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Hahnemann, of Philadelphia, lost another of its alumni when Dr. O. C. Brickley, of York, Pa., died. It was the father of Dr. Brickley who introduced homeopathy into York County. The Doctor graduated from Hahnemann in 1855. He has a son, an eye and ear specialist, who is in practice at York.

* * *

The opening session of the new HeringDunham College, of Chicago, took place September 16th, under the most favorable auspices. Reports show that the enthu, siasm thus far in evidence points to the most prosperous year in the history of either College. The affiliation of Dunham with Midland University is claimed to be a very potent factor. The chair of materia medica will comprise Drs. Kent, Allen, Tomhagen, Taylor and Farrington. The opening reception was held Tuesday, September 23rd. The new College has our best wishes for its great success.


The first meeting of Vertebra Tertia, a branch of the Ustion Fraternity connected with our College, took the form of an annual reception to new students at their rooms in the Pythian Temple, September 27th. About seventy-five were present. Addresses were given by Worthy Encephalon W. H. Phillips, Profs. Kimmel, Jewitt, Schneider, Horner and others. A very enjoyable evening was spent.

* * *

The following is a rather interesting addition to our report concerning the meeting of the Pennsylvania State Home

opathic Medical Society. It is clipped from the Philadelphia North American:

Reference to the committee on legislation was responsible for the introduction of politics. Dr. A. P. Bowie wanted to know what was being done to secure representation on the State Pharmaceutical Examining Board, a recognition the school of homeopathy enjoyed until Governor Stone ousted its only representative in that body. The chair, in the usual fashion, "reported progress" from the committee. Bowie was in for vigorous action.

"Well, what can we do to enforce this recognition we justly deserve?" was the inquiry.

"What can we do?" repeated Dr. W. J. Martin, of Pittsburg, as he addressed the chairman. "I'll give you a remedy. Elect Pattison Governor. He will give you fair treatment." The reference to Pattison was greeted by pronounced applause.

"I think we should stand up stronger for our theory of practice," added Dr. Thomas Welsh, of Pittsburg. "We allow the fellows of the other school to gather in all the ward appointments. We should do work at home as well as in the State. I give the politicians in my district in Pittsburg to understand that the homeopathist is as good at making votes as the allopath. I don't care for the remuneration, but the recognition of our school of medicine is imperative.

Some of the members favored a resolution condemning Governor Stone. This, one member declared, would be practicing allopathy, so it was decided to treat the Governor by the application of homeopathic doses. The convention resolved that its legislative committee endeavor to secure the reappointment of a homeopath on the State Pharmaceutical Examining Board.

"Now let us drop politics and get back to medicine," said a member, "or the next thing we know we will be voting to endorse one of the candidates for Governor." This ended the political sideplay.


The books, surgical instruments, medicines, office furniture and all apparatus belonging to the estate of the late Dr. Charles E. House are for sale at reasonable figures. Intending buyers will communicate directly with Mrs. Chas. E. House, Tuscarawas Ave., Canton, Ohio.

Medical and Surgical Reporter


JAMES RICHEY HORNER, A. M., M. D., 275 Prospect St., Editor.
HUDSON D. BISHOP, M. D., 143 Euclid Ave., Managing Editor.

The subscription price of the REPORTER is $1.00 per annum in advance. Single copies 10 cents. The REPORTER is mailed on the 10th of each month, and all matter for publication must be in the hands of the editor by the 25th of the preceding month.

Reprints of original articles published in the REPORTER will be furni ned authors at actual price of paper and press work.

If authors will furnish names, copies of the REPORTER Coaining their articles will be mailed free of charge (except to addresses in Cleveland) to the number of one hundred.

The REPORTER solicits original articles, news items of interest to the profession, short clinical reports and Society transactions. Books for review, manuscripts for publication, and all communications to the Editor should be addressed to J. Richey Horner, M. D., 275 Prospect St., Cleveland, O. Business communications regarding advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., should be addressed to Hudson D. Bishop, M. D., 143 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, O.

Vol. X.


No. 12.


THE SUCCESS OF THE REPORTER. With this issue the Reporter completes its first year in its new form and it is a pertinent question to ask, "What has been its success from a financial standpoint?" We are going to be honest with our readers and tell them that it has not paid for itself but also want to say that we did not expect it to do so. We started out at the beginning of the year with the determination to make the Reporter the best Homeopathic journal in the country and with the hope that if we succeeded in doing this we should be in a position to secure a large part of the profession as subscribers. We do not hesitate to say that we have succeeded in giving our readers a fine and valuable journal. Each number has been an improvement over the preceding one and in a literary and mechanical way we have set a standard for most of our contemporaries to follow, and we believe that before the end of the coming year we shall have a right to claim the "largest paid circulation of any Homeopathic journal."

In this connection we wish to call at

tention to the advertisement on the fourth page of the cover in this issue. You may wonder why it is necessary to offer such an inducement for the purpose of securing a new subscriber. The truth of the matter is that the securing of subscriptions is the principal and hardest part in the management of a journal. Other journals may take up this statement and try to make capital out of it but it is a fact nevertheless and the journal which is not making special effort to secure new subscribers is sure to be a dead journal and does not have one-third of the circulation claimed. If the actual circulation of some of our leading journals were known by the profession it would occasion no little surprise. The policy we have adopted of pushing the circulation of the Reporter will be continued and we expect to devote to this end, every dollar received for subscriptions during the coming year.

We make this special mention of circulation because we have often thought that physicians who write for journals have more of an interest in the matter than

they perhaps realize. "What is your circulation?" is the first question that an advertiser asks and why should not the contributor to a journal ask the same question? It is true that sometimes a personal acquaintance with the editor may enter into the question but in the majority of cases an author wants his production published in the journal which will give it the widest publicity.

The legitimate inference to be made. from these remarks is that you should send your papers to a journal that is energetic in its methods of extending its circulation.

There is another point to which we wish to call attention. Some of our contemporaries have spoken of the Reporter as a College journal. It is not a College journal except that it is owned and published by the Cleveland Homeopathic Medical College.

It seems to our mind exceedingly commendable and appropriate that one of the best of our colleges, if not the best— should be willing to be the financial sponsor of a medical journal which is devoted to the interests of the whole profession. Neither the college nor the editors are financially benefited. The whole aim has been and will be to advance the cause of Homeopathy. Cleveland has long been recognized as one of the strongholds of our school, and from the wealth of ability centered here enough can surely be counted upon to assist in making the Reporter the best of the journals of our school. We desire to bespeak for it the aid also of those whose interests are not directly centered in the city of its publication. During the year we have been favored with contributions of articles from our friends in many states and we wish to thank them for their courtesies and to ask for a continuance of the same for the coming year.

We hope that you will take an active

interest also in the financial success of the journal during 1903. You can help us in many ways and particularly in the way of securing new subscribers Let us know what you think of the journal so that we can tell others.


Homeopathy has had to stand its ground assailed by its enemies in all possible ways. While ridicule is not argument it may at times do much harm in preventing proper consideration of the subject in hand. Not the least of what has been said concerning homeopathy has been that which holds its practice up to ridicule. We all know that ridiculous statement that homeopathic medicine may be made by placing a drop of the tincture of a remedy in the Niagara River and taking out some of the water below the Falls for prescription. Many things just as silly have been said and will continue to be said by those who have not been and will not be impartial in their judgment. It behooves us as a school to conduct ourselves in a decorous, dignified way, advancing no theories, upholding no dogmas other than those which have a scientific basis whose truth may be successfully defended.

Out in the Middle West there is a splendid society called the Missouri Valley Homeopathic Association. It is composed of a body of men and women whose papers are worthy of most careful thought and consideration. But just recently this same organization has been given a most undignified notoriety because of its action concerning a paper presented by one of its members and approvingly discussed by another. The daily press has taken occasion to comment editorially upon their action and throughout some thirty or more clippings we have seen there runs a vein of ridicule,

not particularly of the subject but of the men who presented it and the school to which these men belong. And the subject of the learned paper was "Kissing.” The effort was to prove that kissing is unsanitary, that through it are disseminated many and divers diseases and that it must be abolished at once and forever.

* * *

We know of no class of men who are more apt to talk wildly and without proper regard for ability to prove their statements than doctors. If all that is said in some medical conventions were to be published just as it was spoken there would be some very much disgusted people abroad and probably none more so than those who talked. It is evident from what has filtered through into the types

that at this same convention much was said about kissing that could not be proven. It is not to be supposed for a moment that victims of acute contagious diseases would indulge in kissing--and it has yet to be proven that the kiss of a person who is not affected with disease has been productive of direful results. Statements should not be made unless there is some reason for them, and especially should we be careful in making statements which on the face are altogether too broad. Because sewer gas has caused disease we have no right to say that all sewer gas will cause disease. It won't. It must contain the germs of disease before it is capable of producing disease. All well water is not to be condemned because water from a certain well contained typhoid germs and its use was followed by the disease.

Let those Missouri brethren turn their attention to something which is more profitable in good results than this talk or crusade against kissing can be. The only possible result of such ill-advised agitation will be that our school of medicine

will be in the future as it has been in the past singled out for ridicule and this time with just cause for the same. It were better that they devote their energies. toward improving conditions of hygienic and sanitary defect much more flagrant than the kiss can ever possibly become. We fail to see where the least benefit can follow the action of the Association. Certainly there will be no diminution of the number of kisses exchanged. The harm will be that the whole idea of sanitation will suffer. Its advocates will be voted as men who are unreliable-whose deductions are not scientific-and this when some really valuable and necessary precaution is advised the laity will treat it just as it has treated this idea of kissing being productive of the spread of disease.


It is with regret that we announce the death on November 9th, of Dr. R. N. Tooker, of Chicago. Dr. Tooker was a man eminent in his profession, having gained a wide reputation as a solid thinker and writer. His death was a shock to his friends, coming as it did. suddenly, without any previous illness, and while he was alone. Some time ago

he had a light apoplectic attack, from which he fully recovered. A second attack, however, caused his death. He was only sixty-two years old and aside from

these attacks had never been ill.

Dr. Tooker will be best remembered on account of the book which bears his name and which is devoted to diseases of children. It is a recognized text-book in nearly all of the colleges, and shows the results of the almost unlimited time he gave to the study of children in health and disease. Dr. Tooker leaves the legacy of a good name, having always been a hard worker in the cause of his chosen profession, conscientious to a degree, and full of zeal in the cause of homeopathy.

His medical education came from attendance upon Rush Medical College in the early '60's and Bellevue Hospital Medical College of New York in 1865. He then became an army surgeon and during the yellow fever excitement in New Orleans he was stationed there. In 1873 he returned to Chicago, and has since made it his home. Mrs. Tooker and three children, one of whom is Dr. Robt. M. Tooker, Jr.,—remain to mourn the untimely demise of the husband and father.


It is with pleasure that we call particular attention to recognition of the articles on Vaccination in our November number by such eminent authority as Dr. Herman Spalding, Chief Medical Inspector of the Chicago Board of Health. Dr. Spalding in a letter which will be found. in the present number takes occasion to endorse unequivocally the stand taken by the Reporter and gives a careful though brief discussion of the same. Too much cannot be said on this important subject. The flat failure in our own city of the theory that the only thing necessary to prevent smallpox is perfect sanitation is a lesson that need not be learned twice. More than this is demanded and so far as can be judged that is Vaccination.

With these two agents smallpox can be prevented, or if it has obtained a foothold can be stamped out.



We desire to call particular attention to the announcement under the head of Societies of the coming meeting of our national organization. President-elec: Cobb has made a personal investigation of the surroundings at Narragansett and in the Back Bay district of Boston. Acting after fullest information concerning both places the Executive Committee fully endorsed Dr. Cobb's decision that the only place for the meeting is at the lat ́er location and consequently makes the announcement to that effect. We ask for a careful perusal of the communication from President-elect Cobb and Secretary Gatchell, feeling that the entire membership of the Institute will heartily endorse it. It is not too soon to begin preparations for the meeting. We are informed that a number of papers are well under way, and the activity of our Boston friends means that we are to have a reception which will be of the heartiest kind. Let the meeting of 1903 be really and truly the greatest of all.

Original Articles.


By J. A. Bullard, M. D., Wilkesbarre, Pa. In jotting down the thoughts that come to mind as I ride along the city streets and the country lanes of this beautiful springtime, I don't know that I shall offer anything of interest or of good.

If any one is present who has been in practice for a quarter of a century, they assuredly must have noticed many of the

characters that I shall mention in my thought rambles, and if good observers, will no doubt be able to add new and interesting types to the genus patient, and right here I throw down the challenge that no doctor of any school, whose powers of observation are lacking, can ever be much of a success; while to the doctor who subscribes to the law of the similars, powers of observation of the keenest and closest weave are necessary if he

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