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'N planning this series of books arrangements were made with representative publishers in the chief medical centers of the world for the publication of translations of the atlases in thirteen different languages, the lithographic plates for all being made in Germany, where work of this kind has been brought to


the greatest perfection. The enormous expense of making the plates being shared by the various publishers, the cost to each one was reduced approximately to one-tenth. Thus, by reason of their universal translation and reproduction, affording international distribution, the publishers have been enabled to secure for these atlases the best artistic and profes= sional talent, to produce them in the most elegant style, and yet to offer them at a price heretofore unapproached in cheapness.

Substitute for Clinical Observation

One of the most valuable features of these atlases is that they offer a ready and satisfactory substitute for clinical observation. Such observation, of course, is available only to the residents in large medical centers; and even then the requisite variety is seen only after long years of routine hospital work. To those unable to attend important clinics these books will be absolutely indispensable, as presenting in a complete and convenient form the most accurate reproductions of clinical work, interpreted by the most competent of clinical teachers.

Adopted by
U. S. Army

As an indication of the great practical value of the atlases and of the immense favor with which they have been received, it should be noted that the Medical Department of the U. S. Army has adopted the "Atlas of Operative Surgery" as its standard, and has ordered the book in large quantities for distribution to the various regi

Sobotta and Huber's
Human Histology

Atlas and Epitome of Human Histology. By PRIVATDOCENT DR. J. SOBOTTA, of Würzburg. Edited, with additions, by G. CARL HUBER, M. D., Junior Professor of Anatomy and Histology, and Director of the Histological Laboratory, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. With 214 colored figures on 80 plates, 68 text-cuts, and 248 pages of text. Cloth, $4.50 net.


This work combines an abundance of well-chosen and most accurate illustrations with a concise text, and in such a manner as to make it both atlas and text-book. The great majority of the illustrations were made from sections prepared from human tissues, and always from fresh and in every respect normal specimens. The colored lithographic plates have been produced with the aid of over thirty colors, and particular care was taken to avoid distortion and assure exactness of magnification. The text is as brief as possible; clearness, however, not being sacrificed to brevity. The editor of the English translation has annotated and altered very freely certain portions of the sections on the adenoid tissues, blood and the blood-forming organs, muscular tissues, special sense organs, and peripheral nerve distri butions, in order to make these parts of the work conform to the latest advances in the study of these tissues.


Boston Medical and Surgical Journal

In color and proportion they are characterized by gratifying accuracy and lithographic beauty. May be highly recommended to those who are without access histological collections.'


Bulletin Johns Hopkins Hospital


"A ready means of getting a good idea of the appearance of normal human tissues, hardened, sectioned, and stained. ... The additions which the editor of the translation has made are of such value that one wishes he had used his hand more freely."

Unsurpassed for accuracy, pictorial beauty, completeness, cheapness

Grünwald and Newcomb's Mouth, Pharynx, Nose

Atlas and Epitome of Diseases of the Mouth, Pharynx, and Nose. By DR. L. GRUNWALD, of Munich. From the Second Revised and Enlarged German Edition. Edited, with additions, by JAMES E. NEWCOMB, M. D., Instructor in Laryngology, Cornell University Medical School; Attending Laryngologist to the Roosevelt Hospital, Out-Patient Department. With 102 illustrations on 42 colored lithographic plates, 41 text-cuts, and 219 pages of text. Cloth, $3.00 net.


In designing this atlas the needs of both student and practitioner were kept constantly in mind, and as far as possible typical cases of the various diseases were selected. The illustrations are described in the text in exactly the same way as a practised examiner would demonstrate the objective findings to his class, the book thus serving as a substitute for actual clinical work. The illustrations themselves are numerous and exceedingly well executed, portraying the conditions so strikingly that their study is almost equal to examination of the actual specimens. The editor has incorporated his own valuable experience, including notes on the use of the active principle of the suprarenal bodies.


American Medicine

"Its conciseness without sacrifice of clearness and thoroughness, as well as the excellence of text and illustration are commendable."

Journal of Ophthalmology, Otology, and Laryngology

"A collection of the most naturally colored lithographic plates that has been published in any book in the English language. . . . Very valuable alike to the student, the practitioner, and the specialist."

Each volume contains from 50 to 100 colored plates

Helferich and Bloodgood's Fractures and Dislocations

Atlas and Epitome of Traumatic Fractures and Dislocations. By PROFESSOR DR. H. HELFERICH, Professor of Surgery at the Royal University, Greifswald, Prussia. Edited, with additions, by JOSEPH C. BLOODGOOD, M. D., Associate in Surgery, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore. From the Fifth Revised and Enlarged German Edition. With 216 colored illustrations on 64 lithographic plates, 190 text-cuts, and 353 pages of text. Cloth, $3.00 net.


This department of medicine being one in which, from lack of practical knowledge, much harm can be done, and in which in recent years great importance has obtained, a book, accurately portraying the anatomic relations of the fractured parts, together with the diagnosis and treatment of the condition, becomes an absolute necessity. This present work fully meets

all requirements. As complete a view as possible of each case has been presented, thus equipping the physician for the manifold appearances that he will meet with in practice. The illustrations show the visible external deformity, the X-ray shadow, the anatomic preparation, and the method of



Medical News, New York

"This compact and exceedingly attractive little volume will be most welcome to all who are interested in the practical application of anatomy. The author and editor have made a most successful effort to arrange the illustrations that the interpretation of what they are intended to present is exceedingly easy.'

Brooklyn Medical Journal

"There are few books published that better answer the requirements for illustration than this work of Professor Helferich. Such a collection of illustrations must be the

result of much labor and thought."


They are Satisfactory Substitutes for Clinical Observation

Sultan and Coley's
Abdominal Hernias

Atlas and Epitome of Abdominal Hernias. By PRIVATDOCENT DR. GEORG SULTAN, of Göttingen. Edited, with additions, by WILLIAM B. COLEY, M. D., Clinical Lecturer on Surgery, Columbia University (College of Physicians and Surgeons), New York. With 119 illustrations, 36 of them in colors, and 277 pages of text. Cloth, $3.00 net.


This new atlas covers one of the most important subjects in the entire domain of medical teaching, since these hernias are not only exceedingly common, but the frequent occurrence of strangulation demands extraordinarily quick and energetic surgical intervention. During the last decade the operative side of this subject has been steadily growing in importance, until now it is absolutely essential to have a book treating of its surgical aspect. This present atlas does this to an admirable degree. The illustrations are not only very numerous, but they excel, in the accuracy of the portrayal of the conditions represented, those of any other work upon abdominal hernias with which we are familiar. The work will be found a worthy exponent of our present knowledge of the subject of which it treats.


Robert H. M. Dawbarn, M. D.,

Professor of Surgery and Surgical Anatomy, New York Polyclinic.

"I have spent several interested hours over it to-day, and shall willingly recommend it to my classes at the Polyclinic College and elsewhere.'

Boston Medical and Surgical Journal

"For the general practitioner and the surgeon it will be a very useful book for reference. The book's value is increased by the editorial notes of Dr. Coley.'

They have already appeared in thirteen different languages

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