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Schäffer and Edgar's

Labor and Operative Obstetrics

Atlas and Epitome of Labor and Operative Obstetrics. By DR. O. SCHÄFFER, of Heidelberg. From the Fifth Revised and Enlarged German Edition. Edited, with additions, by J. CLIFTON EDGAR, M. D., Professor of Obstetrics and Clinical Midwifery, Cornell University Medical School. 14 lithographic plates in colors; 139 other cuts; 111 pages of text. $2.00 net.

The book presents the act of parturition and the various obstetric operations in a series of easily understood illustrations. These are accompanied by a text that treats the subject from a practical standpoint.

Dublin Journal of Medical Science, Dublin

"One fault Professor Schäffer's Atlases possess. Their name, and the extent and number of the illustrations, are apt to lead one to suppose that they are merely atlases,' whereas the truth really is they are also concise and modern epitomes of obstetrics.'

Schäffer & Edgar's Obstetric Diagnosis and Treatment

Atlas and Epitome of Obstetric Diagnosis and Treatment. By DR. O. SCHÄFFER, of Heidelberg. From the Second Revised German Edition. Edited, with additions, by J. CLIFTON EDGAR, M. D., Professor of Obstetrics and Clinical Midwifery, Cornell University Medical School. 122 colored figures on 56 plates; 38 other cuts; 315 pages of text.

$3.00 net. This book treats particularly of obstetric operations, and, besides the wealth of beautiful lithographic illustrations, contains an extensive text of great value. This text deals with the practical, clinical side of the subject. New York Medical Journal

"The illustrations are admirably executed, as they are in all of these atlases, and the text can safely be commended, not only as elucidatory of the plates, but as expounding the scientific midwifery of to-day."

These are the famous "Lehmann medicinische Handatlanten "

Mracek and Stelwagon's Skin

Atlas and Epitome of Diseases of the Skin. By PROF. DR. FRANZ MRACEK, of Vienna. Edited, with additions, by HENRY W. STELWAGON, M. D., Clinical Professor of Dermatology, Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia. With 63 colored plates, 39 half-tone illustrations, and 200 pages of text. $3.50 net.


This volume, the outcome of years of scientific and artistic work, contains, together with colored plates of unusual beauty, numerous illustrations in black, and a text comprehending the entire field of dermatology. The illustrations are all original and prepared from actual cases in Mracek's clinic.

American Journal of the Medical Sciences

"The advantages which we see in this book and which recommend it to our minds are: First, its handiness; secondly, the plates, which are excellent as regards drawing, color, and the diagnostic points which they bring out. We most heartily recommend it.

Mracek and Bang's

Syphilis and Venereal Diseases

Atlas and Epitome of Syphilis and the Venereal Diseases. By PROf. Dr. Franz MRACEK, of Vienna. Edited, with additions, by L. BOLTON BANGS, M. D., late Prof. of GenitoUrinary Surgery, University and Bellevue Hospital Medical College, New York. With 71 colored plates and 122 pages Cloth, $3.50 net.

of text.

According to the unanimous opinion of numerous authorities, to whom the original illustrations of this book were presented, they surpass in beauty anything of the kind that has been produced in this field, not only in Germany, but throughout the literature of the world.

Robert L. Dickinson, M. D.,

Art Editor of "The American Text-Book of Obstetrics."

The book that appeals instantly to me for the strikingly successful, valuable, and graphic character of its illustrations is the Atlas of Syphilis and the Venereal Diseases.' I know of nothing in this country that can compare with it."

The lithographs, all made in Germany, are unrivalled

Jakob and Fisher's

Nervous System & its Diseases

Atlas and Epitome of the Nervous System and its Diseases. By PROFESSOR DR. CHR. JAKOB, of Erlangen. From the Second Revised German Edition. Edited, with additions, by EDWARD D. FISHER, M. D., Professor of Diseases of the Nervous System, University and Bellevue Hospital Medical College, New York. With 83 plates and copious text. Cloth, $3.50 net.

The matter is divided into Anatomy, Pathology, and Description of Diseases of the Nervous System. The plates illustrate these divisions most completely; especially is this so in regard to pathology. The exact site and character of the lesion are portrayed in such a way that they cannot fail to impress themselves on the memory of the reader.

Philadelphia Medical Journal

"We know of no one work of anything like equal size which covers this important and complicated field with the clearness and scientific fidelity of this hand-atlas."

Shaffer and Norris'

Atlas and Epitome of Gynecology. By Dr. O. Shaffer, of Heidelberg. From the Second Revised and Enlarged German Edition. Edited, with additions, by RICHARD C. NORRIS, A. M., M. D., Gynecologist to Methodist-Episcopal and Philadelphia Hospitals. With 207 colored figures on 90 plates, 65 text-cuts, and 308 pages of text. Cloth, $3.50 net.

The value of this atlas will be found not only in the concise explanatory text, but especially in the illustrations. The large number of colored plates, reproducing the appearance of fresh specimens, will give the student a knowledge of the changes induced by disease that cannot be obtained from mere description.

Bulletin of Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore

"The book contains much valuable material. Rarely have we seen such a valuable collection of gynecological plates."

Hofmann and Peterson's

Legal Medicine

Atlas of Legal Medicine. By DR. E. VON HOFMANN, of Vienna. Edited by FREDERICK PETERSON, M. D., Chief of Clinic, Nervous Department, College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York. With 120 colored figures on 56 plates and 193 half-tone illustrations. Cloth, $3.50 net.

By reason of the wealth of illustrations and the fidelity of the colored plates, the book supplements all the text-books on the subject. Moreover, it furnishes to every physician, student, and lawyer a veritable treasurehouse of information.

The Practitioner, London

"The illustrations appear to be the best that have ever been published in connection with this department of medicine, and they cannot fail to be useful alike to the medical jurist and to the student of forensic medicine."

Golebiewski and Bailey's
Accident Diseases

Atlas and Epitome of Diseases Caused by Accidents. By DR. ED. GOLEBIEWSKI, of Berlin. Edited, with additions, by PEARCE BAILEY, M. D., Attending Physician to the Almshouse and Incurable Hospitals, New York. With 71 colored illustrations on 40 plates, 143 text-illustrations, and 549 pages of text. Cloth, $4.00 net.

This work contains a full and scientific treatment of the subject of accident injury; the functional disability caused thereby; the medicolegal questions involved, and the amount of indemnity justified in given cases.

Medical Examiner and Practitioner

"It is a useful addition to life-insurance libraries, for lawyers, physicians, and for every one who is brought in contact with the treatment or consideration of accidents or diseases growing out of them, or legal complications flowing from them."

The "Atlas of Operative Surgery” has been adopted by U. S. Army

Jakob and Eshner's

Internal Medicine & Diagnosis

Atlas and Epitome of Internal Medicine and Clinical Diagnosis. By DR. CHR. JAKOB, of Erlangen. Edited, with additions, by AUGUSTUS A. ESHNER, M. D., Professor of Clinical Medicine in the Philadelphia Polyclinic. With 182 colored figures on 68 plates, 64 illustrations in black and white, and 259 pages of text. Cloth, $3.00 net.

In addition to an admirable atlas of clinical microscopy, this volume describes the physical signs of all internal diseases in an instructive manner by means of fifty colored schematic diagrams. As a means of instruction its value is very great; as a reference handbook it is admirable.

British Medical Journal

"Dr. Jakob's work deserves nothing but praise. The information is accurate and up to present-day requirements."

Grünwald and Grayson's
Diseases of the Larynx

Atlas and Epitome of Diseases of the Larynx. By DR. L. GRÜNWALD, of Munich. Edited, with additions, by CHARLES P. GRAYSON, M. D., Physician-in-Charge, Throat and Nose Department, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. With 107 colored figures on 44 plates, 25 text-illustrations, and 103 pages of text. Cloth, $2.50 net.

This atlas exemplifies a happy blending of the didactic and clinical, such as is not to be found in any other volume upon this subject. The author has given special attention to the clinical portion of the work, the sections on diagnosis and treatment being particularly full.

The Medical Record, New York

"This is a good work of reference, being both practical and concise. . . . It is a valuable addition to existing laryngeal text-books.'


For "Special Offer" regarding these atlases see page I

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