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ing many thousands of children and adults under a course of religious instruction), but indirectly also, in stirring up the natives to forward the work of education among themselves, by their own voluntary agency.

6. In the establishment of Christian ministers, the employment of natives in the work of instruction, the erection of churches, and the gathering of the heathen into the fold of Christ. For the use of such congregations the Liturgy of the United Church has been translated into the languages of many of the countries where the Society's missions are established, particularly the Susoo, Bullom, Tamul, Hindoostanee, Bengalee, and Cingalese; and whilst the Society is thus the means of extending the influence of our apostolical church, by teaching the native congregations to worship God in the same form of words as ourselves, the Society derives also, mutually, great advantage from its character as an Episcopal society, especially in the intercourserofioits missionaries with ancient Christian churches. The Syrian Christians, in particular, on the coast of Malabar, have received its missionaries with the greatest cordiality and respect.

In the prosecution of its plans, the Society expended, in its last

year, upward of 37,000l. It now numbers 1400 clergymen among its members: it employs 419 labourers; of whom 106 are Europeans, and 313 were born chiefly in the respective countries where they are employed: it has 265 schools, connected with forty-two missionary stations in its nine missions; in which schools there are 13,618 scholars, of whom 9584 are boys, 2609 girls, and 1425 adults. And the word of salvation is not only published to many settled congregations formed from among the heathen, but it is made known far and wide, by discussions and conversations with the pilgrim and the traveller by the way-side, with the crowds which frequent the marketplaces of the city, and with the multitudes which assemble at fairs of vast resort, or for the worship of their dumb idols; and, by the blessing of God on all these means, not only is Divine light gradually, but certainly, diffusing itself throughout that gross darkness which has covered the nations, but, in some places, the little one has become a thousand, and the small one a strong nation,-giving full assurance that the Lord will hasten the entire accomplishment of all his promises in his time.

PRISON DISCIPLINE SOCIETY, 86) (590908 9: confinement, an idea may be formed when Howard states that but few gaolers would incur the risk of infection by accompanying him into the cells; that, on his first journey, the leaves of his memorandum book were so tainted, as to be unfit for use; that the vinegar which he carried with him, as a preservative against infection, soon lost its properties; and that, during these visits, his clothes became so offensive as to prevent him from travelling in a close carriage.

In is now just fifty years since the immortal Howard commenced that illustrious career, which has conferred on his country such important blessings, and justly ranked him among the greatest benefactors of mankind. Those who are unacquainted with the writings of this extraordinary man can form but an imperfect conception of the state of the prisons of this country at that period Dungeons, dark, filthy, damp, and unventilated chains and fetters of oppressive weightfood, unwholesome and insufficient

were the prominent characteristics of prison treatment. Of the loathsome state of many places of

Although, at this period, the infliction of cruelty derived no sanc tion from the laws although torture, in any shape, formed no part

of a criminal's sentence- yet, in point of fact, imprisonment in the greater part of the gaols of Great Britain carried with it sufferings which amounted to torture, and at the bare contemplation of which humanity shudders. A fatal disorder, known by the name of the gaol distemper, had at different periods of our history made frequent and dreadful ravages. About the middle of the sixteenth century, an assize was held at Oxford, which was afterwards denominated, from its consequences, “The Black Assize;" when, the disease being introduced into court, all who were present, consisting of the judge, the sheriff, and about 300 persons, died within forty hours. Frequent occurrences of a like awful nature might be related; and even so lately as in the middle of the last century the gaol fever was introduced into the court at the Old Bailey, when the judges presiding, and a considerable number of persons present, fell victims to this dreadful malady. No attempt was made to prevent the recurrence of the gaol distemper, until, in conformity with Howard's recommendation, a law was enacted, the effect of which has been to insure cleanliness and ventilation, and which has happily been instrumental in preventing a return of the calamity.

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But although Howard accomplished much, and great was the sum of human misery which he remoyed, it required the labours of a succeeding generation to remedy the general imperfection of our gaols, and especially as respects the moral consequences of imprisonment. Of these, Howard was fully sensible. He says, that if it were the aim and wish of magistrates to effect the destruction, present and future, of young delinquents, they could not devise a more effectual method than to confine them so long in our prisons-those seats and seminaries of idleness and vice." But these reBut these representations appear to have produced but little effect; for, at a

period of twenty years subsequent to the death of Howard, when Mr. Nield (a man worthy to tread in the footsteps of that great philanthropist) personally inspected the prisons throughout the kingdom, it was his painful task to record many of the most prominent defects which his eminent predecessor had so faithfully exposed-and even to the present moment there are to be found prisons in nearly the same condition in which Howard left them-monuments of the justice of his statements, and of the indifference with which his recommendations have been regarded.

The evils of a defective mode of prison discipline have however now been thoroughly investigated and made known. The claims of justice and humanity are recognized. The folly and the wickedness of that neglect of system has been exposed which confounds all distinctions of character-which corrupts the innocent, still further vitiates the criminal, and hardens the more guilty

which impairs the health while it debases the mind--and which restores to society an offender, to prey upon its property, pollute its morals, and disturb its peace.

Of the progress of information and of public feeling, within these few years, on this subject, the highly valuable Reports of the Society for Prison Discipline bear ample testimony. Parliamentary interference, the exertions of the magistracy, and diligence of inquiry, have combined to bring the subject prominently before the public mind. The principles on which punishments are enforced have undergone the deliberate investigation of the legislature. It is the general feeling that the unconvicted should be treated with as much lenity as is, compatible with the safe custody of his person, and the good order of the prison; whilst upon those on whom the law inflicts punishment, a salutary system of discipline ought to be enforced; that in the treatment of the convicted, no severity should be allow

ed that is not warranted by the laws, and consistent with justice; that the prevention of crime is the ultimate object of imprisonment; and that to attain this end, it is necessary to insure the reformation as well as the punishment of the prisoner. Uniform severity, it is generally admitted, hardens the offender, and prepares him for the perpetration of further crimes. It is necessary not only to inspire terror, but to kindle hope; to impress upon the mind not only a sense of guilt, but the love of virtue; and to implant those principles, and cherish those feelings, which religion only can im part. Most cordially do we rejoice in these results and we congratulate the individuals and the Society to which we are chiefly indebted for them. We are also most happy to learn from the Fifth Report of the Society, (the sixth has not yet been published,) that the efforts of the friends of prison discipline continue steadily progressive.

The Committee justly congratulate the public on the passing of the consolidated Prison Act, which declares that it is expedient that such measures should be adopted, and such arrangements made in prison discipline, as shall not only provide for the safe custody, but shall also tend more effectually to preserve the health and improve the morals, of the prisoners, and shall insure the proper measure of punishment to convicted offenders: and that due classification, inspection, regular labour and employment, and religious and moral instruction, are essential to the discipline of a prison, and the reformation of offenders. It is not necessary to give the various clauses of this act. The following are among other important regulations which it contains:-Due provision is to be made in every prison for the enforcement of hard labour in the cases of such prisoners as may be sentenced thereto, and for the employment of other prisoners: the male and female prisoners are to be confined in separate buildings, or parts of the prison, so as to pre


vent them from seeing, conversing, or holding any intercourse with each other; and the prisoners of each sex are to be divided into distinct classes: female prisoners are in all cases to be attended by female officers: a matron is to be appointed to superintend the female prisoners : prayers are to be read at least every morning, and also portions of the Scripture to the prisoners, when assembled for instruction : provision is to be made for the instruction of prisoners of both sexes in reading and writing: no prisoner is to be put in irons by the keeper of any prison, except in case of urgent and absolute necessity; and every male prisoner is to be provided with a distinct bed, hammock, or cot, and, if possible, in a separate cell.

The operation of this law is unhappily confined to a few city and borough prisons, in addition to county gaols; it being thought advisable, in order to insure the execution of the act, to render it obligatory in those instances only which admit of the possibility of introducing such classification and such arrangements for labour as the law prescribes. The consequence of this limitation is to exclude from the operation of the act a considerable number of small prisons under local jurisdiction. In many of these gaols the want of space is such as to render classification impracticable, and in some cases even to preclude the separation of the sexes; much less that of the tried from the untried, or debtors from felons." With the exception of the larger gaols of this class, no employment is provided for the prisoners, who g generally pass their time in entire idleness, and in mutual corruption, To a very small proportion only of these prisons is any chapel attached. It is seldom that any Divine service is performed: no religious or moral instruction is provided, nor is any attempt made at reformation. The allowance of food is frequently scanty and insufficient; in lieu of which there is given sometimes a small sum of money, the mode of expending wh

is improperly left to the choice of the prisoner who has not the means of applying it to the best advantage. In many districts, no clothing is provided fot the destitute, and straw is substituted for bedding. The situation of the sick is also distressing. The removal of the evils of which these defective prisons are the source, had engaged the serious consideration of the Committee, who had no doubt but that this desirable object might be accomplished with out great difficulty, by means of a suitable legislative enactment.

In reference to the merits of the tread-wheel, as an instrument of prison-labour, the Committee, after mature consideration, can discover nothing in the proper use and moderate application of this punishment, that is irreconcileable with the feelings of humanity, and those principles of prison discipline which it is the object of this Society to recommend. From documents laid before Parliament, the healthiness of the tread-wheel exercise is satis factorily proved. The opinions of the medical officers in attendance at the various prisons, concur in de claring that the general health of the prisoners has in no degree suffered injury by the exercise; but that, on the contrary, the labour has in this respect been productive of considerable benefit. The mis chievous consequences of which it is stated that the tread-wheel is the source, attach not so much to the nature of the labour as to the degree, in which it may be forced.


Among the subjects which have occupied the attention of the friends to the improvement of prison dis cipline, is the compulsory labour of untried prisoners. On this subject the Committee justly remark, in the words of Blackstone, that this imprisonment is only for safe custody, and not for punishment. Therefore, in this dubious interval between the commitment and trial, a prisoner ought to be used with the utmost humanity; and neither be loaded with needless fetters, nor subjected to other hardships than

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such as are absolutely requisite for the purpose of confinement only." The Committee, however, warmly recommend the labour and employment of all prisoners, whether tried or untried. With the convicted, labour ought to be compulsory: and although the untried are not obliged to work, still they may, without difficulty, be induced to labour at employments not severe or disgraceful, by the allowance of a slight increase of diet, or a share in their earnings.

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The Committee proceed to advert to the principal improvements, that had taken place in the prisons throughout the kingdom during the year. Our limits forbid our following up this detail; but we are rejoiced to perceive that an earnest desire very generally prevails among the governors of prisons, to forward the progress of improvements. The ladies, who have, with so much honour to themselves, and benefit to the criminal, visited Newgate, had continued their labours with unabated perseverance. There is in the conduct of their plans so much of quiet feeling and unobtrusive goodness so much that shuns publicity and avoids praise that but few are fully acquainted with the efficacy of their labours, and the extent of their benevolence. Never, perhaps, was there exhibited a more striking illustration of the power of kindness than has been evinced by their exertions to instruct the ignorant and reclaim the guilty. But a few years have elapsed since it was personally dangerous for the visitor of Newgate to pass through the female part of that prison. What a contrast does the present state of Newgate now present! Idleness, dissipation, and licentiousness, havé been succeeded by industrylovder, and restraint. Great benefits have also resulted from the formations of ladies' associations in various other parts of the kingdoms The Ass sociation for the Improvement of Prison Discipline in Ireland continue their useful labours with the

best effects; and to their unwearied efforts may, in a great measure, be attributed much of the attention which the subject of prison discipline has received from the Irish public.

The Committee had continued to extend essential relief to distressed boys, on their discharge from the prisons of the metropolis, who have expressed a desire to abandon their criminal courses. There are few situations of such entire destitution as that of a boy thus circumstanced. His character is lost: and, friendless and without protection, he has no means of obtaining employment, or of procuring subsistence. The Committee mention the following instance. Eight boys were released on the same day from Newgate. The Court had sentenced them to be flogged; and the sentence was as usual, carried into effect on the day of their discharge. The boys were then immediately turned into the streets with their backs sore from the flagellation, and in such a state that two of them, who were received by the Committee into the "Temporary Refuge," were obliged, im mediately on their admission, to be placed in the infirmary; one of them, a lads of fifteen, having res ceived seventy lashes. Difficult as it at all times is for a destitute boy, discharged from confinement; to obtain a situation, how much is that difficulty increased under circumstances so degrading to the character of the individual! for, laying aside other considerations, who, the Committee ask, would receive into his service a lad bearing in his person the stigma of guilt and the effect of punishment and whose want of strength, occasioned by that punishment,necessarily disables him, for a time at least, from obtaining a livelihood by honest industry? Limited as have been the funds of this institution, it has been happily instrumental in saving a consider able number of youths, who, on their liberation, were in urgent want. The Committee can look

round with pleasure on many who are variously settled, and are conducting themselves exemplarily. But for the care thus extended, these lads must inevitably have recurred to criminal practices for support. In the Temporary Refuge they are trained up in habits of industry, instructed in moral and religious duty, and after a time provided with suitable situations. The Committee are persuaded, that, were the beneficial effects of the Temporary Refuge generally known, funds would not be wanting to enable them to extend the relief they now so inadequately afford. It is with considerable reluctance that they are compelled again to urge on public liberality the low state of their finances; but on the success of their appeal, the prospects of the Society, and especially the further relief of distressed boys, materially depend.

There is great reason to con2 gratulate the friends of the insti tution, on the progress of its views and principles through various parts of the continent of Europe!rioWe cannot enumerate all the particu lars; but it would be unpardonable not to mention one foreign institution, the Russian Prison Society. A spacious building (erected by the Empress Catherine after the plan of Howard, and hitherto used as an hospital for twelve hundred seamen,) has been converted into a prison calculated to insure proper classification and employment. All the prisons of the capital have been placed under the superintendence of the Society, and the number of the sick has decreased one-half in three years. A law has passed for reducing the weight of irons worn by prisoners throughout the empire. Criminals sentenced to exile în Siberia have an allowance of clothing suitable to the change of climate: the heavy chains worn during their journey have been changed for others of a less painful description; and female convicts have been altogether exempted from this species of restraint. The

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