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An Act making Appropriations for the Support of Government, for the Year one thousand feven bundred and ninety-fix.

Sec. 1.


tions for

ment, for

E it enacted by the Senate and Houfe of Reprefentatives of the United States of America, in Congress affem- Specific apbled, That for defraying the expenditure of propriathe civil-lift of the United States, for the support of year one thousand seven hundred and ninety- governfix, together with the incidental and contin- 1796. gent expenses of the feveral departments and offices thereof, there be appropriated a fum of money, not exceeding five hundred and thirty thousand three hundred and ninetytwo dollars, and eighty-five cents; that is to fay:

For the compenfations granted by law to the Prefident and Vice-Prefident of the United States, thirty thousand dollars.

For the like compenfations to the members of the Senate and Houfe of Representatives,

tions for

Specific ap their officers and attendants, estimated for a propriafeffion of fix months' continuance, one hunfupport of dred and ninety-three thousand four hundred ment, for and fixty dollars.



For the expenfes of firewood, ftationary, printing-work, and all other contingent expenfes of the two houfes of Congress, eleven thousand five hundred dollars.

For the compensations granted by law to the Chief Justice, Affociate Judges, District Judges, and Attorney General, forty-three thoufand fix hundred dollars.

For defraying the expenfe of Clerks of courts, jurors and witneffes, in aid of the fund arifing from fines, forfeitures and penalties; and likewife for defraying the expenfes of prosecutions for offences against the United States, and for fafe keeping of prifoners, twenty thousand dollars.

For making good deficiencies in the laftmentioned fund, in the appropriation of the year one thousand seven hundred and ninetyfive, ten thousand dollars.

For compenfation to the Secretary of State, Clerks and perfons employed in that department, feven thoufand eight hundred and fifty dollars.

For incidental and contingent expenfes in the faid department, twenty-three thousand three hundred and eighty dollars.

For compenfation to the Secretary of the Treafury, Clerks and perfons employed in his office, eight thoufand one hundred and fifty dollars.

For expense of stationary, printing and all other contingent expenfes in the office of the Secretary of the Treafury, five hundred dol lars.

For compenfation to the Comptroller of Specific apthe Treafury, Clerks and perfons employed propriain his office, ten thoufand nine hundred tions for dollars.

support of govern. ment, for

For expense of stationary, printing and all 1796. other contingent expenfes in the Comptroller's office, eight hundred dollars.

For compenfation to the Treasurer, Clerks and perfons employed in his office, four thoufand four hundred dollars.

For expense of firewood, ftationary, printing, rent, and other contingencies in the Treafurer's office, fix hundred dollars.

For compenfation to the Auditor of the Treafury, Clerks and perfons employed in his office, eleven thousand two hundred and fifty dollars.

For expenfe of ftationary, printing, and other contingent expenfes in the Auditor's office, fix hundred dollars.

For compenfation to the commiffioner of the Revenue, Clerks and perfons employed in his office, five thousand two hundred and fifty dollars.

For expenfe of ftationary, printing, and all other contingent expenfes in the office of the Commiffioner, four hundred dollars.

For compenfation to the Regifter of the Treafury, Clerks and perfons employed in his office, fourteen thousand feven hundred dollars.

For expenfe of flationary, printing, and all other contingent expenfes in the Regifter's Office (including books for the public flocks) two thousand eight hundred dollars.

For compenfation to the purveyor of public fupplies, including his falary from the

propriations for

Specific ap- time of his appointment to the thirty-firft day of December, one thoufand feven hundred and ninety-five, three thousand fix hundred and ninety-four dollars and forty-four cents.

fupport of


ment, for


For the payment of rent for the several houfes employed in the Treasury department (except the Treasurer's office) one thousand, nine hundred and eighty-fix dollars and fixtyeight cents.

For expenfe of firewood and candles in the feveral offices of the Treafury department, (except the Treafurer's office) three thousand dollars.

For defraying the expenfe incident to the ftating and printing the public accounts, for the year one thoufand feven hundred and ninety-fix, one thousand dollars.

For the payment of certain incidental and contingent expenfes of the Treasury department in the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety five, beyond the fum which was appropriated, two thousand five hundred dollars.

For compenfation to the feveral Loan Officers, thirteen thoufand two hundred and fifty dollars.

For payment of Clerks allowed to feveral of the loan offices, for the year one thoufand feven hundred and ninety-five, by an act of the laft feffion of Congrefs,, ten thoufand one hundred dollars.

For compenfation to the Secretary of War, Clerks and perfons employed in his office, seven thousand and fifty dollars.

For expense of firewood, ftationary, printing, rent, and other contingent expenses of the office of the Secretary of War (including the rent of the General Poft-Office which is

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