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Christianity, so that we may live up to our profession and our privileges. To this great object Methodism has been conspicuously faithful; and it has been particularly successful in its attainment."

The authors discern everywhere Methodist union in the air and consolidation of the Church forces. If one were to specify the most impressive features of the text aside from the plain purpose to set forth the history of Methodism as a whole rather than of any particular branch of it, one must point to the wealth of detail gathered from every quarter of the globe, in order to make a record not only picturesque with local color but calculated to give true perspective to a great world movement. Over a thousand portraits and views of persons and places identified with the development of Methodism appear in the volume, which consists of 760 pages, inclusive of index. F. C. B.

[The Illustrated History of Methodism. By Rev. James W. Lee, Rev. Naphtali Luccock, and James Main Dixon. St Louis: The Methodist Magazine Publishing Co.]

That true" Americanism," the genius of our social life, is essentially a religion, is one statement of the message the Rev. Mr. Ferguson sends forth at the beginning of a new century. For style, courage, spirit and insight, the book deserves the high praise bestowed upon it. Here is a taste of its qualities:

"The consciousness of freedom grows apace. It is no longer possible to believe that God is the author of the confusions of history or the fearful iniquities of social institutions. We perceive that we are jointly responsible with Him for the present condition of the universe. It appears that the providence of God is limited to making the best of every emergency so far as may be done consistently with the liberty and responsibility of men. And it by no means follows that He established the existing churches, states, law-codes, and commercial customs because they exist.

"Not only is it true that the world as it stands today is not a theocracy, but it appears that theocracy is not a thing to be desired that God will not have it so. The revelation of history and of all experience is that God will not reign over the people, but has set His heart upon it that through faith in Him the people shall reign over themselves.

"The beginning of history is in theocracy; but democracy is the consummation. And all the intermediate stages of confusion and bewilderment, of misery and disappointment are, it would seem, better in the eyes of God, and more desirable than the sway of unquestioned goodness, and the smooth obedience of a puppet world." F. C. B. [The Religion of Democracy. By Charles Ferguson. $1.00. New York: Funk & Wagnalls.]

Retold after Apuleius by Paul Carus. Chicago: The Open Court Publishing Co.]

The lectures delivered under the auspices of the Sunday-School Commission of the diocese of New York and collected under the title, "Principles of Religious Education," contain material of universal interest to Christian parents and to Sunday-school teachers. Bishop Potter says in the introduction, "the modern Church has not recognized its responsibilities nor improved its opportunities, as a teacher of the young." This thought may be called the keynote of the whole series of lectures; as emphasis is laid throughout upon the necessity for an elevation of religious teaching, by the introduction of modern methods, to the place of dignity and the degree of efficiency which it ought to occupy in the church and in the home.

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Attention is called to the fact that, "the influence first of Protestantism and then of Democracy has completely secularized the school. The school, therefore,


The Open Court Publishing Co.

The fairy-tale of Eros and Psyche, a gift to us from ancient Greece, was long ago understood to be a myth of life's deepest mystery, having for its central idea the interrelation between love and death and the loneliness of the soul until it has found and been united with the one perfect love. The present volume, "Eros and Psyche," presents with a modern touch the classic version of the old-time poetic story which in a figure taught the immortality of life and love. There are many illustrations, some being copies from the antique, but most of them from the series made by Paul ThuA. E. H, [Eres and Psyche. A Fairy-Tale of Ancient Greece.




gives an incomplete education." Ways and means to supply more nearly the religious instruction, which the school curriculum fails to provide, are discussed by men eminently qualified to deal with a subject of so great moment. The contributions of Walter L. Hervey on The Preparation of the Sunday-School Teacher,' of G. Stanley Hall on "The Religious Contents of the Child-Mind," of Frank Morton McMurray on "The Use of Biography in Religious Instruction," and of Richard G. Moulton on "The Study of the Bible as Literature,' are especially suggestive.

Although some of the other lectures are not of equal

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The Century Co.

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have expressed a desire to know something of the author, Miss Bertha Runkle, who has written such a fascinating story about the struggles of Protestants and Catholics in and around Paris at the time of Henry IV. The New York Times gives the following:

can authors whose pens have made them well known "Miss Runkle is probably the youngest of the Ameriwithin the past few years. When she wrote The Helmet of Navarre' she was little more than twenty years of age, yet the manuscript of her romance was read with enthusiasm by the editors of The Century, and has attracted wider and more favorable attention than any other story that has ever appeared serially in that magazine. Many applications have been made for the author's portrait, but no one has succeeded in overcoming her aversion to its public use; and details of her biography are almost equally difficult to obtain. As a matter of fact, there is little to record. Miss Runkle is the only child of Mrs. L. G. Runkle, a well-known New York journalist. She is a native of New Jersey; never went to kindergarten as a child, nor to college as a young woman; has traveled little, and has never been to France-a fact which, she herself suggests, may account for her laying there the scene of her romance.

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E. C. A. [The Helmet of Navarre. By Bertha Runkle. New York: The Century Co.] A handsome book edition of Ida M. Tarbell's "" is announced. This life, it will be remembered, appeared first in McClure's Magazine, and in pamphlet form ran over the 100,000 mark. The completeness of the collection of Napoleon's portraits with which it was illustrated attracted special attention. The author aims to present Napoleon's personality, rather than his career as affecting European politics, or his military achievements. Not that Miss Tarbell is one of the gossiping historians who feel that the understanding of personality depends on minute knowledge of the habits and foibles of the subject. Napoleon's life is told in its relation to the great political movements of which he was a part, these serving to illustrate his character.

"Life of Napoleon

an actual woman.

The second edition differs from the first in including a sketch of Josephine. of any trustworthy account of her life in EngThis was added because of the absence lish. Until recently, biographers have followed the example set at the time of Napoleon III. by his desire to have her represented more as an injured saint than investigations of Frederic Masson, and the memoirs of Miss Tarbell, relying on the recent the Napoleonic period, shows her as corrupt as any of the gay, licentious society of the Directory; shallow, frivolous, vain and extravagant, yet kind of heart, of devoted to the emperor. wonderful grace and tact, and in her later married life, emphasis on this latter part of her life, passing lightly Miss Tarbell throws chief over the time before her second marriage, giving us rather a picture of the wife of Napoleon than a complete story of the life of Josephine. A. H.

FROM THE HELMET OF NAVARRE, "" DRAWN BY ANDRÉ CASTAIGNE. an introduction by the Right Reverend Henry C. Potter, D. D., LL. D. New York: Longmans, Green & Co.] "The Helmet of Navarre," to be published in book form May 1, has been appearing serially in The Century Magazine during the fall and winter, and is said to have attracted wider attention and to have been more highly praised than any serial story in the magazine's history. Ar the first book of a young writer, it is noteworthy. hitic calls it "a remarkable performance, not only for a young writer, but for a writer of any age." author's unusual fertility of invention crowds the The ry full of plot and sub-plot natural to the violent times, to the clash of faiths. The story has made such an impression in the literary world and among critics thit is not only to be published in book form, but it wil be dramatized in the fall. have been reading this remarkable historical romance, Many persons who

$2.00. New York: McClure, Phillips & Co.]
[Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. By Ida M. Tarbell.

Six "Brief Studies of Great Americans" have so far been presented in the "Riverside Biographical Series." The little volumes are in every respect admirable examples of tasteful book making, and the photogravure frontispiece in each is a desirable portrait of the individual whose claims to honored remembrance are set forth in clear, concise, and picturesque style in the volume bearing his name. No lesson is more impressive, when realized, than that of the individual life to achieve, to serve, and to influence, but no lesson needs re-telling more frequently, more forcefully. Hence the value of the "Brief Study" like these that may awaken interest in a fuller knowledge of the process by which a strong character was shaped and a laborious career rounded to the admiration or gratitude of a whole nation. Young Americans now on the way

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FROM "ABRAHAM LINCOLN, HIS BOOK." A Facsimile Reproduction of the original Scrapbook kept and annotated by Mr. Lincoln.

to being great may find a helpful hint in these studies. [Andrew Jackson. By William Garrott Brown. James B. Eads. By Louis How. Benjamin Franklin. By Paul Elmer More. Thomas Jefferson. By Henry Childs Merwin. Peter Cooper. By Rossiter W. Raymond. William Penn. By George Hodges. Riverside Biographical Series. Each .75. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin & Co.]

Editorial reference has already been made in this magazine to the projected publication in book form of "The Expansion of the American People," which constituted a leading feature of THE CHAUTAUQUAN last year. In the preface to the volume, now published, Professor Sparks says that " the intention has been to collect the local history of the American people in one volume, trusting that its perusal will inculcate additional reverence not alone for American statesmen but also for the plain people, whose names perish, but

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whose work remains in the structure of the great republic.' CHAUTAUQUAN readers will concede that the author has made an exceedingly valuable and timely contribution to historical literature on an original line of treatment. The serial chapters have been somewhat expanded, and additional illustrations are included in the volume, which comprises about 460 pages. The frontispiece reproduces a mural painting in the Hall of the House of Representatives, bearing the suggestive title "Westward the Course of Empire Takes Its Way." A good index adds materially to the serviceableness of the volume as a book of reference. Distinguished from other current publications dealing with the question of American expansion, it is safe to say that the elements of social expansion have been here brought out and emphasized in a manner which exhibits an unusual combination of scholarly insight and attractive presentation to the popular mind. F. C. B.

[The Expansion of the American People. Social and Territorial. By Edwin Erle Sparks, Ph. D. $2.00. Chicago: Scott Foresman & Co.]

Brooks Adams's extraordinary book consists of a series of six essays, published from time to time in magazine form. As the author states in his preface, he finds that they are susceptible of republication in their chronological order and that together they make up an almost connected discussion of a common main theme. This theme is, shortly stated, that modern society is so organized that there must always be either firmly established, or in process of being established, some predominant economic center; that all modern effort wages around the establishment of such a center of economic influence and power, and that the most important national concern at any time is the securing, if possible, of this economic center within its own borders.

Copious historical illustrations are given of the changing seat of economic empire in ancient and modern times, and an analysis, is sought to be made of the underlying causes producing these changes. Following them comes a review of the conditions of modern economic and industrial life, and the conclusion from this review is that a titanic struggle for commercial supremacy will, in the near future, take place between a congeries of nations centering around Germany or Russia, and seeking to base their economic power upon a control of all of Northern Asia, including the vast mineral and coal deposits in the provinces of Honan and Shansi in China on the one hand, and an Anglo-Saxon confederation under the leadership of the United States, and in which England will be a mere outpost on the frontier of Anglo-Saxon civilization, on the other. This seems to the author to follow, from the fact that England, so long the commercial and economic mistress of the world, is decaying, alike in its martial and in its. economic effectiveness, and that the supremacy so long held by her is moving westward, plainly in financial affairs and perhaps perceptibly in military matters as well.


This book bears somewhat the same relation to modern economic conditions as Machiavelli's "Prince" bore to the political conditions of Italy in the sixteenth century. It is a cold, passionless, if not unfeeling, exposition of the philosophy of the things that are; and its author frequently reminds us that whether or not we like the tendency of these conditions is a matter of no moment; that the inexorable laws of evolution control the destiny of the human race without its consent and without any power in it to resist their operation.

We have no desire to dispute this contention in this place, but the philosophy propounded by Mr. Adams is one which must be reckoned with by those who think on economic questions, and the international relations

of the United States today, its presence in the Philippine Islands and in China, are all involved in the rightfulness or wrongfulness of these theories.

To say that the book is attractive is not enough; it is a book that must be read by those who seek to be informed upon the most significant things transacting in the world today, and the style of the book is worthy of the importance of the subject with which it deals. N. D. B. [America's Economic Supremacy. By Brooks Adams. $1.25. New York: The Macmillan Co.]

"Old Ironsides" has received a new and careful study by the impartial historian and naval expert, Ira L. Hollis, in his "Frigate Constitution." The size, shape, and equipment of a frigate of that period, and the problem of handling a sailing vessel in action are discussed, and a detailed account is given of the share taken by the Constitution in the war with Tripoli and the second war with England. The maneuvers of the ships in battle are described in detail with the aid of diagrams. The frequent use of technical terms, however, often renders a situation somewhat obscure to the ordinary reader. The author accounts for the American victories in the War of 1812 by showing that while the English navy was far larger than ours, yet ship for ship, at a time when naval warfare was often a series of duels between different vessels, ours were more skilfully built and our sailors better trained, England's long naval supremacy having bred a fatal carelessness and lack of discipline. A. H. [The Frigate Constitution. By Ira L. Hollis. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin & Co.]

The foot-notes to history that are accumulating in these days of the historical novel will soon make needful a thorough revision or a complete rewriting of the text-books." A White Guard to Satan," for instance, relates the true time and manner of the death of Nathaniel Bacon, leader of the rebellion named after him, which event did differ greatly from the commonly accepted report of it. Moreover, the story of his love-not mentioned at all in the text-books aforesaid -for the stately Elizabeth, who did go to stand in the "White Guard" clad all in blood red velvet, is herein set down. This recital may be accepted as authentic, inasmuch as it is made by a kinswoman, Mistress Elizabeth Godstowe, who incidentally rehearses at the same time her own love-story and that of her cousin Abigail.

A. E. H.

[A White Guard to Satan. By Alice Maud Ewell. $1.25. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin & Co.] Knox Magee has contributed to recent fiction a tale based upon the historic events of the time of Richard III. All the important characters, made familiar in Shakespeare's play of the rise and fall of that bloody usurper, appear again. The chief interest centers about the five fictitious characters: Sir Walter Bradley, his cousin Lady Mary, her friend Lady Hazel, ladies-inwaiting to the queen, Sir Frederick Harleston, and Michael O'Brien, a giant in goodness of heart and physical strength, Sir Walter's devoted squire. The action begins with the taking of Berwick in which Sir Walter and his friend play an important part, afterwards carrying the news back to Windsor. A tournament, a duel, an imprisonment in and escape from the Tower, together with a love romance running through the book, hold one's interest. The author causes the little Duke of York to escape into France, where he is lost, contrary to the general belief that he was murdered with his brother in the Tower. The book closes with the famous battle of Bosworth. R. E. D. [With Ring and Shield. By Knox Magee. $1.50. New York: R. F. Fenno & Co.]

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thorough-going newspaper correspondent can get at it, will find this volume well worth reading. It goes far to establish the opinion that a blunder was committed by Americans at the time of the military occupation of Manila. The chapter on "The News and the Censorship" may go far to explain how public opinion in this country may have been misled. The chapter on The Church and the Friars" is of special value. The unfortunate attitude of American soldiery, and the fact that the Chinese control commerce and, as laborers, constitute the supreme element in industrial and agricultural life, are pointed out as most serious factors United States with which Americans will have to deal. protection is assumed as a necessity, while, at the same time, the capacity of the Filipinos for self-government ference in Filipino affairs lies in the idea that American is postulated. "The great danger in American interways are best and right, and regardless of established habit, custom and belief, those ways must be accepted by any and all people who live under the American flag."

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F. C. B. Albert G. Robinson. [The Philippines: The War and the People. By $2.00. New York: McClure, Phillips & Co.]

The account which Albert Sonnichsen gives of his experiences during ten months' captivity among the Filipinos constitutes a fascinating story of adventure which holds the attention of the reader from the start. He was incarcerated at the insurgent capital and moved from place to place as the Filipinos retreated northward. Naturally, his opportunities for observing the traits and customs of these little brown people were extensive. Apart from the thrilling story which tells, among other things, of treachery on the part of other American prisoners, various futile attempts at escape, and later service to the government, the author pays this compliment to his captors:

"Those who really have come in sufficiently close

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There are twenty-six chapters in this book, which gives more light upon Filipino life and characteristics than any other volume of equal size that we have seen. F. C. B.

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[Ten Months a Captive Among Filipinos. By Albert Sonnichsen. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons.] Herbert Welsh presents a sketch of "the wrong done by the United States to the people of the Philippines from the standpoint of the law of duty towards our neighbors. His book is distinctly an appeal to conscience. He analyzes the popular attitude as the cry of the speculator, and for the support of his thesis he cites testimony from official and historical sources. The book is a vigorous protest against the opinion that political freedom or the strength of self-reliance which comes to men when they possess and use it wisely is only the right of the strong. In his mind, the acceptance of such a proposition leads to the inevitable conclusion that there is nothing to prevent morally irresponsible combinations in this country from exercising a similar right upon fellow citizens who are too weak to resist their demands. F. C. B. [The Other Man's Country. By Herbert Welsh. $1.00. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co.]

In this connection reference may be made to the pamphlets of the Philippine Information Society, which is issuing in handy form the most authoritative evidence that can be obtained from United States documents and other authentic sources regarding the people of the Philippine Islands and our relations to them. Six out of the nine pamphlets projected in the first series are at hand. Persons who seek to be thoroughly informed cannot afford to miss reading them. The list

of the pamphlets is as follows: "Jose Rizal, the Filipino Patriot: together with an Account of the Insurgent Movement in 1896"; "Aguinaldo: a Selection from his Official Documents, together with the Authorized Accounts of the alleged Spanish Bribe,'"; "The Insurgent Government of 1898 "; Our Relations with the Insurgents prior to the Fall of Manila, August, 1898"; Aguinaldo and the American Generals, August, 1898, to January, 1899"; "Iloilo; An Episode of January, 1899, and Incidents leading to the Outbreak of Hostilities"; "Outbreak of Hostilities, February 4, 1899, and Efforts to secure an Armistice"; "Efforts at Recognition, October and November, 1899"; "Present Condition and Attitude." F. C. B.

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[These pamphlets may be had of L. K. Fuller, 12 Otis place, Boston, for 10 cents each.]

"The Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia" represents eighteen years of continuous labor. The work was begun in 1882, under the superintendence of Prof. Wm. Dwight Whitney, Ph. D., LL. D. A large office force and a still larger force of outside workers were engaged, the former giving all their time, the latter a large part of their time to the construction of this work. The way in which the work of collecting, assorting and arranging the material was conducted, so that no word and no information should be omitted, was as follows:

A force of persons was put to work reading books, who should mark all new words and new senses of words, should select such quotations as would help illustrate the meaning, and should make note of all those names, of persons, places and things, which have sprung into existence or become prominent in the last few years. Books of all kinds on every subject were consulted, even trade catalogues and advertising circulars. Over three thousand authors were read, and over half a million quotations selected. It shows how little of such work had previously been done that in one work of twenty-five volumes nearly ten thousand terms were found which had never before been recorded in a work

of reference.

These terms were then separated according to the province or department to which they belonged. All those in zoology. were placed in one pile to be sent to the zoology expert; those in botany in a second pile for the editor of that department; those in law in a third, and so on. These different collections of terms for the different experts, or heads of departments, were sent out, each to the proper person. In due time the headings sent out came back, each one properly described. This manuscript was at once typewritten (a special room had to be provided for the typewriters, they were so numerous), arranged alphabetically and united with the literary matter prepared in the office. The whole was pinned together on slips of paper so as to make a trial copy which some of the editorial staff could go over, revising it, placing the articles in the right order, putting the quotations in their places, etc. When this had been done the trial copy was pasted on large sheets of brown paper with broad margins for additions and corrections. This was called a final copy, which, in turn was gone over by other members of the office staff of editors just before being sent to the printer, and after such matter had been added as had in the meantime been collected. This additional matter (belated articles, new quotations, corrections, etc.) was SO numerous that it not only filled the broad margins but at times caused the addition of eight or ten supplementary pages.

The manuscript and final copy that accumulated was enormous in amount and of immense value. In case of fire, no money payment that any insurance company would ever agree to pay would make good the loss. To

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