4 Restore me, lest they proudly boast 'Twas their own strength o'ercame; Permit not them that vex my soul To triumph in my shame. 5 Since I have always plac'd my trust Beneath thy mercy's wing, Thy saving health will come, and then 6 Then shall my song, with praise inspir'd, 1 SURE PSALM XIV. URE wicked fools must needs suppose That God is nothing but a name; Corrupt and lewd their practice grows, No breast is warm'd with holy flame. 2 The Lord look'd down from heav'n's high tow'r, And all the sons of men did view, 3 But all, he saw, were gone aside, 4 But can these workers of deceit Be all so dull and senseless grown, That they like bread my people eat, And God's almighty pow'r disown? 5 How will they tremble then for fear, When his just wrath shall them o'ertake! For to the righteous God is near, And never will their cause forsake. 6 Ill men in vain with scorn expose Those methods which the good pursue; Since God a refuge is for those Whom his just eyes with favour view. 7 Would he his saving pow'r employ To break his people's servile band; Then shouts of universal joy Should loudly echo through the land. PSALM XV. Lothy best courts repair? [may ORD, who's the happy man that Not, stranger-like, to visit them, 2 'Tis he, whose ev'ry thought and deed 4 Who vice in all its pomp and pow'r Who to his plighted vows and trust 5 Whose soul in usury disdains Whom no rewards can ever bribe The man, who by this steady course PSALM XVI. PROTECT me from my cruel foes, And shield me, Lord, from harm, 2 My soul all help but thine does slight, 3 But those that strictly virtuous are, 4 How shall their sorrows be increas'd 5 My lot is fall'n in that blest land The place of my appointed reign 7 Therefore my soul shall bless the Lord, 8 I strive each action to approve No danger shall my hopes remove, 9 Therefore my heart all grief defies, My flesh shall rest in hope to rise, 10 Thou, Lord, when I resign my breath, 11 Thou shalt the paths of life display PSALM XVII. 10 my just plea and sad complaint, 2 As in thy sight I am approv'd, So let my sentence be; And with impartial eyes, O Lord, 3 For thou hast search'd my heart by day, And visited by night; And on the strictest trial found Nor shall thy justice, Lord, alone My heart's designs acquit; For I have purpos'd that my tongue 4 I know what wicked men would do 5 That I may still, in spite of wrongs, O guide me in thy righteous ways, 6 Since heretofore I ne'er in vain 8, 9 O keep me in thy tend'rest care; 10 O'ergrown with luxury, inclos'd And with a proud blaspheming mouth 11 Well may they boast, for they have now 12 In posture of a lion set, When greedy of his prey, 13 Arise, O Lord, defeat their plots, From wicked men, who are thy sword, 14 From worldly men, thy sharpest scourge, Whose portion's here below; Who, fill'd with earthly stores, desire 15 Their race is num'rous that partake 16 But I, in uprightness, thy face PSALM XVIII. O change of times shall ever shock NMy firm affection, Lord, to thee; For thou hast always been my rock, 2 Thou my deliv'rer art, my God, My trust is in thy mighty pow'r: Thou art my shield from foes abroad, At home my safeguard and my tow'r. 3 To thee I will address my pray'r, To whom all praise we justly owe; Be guarded from my treach'rous foe. And heard me from his lofty throne. The Second Part. 7 When God arose my part to take, [fear; The conscious earth was struck with The hills did at his presence shake, Nor could his dreadful fury bear. 8 Thick clouds of smoke dispers'd abroad, Ensigns of wrath before him came; Devouring fire around him glow'd, That coals were kindled at its flame. 9 He left the beauteous realms of light, Whilst heav'n bow'd down its awful head, Beneath his feet substantial night Was like a sable carpet spread. 10 The chariot of the King of kings, Which active troops of angels drew, On a strong tempest's rapid wings, With most amazing swiftness flew. 11, 12 Black wat'ry mists and clouds conspir'd With thickest shades his face to veil ; But at his brightness soon retir'd, And fell in show'rs of fire and hail. 13 Thro' heav'n's wide arch a thund'ring 29 God's angry voice did loudly roar ; [peal While earth's sad face with heaps of hail, And flakes of fire, was cover'd o'er. The world's foundations naked lay; The Third Part. 16 The Lord did on my side engage, [held; From heav'n, his throne, my cause upAnd snatch'd me from the furious rage Of threat'ning waves that proudly swell'd. 17 God his resistless pow'r employ'd, My strongest foes' attempts to break; Who else with ease had soon destroy'd The weak defence that I could make. 18 Their subtil rage had near prevail'd When I distress'd and friendless lay; But still, when other succours fail'd, God was my firm support and stay. 19 From dangers that inclos'd me round, He brought me forth and set me free; For some just cause his goodness found, That mov'd him to delight in me. 20 Because in me no guilt remains, God does his gracious help extend; My hands are free from bloody stains, Therefore the Lord is still my friend. 21, 22 For I his judgments kept in sight, In his just paths I always trod; I never did his statutes slight, Nor loosely wander'd from my God. 23, 24 But still my soul, sincere and pure, Did e'en from darling sins refrain; His favours, therefore, yet endure, Because my heart and hands are clean. The Fourth Part. 25, 26 Thou suit'st, O Lord, thy righteous ways To various paths of human kind; They, who for mercy merit praise, With thee shall wondrous mercy find. Thou to the just shalt justice show, The pure thy purity shall see; Such as perversely choose to go, Shall meet with due returns from thee. 27, 28 That he the humble soul will save, And crush the haughty's boasted might, In me the Lord an instance gave, And did o'er num'rous foes prevail; 31 Who then deserves to be ador'd, 32, 34 35 36 37 The Fifth Part. 33 'Tis God that girds my armour on, And manly weapons learn to wield; 38 Cover'd with wounds, in vain they try 40 warms; He makes my strong opposers yield, Who hate and envy my success. 41 With loud complaints all friends they But none was able to defend; [tried, At length to God for help they cried, But God would no assistance lend. Like flying dust which winds pursue, Their broken troops I scatter'd round, Their slaughter'd bodies forth I threw, Like loathsome dirt that clogs the ground. 42 The Sixth Part. 43 Our factious tribes, at strife till now, By God's appointment me obey; The heathen to my sceptre bow, And foreign nations own my sway. 44 Remotest realms their homage send, When my successful name they hear; Strangers for my commands attend, Charm'd with respect, or aw'd by fear. 45 All to my summons tamely yield, Or soon in battle are dismay'd; For stronger holds they quit the field, And still in strongest holds afraid. 46 Let the eternal Lord be prais'd, The rock on whose defence I rest; O'er highest heav'ns his Name be rais'd, Who me with his salvation blest. 47 'Tis God that still supports my right, His just revenge my foes pursues; "Tis he that with resistless might Fierce nations to my yoke subdues. 48 My universal safeguard he, From whom my lasting honours flow; He made me great, and set me free From my remorseless bloody foe. 49 Therefore to celebrate his fame My grateful voice to heav'n I'll raise; And nations, strangers to his Name, Shall thus be taught to sing his praise: 50 God to his king deliv'rance sends, Shews his anointed signal grace; The firmament and stars express 2 The dawn of each returning day 3 Their pow'rful language to no realm 4 Their doctrine does its sacred sense 5 No bridegroom on his nuptial day 6 From east to west, from west to east, His restless course he goes; And through his progress cheerful light And vital warmth bestows. The Second Part. 7 God's perfect law converts the soul, 8 The statutes of the Lord are just, His pure commands, in search of truth, 9 His perfect worship here is fix'd, 12 But what frail man observes how oft He does from virtue fall? O cleanse me from my secret faults, That, by thy grace preserv'd, I may 1 PSALM XX. THE Lord to thy request attend, And hear thee in distress; 4 To compass thy own heart's desire, 5 To thy salvation, Lord, for aid With banners in thy Name display'd, The Lord accept thy pray❜r. 6 Our hopes are fix'd, that now the Lord Our Sov'reign will defend; From heav'n resistless aid afford, And to his pray'r attend. 7 Some trust in steeds for war design'd, 8 But from their steeds and chariots thrown, Behold them through the plain, Disorder'd, broke, and trampled down, Whilst firm our troops remain. 9 Still save us, Lord, and still proceed 1 THE PSALM XXI. HE king, O Lord, with songs of praise Shall in thy strength rejoice; With thy salvation crown'd, shall raise To heav'n his cheerful voice. 2 For thou, whate'er his lips request, But hast with thy acceptance blest 3 Thy goodness and thy tender care A crown of gold thou mak'st him wear, And sett'st it firmly on. 4 He pray'd for life, and thou, O Lord, Didst to his prayer attend; And graciously to him afford A life that ne'er shall end. 5 Thy sure defence through nations round 6 Eternal blessings thou bestow'st, Whilst thou to him unclouded show'st The brightness of thy face. The Second Part. 7 Because the king on God alone His mercy still supports his throne, 8 But, righteous Lord, thy stubborn foes 9 When thou against them dost engage, 10 Nor shall thy furious anger cease, 11 For all their thoughts were set on ill, Their hearts on malice bent; But thou, with watchful care, didst still 12 While they their swift retreat shall make 13 Thus, Lord, thy wondrous strength dis- 1 M PSALM XXII. Y God, my God, why leav'st thou 2 All day, but all the day unheard, With cries implore relief all night, 3 Yet thou art still the righteous Judge Of innocence oppress'd; And therefore Israel's praises are 4, 5 On thee our ancestors relied, 6 But I am treated like a worm, But made the rabble's mirth. 7 With laughter all the gazing crowd They shoot the lip, they shake the head, 8 In God he trusted, boasting oft Let God come down to save him now, The Second Part. 9 Thou mad'st my teeming mother's womb A living offspring bear; When but a suckling at the breast 10 Thou, guardian-like, didst shield from 11 Withdraw not then so far from me, O send me help! thy help, on which 12 High-pamper'd bulls, a frowning herd, From Basan's forest met, |