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1880-South central states
1890-South central states
1900-South central states
1880-Western states.
1890-Western states
1900-Western states.


Per cent. Thus President Thwing of the Western
36.2 Reserve University pointed out with regret
45.0 that the effect of university training on the
14.0 literary life is not as pronounced and immedi-
12.1 ate as it was formerly. Our colleges no
longer graduate writers, publicists, and
poets, and culture is
declining in conse-
quence. President
Thwing was quoted
as follows:

13 to 20 Of all the farms added in the last decade, Mr. Powers concludes, substantially one-half will be tenant-operated. This will be an increase of from forty to forty-five per cent, he says, or nearly twice the increase per cent of the population of the country, four times that of the agricultural population, and twice that of farms operated by their owners.


"The reason lies in the

absorption of things mate-
rial. In former years
men gave themselves to
ideas, now they give

tion are burned out. In

REV. RICHARD D. HARLAND, Elected President of Lake Forest University.

The reason is that this is
an age of materialism. It
is a time of the reign of
the exterior senses. The
voice of the imagination is
hushed. The altar fires
of the creative imagina-
their place we have the
fires of the steamship
boiler and mogul locomo-
tive. I also wish to say,
there is reason to believe that the colleges are not now
with some diffidence, that
giving so effective a training in the creative faculty of
thinking as they did a quarter of a century ago. College
studies are in dire peril of being made simply descrip-
tive, having picturesqueness and the motive of interest
as the primary consideration and not being made
interpretative and comparative of the more funda-
mental relations of man and nature."

Does this mean that landlordism is rapidly growing in the United States, and that the themselves to things. conditions have become such that men who, ten or twenty years ago, would have owned their farms, are now forced to accept the far less satisfactory position of tenants? Mr. Powers does not draw this conclusion. He holds that the extraordinary increase of tenant-operated farms is the result of the uplifting of "farm hands," or agricultural laborers, to the status of tenants. The validity of this comforting explanation is doubted by certain writers. In the south Atlantic states, where the farmer families include many colored people, a rise of former wage-laborers has unquestionably taken place, but the evidence that this has also occurred in the north Atlantic, north central, and western states is held to be far from adequate. Much closer study and more detailed information are necessary to a proper determination of the significance of the figures above given.

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At this writing the commencement season the educational harvest time is drawing to a close. Eloquent orators have dwelt on the splendid growth of the American system of education and on the unprecedented beneficence and generosity which have made this progress possible. Nearly every institution has made the expected announcement of the gifts made or promised to it by philanthropic citizens of wealth. But in the grand symphony of gratulation, praise, and rejoicing there were not wanting notes of solemn admonition and warning, passages directing attention to flaws and defects in the educational activities and the larger life of the nation. Some of these utterances have been criticized as unduly pessimistic and ungenerous, if not unjust, to the American people, but in the main their wholesome quality has been recognized in the more thoughtful comments.

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President Schurman of Cornell candidly, and in "portentous words" as he expressed it-deplored the want of creative imagination in the United States and the comparative neglect of "the humanities, the higher speculation, and the cultivation of philosophy and art. America, he said, has not produced even one man whose name will live and shine with Raphael, Dante, Shakespeare, Newton, Goethe, and Darwin. Intellectually and artistically, he continued, we are dependent and inferior.

"The rush and stress of life have left little time for leisure and meditation, and without leisure and medita

tion genius will not soar into the empyrean. The ideal tion genius will not soar into the empyrean. The ideal man of America, we might as well confess it, is not the patient, laborious scholar and profound thinker, but the quick, vigorous, versatile, and commanding man of the production of poets, artists, scientists, and philosophers. It is a land of engineers, inventors, financiers, and manufacturers."

affairs. The social atmosphere is not favorable to

There was much more in the same strain, and the moral of it all is the need of greater attention to the cultural functions of the universities. Commercial instruction is now demanded of the colleges, and industry is insisting upon technical and business train

ing. There is danger of excessive material- editions of the source-books of American ism in education, of a narrow utilitarian history will now pass into semi-public conconception of knowledge. But the severest trol. The university owes its name to the arraignment of American life and thought father of John Carter Brown, the Nicholas was contained in an address by Archbishop Brown whose success as a merchant in ProviIreland. If not misreported, he declared dence a century ago laid the foundation of that the men of the great fortune from which the university America devote profited in his lifetime, as it does now at the themselves almost hands of his descendants. Brown University entirely to things is to be congratulated upon an acquisition material, and that which will make its library the mecca of to women alone must advanced students of American history. we look for the preservation of the spiritual side of existence. He further was represented as saying that our education lacked seriousness, and that there was neither depth nor consistency in it, with the result that intellectual levity pervaded American society.



Of New York, New President of the Y. M. C. A.'s of North America.

Dr. Isadore Singer, an Austrian Jew who tramped over Europe in an unsuccessful attempt to find a publisher for a Jewish encyclopedia, came to the United States five years ago and succeeded. Now he proposes a Jewish university of theology, history, and literature, to be located in New York and to have, as an interesting experiment, chairs of both progressive and conservative Judaism. Some funds are in hand, and a good deal of faith is felt in Dr. Singer to get the rest. There is a progressive theological seminary in Cincinnati and a conservative one in New York. Founders of both died not long since, and with them went much of the prestige of their respective institutions. An effort was made to endow the Cincinnati seminary with $800,000 as a memorial to the late Dr. Isaac M. Wise, one of the greatest of American

It is reported that the trustees under the will of the late John Nicholas Brown of Providence, Rhode Island, have decided to give to Brown University the matchless library of Americana known as the John Carter Brown collection. With the gift, which he valued at five hundred thousand dollars, will pass a fund of equal amount to provide for its care and increase. There is also a gift of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars for a building. The library was founded in the middle of the last century by a private citizen of Providence, whose great wealth enabled him to gratify to the utmost his passion as a collector of rare printed books, maps, and pamphlets relating to the early history of America. Mr. James Lenox, who was engaged in the same pursuit in New York City, and Mr. George Brinley of Hartford, were his principal rivals. The ultimate sale and dispersion of the Brinley library sent many of its chief treasures to New York and Providence. The Lenox Library, which was guarded almost ferociously during its author's lifetime, now forms a part of the New York Public Library on the Astor, Lenox, and Tilden foundations, and its hoarded volumes may be seen and handled, under proper restrictions, by any one who cares for and deserves the privilege. The Carter Brown Mr. Carnegie has given £2,000,000 for the estabLibrary, which in the opinion of experts, lishment of free education at four Scottish universities. surpenses even the Lenox in its array of first

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-London Punch.

Judaism leaders, but only $100,000 has been secured. The argument is made that while millionaires will not contribute to small things, they will to big things, such as the proposed university. An office of the undertaking has already been opened, and negotiations are under way with scholars thought fit for deans of the several faculties.

Translation of the Bible into Philippine dialects is going on under the joint supervision of British and American Bible societies. When Admiral Dewey sailed into Manila bay there were lying in store in Hongkong ten thousand copies of the Book of the Acts in Tagalog. They had lain there for a dozen years, but they were sold before the end of the year of the Manila bay victory. St. Luke's Gospel has been translated into Bicol, Pampanga, and Ilocano, and into the lastnamed St. Matthew and St. John are now being completed. The American society is having the New Testament translated into Visayan de Iloilo and Visayan de Cebu. Copies of the first editions in Ilocano and Pampanga have just reached this country. It is interesting to know that these translations are made from English or Spanish, and that it is only when the native churches get large and strong that translations from the original Greek and Hebrew are attempted. Three or four revisions are often made. Early editions are never large, since it is always found that revisions have almost immediately to be made. After the Gospels and the New Testament, sometimes before the whole of the latter, the Proverbs are generally translated, the missionaries finding their worldly wisdom especially helpful to them in their work among these new peoples. The Proverbs have not yet been translated into any of the Philippine dialects, but they

will be as soon as possible.

A conference has just been held in the city of Mexico looking to the union of Presbyterian interests in that republic, and the organization of an autonomous church. Presbyterian effort there has long been in charge of both Presbyterian North and South, and while there was no conflict there was a loss in a division of counsels and in the presentation of two fronts. Furthermore, it was Presbyterian effort from the United States. Now there is union, and a Presbyterian church that is Mexican. An important part played by this and other religious work in Spanish countries has been, of late, the furnishing of missionaries to

mission boards desiring to open work in Cuba and the Philippines.

his home in Ticonderoga, New York, in June, Rev. Joseph Cook of Boston, who died at was for many years one of the most widely known public lecturers of this country. He was a graduate of Harvard College and of Andover Theological Seminary. After some years of travel and study abroad, he became pastor of a Congregational church in Boston. His famous Monday lectures in Boston, given through a long period of years, established his reputation as a deep thinker upon some of the most vital questions of the day, and attracted crowds of listeners to Tremont Temple. He delivered courses of lectures at Chautauqua and at other educational centers in this country, and in his famous lecture tour abroad appeared before audiences in almost every English speaking country. He was a man of deep convictions, and his influence through his long career was far-reaching.



Distinguished Lecturer and


The Rev. Dr. Marcus Dods, an Edinburgh professor, who is visiting and lecturing here, says the great problems before the churches of Scotland and England are how to reach the working classes and the classes below

them, and what to do for the cause of temperance. The two questions are closely and England are steeped in strong drink, allied, for Prof. Dods declares that Scotland and the only hopeful thing in sight is the fact that Great Britain is thoroughly aroused. When John Bull gets awake and says something must be done, something generally is done, observes the professor. The drink habit is there a great deal worse than here, he says. As for the working classes, they are as far from the church as they were a quarter of a century ago.

Rev. G. Campbell Morgan, as the head of the Northfield Extension, has given new courage to religious leaders who feared for

evangelization work when Dwight L. Moody missionaries in foreign fields directly supdied. Mr. Morgan is an educator rather than an evangelist, and he will do his work in his own way, not in the way Mr. Moody might have done it. He began at Northfield with the Student Conference at the beginning

ported by some certain church, society, or individual at home. Baptists have held back to some extent because of objections to the plan, but Presbyterians have fully six hundred of their seven hundred foreign missionaries of July, and con- thus maintained. Recently the American tinued it with the board entered upon the plan, and to further Young Women's it held at a resort on Lake George early in Conference near the July a conference of business men, the outend of the month. In come of which was a joint recommendation August he will be of the plan. In spite of objections against the principal speaker all special gifts, it is claimed by these Conat the Christian gregationalists that they are more than outWorkers' Confer- weighed by the increased interest which ence. He has also direct support leads to, and by the fact that found time, since his contributions of churches are left free for arrival, to speak at general work. In mid-summer, and very hot the Christian En- weather, it was possible to get to this conferdeavor Convention in ence a large number of men, some of whom Cincinnati, and at pledged themselves to undertake such supthree or four summer port, and to urge others to do the same. conferences in the middle west. In REV. G. CAMPBELL MORGAN. September he will take up the regular extension work, which will have to do with individual churches and relate to Bible study and kindred educational propaganda. Upon his departure from England he was tendered an enthusiastic Godspeed in City Temple, London, the Rev. Dr. Joseph Parker making the principal address. Northfield's schools are larger than ever they were during Mr. Moody's time, and the conferences show no falling off in interest or usefulness.


Copyright by F. Gutekunst, Philadelphia.

A division of the country is proposed by Episcopal leaders, grouping dioceses that are contiguous and placing over each group an archbishop, who shall have no powers above the other bishops spiritually, but shall have some jurisdiction in matters temporal and administrative. It is also proposed to have a primate. Now, the bishop oldest in date of consecration attends to the duties of presiding bishop, but otherwise is not recognized as primate. The suggestions are not new, but are up again with new advocates. The Episcopal church is growing, and the coming general convention will divide several large dioceses. Administration of affairs larger than diocesan is found to be cumbersome, and provinces seem to be demanded. It is stated that there is little likelihood that bishops will surrender any of their power.

[blocks in formation]

Sulpicians will erect a House of Studies in Washington, to be affiliated with the Catholic university there. They will be the fifth society to plant affiliated colleges around the university, the other four being the Paulist, the Marist, the Holy Cross, and the Franciscan. Trinity College for women is also adjacent to the university, but not affiliated with it. Sulpicians are almost the only considerable order not having a superior-general resident in Rome. Their headquarters are in Paris, and they have in Rome a procure, located near the Canadian College, where many American visitors are entertained. Their headquarters in America is St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore.

Four of the five large organizations of young people within the churches held conventions during July. Christian Endeavorers in Cincinnati were affected by the weather, and by the fact that many preferred the Epworth League convention in San Francisco, because of the Pacific Coast trip. The Epworth League had the largest and best meeting in its history. Baptist Young People met in Chicago, where there was an unusually strong delegation from the south. A few years since, when it was proposed to bring southern Baptists into line with northern there had to be much secrecy as to plans and much discretion as to program. Now all is changed, and young Baptists are nationally one, if older ones are not. American and Canadian Brotherhoods of St. Andrew met together in Detroit this year, as they did in Buffalo in 1897.

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WAS found in the morning by men from the Dulcette who were descending from the ruins of the temple of Ching-ling.

When I recovered consciousness I was lying in my berth. The first sound that came to my ears was the throb of the flabby drum' driving the devils out of the bay again!

I was exhausted in body and mind. Whenever I have looked up that rugged side of Lynx Island since, I have wondered how I escaped with a whole bone in my body. As I have reviewed, over and again, the days that succeeded that night, I have wondered of what stuff my brain was that it never gave way. All was destroyed. By dimmest daylight Captain Kepneff and his men peered fearfully through the mists that lay in the canyon upon the smouldering ruins of the temple. Not a timber was left standing. The spot could not have looked more desolate, for the building had been mined and the entire foundation had been blown out. Redhot timbers lying above and below the great stones made the terrified villagers flee away at first sight.

As these facts came from Kepneff's own lips I felt a great responsibility shifted quickly to my shoulders, and I started from bed regretting the day was lost. My message to Oranoff must be corrected immediately and I must hasten back and render Li's sad report of failure. Thereupon orders for the postponement of the funeral could be circulated. The eighteenth was still four days off, and oriental statesmen are prolific in excuses.

"I must get to Han Chow, sir," I said to Kepneff," telegraph Oranoff, and then hurry on to Tsi and Keinning.'

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"You will go to Han Chow by horse quickest. It is on the Khan river. I will be at the mouth of the Khan by morning."

The captain spoke from certain knowledge, and decidedly. It was late in the afternoon, and I could not lose a moment, though I was far more fit for a hospital than a twentymile ride in the dark.

I breathed my horse in the dusk on the hills behind Wun Chow, where my Cossacks had awaited my fiery signal from the rocky pinnacle across the bay. As I looked I could see the dull glare of the live coals reflected on the rocks, and through the gray of the gathering night a thin column of smoke still rose above the tomb of the cremated queen. But the trailing smoke of the Dulcette running out between the sentinels of Lynx Island into the heavy seas beyond warned me not to linger.

The road was much like that from Keinning, though as it struck inland it bore me away from the capital toward the southern promontory of the land which the Dulcette was striving to double. The clouds broke and the moon shone out, or I should never have reached Han Chow that night. As it was, I only arrived by early dawn, my horse crippled by many falls.

I dismounted in the open court of the long low building from which the wires ascended to the line of posts which ran zigzag over the mountains toward Keinning. A boy sleepily answered my shout, and I entered

Copyrighted, 1901, by Archer Butler Hulbert. All rights reserved.

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