-Medical Century.-October.

Epigastric Pain.-Epigastric pain occurring paroxysmally, coming on several hours after eating and regularly recurring, when secretions and digestive functions are normal, is usually due to gall stones. Epigastric pain may also come in pelvic lesions and occasionally from

eye strain. It is sometimes also found in chlorotic girls and elderly people, where it is said to be a gastric localization of arterio-sclerosis.-W. A. Dewey. -Medical Century.-October.

Adenoid, Vegetations. In the majority of cases pure internal treatment is sufficient. Operations do not remove the disease or the cause. Calcarea and sulphur are sometimes all-sufficient, and in most cases will be all that is needed. It takes several weeks, however, to cure. Other remedies occasionally called for are baryta carbonica, hepar sulphur, kali bichromicum, kali carbonicum, kali iodatum, kali muriaticum and the various preparations of mercury.-Dr. Gisevius.-Medical Century.-October.

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Pulsatilla. This is usually the first remedy thought of in suppression of milk. The breasts are swollen and painful, and the flow of milk is absent and scanty. The patient is apt to be depressed and tearful. When no cause is discernible for the non-appearance of milk, urtica urens has been found useful and if suppressed from a fit of anger chamomilla is the remedy. Causticum, too, has been used successfully in rheumatic women.-W. A. Dewey.-Medical Century.-October.

The now well-recognized special liability, of children suffering from measles to contract diphtheria, is probably an example of the toxin of the former disease preparing the soil in the human system for the luxuriant growth of the diphtheria bacillus.-Medical News.

In children and young people complaining of pains about the joints or limbs, never be satisfied with anything but a searching examination. It will not do to lightly make a diagnosis of rheumatism, for both osteomyelitis and certain malignant tumors may thereby be overlooked.-Medical Era.-November.

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