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sition of the powers and the belligerent Will Japan acquiesce? Time will tell. attitude of Japan (which even at this writing is apparently ready to declare war on Russia To Mark Twain's sojourn in Vienna a few in order to prevent the annexation by her of years ago we are indebted for one of his most Manchuria) the Chinese government found graphic descriptive articles, in which with the courage to decline acceptance of the great fidelity he reported a cyclonic session treaty, even as of the reichsrath of Austria-Hungary. The modified by Russia. strife of parties has become so bitter in that The official organ of misnamed "deliberative assembly" that all the tsar's govern- the rules of parliamentary order have been ment published a violated; even the principles of common delong "explanation" cency have been disregarded. Day after day of the diplomatic and week after week a small group of vocifercontroversy, inti- ating and desk-pounding delegates has been mating that Russia able to obstruct completely the progress of blamed the powers business. The utmost political enmity exists for the failure of between the pan-Germans and the Czechs. her attempt to The Hapsburg dual monarchy is bound together solve the Manchu- by the frailest of personal ties, and as rian problem. Im- the aged Emperor-King Franz Josef nears mediate evacuation, the bound of life, the divisive forces in the the statement realm gain strength. The Germans are declared, was im- captivated by the idea of an all-Teutonic possible, and Russia, empire, and are bent upon having the German true to her original lands and peoples of Austria annexed to the pledges and non- empire of Kaiser Wilhelm II. The Czechs aggressive purposes, of Bohemia have the union of the Slavs at desired a modus vivendi which would have heart. They favor a Russian alliance for enabled her to turn the province gradually over to the civil and military control of China. That having failed, the statement continues, matters must remain in statu quo. The intention to retire "can only be carried out when the normal situation is completely restored, and the central government established at Peking is strong enough to afford the necessary guaranties against a recurrence of disorder and assaults upon the property of Russian subjects." The statement concludes with these somewhat laconic, if not ironical words: "While the Russian government maintains its present organization in Manchuria, to preserve order in the vicinity of the broad frontiers of Russia, it will quietly await the further course of events."



Commanding the American

Troops in Peking.

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the present, and the ultimate amalgamation of Slavic Austria with the tsar's domain. Hungary, again, feels quite competent to manage her own affairs, and there is yet an 'Italy unredeemed" about the head of the Adriatic whose inhabitants would gladly exchange the Austrian tax-gatherer for the one from Rome. At a recent uproarious session of the reichsrath a noisy Czech member named Silenz taunted his German colleagues with squinting toward Germany. At this Herr Stein shouted back, "We do not squint, we look; we are as eager to join Germany as you Russia," following this with the frank avowal that his party hoped for a consolidation with the German empire. Herr Silenz declared that the Triple Alliance was a failure so far as Austria was concerned. She would have been better off with Russia at her back. Say openly that you wish to belong to Russia," demanded the German, and when Silenz protested his patriotism, Stein remarked, "Any one remaining a good patriot in Austria now is a fool."


While the Triple Alliance, which Bismarck forged with so much labor and which proved so useful to him in his plans for the aggrandizement of Prussia and less directly of Germany, is thus threatened with the loss of one of its members, a fresh element of disintegration is developing in another quarter. It is generally conceded that as long as Franz Josef survives there will be no disturbance of the present status, but the advanced age of


Don't they need a bigger policeman on that beat? -Minneapolis Journal.

the venerable monarch is stimulating active speculation as to the probable rearrangements which his death will precipitate. The accession of a young, energetic, and ambitious sovereign to the throne of Italy has given a new turn to the policy of that kingdom. The alliance with the Teuton has served its turn. It served Bismarck by tying one hand of France in 1870, and the first Victor Emmanuel took his profit when Rome, no longer garrisoned by the troops of Napoleon III., fell helplessly into his hands to become the capital of United Italy. Now there are signs that Italy would prefer an alliance with France and Russia to the old two kaisers. Latin in race and Catholic in compact with the religion, the kingdom would seem to have more in common with the republic than with the German reich. It is no wonder then that the plan of the Italian government, as just made public, to have the spring naval maneuvers in French waters this year is seized upon by alert observers as a significant indication of friendly feeling which may ripen into a definite alliance between the two Latin powers on the Mediterranean.



New United States Minister to Austria.


In these days of wars and rumors of wars, it is interesting to note that the Permanent Court of Arbitration, which the convention at The Hague provided for in July, 1899, has been completely organized. The forty-nine members appointed represent fifteen nations. Austria-Hungary, Belgium, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, The Netherlands, Roumania, Russia, and the United States have four members each; Sweden-Norway and Japan have two members each; Spain has three members; and Portugal and Denmark have one member each. The first secretary of the court is J. J. Rochussen. The second secretary of the court is Jonkherr W. Roell. The members of the court from the United States are Chief-Justice Melville W. Fuller, Attorney-General John W. Griggs, and United States Circuit Judge George Gray. Ex-President Benjamin Harrison, who recently died at his home in Indianapolis, was


a member of this court. His successor has was friendly, reasonable, and argumentative. not yet been named.

Lord Landsdowne reminds the state department that when it originally requested Great Britain to consent to a modification of the Clayton-Bulwer convention, it distinctly declared that it only desired such changes as, "without affecting the general principle [neutrality of the canal] therein declared, would enable the great object in view to be accomplished for the benefit of the commerce of the world." He further states that, in view of the failure of the Anglo-CanadianAmerican commission to settle the outstanding difficulties between the two governments, Great Britain was at first disinclined to make any gratuitous concession at all, but that finally it resolved to subscribe to Secretary Hay's proposals "as a signal proof of its friendly disposition." He proceeds to analyze the senate amendments and to show that they are inconsistent with the neutral character which has always been sought Great Britain, he confor the canal. cludes by saying, is ready to consider in a spirit of comity any reasonable amendment of the original convention, but the neutrality principle is deemed essential, and will not be waived or surrendered.

The net result of the tracted diplomatic negotiations concerning the Nicaragua ship canal is the revival of the Clayton-Bulwer convention of 1850, and the recognition by our government of its binding force and quality. The attempt to secure a modification thereof has failed completely. The HayPauncefote treaty would have enabled the United States to construct, operate, and control the projected isthmian canal, subject to the (Copyright by Elmer Chickering, Bos- sole requirement of absolute neutrality GEORGE VON L. MEYER, at all times. But our New Ambassador to Italy. senate was opposed to the limitations which that treaty imposed upon our control, and demanded an allAmerican canal - that is, a canal which the United States might close to an enemy or prospective enemy in time of war or apprehension of international complications. It will be recalled that the senate radically amended the Hay-Pauncefote instrument. It adopted a proviso reserving to the United States the right to protect the canal by its own forces, and to maintain public order. It eliminated the clause requiring the adhesion and sanction of the treaty by the other civilized powers of the world. Finally, it inserted a clause abrogating so much of the Clayton-Bulwer convention as was not expressly modified, re-enacted, or superseded by the new treaty.



While these amendments were somewhat ambiguous in their phraseology, it was generally understood that their effect, as well as their purpose, was to do away with the obligation of neutrality, and to convert the canal into a 66 part of the American sea coast line," as the phrase is. The British government adopted this popular construction of the amendments and, after allowing the Hay-Pauncefote treaty to lapse by its own time limit for ratification, communicated to our state department its reasons for refusing to accept the instrument in its new form. The statement was signed by Lord Landsdowne, the minister of foreign affairs, and

It is evident that the whole question will have to be restudied. The administration would be entirely willing to agree upon a neutral canal under American control, but the senate may decline to ratify any treaty short of that guaranteeing an all-American canal. Several senators favor the passage of a resolution declaring the Clayton-Bulwer convention abrogated. Such a step would, of course, be regarded as unfriendly and








-Minneapolis Tribune.

improper by Great Britain, but she would do nothing to prevent us from constructing a canal without reference to her and to Europe's desire for neutrality. The question for Americans to consider is whether abrogation of the old convention without the consent of the other contracting party would be consistent with national honor and good faith, and whether vital national interests really demand the repudiation of the principle upon which the Suez canal is operated to universal satisfaction. The great subject will have ample consideration in the next congress.

Recent and apparently reliable information indicates that the sale of the Danish West Indies to this country is about to be successfully accomplished. The islands-St. Thomas, St. John, and St. Croix-belong to the Virgin Island group lying to the east of Porto Rico. They have an area of about one hundred and twenty-five square miles, and a population of the usual West Indian sort, of about thirty-five thousand. The successful termination of negotiations between the United States and Denmark for the transfer of these three specks of the Lesser Antilles brings a long and interesting chapter of our international relations to a close. It was in 1867 that William H. Seward, then secretary of state, signed a treaty with Denmark transferring the islands to the sovereignty of the United States, the price being fixed at $7,500,000. The negotiations had been conducted at Copenhagen, and were kept secret. Commissions representing the contracting nations were sent to the islands, the leading inhabitants were assembled at the government house, the proclamation of the king was read, announcing the transfer and bidding farewell to his island subjects, and the whole affair would have gone through according to the program had not a merchant who was enjoying a valuable monopoly filed a vigorous protest, and demanded that St. Thomas be made a free port as a condition of the transfer. The Danish commissioners were inclined to defer the ratification of the bargain until they had made an effort to secure the concession from the United States. The negotiations were suspended, and the whole matter was referred to Washington. Secretary Seward was unable to officially recognize the Danish commissioners, who were plainly exceeding their authority in endeavoring to continue the negotiations at Washington, but the matter became public, and when Senator Sumner of Massachusetts arrayed himself against the project, the negotiations

were suspended, in spite of the fact that a large majority of the inhabitants of the island had voted in favor of the transfer.

It was not strange that Denmark felt aggrieved at the failure of the treaty, especially as the price agreed upon was a generous one, and the islands had for many years been a heavy drain upon the treasury at Copenhagen. It is stated that the transfer of the islands will cost this country about 12,000,000 kroner, or $3,240,000, which is less than one-half of what Secretary Seward agreed to pay for them. The Danish parliamentary committee which recently reported a bill favoring the sale advised the imposition as a condition that the people of the islands be permitted to vote on the question of the transfer, and that the sale be contingent upon a favorable vote. St. Thomas newspaper has recently declared that the islanders "do not want to be sold," but the early disposition of the islands to some other power is practically assured, as Denmark is wearied with the financial burden resulting from the possession of these dependencies which are of no particular value to her, and which may be of great strategic value to some other nation. It should be stated that the newspaper which has been shouting "We do not want to be sold," is supported financially by a Dane who enjoys a rich monopoly. It is edited by a colored man.




Not only the professed friend of the negro, but all who have given serious thought to the problem of his political and social condition in America, have learned to look for hopeful signs in the annual reports of President Booker T. Washington of the Tuskegee (Alabama) Normal and Industrial Institute. In addition to the record of accessions to the property of the school and the constant extension of its scope within the past year-it now numbers 1,164 students and 88 officers and teachers, giving training in 26 industries the negro leader gives emphatic expression to his theory of the education suitable for his race at the present juncture.

oner of international note whose capture by stratagem makes a military hero of General Funston of the United States Volunteers.

A bulletin recently issued by the Department of Labor contains a statement of the prices of commodities and rates of wages in Manila. The table of prices shows the retail prices of about ninety articles in common use in the homes of workmen, distinction being made between articles used by the whites, by the natives, and by the Chinese. The prices quoted are in gold, and are just half the prices in silver, which is used in the actual transactions. Among other commodities, bread is listed at four cents a pound, coffee not roasted twenty cents a pound, eggs twenty cents a dozen, bananas four cents a dozen, oranges five cents a dozen, turkeys three dollars each, brown sugar seven and one-half cents a pound, tobacco twenty-five cents a pound, potatoes five cents a pound, and European matches one cent a box.

He thinks his people have not yet reached time. At the age of thirty-two he is a pristhe point where mere book-learning will meet their needs. The colored man must not pursue the ideal of an academic education to the neglect of the humble opportunities of self-support which lie right about his door. In his plain Anglo-Saxon, "time has been lost and money spent in vain, because too many have not been educated with the idea of fitting them to do well, things that they could get to do. In too many cases where mere literary education alone has been given the negro youth, it has resulted in an exaggerated estimate of his importance in the world and an increase of wants which his education has not fitted him to supply." Continuing, he deals very sensibly with the common question, Should not the negro be encouraged to prepare himself for any station in life that any other race fills? "I would say, yes; but the surest way for the negro to reach the highest positions is to fill well at the present time what are termed by the world the more humble positions. This will give him a foundation upon which to stand while securing what is called the more exalted positions. The negro has the right to study law, but in the end we shall succeed soonest in producing a number of successful lawyers by preparing first a large number of intelligent, thrifty farmers, mechanics, and housekeepers to support the lawyers. The want of proper direction of the use of the negro's education results in tempting too many to live mainly by their wits, without producing anything that is of real value to the world, or to live merely by politics. The negro has the right to enter politics, but I believe that his surest

road to political preferment that will mean anything is to make himself of such supreme service to the community in which he lives that political honors will in time be conferred upon him.

"Almost from the beginning this institution has

kept in mind the giving of thorough mental and religious training, and at the same time, along with it, such industrial training as would enable the student to appreciate the dignity of labor and become self-supporting and valuable as a producing factor, keeping in mind the occupations open in the south for employment.'

The personality of Emilio Aguinaldo, the Filipino leader made prisoner on March 23, has been much discussed. It is well established that he is not a half-breed, but the son of native Filipinos (Malays), his father occupying an office corresponding to mayor of a town. His education was obtained in Cavite, the Dominican University in Manila, and a Jesuit normal school. He was twentyfive years old when he became mayor of Cavite, and two years later led the Filipino insurrection of 1896, which forced Spain to promise a large indemnity. The exact relations between Aguinaldo and the United States up to the date of armed conflict a little over two years ago will undoubtedly be dispassionately revealed in the course of

The table of rates of wages shows the wages paid for each occupation in 664 establishments, covering sixty-nine distinct industries. The whole number of employees in these establishments is 22, 155-187 whites, 17,317 natives, and 4,651 Chinese. The rate of wages is given in gold. White master bakers work twelve hours a day, and receive forty dollars a month and their meals; Chinese and native workmen are paid from four to nine dollars a month, besides their meals. White barbers are paid a dollar a day, while natives receive half as much. Native master bookbinders are paid one dollar for ten hours' work; ordinary workmen in the same line receive from twelve and one-half to fifty cents a day, including board. Master carpenters are paid a dollar and a half for a day's work. In the printing offices native compositors work eight hours a day for from six to seventeen and one-half dollars a month; white master printers are paid thirty dollars a month. It is stated that in Manila organization and specialization do not exist to such an extent as in the United States, and in many establishments a workman performs any class of work he may be called upon to do. In general, however, the data are comparable to like data relating to similar occupations in the United States.

According to authoritative announcements, the government of Canada has decided to nationalize the telegraphs and telephones of

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