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will save many desperate cases. If your patient is Anaemic, Consumptive, Dyspeptic, he needs good, live, healthy blood for his salvation. But how shall he get it? If the alimentary process has failed to keep the nourishing and supporting contents of the blood, there is but one thing to do, and ten thousand fold experience has proved that that one thing is this—where nature fails to produce good and sufficient Blood, We Can Introduce It from the arteries of the sturdy bullock by the medium of


BOVININE is the living blood conserve, and to every properly equipped physician who will test its properties microscopically, physically, or therapeutically, it will speak for itself. Send for our scientific treatise on topical and internal administration and reports of hundreds of cases.


75 West Houston St., New York.

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veal that a very heavy percentage of cases of diabetes mellitus can have their origin traced to the causes here set forth.

In my experience I have found that while dietary limitations decrease the amount of sugar, I have not been able to see that the general health has been markedly improved, and in some instances, the withdrawal of sweets, and other restrictions of diet have not materially lessened its excretion.

Some two years ago my attention was called to arsenauro as a therapeutic agent for this disease, and as arsenic had on the whole given better results than any other drugs, I gave it an extended trial. The results in all cases were better than those wită other remedies, and in the probably neurotic cases cures were effected in nearly every instance. In almost every case the amount of sugar became noticeably lessened within a period of ten days or two weeks; one case was practically cured in two months, and in others repeated tests showed no trace of sugar in from three to four months. The general health improved in every instance, the drug in no case causing any untoward disturbance, either local or general. In emaciated cases an increase in weight and better color, due to a marked increase in red blood corpuscles, was noticed even before any marked diminution of the sugar occurred.

In conclusion, it may not be amiss to say that at least two of these cases first presented themselves to me on account of having been refused life insurance because of sugar in the urine, nor is it amiss to add that within the last few months both cases have been accepted for policies of good amounts, no sugar being found after repeated tests, the writer not being the examiner in either instance.-Abstract H. D. B.

FEEING THE NURSE.-EVIDENTLY THINGS ARE getting in bad shape in England, if we are to believe the statement made by a correspondent in a recent number of The Lancet. There are rumors that there is a division of the fee among some of the members of the profession here, but this division is between the surgeon or the consultant and the family physician of the patient. On the other side, however, they seem to have gone one better and a division of the fee is made with the nurse. According to the correspondent, certain medical men over there are paying sums from a shilling to half the confine

ment fee, or more, to the nurses in attendance, who, to use their own words, make their living from "following the doctors." This tipping of the nurses is done with the hope that the recipient of the fee will recommend the doctor to future patients and, in other words, act as his drummer. As The Lancet editorially comments, the probability is that things are not quite as bad as this correspondent makes them out to be, even in England, where tipping is such a common every-day and every-where affair.-Journal of the American Medical Association.

NEWSPAPER MEDICINE.-MRS. THOMAS SHELton was operated on this morning at the home of her son Alfred, for necrosis of the bone, by Dr. Herrick, assisted by Drs. Burke and Coutant. A piece of dead bone was removed from the tibia of the right eye.― Country Newspaper.

VERY FEW CITIES IN THE COUNTRY POSSESS a finer hotel than the Hollenden, which has been chosen as the official headquarters of the American Institute of Homeopathy at its next meeting, which is to be held in Cleveland..

е Hollenden is a high-class transient and residential hotel, situated at the corner of Superior, Bond and Vincent streets, in the city of Cleveland, accessible to all street car lines, principal buildings, places of amusement, and in the centre of the business and shopping district.

It has four hundred rooms, each connected with the office by telephone, and furnished with every comfort of home. No expense has been spared to surround its guests with every convenience. Parlors, reception and drawing rooms, handsomely furnished, are provided for the patrons of the hotel and their friends.

The accommodations and capacity of the hotel for caring for large conventions, meetings, etc., is unequalled by any hotel in the country.

BE SURE AND READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS IN this number. If there is any preparation which you would like to try do not hesitate to write the advertiser for samples, mentioning the Reporter.

THOUGHT HE WAS COMPARATIVELY SAFE.A colored man, at Pittsburg, Kansas, thus

When addressing our advertisers mention the Reporter.

"It is hard for a student of pulmonary consumption to sufficiently emphasize the immense importance of food as a cure or rather nutrition which depends upon food."

Chas. Fox Gardiner, M. D., The Care of the Consumptive.

The difficult problem of proper nutrition in Tuberculosis is satisfactorily solved by the use of the Standard Food

Imperial Granum

It contains the most nutrition with least tax on the digestive organs, is easily administered with any form of milk or with water alone, and is unsweetened, so that the patient does not tire of its continued use. Samples are FREE to physicians.

John Carle & Sons, Dept. R, 153 Water St., New York

[blocks in formation]

It is an ideal poultice, being antiseptic, non-poisonous and soothing, and is far superior to germ-breeding flax seed and other septic poultices. It can be reheated by applying hot water bottle, thus keeping the patient from being exposed and avoiding the bad effects of irregular poulticing.

Terrine is put up in friction top air-tight cans, and contain respectively 1⁄2 lb., 1 lb. and 2 lbs., full weight, and of convenient shape for heating.


Half pounds (full weight) 35 cents.


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Upon receipt of 25 cents we will express to any physicians in the United States a one pound sample package, express prepaid.

THE PARSONS DRUG CO. (Incorporated)

317 Prospect St., Cleveland, Ohio, U. S. A.

When addressing our advertisers mention the Reporter.

ounces of glyco-thymoline (Kress) in a pint of warm water, irrigated the bladder twice a day for three days; cause seemed to be entirely eradicated, and patient is in good health for the first time in a year."

WOULD COME BACK.-IKEY, JR. "FADER, I soldt a pair of pants to Mr. Cheatman for six-fifty, but he only had six tollars, and vill stop in tomorrow and pay der rest.”

Ikey, Sr. "Mine son, you've been swindled. He von't come back."

Ikey, Jr.-"Oh, yes he vill, fader. I gif him a pair dree sizes too small."-Baltimore World.

JONATHAN HUTCHINSON, F. R. S., GENERAL Secretary of the New Sydenham Society, has requested Messrs. P. Blakiston's Son & Co., of Philadelphia, the American agents of the Society, to announce the publication of "An Atlas of Clinical Medicine, Surgery and Pathology," selected and arranged with the design to afford, in as complete a manner as possible, aids to diagnosis in all departments of practice. It is proposed to complete the work in five years, in fasciculi form, eight to ten plates issued every three months in connection with the regular publications of the Society. The New Sydenham Society was established in 1858, with the object of publishing essays, monographs and translations of works which could not be otherwise issued. The list of publications numbers upwards of 170 volumes of the greatest scientific value. An effort is now being made to increase the membership, in order to extend its work.

THE NURSING WORLD CLINICAL RECORD.The well known wholesale druggists, John Carle & Sons, of 153 Water street, New York City, who were established in 1817, and who have for so many years been headquarters for the justly celebrated food, Imperial Granum, inform us that they are publishing a new and vastly improved edition of their Nursing World Clinical Record, which, in the past few years, has already run through six editions. The special features of the new book are simplicity of arrangement, detachable leaves, with a special table for recording the temperature on each sheet. Grievous mistakes are oftentimes avoided by supplying the nurse with a sick room chart which can be legibly discerned and easily kept.

to readers of the Reporter, enclosing their professional card to the following address: John R. Carle & Sons, Dept. R., 153 Water St., New York City.-H. D. B.

WHAT THE GIRL SAW. THE DUTIES OF A certain sea captain kept him a long time away from home. During his enforced absence his wife had become quite a society lady. So, when her husband returned, a recherche reception was given complimentary to him. He had not been drilled in manners and other things esthetic, and did no have clothes suitable for the occasion. His wife finally prevailed upon him to have a full-dress suit made. The style of the trousers and coat was excusable, but he could not see the sense of having the vest cut so low. On the evening of the function Le donned his dress suit and wore a button in the lapel of his coat, the only evidence of his rank and profession.

At the reception, a young lady who had been introduced to him stood conversing with him and noticed the button in the lapel of his coat. "I see you're naval," she said. With suffused and perspiring face, nervously fingering in the region of his umbilicus, the captain stammered: "I told the tailor he was cutting that d- -n vest too low."-Ex.

WE TAKE PLEASURE IN ANNOUNCING THE publication of the New Century Edition of the catalogue of Otis Clapp & Son, Boston, Mass.

It has been their aim in its preparation not only to produce a price list of medicines and supplies, but also to make it a valuable book of reference. It contains a therapeutic appendix, which is devoted to a brief description of some of the more important of the newer remedies, special pharmaceutical preparations from their laboratories and other items of interest to the physician. This appendix gives an epitome of therapeutic indications of some of the newer remedies, and the results of clinical experience in the use of their pharmaceutical preparations. believe that every one of our readers will find something new which will be of value to him and amply repay him for a careful perusal of this section of the catalogue.


JOHN CARLE & SONS, SHIPPING DEPOT FOR the world for IMPERIAL GRANUM, have recently received the following communication which we feel the readers of the ReSample copies of the Record will be sent porter will be interested to see: When addressing our advertisers mention the Reporter.



Chief Ear Department, Medico-Chirurgical
College, Philadelphia, Pa.

There are many alkaline preparations on the market that are used daily with varied results in conditions where such a preparation is indicated. I have tried most of them in all conditions and after an impartial trial I am compelled to say that the preparation known as Glyco Thymoline, made by Kress & Owen Co., stands at the head of the list; its formula is one that would commend its use, the ingredients being of an antiseptic and non-irritating nature.

Having formed this opinion of Glyco Thymoline, I have concluded to report a few clinical cases where it has given me good results.

Case 1. M. L., age 23 years, came under my care suffering with a distressing case of Ozena. The turbinated bones on both sides of her nose presented a condition of marked atrophy; there was a complete loss of smell and taste and a formation of crusts in the nasal chamber; stench of same was foul. She complained of continual headache, and other symptoms of a depleted and run down system. I placed her on a tonic of Iron, Arsenic and Strychnia internally; locally I ordered the use of Glyco Thymoline in a Bermingham Douche three times a day, diluted. After a month's treatment the crusts had ceased to form, there was a complete restoration of taste and a slight return of smell; the general health was improved and the patient herself well satisfied with results.

Case 2. C. A., age eight years, came to me suffering from a severe Otorrhoea following Scarlet Fever. There was a muco-purulent discharge from both ears that rendered the child completely deaf; the auditory canal was excoriated and sore and the general health below par. I used Cod Liver Oil internally and syringed the ears three times a day with Glyco Thymoline. At the end of one month the discharge of pus had stopped; the hearing much improved and the child's general health very much improved.

Case 3. J. W., age 25 years, came under my care suffering with an aggravated case of Cystitis, which had been treated by several of our best physicians without much improvement. He had great pain in the


region of the bladder and the loins, which became worse on urination; a heavy deposit of mucus and some blood in the urine made his condition still more distressing. temperature was 100, which would rise a degree during the periods of pain. I used the usual treatment for such cases, without positive results, when I thought of irrigating the bladder with Glyco Thymoline (diluted). This I did once in twenty-four hours, at the same time giving him Glyco Thymoline internally in teaspoonful doses every three hours. For the first two days I did not see much improvement, on the third day there was no blood and less mucus in the urine. I continued this treatment for two weeks, when I discharged him cured.

Case 4. J. H., age 35 years, consulted me .or Pruritus Ani which had troubled him for several years; his business compelled him to sit the best part of the day. He had used various ointments, prescriptions, etc., for this troublesome affection, with only temporary relief. At his first visit I ordered him to bathe the rectum twice daily with castile soap and warm water, then to apply Glyco Thymoline, half strength to the parts. After persisting for a time, the swelling and severe itching were lessened, and then left him altogether.

A SEEMING PARADOX.-Many physicians in widely separated parts of the country have reported an experience with the use of Gray's Tonic which is well worth the serious consideration of every physician. The experience is briefly this: the peculiar hyper-sensitive condition of the nervous system, commonly designated "nervousness" or "nervous irritability," is almost immediately relieved by the regular dosage of Gray's Tonic.

This condition is but a manifestation of exhaustion of the nervous system, which can be permanently overcome only by the persistent judicious application of therapeutic measures, which have for their object the restoration of tone to the nervous system and to the processes of cellular nutrition. But while these measures are being applied the symptoms continue, i. e., the patient is nervous, irritable, mentally disquieted and sleepless, and it is upon these symptoms that Gray's Tonic exercises a peculiar calming and soothing effect.

Indeed, it is asserted that this sedative effect is in many cases more prompt than

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