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Bacterium kiliense (Breunig and Fischer). L. and N. (Kiel Water Bacillus.)

I. Agar streak culture, four days at 22°.

II. Gelatin stab culture, four days at 22°. No formation of pigment.

III. Gelatin plate, five days at 22°. Natural size. Colonies with and without production of pigment.

IV. Gelatin plate, five days at 22°. X 60. Superficial colony.

V. Gelatin plate, five days at 22°. colony.

X 60. Deep

VI. Agar plate, five days at 22°. Natural size. Colored and uncolored, superficial and deep colonies.

VII. Agar plate, five days at 22°. X 60. Colorless colonies. To the right, superficial; to the left, deep.

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VIII. Agar plate, five days at 22°. 60. Colored colofi al; to the left, deep.

nies. To the right, sur IX. Microscopic


ation. Pure culture from agar

1000. Staid with fuchsin.

X. Potato culture, five days at 22°.

XI. Bacteria with several flagella. × 1000. Stained according to Löffler.

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