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Department for the magazine rifles and carbines, and for the revolvers, calibers .38 and .45, in the hands of the Army or the organized militia.

(a) On the completion of the target practice or other authorized occasion for the expenditure of ammunition, and at the conclusion of all competitions, including the practice of army teams in preparation for the national match, the fired shells should be promptly turned over and invoiced by the commanding officer of the organization to the acting ordnance officer of the nearest post or camp, after carrying out the following instructions as to the treatment of the shells:

As soon as practicable after the completion of the firing, decap the shells and throw them into water. The cleaning will be much facilitated if the shells can be thrown into water immediately after firing. Then thoroughly clean the interior of each shell with a brush wiper or a piece of rag on the end of a wiping stick, dry, and pack loosely in empty ammunition boxes.

(b) Acting ordnance officers of posts and camps upon the accumulation of 300 pounds of empty shells will pack them in ammunition boxes and ship them by freight to the commanding officer of Frankford Arsenal, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, from whom they will receive receipts as authority for dropping these shells from their property returns, except that in the Philippines Division all empty shells will be invoiced and shipped to the commanding officer of the Manila Ordnance Depot, who will issue the proper receipts therefor. Organizations will save the zinc-lined wooden packing boxes in which the ammunition is received and will pack the empty shells in these boxes before turning them over to the ordnance officers of posts or camps. Care should be taken that the zinc lining of the boxes is not injured; the lining and zinc cover should be retained in the box when the empty shells are packed therein. Bandoleers which are to be turned in under the provisions of paragraph III, General Orders, No. 156, War Department, September 26, 1904, will not be packed in boxes containing empty shells.

(c) The adjutants general of the various States and Terri. tories and the commanding general of the District of Columbia militia will be permitted to turn in empty shells and will receive credit therefor to the extent provided for in this paragraph. The empty shells turned in by the various States and Territories or by the District of Columbia militia should


be shipped by the adjutant general of the State or Territory or by the commanding general of the District of Columbia militia directly to the commanding officer of the Frankford Arsenal, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

9. In submitting requisitions for ordnance stores for smallarms target practice, and in expending the stores, commanding officers of organizations will be guided by the following prices:

[blocks in formation]

Shells, rifle-Continued.


Cal..30, model of 1906.

Cal. .30, model of 1903.

Cal. .30, model of 1898.


Shells, revolver:

Cal. .38.

Cal. .45.

Shells, shotgun:

[ocr errors]

Paper (12 gauge) loaded with buckshot....

Paper (12 gauge) loaded with other than buckshot.

Bullets, rifle:

Service, cal. .30, model of 1906....

Service, cal. .30, models of 1898 and 1903.

Guard, cal. .30, models of 1898 and 1903..













Per pound.


Conical, cal. .30, gallery practice ammunition

Primers, cartridge, cal. .30...

Smokeless powder, rifle ammunition...

*Smokeless powder, gallery practice ammunition..........


10. Accountability for the expenditure of material in target practice:

(a) The various quantities of the stores enumerated in the preceding paragraph which may be expended by any organization armed with the rifle or revolver depend upon its strength and the monetary allowance for the officers and enlisted men of the organization. In computing the total monetary allowance credit may be taken for the monetary allowance of each officer and enlisted man that participated in target practice and field exercises during the calendar year and for the value of fired shells turned over to the post or camp ordnance officer, provided the total expenditure under these allowances, except for officers and men attached, by any organization in any one year shall not exceed the total monetary allowance corresponding to the authorized strength of that organization, plus the allowance arising on account of fired shells, even if greater numbers did so participate. Thus, if three officers and eighty enlisted men participated in target practice and field exercises, and the authorized strength was only three officers and fifty enlisted men, the allowance, exclusive of that arising on account of fired shells, would be based upon the total monetary allowance for three officers and fifty enlisted men.

*This powder is the same as that used in revolver ammunition.

Whenever an organization is equipped with machine guns or shotguns the monetary allowances covering the expenditure of ammunition for machine-gun practice and hunting will be treated separately and the certificate of expenditures (Form No. 19, Ordnance Department) must show. separately, the expenditures under these allowances as distinct from the expenditures made on account of firing with the rifle or revolver.

(b) In order that the property accounts of officers may show that the quantities of small-arms ammunition expended by them are within the amounts authorized, the certificate of expenditures will give the number of officers and enlisted men who participated in target practice, and the stores so expended will be enumerated in detail, giving their cost prices and total values in such a way as to show that the total monetary allowance has not been exceeded. When small-arms ammunition is expended on account of practice with machine guns the serial number of each gun will also be stated on the certificate of expenditures.

The allowances of ammunition and the materials therefor for the United States Infantry and Cavalry School, Signal School, and Staff College, and for the School of Application for Cavalry and Field Artillery will be expended under the direction of the commandants of those schools, and the amount so expended will be dropped from the property returns of the ordnance officers at the posts at which these schools are located. The certificates of expenditures will state the quantities of each kind of ammunition expended for these schools and their values.

(c) When officers of the staff corps or departments, or officers on detached service, are assigned to an organization for target practice the certificate of expenditures will give the name of the officer so attached as authority for the additional expenditure.

(d) When ammunition is expended on account of fired shells turned over to the post or camp ordnance officer the receipt of this officer will be filed with the certificate of expenditures as authority for the additional expenditure. Receipts furnished by post or camp ordnance officers for fired shells will be accepted as authority for the expenditure of additional small-arms ammunition, or materials therefor. Where such shells were turned in prior to the receipt of this order, credit will be given therefor as herein provided.


(e) When small-arms ammunition is furnished by the Ordnance Department for division and army competitions and for the national match, its distribution will be under the direction of the ordnance officers of these competitions and of the national match, and the amount actually expended will be dropped on the property returns of such ordnance officers, and all surplus ammunition that may have been issued by them will be returned to the Ordnance Department on completion of the competition or match.

(f) The provisions of this order in regard to the expenditure of ammunition does not authorize accountable officers to drop from their property returns any small-arms ammunition, or materials therefor, that was not actually fired.

(g) The expenditure of small-arms ammunition, and materials therefor, for target practice, preliminary instruction of the soldier, military exercises and hunting will only be made to the extent of the allowances and in the manner prescribed in this order.

(h) When ammunition is reloaded at posts for target practice no entry will be made of the reloaded ammunition on the property returns, the report of the expenditure of the materials used being sufficient.

11. The object in giving a monetary allowance to each organization instead of prescribing the number of rounds of each kind of ammunition which may be expended is to allow discretion to officers controlling the expenditure of the ammunition in regard to the quantities of each kind that may be expended, the only limitation being that the amount expended must not exceed the allowances herein prescribed.

12. All orders or circulars heretofore issued on the subject in conflict with this order are hereby rescinded, but nothing in this order will be construed as modifying the regular courses of practice prescribed, or that may be prescribed hereafter by proper authority.

[1221390 A-M. S. O.]


J. FRANKLIN BELL, Major General, Chief of Staff.



Adjutant General.

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